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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Just a quick bump and interlude.... Justin and Lou can you check your e-mails and let me know if you got my e-mails.... Regards H
  2. Hi, Keep your eyes on the board as KF will announce when the next one will be lanuched. I would guess after summer now. Bulletrat I would give you my spot in the finals, but my opponents would complain about the upgrading of their opponent to someone who can actually play the game. Juha behave yourself and don't drink too much, I don't want you playing poorly when you get back. Pity you did not go drinking before playing me. MPisi I am finally doing your set up and you will get your chance to kick me around the map this weekend at the latest. Sorry for the delay and I hope we can wrap our game up quick as I have to stop playing before the week of 4th of August. Her indoors wants me fresh for the wedding day, and will not accept me thinking about how best to flank my opponents, when stood in front of the vicar. I am halfway through with Pacestick who has more stick than I care to deal with. That and some stupid moves by me are helping create a slope down which I intend to slide into Oblivion. :eek: I think the older I get the more senile I become. For example I order a section of men to get on a tank and then forget to order the tank to wait for them. The comedy scene of the section sat with no where to go as the tank speeds off is one that I wish to forget. I think I should become a scenario designer.... H
  3. Can I add a 5th requirement. The ability to check where reinforcements are placed on the map? He! He! He! H
  4. Game over... Results posted to KF and now the last two to do. Ohhh the joys of being tied to a tourney and getting slapped about. I should have just stayed in bed (for the year!!!) H
  5. Issue over... Please move on nothing to see here... Public flogging of designer after final... (Actually downgraded to a gentle ribbing and tickling with large feather duster, due to efforts elsewhere!!!) H (If you are confused stay that way until later...)
  6. KF or the designer of "XXXX" can you get in touch via e-mail asap. Holien@woodford.gioserve.com I have some important issues to discuss asap. Many thanks. KF acknowledge the e-mail I have sent you if you can please? H [ June 14, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  7. Bump... Rexford? On another note myself and Prestor are still finding one another in the dark. Prestor has persuaded one of my T34 crews to light a fire in their tank to provide some illumination. In return a shot of canister sent the Germans diving for cover. Pity they were out in the open and no cover was found... Occchh!!! H
  8. Rex (aka Gary) Can you e-mail me from your new address I have something to ask you?? Your e-mail tag comes up with a failure... H
  9. 1.02 it is then. Very clear and concise. Redwolf, I wish he (Juha) was crashing and burning.... H [ June 11, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  10. Hi Juha, That one slight burn has hardly dented you and I think you will find that it was more to do with the peicemeal approach and driving at speed. And when you say it (the bug) worked against you I seem to remember you got another with a shot that appeared from my POV to go through the hill and that was a more interesting shot from my POV. Add some other AI madness that has affected me and I will think that all in all you are well up on the deal. We could discuss this one until the cows come home. (And I will). Just send me a turn and finish the job off. H
  11. Hi Michael, I suggest you do the full thing and start in the UK in London for a beer and then sail on the night crossing of the Portsmouth to Cherbourg ferry. You will arrive on the morning of the 6th.. Good luck and I am sure you will get all the permission you need. I will see what I am doing next year nearer the time. H P.s. I am sure there will be a few people to buy you beers over here.
  12. Hi, I am back after my little journey abroad. Prestor your hotmail should overfloweth... Now if you tell me where your tank is stuck I shall give it a push from behind. H
  13. Hi Gents, I was lucky enough to be over in Normandy this weekend and managed to see a few sites. We attended the ceremonies at St Mere and Utah and wandered around the places. Called in at the Polish cemetery near Falaise and noted the men that had died trying to close the gap. The Canadian cemetery is not too far up the same road as is the first place of burial for Wittman and some of his crew. The site at Pegasus was special and the museum there had a great chap doing some good talks explaining what had happened. Lots of Vets about and some re-enactors (mainly French). People seem to be getting ready for next year and the 60th Anniversary and that would be a good time to arrange a trip if you can. (If you can book a place to stay that is.) A special place and very moving. We did spend some time looking at the older picture. Normandy was first Invaded by the Vikings and then their descendants invaded the UK in 1066. Funny that we then came back to liberate our forefathers some 878 years later. H
  14. Juha and I would say your shots go through hills. However, this will have to wait until you have finished with me. I just hope the next one has the "bug" as well. BTW you did knock it out so not much of a bug... H
  15. Hi, Just got back and can see why I have no waiting turn from Juha. BTW I don't think you have been bitten by that bug Juha but we can see what people think at the end of the game. I can see your point of view and can see why you would think that. I on the other hand think you have been very very very lucky in other regards. But that is the way it goes. I am happy either way. 1.02 or 1.03. I would rather upgrade if given a choice. I will e-mail now... Cheers H
  16. KF E-mail on way. Open response is that there was absolutely nothing to do with you and just a quirk of the scenario. I will explain exactly in my e-mail. So no sweat on your front. If it had been you you would have heard directly. Perhaps phrased as a poll. H
  17. Hi Pacestick. I have access to the net at work but not the game. The last couple of nights I have been focused on The Bridge and managed a few turns with our Finish friend. Not too happy with the progress of that game and I have learnt some news about it which is upsetting that I did not know before I started. Most probably my fault but still this game is not one of my best and I will be surprised if I do not crash and burn from it. Of course I know that it all depends on others but I really do have a good feel for things by now after three tourneys. No discredit to Juho who is playing very very well. I have your setup to do and that map is not very inspiring (when compared to the other two) I need to sit down and spend several hours trying to get to grips with what to do. I am not sure you will get your set up before I go away for my Stag Weekend in Normandy on Thursday night. I will see what I can do tonight. I will be back Tuesday next week and will again have to find quality time to do the set up. My enthusiam for the whole tourney has been dented again and again with one thing and another. I just hope that I can give you and MPisi decent games. H
  18. Hmmm... Slowly dissapearing. Prestor sends a turn every now and then (more then than now) and I guess he is torn between this and the Northern Tourney. He went for a Flak Truck attack force which is burning and lighting up the night skies while my T34's just drive by looking for targets to shoot up. Should be finished in another month or so at the rate we have been going. H
  19. Ahhh Hahhh Ali is loitering around the forum. I wondered where you had snuck off to. As for British Customs charges I don't think they will be heading my way. Your cohort in Finland seems to be doing a good job and I guess your advice will be more relevant to him. I think Florida sucks even worse than Australia for crappy rules. Anyway it is not the wine as nice as it would be. It is more playing special scenarios blind against other good opponents. While there have been afew bad games on the whole each ROW has stood out for great game play and stunning scenarios. I still shake when I think about some of the games I have played. "Fire on the Mountain" "Ranville" "High cost of Real Estate" "Dompaire" "Emville Exit" "Head for the Hills" "St Mere Eglise" "The Beast" H P.s. Cpl I was joking about the "Bridge". It has the potential to be one of the best scenarios I have seen and the idea behind it is great. Playing for fun would be a blast as the pressure is eased slightly. [ June 02, 2003, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. KR, That really sucks... (Or not as the case will be as they stay outside your reach). Especially when you consider how much wine your country produces and that amount of duty is way out of order. Perhaps you could appeal and say that it was a gift? I wonder if that sort of rule applies for all countries? On another note The Bridge is underway and I must say hats off for a most interesting design and concept. I hope it plays as well as it first appears. I thought Rear Guard was innovative and the Beast was a challenge, this one has you on the edge of your seat from the 1st minute. I recommend the Cpl does not play the Germans, you won't like it!!! Mind you I am not too happy with the AI as certain units have done things that ensure their death and the stupidity is beyond me. Needless to say the roller coaster ride of emotions has started. I just hope it is not like our game KR where I could not get off and it turned out being a horror ride of death and foul words. H
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