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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi TB, Will do, we have proved that Another day is finely balanced and unless you do well on the attack for the first flag then you will be in minus points. It is possible to get the 1st flag and be up on points for the Allies. However after that it is a downhill fight for either side to make an attack across that open land. Anyway yep Head for the Hills will see me as an attacker and see if I can use the arty to effect. If I can not use it well I shall lose. H
  2. Dohhhh first double post in my life.... H [ November 14, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  3. Hi Cap Dog, If congrats are due, well done. Either way it sounds like more fun is Aussie land than China. Pity you will be off line for so long... H
  4. Thxs will try that. I had thought to give it a go, but will try it. H
  5. Hmmm I know the two.... This will prove most interesting. The curse of the finals has struck again... Only teasing TB, please don't hit me.... (Again) H P.s Whats the difference between cream cakes and fruit cake? [ November 13, 2002, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. Hi Wolfie... Nope I have used area target with the main gun and within the range specified of the flame weapon but it just fired the gun not the flamer. I want to fry a whole bunch of things that are not in sight but would be hit by the splash!!! H
  7. Guesses on a postcard as to what that might be... ROFL H P.s. A light hearted jest at the discussion just waiting to happen....
  8. Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get tanks armed with guns and flame weapons to fire the damn flame thrower. I should know this but I have forgotten. I need this asap as I want to flame a certain person!! He has set fire to my bread factory and I want revenge!!! H
  9. Ahhh Upstate NY, A wonderful place. I studied at a high school just north of Syracuse. The holiday was fun and it is great to be swimming in the sea in Nov. As for our game it is not going as well as expected and due to the loss of the second PB which I was allowed to move and perhaps should not have done , I am behind in the points. Even though I had a couple of shots with Fausts at a Sherman who got too close and some good ambushes. So far I have lost three sections and a HQ unit and another squad and HQ are reduced. In return I am not sure exactly what I have done but I have written off 1 x 12 man section and reduced several more. We are going to do a CF to see exactly what the position is after I have vacated the 1st flag area. After that we shall play on to see what happens. If I am behind points I might launch an attack but that is doubtful as the map does not suit a German attack really well. So far CA has the edge and I could be eating my words, which is fine. You can't be right all the time!! H
  10. Nice site, well laid out, Only slight comment is it is a pity the CM stuff is at the bottom. H
  11. Sorry to hear that, I await your e-mail when you want to play. I have been busy with renovation and now it is winter my gaming time is back on the agenda. H
  12. You taught me all I know... Now we have cmbb do you fancy a game for old time sakes? H
  13. I think you do... It will be close but I think you have it... But next time I will get my revenge.... H
  14. Knaust, No wonder you take so long with your turns, you gamey so and so!!! Thxs I have learnt something too... H
  15. Why would you want a score sheet Ali... TB if he gets one, send me one too please... As for game silence this is hard to keep I know, but it is really essential as everyone should be in the same boat. H
  16. Yeah, but you know what happens when the boss is away. He will have his feet up with some girls in the office and be smoking cigars watching videos... H P.s. I am sure this will get noticed as it does sound a bit of a bug. Good Gawd what were those beat testers doing!!!!
  17. Lost the plot, now stop experimenting and send me a turn. I will show you the way... Have a good week of playing by yourself... H
  18. Rex on other threads it has been mentioned that they are on a well deserved holiday and this would seem somewhat essential if I have a modicum of insight into the hours they have been pulling. H
  19. Hi CA, I just e-mailed you back. I should have been at the theatre tonight watching "1 flew over the cuckoo's nest", but her indoors has a high powered job and worked late. This is because we are out in the morning at 6am to fly to Spain for a well earned break, and she is clearing her desk so she can relax. She has just got back and I have been told in no uncertain terms that I am not allowed to take the portable PC. So I shall consol myself with wine and sandy beaches. As for you Mr TB I agree that if you do not push for the second flag then it will more than likely be a draw in the textual sense, although in pure points I would hope that I would sting you for more points. It was indeed what happened to me and that forced me to fight on in the vain hope to claw back those points. All I did was dig deeper and I should have been content with a draw. The fact that I did not lose on that game is OK as I did enough in the other games to prove that I deserve another shot at the wine. However, when we play three games and the balance of those might have a bigger effect. But who knows? If it does, it is not a problem, I will of course lament my loss, but be back to be third time lucky... [ October 30, 2002, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. Bugger gone already... H Edited for clarity. PAGE NOT FOUND!!!! [ October 30, 2002, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  21. wwb_99 Many thanks for the pointer on that great web site on Soviet Armour. I read the section on T34's and it really helps understand the issues. Cheers H
  22. CA I am off for a weeks holiday. We can certainly see if you can do what you say. H Back in 8 days time
  23. Dear Seanachai, I am very un-happy with the way the beta testers tested the game. They have made glaring errors and I think they were not testing the game but playing it. I am outraged that they have not spotted the Major problems with puny guns knocking out my Uber tanks head on. HOW ON EARTH COULD THEY HAVE MISSED THIS?? Could you give me advice on how to wind up the testers so that we can see them froth at the mouth? Best Regards Disgusted Holien
  24. TB. As you well know my statement refers to the Allies attempting to take the crossroads and hence the flag beyond it. For sure you can get a draw, but is that the aim of playing the game? I am more than happy to pick up the gauntlet and take the challenge. A win to me is scoring more points than the other player, but I am happy to go by textual description. On another issue could the design of Another Day been enhanced to have two big flags and a small flag on the crossroad. Would that have enhanced the game play and made it less unbalanced? Or would it have been more unbalanced? Anyway we are talking the toss at the moment and I am happy with playing fun and exciting games where I do not know what my opponent will have and what will come. (I have played no scenarios on the new CMBB yet as I want to play them Double Blind with Humans as this is really the only way to play, IMO.) I do not want to play games which waste my precious gaming time, i.e. boring and with little tactical challenge. P.s. TB I will be away for a week but please send the set-up if you have time so I can be made to eat my words. Tis only a game and I am no Titan.
  25. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly comes to mind when reading this thread. Thank you to the "Good" who have enhanced my knowledge. H
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