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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. Did searches, did archives. Links lead nowhere or are dead. I know there is a Smoke Duration Table out there. Can't smoke em if I don't got em..... Toad
  2. It happened to me too. Right after the upgrade or whatever work was done a few days ago when the Forums were closed. I had to log in manually and find my password etc. Luckily I keep all of my passwords in a little black address book in the top drawer of my desk. A few seconds writing down th entry has saved great amounts of frustration. I was logged on in a minute and have been recognized ever since. Automatic Toad
  3. If the Osbourne's play CM, the music I would hear would be: "It's the end of the world as we know it". Retching.... Toad
  4. By the way, It worked fine. A nice long and wide spray. It totaly engulfed one squad and touched at least one of the other two. However I did not see any figure reduction/elimination on either squad, not even the engulfed one. I thought it would be good for at least 3 casualties. Scared em away though. They must have been sub machine gun squads due to the toll they had been taking on my poor bloody infantry. Tongue of Fire ... Toad
  5. In some scenarios you must wear down the enemy in order to make 'no man's land' safer to cross to get to that pesky flag. So as the turns are elapsing one is faced with the dilemma of timing vs risk. I can think of some situations where you are organizing your forces to launch an attack, and its taking you longer to jump off than you anticipated. Thus delaying your attack to near the end of the scenario. Alternatives: set all games at 60 turns; use an end game randomizer; agree ahead of time that the tactic is/is not allowed; play vs the AI - it won't complain; stop playing with a player who uses the tactic. It's a rush......Toad
  6. Has anyone made any scenarios from the Skirmish Campaign series by Scott Fisher and Nathan Forney? These are designed for miniature games but appear to be compatible for BB. I am especially interested in scenarios derived from the "Russia 41 - Drive on Minsk. Table Top Toad
  7. Thanks guys, I thought the 'bow mg blocked - hull down' notice was letting me know I was hull down. So now I gotta go forward just a little. I guess. Hope that 'little' isnt a little too much. Toad
  8. Ok, maybe I never used one before. I have a platoon of enemy infantry well within range. 50 to 75m, I want to roast 'em. I can only get the main gun and mg to come up on the menu. Bow mg is hull down. Can't seem to be able to select the FT or does the AI do this and when? It already fired two HE shells. Gotta back up in the next 30 seconds, maybe less, before I take some infantry AT. Toasty Toad
  9. In a night battle, if I begin shelling a suspected enemy position, will this draw the AI to send units toward me or toward the shelled position? Or doesn't it react at all? Sneaky Toad
  10. Try 'Armor on the Boulevard' at Scenario Depot Begins as armor with scouting infantry and grows to more combined arms: infantry and afv . No Arty since both sides are in the town. Play pbem or as the Russians vs AI You will enjoy a great map that has a good 'city feel' to it. Not just a lot of houses bunched together. Strolling ..... Toad
  11. Thanks Splinty, I would love to know what he has to say. Toad
  12. There was no 20 pounder AFAIK. At least the term was not used. 2 pdr, 17 pdr or 25 pdr yes. Refers to the approximate weight of the shell. 25 pdr was 87.6 mm or thereabouts but not called an 88 by the Brits. They referred to the shell weight. Half pounder ... Toad
  13. Dear MickyD, The 25 pdr was 88 mm. Served as a howitzer and an anti tank gun. Mostly in the towed mode, but some mounted on an AFV carriage. The 2 pdr was 40 mm. Found on most british tanks and armored cars, also towed anti tank guns, until the 17 pdr was introduced, and even after that. Can't recall when but I believe it was after mid 1944. (Someone will be along and be more accruate. Towed .... Toad
  14. It would seem that the modeling of the game is right on when it comes to aircraft's difficulty in discerning mobile (active) targets from immobile (and most likely dead) ones. An example that most can relate to: Driving at a high rate of speed on a highway. Seeing a car on the shoulder ahead. Is it stopped? Is it moving slowly and Will it pull into my lane? Very difficult to tell based on the relative speed of my car vs their car. Slow movement and no movement appear to be the same at a distance. Sterling Moss..... Toad
  15. Hey Splinty, I see that your father was an FO for a tank regiment. What type of unit was he in?: How many men, what vehicles? What was their job exactly? Were they scouts? Then would you please ask him, (dare I do this?} if surviving crews from knocked out or immobilized tanks were used as scouts? gamey Toad.
  16. I paraphrase Sun Tzu --- " The greatest victory is to subdue the enemy without fighting" I certainly hope that is our strategy. Saber rattling ..... Toad
  17. The CMBO Orders Clipboard mod makes the plotting phase easier and faster. Can't wait for a BB version. Time Saving Toad
  18. Thanks everyone. I will archive your suggestions. Looks like I will be playing a fictional battle vs KG ThorsHammer for the time being. Merry Christmas............... Toad
  19. I asked this question some time ago. The answers have not changed. Synopsis: Make "pools" of your units: Manually organize infantry into platoons. Check the capabilities of leaders. Check the capabilities (fire power, range, experience) of the units. Separately group other infantry and arty assets. These are the "T" units. Check these unit capabilities. Separately group armor assets. Maybe sub groups of heavy and light or HE and AP characteristics. Check out and decide upon your goal(s) from the Briefing, the VLs, the time limit and the terrain. Decide how you will accomplish your goal. Get in the mind of your opponent. What is he going to do? How will he do it? Look over your forces. Decide how you will accomplish your goals. Decide how you will keep the enemy from accomplishing his. Revise goals as needed. Based on what you plan to do, draw the assets you need from your "pools" to accomplish your plans. But don't make units leaderless unless there is a very good reason. Set them up accordingly. Hopefully using this planning (and I probably left something out) your rubber boats won't be ten miles back when it comes time to cross the river. Swimmingly..... Toad
  20. Eden, My pbem opponent Capt. Spaulding pushed a German mortar halftrack that had been immobilized by area fire on a reverse slope to the crest, so it could fire. He used a halftrack. (Gave me the opportunity to knock it out for good). I recently pushed a bogged halftrack back to operational using a PZlV. Are you using the MOVE command? Not minding the bog...... Toad
  21. Tigrii I have encountered two problems with shooting 1m away from a target. To do this you must use area fire. In CMBO, anyway, if your unit is plotted to use area fire: 1) It won't react to other threats that appear during the turn. 2) It uses up ammo for the entire turn even if the 'target' is destroyed on the first shot. Trade off ..... Toad
  22. Widely known and highly anticipated: Next Combat Mission: Early Years or Mediterranean Theater. Including North Africa. Let's hear it for more tankettes... Toad ette
  23. Dook, What I am planning to do is put together a large fluid tank vs tank battle scenario. Without infantry or arty. My opponent and I will each buy units and play pbem. I dont care which side I am on but I do like to have some recon. Just not sure if it should be AC or tanks. Was wondering what others have experienced.. Tracked.... or untracked.... Toad
  24. With regard to The Wrong Hill, we set it up several months ago but never played. No enough open terrain. I am looking for something more fluid. Tank vs Tank. Would play BB but Captn. Spaulding's computer does not support it well at all. So still looking for that good ol rock and roll. Slippin' and a Slidin' Toad
  25. Bob -- Looked like a lot of no tanks. But maybe I looked at the wrong one. Stoffel -- played it. Holien -- that's BB, my request is CMBO Don't get no satisfaction....... Toad
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