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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Until you see these images on the television, you really cannot understand the absolute horror of this moment. I wish utter hell upon whoever is responsible for this! The world does indeed change today.
  2. I Totally Agree that the AUTOSAVE feature is GREAT! (Heh... new forum...) I also agree that there is "peace of mind" in the 1.12 patch... I just wish the shooting through houses bug wasn't in it... :cool: (Maybe I should go play with these EASY SMILIES in the Peng thread!) :eek:
  3. Prefering the Western Front, AND having witnessed tanks target, fire, and kill THROUGH buildings more times than should EVER be possible... I have to side with the brave Windo and Deadmarsh and vote for 1.13! :eek: (I like the new EASY SMILIES... now they just need a new EASY )
  4. I much prefer the timeframe and area that BO covers, so I will certainly continue to play it... UNLESS the new one is backwards compatible... [ 04-07-2001: Message edited by: Mr. Clark ]
  5. Very Nice! I'm glad to see that you shaded the roof overhang. It makes the buildings look sooooooo much better from a straight side shot. My only suggestion is adding a few minor "flaws" to it. Small cracks in the walls, grass or weeds on the ground portion, rain weathering "dirt" streaks, etc... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  6. Looks like it also got PC game of the Week this time around! Off to vote again...
  7. Sheesh! People will fricking complain about ANYTHING... Anyway, thanks a ton for that update Pak40! $120 million! Woo Hoo! That's about 6 times the budget I originally heard mentioned! Hopefully it will all get compiled onto a DVD set in time for X-Mas. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  8. Thanks man! They look great! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  9. Yes, Yes, Yes, 3DFX sold out... BUT, it still makes no sense that us 3DFX owners are seeing only the small sky graphics. The statement that V3's only use 256X256 textures or less is not correct, as I experimented with a larger texture and it worked fine. Voodoo 3 cards were the top of the line card when CM was finishing production, so why would the game be "dumbed down" for that card? ALSO, the video card itself would not be automatically AWARE that the Lo-Res textures set even existed w/o CM telling it that... for some unknown reason. Whatever the reason... it has to be the CM engine that is pointing the way to the Lo-Res skies for some of us. I just wish I knew why... [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 03-27-2001).]
  10. Glad resampling worked for you! I am also using the resampled New Skies at 256x256 and they look pretty sweet. Adds a whole new look to the game.
  11. Have you grabbed the very latest drivers? Looking at my Control Panel for the V3, it looks as though they have added one or two extras. I'll dig into it and see if I can get those skies to run... (I prefer Lo-Res anyway, to make the Framerate higher, but I'd still like to know.) It would be helpful if we knew WHY there was a set of Lo-Res and Hi-Res skies included in the first place! (Same for grass, IIRC) What EXACTLY makes the decision to use one set over the other? Is it CM, or the Video Card? One would think it HAS to be CM making the decision, as the video card would not even "know" about the additional set...
  12. Has anyone tried monitoring another D3D game and its processor usage... to compare to CM? I would give it a go right now, except I have no other 3D game installed at the moment... I must put Jane's WWII back on there soon... One note about my scores reported earlier: I also had Outlook Express, plus IE running in the background... so that may have caused the 5% processor usage when CM was minimized.
  13. DD's snow terrain IS definately the BEST out there. Most of the tiles can even be reduced an extra size with no detail loss... a plus for us Lo-Res'ers. Would be sweet if someone with the time could add some churned up mud to DD's winter roads!
  14. I also get 100% CPU usage while simply sitting on the startup screen. I only get about 5% usage when CM is minimized however. I have an AMD K6-2 @ 380 mhz. I never get overheats or lockups in CM however, even playing for hours. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  15. All this makes me wonder if there isn't some "switch" us Voodoo 3 3000 users can flip to make it accept the Higher Res textures, when choices are available. I'm also fairly certain that a Voodoo 3 3000 will never default to the Hi-Res grass texture set... not that I want that goo slowing down my game anyway...
  16. I had a snow tile catch fire from a tank shot (HE) at a German MG unit while playing Elsdorf (I think), so apparently ANYTHING really can catch fire. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  17. If your PAINT program (whichever you have) has a RESAMPLE feature, use that INSTEAD of RESIZE to change the size of the sky textures. Resample is far superior for photo-quality picture "resizing." 256x256 works quite well for these textures in my opinion, leaving the skies looking better than the originals, w/o taking ANY performance hit. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  18. I had to both renumber and resize the new sky textures in order to see them. Once that is done, they look better than the originals (that come with CM.) I also have a V3 3000 16MB card. It seems to automatically select the lower quality sky BMP's... which can easily make it seem as though the new textures did not install correctly. The lower quality sky BMP's are a LOT smaller filesize than the High quality BMP's, so I'm actually glad the game is using that extra texture space for something other than Hi-Res skies.
  19. A good set of realistic Lo-Res buildings would be fantastic! I've switched back to the "stock" buildings currently, due to PT's Hi-Res'ers chugging out the game on larger maps. Thanks for the update man!
  20. LOL! Thats a good one WWB! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  21. Sounds like a great deal! If I had the time, I'd probably give it a go. Hopefully someone takes them up on it, even if its one of the existing sites simply shifting over to their servers.
  22. Well done! I just got my long lost friend, stationed in Florida, to purchase the game as well. Can't wait till he gets it... we used to have some fantastic battles as kids, now we can start the destruction again... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
  23. Send it to me too, PLEASE! It's the LAST vehicle on my "needs a mod" list. Thanks man!
  24. I think DD's uniform set is ESSENTIAL. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."
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