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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I have an opening in the Rumblings Of War II: Boots & Tracks Brawl tournament. You would be able to start at least three of the five games from the beginning. I'm still trying to determine the progress made on the last two. If you are interested, email me at mikeman@cablelynx.com. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  2. Easy V, Five files?! That's only one movie. We can restart that game with GenSV's replacement, eh? Treeburst155 out.
  3. According to this, http://www.macrovision.com/solutions/software/cdrom/ one of the primary features of SafeDisk is to prevent users from using a program copied to HD without the CD in the drive. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Ghost's is a standard QB mechanized meeting engagement with the exception of the setup zones. Player's only get to set up in one small corner. I edited the original map description. I had only described it as a "custom zone". Treeburst155 out.
  5. The last scenario I finished, Ghost's scenario, I never made known the map and setup zone dimensions. I think you will want to rethink your purchases. The map is 1120 deep with a "front" of 1920. The setup zones are only a 200 meter square in each player's right hand corner. It is a mechanized battle, so I suggest you mechanize if you don't want to walk 900 meters. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Thanks, Ari. I think Mattias and Tuomas will turn up eventually, but Cogust may have disappeared completely. Let's ride out the Nordic summer and see what happens. We may declare you the winner in September. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Very good, ciks. Thanks for the update. Carry on. Treeburst155 out.
  8. GeneralSV has been killed in action by elite units of the Real Life brigade. I am searching for a replacement now. If you are playing GeneralSV, please let me know how many files have been exchanged. Potential replacements like to know these things. No word yet from von Lucke or Saport. We'll give Jazza a few more days. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Is anyone playing? How about Cogust? Is he still MIA? Treeburst155 out.
  10. We have two games still not finished. How are they coming? Do we have any MIAs? Treeburst155 out.
  11. Redwolf, Just for that you have to PBEM TacOps 4 with me after the game ships. I only do PBEM. That way I have lots of time to think up ways to annihilate you without mercy. To Tourney III, Section 2 How are we doing with GeneralSV? I sent him an email. Treeburst155 out.
  12. von Lucke and Saport have been sent an email. If I don't hear from them in a couple days I will start the hunt for replacements. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  13. Thanks for the links, Dumrox! I just had another great laugh. It's good to reread the funny ones a couple times per year. Treeburst155 out.
  14. I have purchases for all scenarios from Wreck, Deathdealer, and Major Taktiks. I have a purchase for one scenario from Broken. Wreck vs Deathdealer has been sent out. They are playing Fionn's scenario. I may get to another one tonight. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Hey Capt, I've been trying to find that hilarious post of yours about the grog playing CM against a "beer & preztels" guy. Can you repost it or send it to me? Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  16. The scenarios are finished! They aren't works of art, but they're better than QB maps. If you perceive an imbalance in a scenario, keep in mind the scoring system will take care of it. I will now begin slowly passing out the games that I have purchases for. I'll do a couple games per day, so all should be sent out within two weeks IF I get purchases from the rest of you before then. Score as many points as you can. Do not surrender. Start your engines, gentlemen! The Clash of the Titans is about to begin! Treeburst155 out.
  17. Thanks guys. It appears General SV and von Lucke may be slipping into MIA status. I'll see if I can give them a little kick start. I'm not worried about Ozzie (fishlip's replacement) or Jarmo yet. It's good to hear from Mr Spkr. He's a Pooler so he's MIA even when he's not. It sucks to be a Pooler. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  18. On Deathdealer's scenario, my paraphrase of his special rules concerning guns and towing vehicles was inaccurate. Only the attacker must buy transport with his guns. The Rules Post has been edited. Sorry again, guys. I'm sure there are more ambiguities in the rules posted on page one of this thread. PLEASE bring them to my attention. Feel free to redo your Deathdealer purchases if you wish. You aren't committed until I send you a game file. Due to a bad cold I'm not making progress on the last scenario as quickly as I had hoped. I'm getting there however. Treeburst155 out.
  19. TRP's are in the "fortifications" category. If no points are allotted for that category then TRPs are not allowed, unless they are specifically mentioned in the Special Rules section. Fionn, How about your SMG restriction? We need more specificity on that one. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Geez, wouldn't it be nice if everybody could play five games in six weeks. I'll be somewhat amazed if we can finish in twelve. Treeburst155 out.
  21. OK, I have one more scenario to complete. I'll finish it within 36 hours. I have received purchases from only three people so far. Only two have sent in ALL their purchases. I'll start sending out scenarios as soon as I finish this last one, so send in those purchases. The German player will get a saved game file to start the game with the password I provide. The Allied player will be sent his password at the same time. I will provide a Contact List of all the participants for your convenience, along with the schedule of games. Send your purchases in the form of a cmb file. Name the file something like this: DeathdealerScenario_Fionn Make all purchases with the date set to the scenario date. Treeburst155 out.
  22. John, Your unconventional AAR is fine. Be as creative and unconventional as you want. Anything goes as long as it is helpful to the designer. Feedback is what I'm looking for. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Concerning GravesRegistration's scenario, I neglected to mention that defending armor may dig in. Sorry guys. I hope that little bit of news doesn't foul anybody's purchases up. Treeburst155 out.
  24. I found that it would be quite time consuming to determine how many games each player has finished. This is because my spreadsheet is sorted by scenarios. Every player is listed five times, which means lots of hunting for names and manual tick marking. We are right at the theoretical halfway point in the tourney. Are you half finished? Tourney I has completed 9 of 60 games. Tourney II has completed 28 of 60 games. Tourney III has completed 20 of 60 games. These figures don't mean much since we have no idea of the progress made on the unfinished games; but they do show that Tourney II is on the proper glideslope for a mid-September touchdown. When I get about 40 games completed in a tourney, the slackers in that tourney will be easy to find on the spreadsheet. Right now there are too many blank spaces. Please continue posting the names of players you haven't heard from in over a week. This way I can find out who to lean on. The picture becomes more clear with each post. A week without a file is a long time at this stage. If you really feel like being helpful, you can also post if you DO hear from a player you had not heard from for over a week. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
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