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    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well the first thing to remember when looking at UKR forces is that there are layers here.  Unlike the Russian forces who, for the most part, try to control where they are with LOCs back to Belarus or Russia, these are horizontal forces and relationships.
    The Ukrainians have vertical forces and relationships in addition to horizontal ones.  So take any map of the conflict:

    This one from wikipedia - So the interplay of red and yellow with tac signs is horizontal.  And from this it does look like the Russians are trying to do some operational pinching which would normally point to some trouble for the UA.  The reality is though that the map is really three dimensional.  Vertically there is a foundation of local and regional support and combat power in the form of an ever growing resistance (I hear a lot of western experts say "insurgency", I think I even used the term early once and this is inaccurate, a resistance is really something else from a lot of directions).  Further, for every day that the Russians bog down, that vertical resistance gets better armed, better organized and better prepared. 
    So what?  Well from a Russian viewpoint that vertical layer underneath means two very bad things: support and friction.  Ukrainian force will be able to draw support from that layer in the form of manpower and logistics.  This means the Russians are now force to make those "pinches" air tight, which is extremely labour intensive.  For example, locals can push fuel and ammo into a pocket, through all the backroads and farmers fields, which they know very well, and continue to supply fighting power to seemingly cut off troops.  The level of control required for that is extreme, as the US learned in Vietnam.
    Second is friction.  Having even low tech resistance everywhere is exhausting in terms of constant attrition and morale.  Every move you make is watched and reported on, every road move is like the freakin Memphis Bell mission over Germany - someone is going to get killed and we are all hoping it isn't us.  Logistical lines need to be iron-cladded.  And this will inevitably lead to over use of force on civilians which does nothing for the information war.   
    So in this sense it is really hard to judge where the Ukrainians stand by using the pins on the mapboard.  They have already gone hybrid.  For example, how many major tank battles have we heard about?  There have no doubt been clashes but the Ukrainians are already fighting like Comanches with drones right now offensively and it is working for them.  Defensively, again layers, they can dig in and be very difficult to dig out, and even if you do, you still have a deeper resistance to deal with in the civilian population.
    My assessment matches what we have been seeing all over mainstream.  The Russians have stalled...bad.  This was not a consolidation or re-org or clever trap, it was a significant stalling an a systemic level going all the way back through those LOCs.  The Ukrainians have created so much friction on the Russian advance that the war machine looks like it broke.  They are now staging local c-attacks and very visible attrition actions from what I can see. 
    The question the remains is "can the Russians re-org/re-boot and somehow regain the operational offensive?" This, particularly around Kyiv.  Or are we going to see what I call "zombie muscle twitches" as formation commanders try and look busy to get the heat off them that is coming from Moscow?  These can even seem dramatic but they do not translate into any real operational gains.  Don't know, a lot of opinions out there for either side.
    Few things I do notice:
    - Russians are not even talking about Western Ukraine anymore.  If the aim was to take the whole perogy, Kyiv is more symbolic.  In order to do that "entire Ukraine" thing, one has to cut off support from the West.   Which really means that all this prom-night groping in the East - so sweaty but not really going nowhere - is missing the point entirely once we accept that Ukrainians will very likely keep on fighting both conventionally and unconventionally even after Kyiv falls.    Why there was not a very sharp attack from Western Belarus at what it the real strategic Center of Gravity in all this, Lviv, to seal up the western end of Ukraine, including the Carpathians, was the first sign that the Russians did not think this through.
    - Operationally, the Russians have still not established pre-conditions and we are over two weeks in.  Air, info, electronic, cognitive/decision and logistical superiority have all been a hard fail.  For example, Russian Air Forces should be hitting logistical resupply from the west 24/7 - an air campaign for the history books- and they are largely tepid and absent.  They need to work on that or this grind is going to be much longer, to the point they very may well not be able to sustain.
    - Operationally, the Ukrainians are not showing signs of buckling in all those pre-conditions areas. There is no doubt erosion but they still can find, fix and finish Russians and even do local offensive actions. All the while they coordinate and communicate effectively and are still able to push support in from the West as they get better and better prepared. 
    So in summary, keep an eye on that vertical Ukrainian dimension because it is decisive and something needs to demonstrate the Russians are even able to set what should have been initial conditions and I may start to buy in on the "Russian Grind" strategy.  Until then we are at Balkan-No-Step, everyone digs in and tries to influence the negotiation table, or Death March to Moscow as the Russian military simply quits.  I mean the Russians do have the numbers for the Russian Grind but that is on paper and looking at the horizontal dimension only.  This is unfolding like a European version of that anecdote from Afghanistan, "Russians have all the fancy watches but the Ukrainians have all the time".      
  2. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ukrainan troops reportedly recaptured five villages in Chernihiv oblast. For now there was two names are knowinly from social netwoks. Baklanova Murayivka on P67 road in 10 km SE from Chernihiv city limit and Viktorivka, 27 km S from Nizhyn town.
    UKR troops in Viktorivka. Destroyed BMP on second video
    Some Typhoon 4 x4 MRAP variation captured in Viktorivka. "O" marking presents.

    UKR troops near Viktorivka prepare DJI Phantom IV for surveilanse mission. This DJI drone was popular in 2015-2017. Now mostly DJI Mavic 2 and Autel EVO in use. This is not standard unit equipment, these drones are buying by volunteer funds for militaries requests. This small drones widely use on the level of recon platoons, mortar batteries, SOF etc.

  3. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Phantom Captain in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Click on your name, top right.  Drop down menu, click ignored users.  Add.
  4. Upvote
    Holien reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Best maps I have found. Or to put it another way, the only ones I can read.
  5. Upvote
    Holien reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    oh I'm sorry.  let me read your post again....hmm nope I don't see a SINGLE source much less a reputable source.  Swing and a miss!
    Are you spending time on infowars or some other Qanon site?  Don't.  It is bad for your mental health.
    A debunked conspiracy theory about US bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine was seized on by Russian and Chinese media outlets (msn.com)
  6. Upvote
    Holien reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    we aren't.  We are simply asking he either catch up on the conversation then participate or at least read what is being posted while he is posting.  Instead, he's reading through 80 f'n pages and posting randomly.  and legend is a stretch.
    I start every morning anywhere from 30-80 posts behind.  I read through them before I consider commenting.  it is basic courtesy and allows me to participate in a conversation instead of barging in randomly.
  7. Like
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Reportedly National Guard troopers hit enemy jet with two MANPADs over Kharkiv. The pilot got killed
  8. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Sequoia in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I  would like to ask though, if you have already posted on your opinion on what NATO/The West should do/ Should have done please refrain from constantly doing so, unless their is a change in the situation. It is getting somewhat spammy
  9. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Rokossovski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  10. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Splinty in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  11. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Sandokan in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  12. Upvote
    Holien reacted to George MC in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Meant too add near the end you see the tactical drone operator moving behind the unit commander. 
  13. Upvote
    Holien reacted to George MC in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    From the other side of the hill. Translation of Mikhail Khodarenok’s article about the course of a possible Russian war on Ukraine - spoiler he’s rather scathing of Russia’s chances   Published before this kicked off  
  14. Like
    Holien got a reaction from laurent 22 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  15. Like
    Holien got a reaction from OldSarge in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  16. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It means I bloody well wished they could be everywhere!!!!
  17. Like
    Holien got a reaction from sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not my graphic work, but just seen it and I could caption it Steve and his wife in Bed?
    But it could equally apply to me and everyone else on this thread...
    Please don't put me on a vacation....🥺
  18. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    After my Army service the rest of my career was in the nuclear engineering field (just recently retired). 3 degrees in nuclear engineering and 34 years experience in reactor plant testing, reactor plant design, radiation protection, and nuclear non-proliferation.
    In the case of these plants not only have safety features improved, these particular plants are a completely different design than Chernobyl. The Chernobyl "explosion" (it was steam and hydrogen, not a nuclear explosion), was caused by a variety of factors including a rather bizarre design, and operating the plant in a dangerous manner, and then when things went wrong, operators not understanding how the plant would react. EVERY action they took made the situation worse and fed right into the design flaws.
    A VVER reactor like the ones being fought over is a pressurized water reactor with up to the current standard safety features, and a robust containment building (Chernobyl didn't have a containment, and Russia had ironically justified that as their design and careful operation not needing it). To cause a serious problem you'd have to cut the off-site power to the plant, while also damaging/destroying all the backup diesel generators or their infrastructure that gets the power to the plants. What do they need power for? Cooling. Even a shutdown reactor needs continual cooling, and how much depends on the power history - how long operating at what power level before shutdown. Spent fuel is stored in cooling pools which also require water cooling. These are inside the containment. This is what happened at Fukushima - the Tsunami swamped the diesel generators and knocked out all electrical power to the region, so they got hot. The explosions seen at Fukushima were from hydrogen buildup in the containments. The sparkers that are designed to safely burn it off actually caused the explosions (old design). The containments at Fukushima were very old, dated designs.
    It appeared from the feed that the fighting was going on around office buildings adjacent to the actual containment. These would be engineering, admin, labs, that are part of the plant. 
    In short, while having a battle on the grounds of a nuke plant is generally a very bad idea, the potential for serious problem is certainly there, but not on the scale of Chernobyl or even Fukushima.
    Hope that helps. Also, it seems this morning that the Ukrainians withdrew and Russians are controlling. Don't know what that means about operators, but the shooting stopped, thank goodness.
  19. Upvote
    Holien reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Significant: https://www.agents.media/rossijskie-vlasti-sanktsii/
  20. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just now - 72nd brigade have defeated Ruusian troops near Baryshivka, east from Kyiv. Two armored vehicles destroyed, three abandoned, Russians scatterd. Yesterday forward Russian group advanced from Pryluky direction and came close to Brovary town (10 km from Kyiv), they even made a probe on Brovary checkpoint, but withdrew and stood in Peremoha village, expecting support. Next column arrived soon throug Baryshivka, but after they crossed, the bridge over Trubizh river was demolised and Russian east group near Kyiv turned out in the trap.
  21. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    No. His last duty was deputy commander of 41st Army. Russian social networks say either sniper shot or precision arty strike. Yesterday there was an information about UKR forces hit Russian command center near Dytiatky village nrthern from Kyiv. Maybe these news are related.

  22. Upvote
    Holien reacted to DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  23. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  24. Upvote
    Holien reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Nonetheless, Ukraine won’t survive without the West, and the support of the West can become quite tenuous if the war starts to be perceived as “both sides” for war crimes, or more of a civil war with Ukrainians turning on each other and abandoning the rule of law.  Just how it is.
  25. Like
    Holien got a reaction from sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    OK a question for our Ukrainian friends what's the Sand for?

    One witty (meant in good humour to our German allies) response...
    Answers funny or truth on a postcard...
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