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Everything posted by markshot

  1. I did this for CMBO; but it is very step by step and graphic. It might be of some help. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=001377#000000
  2. In most of the scenarios I play, I notice that the pace of my advance tends to be faster and bolder towards the scenario end. However, I don't think that is the result of the clock running down. I believe that once you have severely disrupted the enemy and in particular exposed anti-tank traps and established fire superiority over open ground, it then becomes possible to pick up the pace at a greatly diminshed risk. So, in summary, initial speed can result in disaster where later speed can result in a victory. Think about it, if you always seem to come up short at the end of a scenario where the final map shows the objectives lightly defended and ripe for the picking.
  3. When I got CMBB after two years of playing CMBO, it seemed to be a pretty significant transition. Besides new commands and behaviors, the pace of the game seemed very different ... slower; but still fun. Additionally, I had to relearn attacking as it became much more important to provide heavy weapon support to any troops hoping to advance. I am curious is there a similar transition going from CMBB -> CMAK? Or will it mainly be a matter of getting a grip on dust and the strengths and weaknesses of new units? Thanks.
  4. Does the manual contain a list of changes from CMBB similar to the CMBB manual had for changes from CMBO? Thanks.
  5. I didn't consider that the distances may be abstracted. But there was a lot of grunting and wacking going on around that foxhole while the gun was firing. I could see fixing bayonets, using a pistol or a helmet, but an ATG just seems a little unwieldly in a foxhole, but it probably read well on the citation for a medal.
  6. I am not sure as it has been a while since I applied my mods. I think it may be Captain Wacky's gridded terrain.
  7. The ATG crew fought with this Soviet squad for a couple of minutes at close range. What I found most interesting and amusing was that they managed to get off maybe six shots with their gun at 4 meters. In real life could you use a gun 37mm ATG at such range? Thanks.
  8. PoppinHobbit, Great idea! The best way to go would be to have folks add links in posts and you to maintain the master list in your first post. This would make it a lot more organized. When you get enough, see if you can get an admin to sticky it! Thanks, all.
  9. I have both the standard CMBO and CMBB editions purchased over the Internet. Both have well written manuals produced on quality paper/binding at a readable point size. However, I have the following questions regarding the SE CMBO and CMBB packages: (1) Do they come with printed manuals? (2) Are the printed manuals the same both in terms of content and production as what was offered with the standard editions of these games? --- I am asking because I recently received a new game with one of those small manuals with a miniscule point size. I have come to the conclusion that the quality a manual's content tends towards increasing irrelevance the smaller it shrinks. It the old days, games came with well written manuals that were well produced. They tended to be read multiple times and with each reading enhanced the game experience. These days the manuals tend to be of limited utility for game play as they often incomplete or inaccurate. Also, their production is such that after struggling through the initial reading, it is likely to be filed away someway. Ultimately, the game learning curve gets addressed by the larger community on the Internet as the player clan passes accumulated wisdom to new initiates. --- So, I was curious what BTS is doing with their retail packaging. In any case, the CMBO/CMBB standard edition manuals were well written and produced. My complements to BTS/BFC and Martin for demonstrating that quality is not simply a passing thought that occurs while scrambling to bring a product to market. Thanks.
  10. I have played quite a few of your scenarios. Great stuff! Thank you.
  11. 11/06/03 Unfortunately, forum maintenance has resulted in the links to these old threads no longer working. Well, it was good while it lasted. Since I had made that collection in mid 2001 after having purchased CMBO, perhaps it is time for a new anthology of wisdom which includes CMBO/CMBB/CMAK. Just a thought. Good hunting, all!
  12. Ed, I just noticed your post. I will send it a little later today. [ November 06, 2003, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: markshot ]
  13. It is not looking good: (1) I sent two emails to one of the Admins, Moon, but he have not heard back from him. (2) Even if I knew why most of the links are broken, there would be nothing that I personally could do the fix it. If it can be fixed, then BTS would have to fix it. I suspected that they either archived some of the older threads or did some form or reorganization which either purged or invalidated older threads. (3) A while back someone had attempted to make an offline version of the anthology. It was a very good start, but they had neglected to taken into consideration that many of the threads had multiple pages; as such they lost a lot of valuable discussion. However, here is the link which still may be of some use: http://www.chema-cagi.com/combatmission/docs/TIPSRever/Help%20and%20Tips/CMBO%20Strategy%20Guide.html
  14. I am not sure what happened. I'll contact the admin about it. Thanks.
  15. Sorry, I just saw the additional requests. They are on their way now. (If my SMTP server doesn't choke on the 2Mb attachments.) Thanks for your patience.
  16. I have a pillbox (MG) here which has been paniced for the last few minutes. Despite that, it continues blaze away stopping assaulting Soviet infantry in their tracks. Here is a screen shot. You can see the paniced state and the tracers heading towards a Soviet squad. So, do pillboxes really panic? Thanks.
  17. I don't have much ski troop experience. I am playing a scenario with a Soviet SMG ski platoon. 2 squads still have theirs ski and 2 squads are now on foot. I just gave them a MOVE order to a new location. As far as could tell both all platoons were covering ground at the same speed and neither one appeared to be tiring any quicker. Is this correct? So, what is the advantage of ski troops? Two more question ... when ski troops exchange fire do they have greater exposure before the ditch their skis and do they deliver the same fire power before they ditch their skis? Thanks. [ October 17, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: markshot ]
  18. Sorry, I got confused, since I was corresponding in two different threads about scenarios. I'll send the ones you asked for.
  19. I sent them yesterday to: larsanjadalgashavecitydk You didn't get them?
  20. Could you do the same for little old me ? Cheers </font>
  21. I am trying to locate the following scenarios by Thomas Klimisch: Chance Encounter CMBB Haunted Hill Last Defence CMBB Riesberg CMBB Two Hostile Brothers Valley of Trouble CMBB The links at the Scenario Depot do not work for them. If you have them, could you please email them to "markshot at kwlsystems dot com". Thanks.
  22. This should keep you busy for a couple of more years playing CMBO: http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/
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