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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. What we need is QBs that can be played on custom maps so that a third party is not necessary to place the forces. Your ideas concerning victory flags are good IMO. If you pack lots of VL points (flags) into central areas of the map you will have an action packed aggressive game. When the total VL points on the map amount to only a third (or less) of the army point values there is much less incentive to go after the location. They just aren't worth losing a bunch of troops over unless you can really damage the enemy while going after the victory locations. Having QB maps generate more VLs is one fix, allowing QBs to be played on custom maps is even better IMO. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. My email has been down in case anybody has tried to get through to me. As soon as I get the Sock Monkey/Kiwi Joe final I will determine whether Kiwi Joe has mathematically eliminated everyone from surpassing him. If the final has already been sent to me you'll need to resend it. The Tourney Standings site is no longer working due to ISP problems. They are aware of it. When the Kiwi Joe/Sock Monkey final score gets to me I'll update the standings here if the page is still down. The_Capt, We made a new tourney rule early on that allowed the Allied player to mix force types SOLEY for the purpose of selecting up to three platoons of Allied airborne to build up Allied SMG capabilities while retaining the option of vehicles. No other airborne type units are allowed unless a player chooses ALL airborne (no vehicles). Kiwi Joe would like to see the 75mm pack howitzer, available only to airborne troops, added to the choices available when dipping into airborne for the platoons. This seems like a good thing to me, but it's too late in the tourney to shake things up IMO. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  3. My email is now up. Please resend if you've been trying to get through to me. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Here's the new standings reflecting Berlichtingen's withdrawal. There are now sixteen tourney participants. Fionn.........309...4...77.25 CapDog........131...2...65.50 Texas Toast...215...4...53.75 Jarmo.........151...3...50.33 Jshandorf......91...2...45.50 Claymore.......32...1...32.00 M. Dorosh......60...2...30.00 John Kettler...44...2...22.00 MickOZ.........64...3...21.33 Fuerte.........21...1...21.00 Ari Maenpaa.....0...0...0 Ben Galanti.....0...0...0 Mr. Spkr........0...0...0 Robert Hall.....0...0...0 Sten Friberg....0...0...0 Treeburst155 out.
  5. My email is up but anything sent to me after 3:15 PM (GMT-6)yesterday to 1PM today I will not get. The Tourney Standings page is still completely down. EDIT: Jarmo says, "Rockets!! Kettler is firing rockets all around. Many land on map and some closer to my men than his." LOL! I find this extremely funny. It seems John is very dangerous with arty, to every living thing on the map. LOL!! Hang in there, John. You'll get the arty figured out. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. Claymore and CapitalistDog, Your map is on the way as soon as my email comes back up. :mad:
  7. Yeah, my email is down. That's what I get for trying to upgrade my cable modem service to the 1 Mbps plan. Now they've got my email whacked, along with my stunning web page. Incompetence, it's everywhere. I've notified them, so with any luck my email will be up before Christmas.
  8. Well guys, Berli's withdrawal will shake up the standings quite a bit I'm afraid since he's completed five games. I'll update the standings within 24 hours. Claymore loses 99 points. LOL!! The Berlichtingen/MickOZ bonus game still stands however. If either player can score 75 points he wins $50 US. I fear there will be more withdrawals due to the inactivity of several players. No matter, as long as a few are still participating and having fun I'll keep passing out the maps, purchasing forces, and updating the standings. Ben Galanti, Just a reminder, I've got Claymore's purchases for your game with him. We're waiting on you.
  9. WineCape, I will go over every aspect of the tourney in my email to the participants. AAR procedures, starting the game, gamey tactics, etc.. Right now I'm inserting the various passwords into the briefings. All the scenarios have been saved in a secure form at this point. (no briefings, German player will see his setup screen upon opening the file, and Allied password is already in place so the German can't take a peek.)
  10. Kiwi Joe can't play. He's just lucky. REAL lucky. Somebody beat him, please.
  11. I use Allied rifle grenades just like I would use panzerfaust 30's with similar results. Just get within 30 meters, and on the side or rear and you can penetrate anything except maybe Tigers and King Tigers (I've never had the opportunity). My heaviest kill with rifle grenades is a Panther.
  12. It appears that even a tournament saved scenario can be run hotseat and the other side's setup zones and initial units viewed. In order to prevent the German players from viewing Allied setup zones and initial units (hotseat)I am going to send the German player (who will always begin the game)a saved game file. The German player will place the file into his SAVED GAME folder and start the PBEM normally with the password I will provide him. He will find himself in the setup phase. ALL briefings will come as separate text files. When I send the German player his secured .cmb file, password, and briefings I will also send the Allied player his briefings and password. This way the German player cannot view the Allied briefings or original setup zones and units. The passwords will be part of the side specific briefings. I'm able to do this utilizing the method relayed to me by Scot Johnson. There is no way the German player can find out anything about the Allied players stuff without some kind of fancy hacking. Total surprise will be preserved.
  13. I don't know if we want to rock the boat at this point in the tournament, but I like the idea. It might make a good addition/modification of the CAL rules. I'd say at this point if your opponents agree to it then it is fine. I need to gather up all the changes to the CAL rules we've made and establish an official ruleset since I think we've improved on the CAL rules. I would be tempted to include the 75mm howitzer in the Allied airborne allotment. I'll do this as soon as I get time. Treeburst155 out.
  14. I will inform everyone by email when the tournament officially begins. This email will contain the email addresses of your opponents for your convenience, along with the deadline for completion of your games. When you have arranged to start a game, one of you must email me for the scenario. I need to know who you are playing in order to choose the right scenario and determine who gets what side. I will then send the scenario to the German player (whether he's attacking or defending) and the Allied briefing to the Allied player (security reasons). This is all done using a chart put together by Texas Toast. No player will see the same scenario twice, no player will attack more than four times, and no player will defend more than four times. Your schedule could be 3 attack/4 defend or 4 attack/3 defend. You may play the Allies or the Axis seven times (unlikely), but your attack/defend duties will be split. I believe there is just one scenario that has not yet been given Wild Bill's stamp of approval. SuperTed and I are down to the last four turns in that scenario now. There may be others testing it too, but I'm not sure. We will give Wild Bill his completed "Test Sheet" and he will decide. I think the scenario is ready to go. SO, it won't be long now. If you are using Netscape you will have problems with the links on the tourney standings site. Here is the fix that has been reported to me: Just checked, it is definitely a Netscape issue. The critical difference seems to be the space inside the links: IE uses "%20" for the link, while Netscape uses a space " ". Obviously the server does make a difference between them. Copying the correct link with "%20" into a Netscape browser window works too. Marcus If you still have problems I will keep you updated on the standings via email. Treeburst155 out.
  15. I learn somefink every day. I'm happy you figured it out Mike8g. I wouldn't want you to miss out on the "Best of the Web" Treeburst155 out.
  16. Hi Mike8g! I don't know how to fix it or do anyfink!! It's working fine from my house. Try it again. It could be the server was whacked out for awhile. Out of curiosity, are you using Netscape? Treeburst155 out. [ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  17. Olduvai, Go here for explanation and download of th BadCo Endgame Randomizer: http://www.badcoinc.com/ber/Index.htm Treeburst155 out.
  18. WineCape, The only person who hasn't started a game so far is Sten Friberg. All the others without completed games have at least one underway now. Treeburst155 out.
  19. So Kiwi Joe gets lucky again! Congratulations, KiwiJoe!! The standings are updated. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Jarmo wins a "Tactical" over Claymore! The final was 62-38. Congratulations, Jarmo!! The first link below has been updated. Claymore, I am still waiting for purchases from Fionn for your game with him. He's taking a break from the tournament I guess.
  21. I forgot to address the BER question. If players want to use the BER that's fine with me as long as BOTH players agree to use it. Keep in mind the BER can only SHORTEN pre-made scenarios.
  22. I wouldn't count G. Clement out just yet. He has until September 15 to get all his remaining games started. Is anybody actually in the middle of a game with him right now? If not, he'll have six weeks to complete all five of his remaining games (if he gets them started in time). The_Capt, I think your email is down.
  23. Hmmm....I didn't know arty spread increased as quality of LOS decreased. I was under the impression that greater RANGE caused less accuracy. Maybe that's due to the lower quality of LOS at range. Very interesting.
  24. Hmmm... I can delete briefings in the editor but I cannot copy them from within the .cmb. I will need separate text files from Wild Bill, or I will need to use the method relayed to me by Scot Johnson, which is very interesting. Here's how it's done: "Here's something I got from Citizen. 1. Setup the units on the map and save it, but don't save it as a tournament save. 2. Now start the game as the allied player in hotseat. 3. Enter a password for the allied player. 4. When the setup screen appears don't do anything but hit the GO button. 5. Enter a password for the Axis player. 6. When you get to the setup screen just save the game. 7. Send the newly saved game file and axis password to the axis player. 8. Email the allied password to the allied player. The axis player opens the game and gets his full setup phase. After sending the file to the allied player the allied player also gets his full setup phase. Sounds weird but it works." EDIT: This method does indeed work. I just tried it. It's a bit tedious to do over and over again like I will need to do for the tourney, and subject to screw ups by me as far as passwords, etc.. Instead, I've asked Wild Bill to send me all the .txt files of the Allied specific briefings. The Allied player will simply receive his side specific briefing before he gets the first game file from the German player. When the game file goes out to the German player the Allied briefing will go out to the Allied player. This has the added benefit of informing the Allied player that his opponent has received the game file from me. [ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  25. Juha Ahoniemi, Tournament Saved scenarios prevent the player who starts the game from seeing the other side's forces. In a tournament saved game, the first player has no choice as to which side he starts the game from. This decision is made when performing the tournament save. Kingfish, I think I will do what you suggest. I'm just going to remove the Allied briefings from the scenarios, tournament save the scenarios, and mail the Allied briefings separately. Scot Johnson has just informed me of another way to beat the problem, but I think it may be easier just to remove the Allied briefings before tourney saving with the Axis to start each game. John Kettler, You could write DARs and store them until the game is finished. Then send me the whole lot. You would have one excellent AAR at the end. I would probably just keep adding to the same text file after each turn rather than have many separate documents if I were you. If you are really limited on storage space just send me the file when you hit 50 Kilobytes or so. That's actually quite a lot of text. Remember also, since these are "private" AARs you can actually talk about your plans and such. Treeburst155 out. [ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
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