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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. This tournament consists of 84 games (28 in each section). There are now 34 games underway. This is a great start! Thanks for diving in with such enthusiasm. Sincerely, Treeburst155
  2. Jarmo, Congratulations on your latest victory! I've got force purchases from MickOZ for your game with him. We are waiting on you. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Not including games with Chuckle, the following games need to be started by tomorrow if they aren't already in progress: Fangorn vs MrSpkr Fangorn vs Sledge Treeburst155 out.
  4. The following games need to be started by tomorrow. Looking at the list it is fairly clear who is holding up the show. The_Capt vs Sock Monkey The_Capt vs G. Clement aka_tom_w vs Sock Monkey aka_tom_w vs G. Clement KelsieD vs Sock Monkey Stalin's Organ vs G. Clement Sock Monkey vs G. Clement Kiwi Joe vs G. Clement
  5. Thanks for the updates, guys! The Fangorn/Mike8g match is a critical one. I will be working on determining who to drop from the tournament tomorrow. Keep in mind this could shake up the standings quite a bit. In the end, all will have played the same number of games against the same opponents. Make sure you get all your games started by tomorrow that you possibly can. Anyone you cannot get started with by tomorrow will be dropped. You can expect email from me tonight inquiring about your games. Thanks again for the updates. EDIT: I think we can cross off Chuckle. His email no longer works. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. Tomorrow is the day to assess the status of all unfinished games. If there is no response to this post or to me through email the highest point total will win. Right now that is Mike8g. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Congratulations, Kiwi Joe!! Tomorrow is the big day to assess the status of all remaining games. If I do not hear from G. Clement by then I think it's safe to declare Kiwi Joe the winner since he greatly reduced Sock Monkey's chances by beating him. Treeburst155 out.
  8. If anybody is still alive out there I need to remind you that ALL games need to be started by September 15th. On that day I will determine who has been the cause of any unstarted games and they will be dropped from the tournament and all players' scores adjusted as if the dropped people had never started. Players should keep email showing attempts to get games started by September 15th. BTW, all games must be COMPLETED by November 1st. Treeburst155 out.
  9. The standings will be updated shortly to reflect Claymore's withdrawal. The only one still active that is affected by it is Jarmo, I believe. We are down to 15 people now. This tournament may actually finish before 2003 if we lose a few more. Treeburst155 out.
  10. As Wild Bill says, the final scenario is completed and in my hands so you can begin arranging the games I listed earlier that involve it. Yes, Juha, you could bribe Mr. Thiele for the Allied password to your Travisano game but I don't think he would give it to you. Mr. Thiele is an honorable man, not to mention that he's so busy at work he wouldn't have time to drink the beer you would give him. Please reread what Wild Bill says above about the scenarios. They are as balanced as humanly possible without playing each one a dozen times from each side against different opponents. Remember, real battles were seldom balanced and there is always some luck involved. You must adapt and overcome!! Treeburst155 out.
  11. John wrote: "By contrast, my veteran Panzerschreck team hugely missed infantry in scattered trees with every shot it fired." Are you firing schrecks at infantry or did you mean to write "armor" there? It's been my experience that schrecks aren't too effective against infantry. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Important Announcement!! Everett Thiele has had to withdraw from the tournament due to an unexpected large increase in his workload. This means one of the three standby players will be put into his slot. I'm not sure exactly how WineCape wanted to choose among the three. I will get with him on that. Juha Ahoniemi, Since you only saw one movie in your game with Everett we will just start the game over again with the guy who takes Everett's slot. Jason Barnes, Terry McLaughlin, Tom Travisano, One of you guys will be picked to take Everett's place. Let me know ASAP if you are no longer able to play. EDIT: According to an earlier WineCape post the replacement player will be chosen at random out of a hat. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  13. I didn't know that little fact about sneaking units. I don't use "sneak" much. I thought a sneaking unit would stop when it spotted an enemy. That means two enemy units, both sneaking directly toward each other will sneak right past each other since neither will fire until fired upon. I think this is fixed in CMBB with the "movement to contact" command. Treeburst155 out.
  14. We've got news from the front! CapitalistDogInChina has run over Fuerte 79-21. Congratulations, CapitalistDog!! With three games played, CDIC is hanging right up there with the Irish juggernaut by averaging 70 points per game. The standings site will be updated shortly. Treeburst155 out.
  15. It has come to my attention that some of you may find the briefings difficult to read since each paragraph is one long line of text. To fix this on a PC go into "edit" on the menu of the document and select "word wrap". I don't know how this is done on a Mac. This is only an issue for briefings that were sent out today. I have just completed editing the briefings to normal page width. Treeburst155 out.
  16. This is a great idea! Let us know who travels the greatest distance to attend. It's sure to be fun for all since Mark IV can't make it. Treeburst155 out.
  17. I went ahead and compiled a list of all the matchups that should NOT be arranged right now due to the unfinished scenario. Here are the games that will need that scenario: Section One Warren Miron v Ted Sullivan Jukka-Pekka v Greg Redeker Wade Moore v Jon Sowden Bertram v Scott Johnson Section Two Kingfish v P. Svensson Tom v von Lucke Stix v John Kettler Georges v Holien Section Three T. Zalewski v J. Ahoniemi Everette Thiele v Enoch Chuck Rohde v L. Dickens A. Gaspari v R. Davidson EDIT: I thought this would be a good time to list all the people who had a hand in putting this thing together. Scenario Design: Wild Bill Wilder Testers: SuperTed, Keith Yeates, Leland Tankersley, Bill Valencia, and their PBEM opponents who played the scenarios with them. Sponsor and Tourney Applications: Charl Theron (WineCape) The matchup table: Texas Toast Security ideas: Scot Johnson Helpful suggestions: Leland Tankersley Original idea for the tourney: SuperTed I've probably forgotten a few who were very helpful to me in one way or another in putting this thing together. There are quite a few working for Wild Bill I may not even know about. I sincerely thank you all. Treeburst155 out. [ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. Wild Bill's "Rumblings Of War" Tournament is now underway!! All participants have been sent a letter which includes names and addresses of their opponents. If you did not receive your letter let me know. I may have messed up your email address or somefink. You can begin arranging games now. Procedures are spelled out in your letter. A couple things: One scenario is not quite finished yet. Wild Bill wants to tweak it a little. If you arrange a game with an opponent that involves this scenario you will have to wait a short while longer to begin that game. There are six others you can start now. Unfortunately you won't know if that scenario is involved until AFTER you arrange a game that is to be played on that map. At which time I would inform you that the scenario you need is not quite finished. It will be well worth the wait however. I've played it. Those of you in Section I should use the second address for Wade Moore until the 1st of October. I got that address wrong in the mass mailing of Section I's letters, but it is correct in the body of the letter. If you have any questions post them to this thread so all can benefit from the answers. The war has begun!! Good luck to you all! Treeburst155 out.
  19. Kiwi Joe, We'll wait until I refigure the standings after the 15th. At that point everyone still in the tournament will probably be mathematically eliminated. Of course, Sock Monkey could have four games in progress by then, and so could G. Clement. Chances are however, you and I will be discussing the best way to transfer funds from my bank to yours. C'mon Sock Monkey and G. Clement!! You guys are the only hope for WineCape's vino to find a good home. Treeburst155 out.
  20. News from the front! After a fierce fight The_Capt beat Stalin's Organ 46-29. Congratulations, The_Capt!! I will update the standings shortly. The webpage is working again. It does appear KiwiJoe may already have won the wine and the cash although I still haven't received the latest game result against Sock Monkey he spoke of earlier. Geez, that's depressing. EDIT: The standings are updated. Only Sock Monkey and G. Clement can overtake Kiwi Joe. Everyone else is mathematically eliminated. All games must be underway by September 15th and completed by November 1st. If you are unable to get one or more of your games started by September 15th you need to be able to show that you are not at fault. Those who ARE at fault will be dropped from the tournament without mercy. On September 16th the standings will be adjusted to reflect the dropped participants. This could shake up the standings quite a bit. Remember if somebody withdraws or is dropped then all his games are thrown out. An honorable mention is in order for Sajer who completed all his games by the original September 1st deadline. Thanks, Sajer! Treeburst155 out. [ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  21. The same thing happened to me last week. There was even a catastrophic explosion with no surviving crew. The range was about 200-250 meters. It doesn't appear to be common but it does happen. Treeburst155 out.
  22. There are 10 maps with poor visibility and 9 with good visibility IIRC. Now that we are down to 16 players (15 games each)there will be 4 maps that players will not see at all. Because of this it is entirely possible players may see more poor visibility maps than clear ones, or vice versa. Treeburst155 out.
  23. I will agree, John, that German arty is tough to use effectively. I have a great deal of trouble with it myself. Treeburst155 out.
  24. What you do Peaveyyyyy is buy the Allied forces in the editor, save the file and send it to your opponent. He opens the file in the editor and buys the German forces, saves the file and then starts a standard PBEM game. As long as the German player does not look at the Allied purchases in the editor, or do a dry run (hotseat) of the game then neither side will know the others force picks. It works rather well if you trust your opponent. One issue that may come up is that when purchasing forces in the editor the player has much greater flexibility in his purchases as compared to QBs. For example, large formations can be purchased and unwanted units deleted. Ammo loads, leader bonuses, experience levels, numbers of fausts, rifle grenades, satchel charges can all be edited. Of these things, only experience levels are paid for with points. Also, there is no restriction on the number of points that can be purchased from any category of unit such as Armor, Infantry, etc.. Because of this players need to come to an understanding about unit editing, especially the features that don't cost points. Treeburst155 out.
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