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Posts posted by Jagdcarcajou

  1. Hey all,

    Long time no post, I know. I have recently encountered someone with actual footage of the D-Day landings (an LST skipper's personal footage filmed on the way into the beach in 8mm true "shakey" cam). It has always been my understanding that such footage was exceedingly rare/non-existant. I was going to encourage this person to get the footage in the hands of a museum for restoration and preservation, but if its not too rare a commodity I wouldn't be so concerned.

    Can anyone shed some light on just how valuable a find this is?



  2. Heh,

    I too slipped into lurker status some time ago. I still drop by the find new mod news and catch new info on CM2, but I long ago realized I couldn't keep up with the board, my (long since defunct) site, and PBEMs. I have too many other commitments. So now I play the AI and friends at LAN parties when I can, and quietly wait for CM2 (and wish for a speedy update to our beloved western front game!).

    Back to quiet mode... ;)


  3. Hey,

    Its not rude. Its true. I am equally as shocked that people are saying how difficult it is to win on defense.

    You have every advantage except numbers. There is no need to actually guard every flag, just the most important group (determined on a map by map basis). The attacker shouldn't know where you are, or which flags you are defending. If you are patient and bide your time to set up ambushes, you should be able to slaughter your opponent. You will also take casualties, but I have to say advancing against a well-prepared defense is incredibly hard, and I am never as comforted by numbers as I am by rolling into a defense in disarray.

    I guess we are just coming from different sets of experiences. No harm, no foul. I just didn't feel like silently watching another thread complain about how hard it is to defend. Just to clarify, I have been talking about attacks, not assaults here. In Assault scenarios, numbers do play a big part, and they are very difficult to stop. Of course, that is the "charm"; not so much if you can win, but how dearly can you make the attacker pay!


    [ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Jagdcarcajou ]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by moosehead:

    Ok then , a bad example. I doubt you would have done as well if it hadnt been at night.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually I have almost never lost on defense (two exceptions - against Airborne and in my first game ever) in any circumstances.

    Defending is far easier than attacking. Anyone who disagrees is doing it wrong. The attacker has a larger number of troops because they need them to stand a chance of surviving.

    Most players claim night gives the attacker an advantage as well, because line of sight is hampered until contact is imminent, thus denying the defender the ability to adjust plans as the attacker approaches. If your forces are placed poorly you have little choice in the matter once fighting begins.


  5. Hey,

    Remember me Colonel, the guy who couldn't seem to get a turn back to you to save his life... ;)

    Anyway, I always find defending easy. The higher number of attacking units is countered by the fact that you are dug in, with plenty of opportunity to lay ambushes, place mines, etc... There is no need to give the 10% differential. I just held of an Allied attack in night fighting conditions in a hot seat game the other day, final results were 73 to 24 in my favor. My opponent was skilled, and we used random forces with a random map. I ended up with no armor and a bushel of shreks, but no MGs. I was still able to devastate the enemy.

    The only time you should use the differential is if you know that there is a skill disparity, or you just want to challenge yourself by giving your opponent a bonus. Otherwise, the games already have a natural balance.


  6. [crawls out of hole I've been hiding in...]

    Hey all,

    Ok, so I fell off the planet for awhile. Been busy with RL, and the break has done me well. I played a few games this weekend to shake off the cobwebs, then returned to my old haunts to see what was going on. Got some cool new mods, and then I saw this thread getting buried.

    So, BUMP.

    Nice to be back. Looking forward to seeing this mod when its ready!



  7. Hey,

    Play "Chambois" as the Germans; its lots of fun and well balanced. Lots of armor to play with. "Elsdorf" is another good one.

    My scenarios (on my site) are not exactly "balanced" but they provide a very good challenge (read don't try until you have some experience). "Long Road Ahead" is designed for Allies only, and its challenging, but it can certainly be won.

    Good luck,



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

    [This message has been edited by Jagdcarcajou (edited 03-21-2001).]

  8. Hey,

    CM Recon has been updated with the final

    part of my splash screen series: Canada!

    If I receive enough emails, I will repost

    one of the previous screens next week. If

    not, I will reclaim the server space for

    other things!

    The previous choices were: USA, Germany

    (the controversial one) and Britain. I can

    be reached at jagdcarcajou@home.com

    Also, with the popularity of Enemy at the

    Gates, and the anticipation of CM2, I have

    added a featured title that many of you

    may find interesting.

    And finally, I have joined SuperTed's

    Forward Observer, so you can easily keep

    track of the infrequent updates to my site!





    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  9. Originally posted by Moriarty:

    As far as adding more switches, doo-dads and gizmos to the game or the ladders, it's not necessary. It is not the job of technology to replace old-fashioned communication.


    No one ever said this was to be a catch-all, defined type of thing. Adding an icon would simply give you some idea of where the player is coming from. You would still need to talk (points, which side, attack or defend, etc...) and specifics could be worked out (including force restrictions, etc...). It just prevents people from dealing with those of a mindset they totally oppose (even if just at the moment). Saves the trouble of shooting in the dark till you find a new player.

    Of course, those of you out there that just like to be negative for the fun of it can go ahead and jump on this now.



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  10. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    There is no real consensus on the definition of each, and there are numerous gray areas involved in both. Add to that, the fact that each player perceives the various gray areas differently and it would be very difficult at best to attempt to categorize players, even if they themselves agreed to it, and attempted to list themselves into one or the other.


    Consensus is irrelevant. Historic-minded players know who they are. Only the hopelessly anal are going to nitpick the OOB of their opponent, as long as totally goofball selections aren't made. Voluntarily denoting yourself a "Historic" player with an icon gives a general indication to your opponent that you won't be taking all-arty forces, or British Airborne supported by Polish army and American tanks every battle. Similarly one shouldn't expect to see a fleet of Kubelwagens ladened with Flamethrowers rushing across the board.

    Thankfully I have never had to deal with this type of stuff, but I don't see the harm in adding a sort of "personality" icon on the ladders.



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  11. Hey,

    Exactly 4 of these were built (coverted). There were other Sherman flame tank variants (mostly in the Pacific) but 4 were converted to use the Croc trailer in Europe.

    BTS also modeled the Flammpanzer even though only 20 were ever converted (for the Ardennes Offensive). It just shows a very thorough completeness!



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  12. Hey,

    Finally got my research source for the Allied vehicles and completed the production rarity table in the PBEM Guide section of my site. I know it doesn't mean much to many players, but if you are curious as to just how many M10s (etc...) were produced during the war years, take a look!



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  13. Hey,

    This would be kind of impossible given the 3D aspect of CMs engine. "Hull Down" from one position might be "exposed ass" from another. Hull Down is completely relative to shooter and target. It may be possible to present yourself hull-down to a rather large section of the battlefield, but coding what you intended might be difficult. One could add way points similar to Rogue Spear where you can designate a field of fire to adjust exposure to, but I think that kinda takes some of the fun of CM away. Inching up and finding that sweet spot is part of being a good player. To a large extent, the Hunt command already provides a pretty effective "cheat" causing the tank to stop as soon as it spots an enemy, which usually renders the moving unit hull down if it is cresting a hill.



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  14. Hey,

    Churchills are basically infantry close support tanks. They carry heavy load outs of HE rounds, and have pretty good armour. I have seen my Churchills stand toe-to-toe with Tigers at a decent range. The Cromwell is a light tank, great for dealing with light vehicles, and to a lesser extent, infantry.

    The Challenger variants can sport great armour, and has a deadly tank-killing gun. The odd-ball heavy weapon version is great for infantry support (limited C rounds make it less effective against tanks). The Comet is a great tank buster, and is equally good for routing infantry. The Firefly-Sherman variants are excellent tank killers, but suffer from the glass armour of most Shermans. Handle with care. Non-17 Pounder Sherman variants are almost strictly anti-infantry/light vehicle tanks.

    The Wolverine is a Tank Destroyer (lend lease), and the Sexton is the Priest with a new paint job (infantry killer). The Archer presents its own unique challenge to employ, but its a tank killer at heart.

    The "carriers" are anti-infantry support vehicles, not really meant to lead a charge unless you are pretty sure the enemy heavy guns have been silenced.

    Hope that helps.



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

    [This message has been edited by Jagdcarcajou (edited 03-08-2001).]

  15. Hey,

    The time it takes to consider your move has nothing to do with this working or not. Having extra time probably gives you more time to second guess yourself, in fact. The WEGO system employed by CM does nothing to hinder the effectiveness, and basically this is common sense in any tactical situation. If the enemy deploys to react to a feint, this "theory" is in effect. By forcing the opponent to react you are able to take the initiative.

    TW, on a different topic... RTS is more an excersize in hand/eye coordination than in thought

    This is spectacularly short-sighted. RTS games CAN require thought. Age of Empires and Sudden Strike are two good examples of games that do not repay "twitch" reflexes with favorable results. A carefully planned attack/plan of action will yield far greater results than clicking quickly. Good reaction times help to deal with simultaneous actions on multiple fronts, but a good head on your shoulders will go far.



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

  16. Originally posted by Sgt Fred:

    That drawing would be a wolverine (Gulo luscus). One of the meanest animals pound for pound in the world. An adult weighs `50 lbs and there are verifiable records of them taking adult elk 500-1000 lbs !! Nasty little buggers.

    For the record:

    Jagd = German for "hunting"

    Carcajou = French for Wolverine

    There you have it. "Why" you ask? Because all the real tank names were taken!



    What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

    CM Recon

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