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Robert Olesen

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Posts posted by Robert Olesen

  1. Get v2.10 here: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/CMBB.html

    The changes from 2.03 are:

    Option to specify number of battles per month added

    Option to select Armor intensive battles added

    Option to adjust or ignore replacement rules added

    There are no error corrections in relation to 2.03 IIRC.

    I intend to take a break from this now. I'm still interested in error reports and feedback, though, so don't hold yourself back.

  2. or rather here: www.roqc.cdgroup.org

    Edit November 7th 2004: v1.12 is out - look below or at the ROQC site.

    It's basically the same as 1.00e with a few error corrections, and a couple of options thrown in (so that you can increase the battle frequence and play with mor earmor if you prefer that). Oh yes, I also added some support for the newbies who are overwhelmed by the size of this. It ought to be simpler to get started now. And I added some suggestred campaigns, so the newbies have something to start from.

    I'll update the CMBB version with these options, then take a break from this for a while. I'll do error corrections, but don't expect to do much in the way of feature additions for a while. It's pretty complete as it is anyway.

    Have fun :D :cool:

    [ November 07, 2004, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

  3. BigMik1, it used to be somewhat smaller, bit it really isn't possible to do something like this very simply. But you can get started by reading these sections:

    1.1 Overview

    1.5 Installation

    3.1 Difficulty Level

    3.2 Player Rank

    3.3 Start and End Date

    3.4 Nationality, Division type and Region (only the start, you can skip the subsections)

    3.5 Core force Unit Experience

    3.6 Core Force Cost Terminology

    3.7 Core force (this is the most important section to start with)

    3.8 Favor

    Now roll up the next battle (see 4.3), then read

    4.4 Preparing the Battle in the Editor (sorry about that, but you can skip the parts that don't apply to your current battle)

    4.5 Quick Battle Screens (same comment)

    4.6 Play Battle (same comment)

    Then play the battle, and when that's done, read

    5.1 Check Enemy Experience Level

    The relevant parts of 5.2.2 through 5.2.11

    5.4 Check Core Force Status

    5.5 Roll the Dice After the Battle

    6.2.5 through 6.2.7

    That should see you through to the next battle (see 7.1). You can forget about the rules for upgrading until you're played a few battles.

    You can read the rest later, or if you get a need to look something up.

    I hope this is a help. Let me know if it is or it isn't. I'll add it to the start of the rules just in case.

  4. I got the files from The Hapless general, and he's making the same mistake as pretty much everyone else - mixing up Point Value and Point Cost.

    Point Value is the cost of the units using their actual experience. The Point Value belongs on the Control Sheet, NOT the Core Force Sheet.

    Point Cost is the cost of the units at Regular quality. The Point Cost belongs in column 0 of the Core Force Sheet, and is used when you upgrade a unit.

    This distinction is necessary in order to ensure that your upgrade cost is independent of the experience of the unit.

    It's in the rules, but I don't blame if you're overlooking it: See section 3.6.

    Just in case someone is actually reading this ;)

  5. +2 - is that Eastern Europe, perhaps Finland? I tend to get confused about the + and - GMT issue. I guess it has to be, as you'd presumably otherwise be swimming in the middle of the Atlantic ocean smile.gif

    I'll look forward to those files.

    And to the other players out there, please send me some spreadsheets (preferably zipped) - and some comments if you're in the mood. I'm particularly interested in finding out how well Raid and Relief battles work.

  6. 1.00e released. Get it at the first post


    · North Africa region split into two (East and West)

    · Determination of enemy nationality and division type added

    · Option to specify number of battles per month added

    · Option to select armor-intensive battles added

    · Crete added as a playable region

    I don't expect to change much from this version on, so it's really a matter of error correction before it hits 1.00.

    [ February 20, 2004, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

  7. Originally posted by KG_Cloghaun:

    I'm sorry, but I do not understand this. Is this a tool that you use to make your own campaigns if you want or is it a campaign itself?

    Are there any places that give overviews of campaign tools or even how to play a campaign? I can't seem to find any tutorials or introductions to this style of play anywhere.


    Good questions.

    This is both a tool and a campaign in itself, in that you pick a core force yourself and then follow the rules outlined in ROQC to take your men through the campaign.

    The rules contain an overview at the start (page 3). Let me repeat that here:

    from the ROQC rules:

    ROQC consists of a series of quick battles, interspaced with a bit of bookkeeping. Your core force participates in all battles, and is supported by (or supports, if you prefer) varying troops from your side.

    This is basically what you will do

    1. Pick a nationality, time and place

    2. Select (if this is the first battle) or update your core force.

    3. Set up and play a quick battle following these rules.

    4. Record data from the battle

    5. Advance the time of the battle and go to 2. Repeat until finished.

    That's all, really. You will be using both the editor and the QB generator, but it's all explained in detail later. Don't worry; you can accomplish this even if you have never opened the editor before.

    Note that the quick battles aren't just ordinary quick battles. They are part of a context and have a larger goal than just the standard CMBB victory criterion. And they are quite varied.

    I designed this campaign for with flexibility in mind - I like to be able to play around with different core forces - and with the goal of letting you complete a campaign in a decent number of battles.
  8. I got an error report for 2.02 showing that the adjustment for the fortification point bug (in CMBB) didn't work. This has been corrected and uploaded to http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/ as v2.03. Fortunately, it was only necessary to change the spreadsheets. Unfortunately, that meant that all campaign sheets had to be updated.

    You need to update your current battle if you're attacking and using the Attack or Assault battle type (not Probe). You won't be able to complete the Favor calculation if you stay with 2.02 in that case. You will in any case need to upgrade before you roll the dice for the next battle.

  9. Bulldog, you can buy fortifications whenever the QB generator gives you the option - just not as part of your core force.

    Blazing 88's - the sooner in the battle sequence the easier it gets. You need to be sure to copy the die rolls if you made any, and the battle data if you passed the end of the battle. Read 2.2.7 in the rules.

    Hapless General, you should be aware that you can move men around at replacement time between units to get as many full units as possible. Check the example, both in the rules and spreadsheet. This is probably the most tricky part of the campaign.

  10. Originally posted by The Hapless General:


    Just finished my first battle and it worked just fine. I did however find another small problem with references to CMBB in the manual, this time in the awards section, it talks about german, soviet and finnish awards.

    So, now I also have to dig up the proper names for the medals for the Americans, British, Italians, Polish and French. I guess I asked for it. tongue.gif

    Also, I have a couple of questions:

    A. When a unit, in my example, a Bren Carrier, is short a man after the battle, then I cannot use it in the next battle. Do I then update the core point counts in the control sheet?

    It doesn't affect the total (C26), which is used to calculate the battle size and to calculate the total purchase limit. Too bad for you. It does however affect the purchase limits in the individual categories (i.e. it affects the values in C28:C32) so you may get a chance to compensate for the lack of the unit if you have the points to buy it.

    B. If I have a man short squad inside of a platoon, do I not use the entire squad in the next battle? Can one even remove a squad from the force? After all it is part of the platoon.
    No, you don't get to use it and Yes, you can remove it in the editor (in the file used for the battle, which is a copy of the core force file). Is that clear?

    It's a necessary restriction as the editor doesn't allow you to edit the number of men in a unit.

  11. Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by cyrano01:

    I am still geting the "Fight with own division problem" despite having downloaded 1.00c, am I doing something foolish somehow?

    No. I'm the foolish one redface.gif

    I should have kown better than to publish it without testing it one last time.

    I have corrected it, but I can't upload it now. I'll do that after I get home from work. </font>

  12. Originally posted by The Hapless General:

    While you're at it, you might remove the references to sewer movement smile.gif , other than that I could find no references to CMBB still there.

    Oops, I forgot that this was a CMBB issue. Will do.

    Hope I am not pestering you with these little niggling issues, but so far, they are all I could find wrong. Until now, it works like a charm. Soon I will finish my first battle and then I will be able to see the whole cycle work, though I have no doubt it will work fine.
    No, you're not pestering me. I don't get all that much feedback, perhaps because I made it with too high quality. When I was working on a Civ3 mod (DyP - the best of the lot) the guy who put the releases together used to claim that he introduced errors just to get an opportunity to provide support. He was just kidding ofc. ;)

    And yes, it usually works through to the next battle, provided your input is correct :D

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