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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Hey thanks alot Firefly I really appreciate the help and I don't blame them for getting upset I knew this wasn't the place to ask about email playing but didn't know where else to go so figured I was going to get in trouble, but it was worth it cause I knew some would understand.
  2. OK, Dirtweasle and thanks. If you would provide me with your email address I'll email you since this not the place to talk about email games. I have read the book but it really doesn't tell you anything about saving the file to what or nothing. I guess not only do I not know how to do that but I don't even know how to get my info to you and what I do when you email it back to me, so you see- I don't know nothing except that I want to play. So if you have the patience I'll try emailing you a setup but I would first like to talk with you by email about how to go about it. My address is lcm1947@aol.com And thank you.
  3. I'll just play both, but yea I can see liking one game over the other and will hope there's not two forums. This one is really great and would hate to see some of the guys or gals leave to go to another one. I guess what I'll do however is just keep taking turns playing one and then the other. With the same game engine it shouldn't really make a lot of difference, just have to decide who you feel like playing today. But must admit I am dying to see CM2.
  4. I know this isn't the place for playing email games but I am trying to learn how and thought since there's so many people at this forum I would find someone to help me. Any body bored with nothing better to do then guide me? If it would be better you could email me at lcm1947@aol.com or answer here so we could get in touch. Thanks
  5. I guess you either like these types of games or you don't. It's like chess. It is very time consuming ploying your moves but that's the fun. The thinking and planning. It also helps if you are just so interested in war and the vehicles, uniforms, weapons, etc. To me I could spend hours just looking at military vehicles and stuff. But fast it's not. Keep trying and like some have already suggested try small games where it doesn't take that long, but you first just have to like - what war, I guess.
  6. Yes, please do the rear. It looks - well - kind of - not done. Besides as soon as their company commander saw it, he'd make them finish it. But apart from that it really is very nice. I'd use it - if finished of course.
  7. Was that me that just spelled entertaining with an I. Excuxe me.
  8. You guys make me laugh. No, really. Some of the answers are so funny. My wife the other day asked me what I was laughting about and I showed her some of the answers that people get and she just looked blank, guess you had to be there.. Anyway, it's very intertaining.
  9. Well you could always start downloading mods since it'll take you- let's see, about a week or so to download what you think you want and then you're see a hundred more that you just have to have and then one of the mod makers will improve his or her original making it look even better or neater or whatever so you'll have to download that one and on and on, but God it sure is fun and just makes the game 100 times better. I wish I had it to do all over again- what excitment!!! My game actually looks so good that I just sometimes load different vehicles up or the troopers in their great looking and different uniforms and turn them this way and that way just to admire them. Some day I'll play the game again. HA! HA! Hope you enjoy the game half as much as I am, it's the best, hell it's the only game as far as I'm concerned.
  10. The only one that I know of is at www.angelfire.com/ns/mocm/alliedarmor2.html Boy, that's a mouth full !! But I can almost assure you it's the only one out there.
  11. I can't answer your question, but will be watching for an answer myself. I presently have a Pen ll, 128 ram and 32 card but am realising that I need faster one too. From what I can gather I'm leaning towards the AMD myself but am open to info. Since money is a factor I'll probably just go up to a AMD 700, but I just don't know if I'd see that much difference and don't want to spend it and find out I should have waited and gone to say a 900 or so.
  12. Am very excited, can hardly wait. Already book marked it. This will be neat. Thanks all for the hard work.
  13. Well, just what are you looking for? There's lots or them but arent't sure exactly what you want?
  14. I just got it with no problems?? Thought I'd let you know.
  15. OK, I've been playing the game for about 6-7 months now and am getting into it more. Last months have been spent just enjoying playing the computer and alot of that time downloading mods to get the game looking like I want it and boy does it look great with all the mods that are out there. Again many many thanks to all you mod makers. You guys and (1) gal keep the game alive in my option. Anyway, I am now getting more into details like range and how to determine it. Can anybody explain how you gauge this or is it simply kind of guessing from experience?
  16. Thanks Abbott for the info. I am printing it out and will see if I can get started. Looks like the first thing I need to do is get somebody to play against. If you don't mind babysitting me through it would you be interested? I realize this isn't the proper place to discuss this so if you are interested please email me at lcm1947@yahoo.com and maybe we could play, that is if you arent't already playing someone. But thanks for replying never the less.
  17. Oh, OK. Thanks for the info. Didn't want to just download it to see.
  18. I am new to playing human to human meaning I've never done it before and don't even know where to begin. Have you played before and if so how did you first learn what and why and how to go about it, if you don't mind me asking. Seems like it's something only a computer wise guy can figure out but I don't even know enough to know if that's true. Any info you have would be appreciated. I tried going to the chat room but couldn't even figure out how to do that. Might be a hopeless case.
  19. Well, thanks again. I've been using your KT and these patches will only make it look even better. You do very nice work and what with the extra improvements, how nice.
  20. Any body know what this mod is. I'm sitting here on a very cold, wet Saturday getting my Mod fix in and came across this mod but have no idea what it could be. Any help?
  21. Yeah, it would really be cool, but unless somebody else comes out with it I don't think we're going to see it anytime soon. If in my life time at all.. Oh well I'm still having a ball playing with this one. But yes it would be something, wouldn't it?
  22. Just a comment. I've been playing CM against the computer now for about 6-7 months and have not seen this problem. Hope it doesn't either.
  23. Yes, I would use. Please do post it and let us know where. Thanks , very nice.
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