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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. You know, Leland, you've been helping my out quite a bit over the last few weeks with your posts. I thank you for that. I don't quite understand how you can "pre-start" a scenario. By doing so, you deny the players a setup phase. Perhaps this is worth it however. Another idea would be to send the Allied briefings outside the game. There would be no in-game Allied briefing for the German player to look at (Germans will always start the game). I'll get with Wild Bill on this one. Thanks for enlightening me as to the "security leak". Treeburst155 out.
  2. There will be no attempt to enforce any "Gamey Tactics Rules"; therefore, you have no recourse should gamey tactics be employed against you. The HONORABLE gamey tactician would be upfront about how he intends to play. That's why you should discuss my "Potentially Gamey Tactics" list. Consider the list "talking points" to touch on with your opponents. Gamey tactics aren't so big a deal if you KNOW your opponent is going to use them. Treeburst155 out.
  3. This scenario is great for PBEM! It's probably the best urban fight I've played so far. You can get it at Der Kessel. Don't waste it on the AI. Thanks, Germanboy!! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Yes, Map B is a real good one. The map was inspired by Fionn Kelly awhile back. I put quite a bit of time into it. He described a map he thought would be fun and I made it. It's a keeper I think. Have Fun!! Treeburst155 out.
  5. Yeah, what Kingfish said. You know who you will be playing so utilize the several weeks you have to get to know each other a bit. Discuss my "Potentially Gamey Tactics" with each other. Here they are again: POTENTIALLY Gamey Tactics 1) Setting fire to "squares" or buildings unoccupied by enemy troops, ESPECIALLY to deny a VL or covered access to one. 2) Advancing large formations along the map edge. 3) Scouting with AT teams, crews of knocked out vehicles or guns, MG teams, and anybody who is "low" on ammo. 4) Recon with light (cheap) vehicles well into enemy territory. 5) Exposing AT teams SOLEY for the purpose of drawing enemy fire. 6) Ordering vehicle and gun crews to participate in an attack or hunt down enemy teams or spotters. 7) Rushing infantry straight at a known enemy position (especially through cover) with no supporting/suppressive fire. Know your enemy and how he intends to fight! Prevent problems before they occur. Don't post AARs to the forum! If you want the up to 10 bonus points for an AAR just send it to me. I will distribute it to Wild Bill, his staff, WineCape, and all tourney participants who have completed that particular scenario. When you complete a scenario you will receive all AARs for that scenario that are in my possession. As new ones come in for that scenario you will be sent those also. TO THOSE WHO MISSED OUT: I'd like to start another tournament once this one is underway and running smoothly, BUT, Im afraid of running into the release of CMBB. This could cause interest in any CMBO tournament to drop off significantly. The participants might never finish. For this reason I will hold off on any new tournaments until CMBB is out. The next Winecape tournament battle will be on the Russian Front! Treeburst155 out.
  6. Everybody wakeup! It's too quiet around here. Is everyone still with us? Treeburst155 out.
  7. Well, what's up?! Should I just send KiwiJoe his prize money, or are you guys still playing? It's been way too quiet around here. Treeburst155 out.
  8. News from the front! CapitalistDogInChina has achieved a minor victory over Michael Dorosh. The final score, 55-41. Congratulation, CapitalistDog!! Links to updated standings below. Treeburst155 out.
  9. WineCape beat me to the punch. He's really taking care of business. Thanks for the hard work, WineCape! Today is the deadline for COMPLETED applications!! BTW, the first link in my sig below is where the "Wild Bill's Rumblings of War" standings will be posted.
  10. Michael Dorosh is back from his "military vacation" so his Invitational Tourney statistics page will soon be updated. Here you can view results of individual games, who played which side, and also players' totals. For a quick view of the standings based on average score per game go to my page. See sig below for both links. [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  11. Hi Mike8g! This has been done, along with a few other little changes.
  12. You can look at the updated standing here from now on: WineCape Tourney Standings
  13. From now on you can go here for updated standings: WineCape Tourney Standings [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  14. Just a reminder. Turn 1 orders for ALL games must be sent by September 1st. If you're having trouble making contact with people to get things rolling be sure and KEEP YOUR EMAIL to them so I can determine who is holding up the show.
  15. KiwiJoe, I hope The_Capt drops 8" arty on ya. It does appear awfully quiet around here. It could be that once people figure they don't have much chance of winning they lose interest. For that reason, CM tourneys should probably always be sudden death things like Iron Duke's Asskicker tourneys. No matter what happens here somebody is gonna get the South African wine and $50 US. Remember, turn 1 orders for all games must be sent by September 15th. If you're having trouble making contact with people to get things rolling be sure and KEEP YOUR EMAIL to them so I can determine who is holding up the show. [ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  16. VERY nice!! I learned a lot browsing your site. I've bookmarked it for future reference. Thanks!!
  17. We have news from the front!! Texas Toast has racked up a Minor Victory over Jeff Shandorf. The final score was 57-33. Rumor has it the PBEM Helper made all the difference for Texas Toast. He was able to play longer with less fatigue than his opponent, thus wearing him down. As for Claymore, he'll be back. He's probably working on some project to send monkeys to Mars or something. BTW, here's a typical Claymore force pick. He doesn't use the editor: "I need some riflemen, a couple tanks, and some arty. It should come out to 1497 points." Physicists.....Geez!! Here's what it looks like now: Claymore............99...1...99.00 Fionn..............393...5...78.60 CapDog..............76...1...76.00 Jshandorf..........177...3...59.00 Texas Toast........292...5...58.40 M. Dorosh..........135...3...45.00 Jarmo...............41...1...41.00 John Kettler........44...2...22.00 MickOZ..............64...3...21.33 Berlichtingen.......78...5...15.60
  18. Hmmm...this could be a real problem for people outside the US. Perhaps PayPal, as mentioned above, can help with this. I'll look into it.
  19. Fuerte, I think Fionn is on a PC, but I'm not sure. It looks like we need a Mac version of the PBEM helper. :eek:
  20. There would be no "gamey" rules since they are impossible to enforce. Even force restriction rules must be very specific and in print to prevent misunderstanding. Any casual agreements between players would be agreed upon at players' own risk. I wouldn't agree to anything that wasn't specific and written down if I were playing. You're asking to get double-crossed if you do. Yobobo could do what I'm planning right now, I'll bet. I'm actually a little surprised he hasn't already. If he does, and it works out for him I would probably just offer special, labor intensive tourneys with custom maps, force choosing in the editor, and carrying over forces from battle to battle as we've been discussing in another thread. Entrance fees would be sent in by check or money order. If a check bounced that player would of course be dropped. PayPal is an interesting idea, but I'd have to see how much it would cost to use the service. [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  21. Just a reminder here. You have until this coming Friday to send in your completed application. That will give the very busy WineCape one week to wade through the applications. We will be posting the "winners" on September 1st. Unless I get a rush of last minute applications I'd say over half of you will get in. We'll be taking 24 people. They will play in 3 separate tournaments of 7 games each with some sort of play off at the end. The tournament will begin when the scenarios meet Wild Bill's high standards, and not before. Two player testing is being conducted as we speak by several of Wild Bill's team of Raiders and their regular PBEM partners. The reason for announcing tourney participants on September 1st is just so people can plan ahead, and so I can get my spreadsheets together, distribute Contact Lists to the players, and various other managerial tasks. Other than helping with the testing I can't do much until the "winners" are chosen by WineCape. BTW, I've been corresponding with WineCape for awhile now and I feel certain he will make his choices based on the best applications and nothing else. If you're a lurker and you send in an excellent application you have just as much chance of getting into this tournament as a frequent poster to this forum. Thanks! [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  22. We hit the bottom of page four! I'm hoping to start posting standings of the WineCape Tourneys to a webpage soon. When, will depend on how much time I have. [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. We hit the bottom of page four! I'm hoping to start posting standings of the WineCape Tourneys to a webpage soon. When will depend on how much time I have. I'm getting some basic HTML under my belt now. In the mean time, check this out if you have a few minutes and tell me what you think of the idea, http://home.cablelynx.com/~Mikeman/Index.html [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  24. Mine wouldn't be a very fancy website. You could think of it as the "newspaper" for the tournaments. New tourney offerings, statistics, announcement of tourney winners, due dates, etc.. It would probably be just text and charts. I would put my time and energy into the tournaments themselves by offering some tourneys with custom maps, force purchasing in the editor, carrying over forces from battle to battle, and other time consuming things that enhance gameplay and challenge. I'm not too interested in HTML or web page design. I'm interested in tournaments.
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