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  1. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    At least now GUR showed the work of some Air Forces SAM complex during this operation. Air Forces Command  claims Tu-22 was hit on 300 km range after which tried to return back, but fell down. On the video SAM operator says "range 356", so Tu-22 was tracked already on 356 km. Equipment is blurred, so it's hard to say what is it.
    Russian side as usual rejected UKR succes, officially "the plane was crashed due technical problems", TG channels hint this was again "friendly fire, due to UKR more and more systematically distorts our vision of air traffic" (likely means, Russian AD tried to intercept S-200, but again, probably due some UKR tricks locked on the bomber and hit it). Reportedly commander of Tu-22 is dead. He ejected all crew and tried to continue the flight alone, but the jet has fell down. Two pilots were found and delivered to hospital. No information about third crewman.
    More interest thing, claimed by Air Forces, during todays missile strike oiur AD in first time managed to intercept two Kh-22 misiles. Alas, of six launched. 
    Overall statistic of strike: 

    2 Kh-101 launched / 2 intercepted
    2 Iskander-K / no interceptions
    6 Kh-22 / 2 intercepted
    12 Kh-59/69 (?) / 11 intercepted
    14 Shaheds/ 14 intercepted
    Alas, probably Iskander-K cruise missile hit residental building near Dnipro railway station. Two citizens were killed, 20 wounded. Other railway node in Dnipropetrovsk oblast was hit - Synel'nykove city - 6 civilians were kileld, including two children, 9 wounded. Pavlograd city, known with own machine building and military factories was hit too, one factory is damaged. 

    Two days ago, three Russian Iskander-K cruise missiles destroyed a hotel in Chernihiv city. Russians claimed there were deployment of Ukrainian troops. It's unknown about military, but as result of this strike 18 civilians were killed and 60 wounded. Were slightly damaged buildings of hospital and univercity nearby

  2. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Anthony P. in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "Today, only amateurs steal elections on election-day."
    Free and fair elections are impossible when the ruling party (ab)uses government power to fund political campaigning, banning the opposition from campaigning, and imprisoning or outlawing oppositions politicians from running in elections... or just straight up murdering them.
  3. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This really speaks to a political leader who simply does not understand how the modern world works. Of the US wants roughly the same economic footing it had pre-WW2, back when its population was about 125M, then decoupling globalization makes perfect sense.  How many jobs in the US will have to go back to manufacturing and resources?  Entire generations of Americans will have to go back to the coal mines and steel mills.  Costs for everything will go through the roof, unless of course Vance’s plan is all JP Morgan and plans to pay future US workers next to nothing to do all the work that has been outsourced.  And then there is the uncomfortable realities of the money markets and foreign investment.
    The US does not get to be large, powerful and rich without the global order that it built, fought for and now needs to keep fighting for.  It baffles me that the average voter in the US does not really understand this let alone a senator.
  4. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Lieutenant Ash in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Don't be so sure...
  5. Upvote
    Holien reacted to panzermartin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    First Tu-22 kill? Pilots reportedly bailed out. 
  6. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from chris talpas in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  7. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  8. Like
    Holien got a reaction from alison in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  9. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Livdoc44 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  10. Like
    Holien got a reaction from LuckyDog in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  11. Like
    Holien got a reaction from sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Don't be so sure...
  12. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  13. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yesterday in Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Rostov oblast UKR UAVs hit the building of chemical factory, producing MLRS rocket fuel components. There is no information about the scale of detriment, just an unverified photo of probable fire in one of factory's building.
    Local authorities as usual claimed all drones were shot down, just one fell down on territory of the factory, damaging some windows
  14. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Two days ago UKR drone repeated attack of Russian over-horizon 29B6 "Konteiner" radar complex (it's receiver part) with 3000 km range near Kovylkino village. On the video we can see distant explosion.

    Some Russian TG claimed after second attack radar site isn't operational. Single research institute, which developed it almost dead and the factory, where this radar equipment was built already doesn't exist. Radar had been producing during 5 years and about 10-15 years were spent for it deployment, ajustment works and test service until it became fully operational. If this true, Russia got huge blind zone on own SW direction, so if Ukraine has super-long-range drones it can fly more free in this window to reach Volga and Syberia strategical military and civil infrastructure 

    PS. US media as always was alarmed because of this. Newsweek issued an article that this is dangerous attack, which can cause esaclation (OMG...) because Ukraine attacked startegical radar site, intended i.e. for early warning of nuclear strike and this according Russian nuclear doctrine can be considered as a reason of nuclear weapon usage. 
  15. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Many different sources official and unofficial, Russian TG and UKR ATESH underground in Cimea give different information about results. We should wait satellite images. 
    Here is General Staff posted a mixed video - at the start we can see probably ATACAMS launches (on one of videos, filmed by locals clearly sounds of multiple cluster minitions explosions are heard), then intensive flashing burning - likely SAM missiles detonate. 
    FIRMS map of fire on the airfield

    Allegedle (but unverified) photos of destroyed launchers on airfield

    Total claimed losses of different sources:
    3 S-400 launchers + radar, 2 S-300 launchers, staying under repair in repairing units on airfield, 2 Ka-52 and 2 Mi-28 helicopters seriously damaged, about 30 of personnel killed, 80 wounded. 
    GUR claims: 4 S-400 launchers and 3 radars, AD control post, "Fundamnet-M" automatized control complex. 
    Russian TG claims: "nothing what can fly wasn't hit"
    Last one is on the photo:
    "Fundament-M" allows to coordinate actions of SAM regiment autimatically in repelling of aerial attack. There are no enough information in open sources about this stuff. First time this system appeared on armament of AD in 2015.
  16. Like
    Holien got a reaction from ZellZeka in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake...
    I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  17. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It is potentially worse than that.  This sort of dysfunction does nothing but feed anti-democracy sentiment.  Democracies die due to abandonment, history demonstrates this quite well.  If the system is seen as "unworkable" democracies often choose suicide.  This is the threat to the US and global stability.  Trump and Greene are symptoms of something far deeper and dangerous....apathy that leads to despair.
  18. Upvote
    Holien reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    From what I’m hearing, deal is done but passage is not. There could and are likely to be some bumps ahead. What has changed is that it has finally gotten through to everyone but the loons that disaster is being courted and not just for Ukraine. Keep those fingers crossed. 
  19. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The study was done in the Netherlands, and another in Germany, so this criterium applied. I don't know if they extrapolated anything to another latitude.
    But the panels were bi-facial and adjusted to face towards east and west, not south (and north).
    The idea is that they have their output maxima in the morning and the evening. The idea is to augment, not to supplant traditional solar farms, and reduce the need for batteries.
    That means it would work in the equatorial region as well, where the sun also rises and settles in east and west. But bi-facial panels are more expensive. 
    (@admins my apologies for the distraction I brought in - I will respond via DMs if anything else is to be said about solar panels)
  20. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Some "homefront" news. Maybe we have heard of the recent fires at the American and British 155mm munitions factories?
    Might be just a coincidence, but...
    In Germany, two Russo-Germans have been arrested for espionage and sabotage. They are accused of taking pictures of American and German military installations in Bavaria (one of which is a training facility for Ukrainians on Abrams tanks) and planning to use explosives to disrupt military support transports en route to Ukraine. 
    Both of them were in contact with the FSB and one of them was member of a Russian militia unit which operated in Donetzk / Donbas 2014 to 2017. The unit is considered a terrorist group in Germany, so that Russo-German is also accused of membership in a terrorist organisation.
  21. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It was found in experiments that vertical solar panels offer basically the same energy output as an angled panel.
    The reason is that although the panel receives less solar radiation energy, the generated heat can dissipate better, which results in increased efficiency, which brings them up to the same output as an angled panel.
  22. Upvote
    Holien reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Then they came for der Mittelstand....
    I keep posting energy tech stuff because the modular/miniature/precision armaments revolution is absolutely experiencing the exact same dynamics, just not so well documented (yet).
    The West will innovate, but the Chinese will beat us to mass market, every time. With quality more than adequate for purpose. As innovative firms and their ecosystems starve and die, so too will innovation.
    Solar panels are now used as fences in Germany because they are more affordable than the usual fencing.
    The market standard for solar panels is now moving to Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (#TOPCon) technology, which improves solar cell architecture to reduce efficiency losses.
    The technology was developed by Germany's Fraunhofer Institute in 2013, but large-scale manufacturing takes place mostly in China.
    "European manufacturers have no money to change to the new technology. So now there is no competitive advantage anymore and they have to sell old technology."

  23. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Artkin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    As cool as it is to see whats being developed... 
    Can these guys stop taking pictures of everything? What ever happened to secrecy?
  24. Like
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In about an hour I will be drawing electric from the grid at 0p.
    This last weekend we had too much power and I was actually paid to store energy. EV and house batteries were topped up and I got paid!!!
    The UK right at the moment is pumping water back uphill in Norway...
    Europe is well on the way to having a pretty good integrated energy system and during high wind high sun we easily generate more than needed.
  25. Like
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    While the messenger is important I think it is as much how that message is transmitted to those who fall for this.
    There are certain TV channels that are as important to this undermining of trust and spread out right lies. Without this support Trump wouldn't get any traction.
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