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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. Just finished (last night) a pre made scenario where I knocked out 2 of these 37 mm truck mounted AAA. One by a HQ squad at absolutely maximum range so it was by the long range rifle fire of approximately 4 soldiers. The other AAA was taken out by a well placed shot of a hidden sniper. All of this to the great dismay of my pbem opponent. Lucky Toad
  2. I assume we all know what I am talking about when I advocate the use of level 5 for adjusting in tight corners, such as in buildings, around walls and the edges of woods and such. The player should not be allowed to scroll at level 5. Reasoning: The unit being adjusted would be able to see and know the dimensions of its immediate area. Adjustable Toad
  3. Hello Midnight, I would not want to foist FTCR on anyone but it would be important for Email and internet play to have a lock in so no one cheats. Trusting Toad
  4. Hey Wesreidau, For FTCR check out the Combat Missions site I refered to in my two earlier posts. Toad
  5. Franko, Later I checked at the bottom of the page I mentioned and there was a way to download your rules and a couple of your scenarios. So now I have them. I appreciate the playtester offer and would look forward to it. Let me know your expectations, especially regarding time. Anticipating Toad
  6. Hi Franko, Say, I just tried clicking on your rules at the Combat Missions website. They come up for about two seconds, then the area that should have the rules goes black. Darkly Toad
  7. You understand the meaning of " Keep your head down soldier! " Right now I am routing the krauts and ready to move onto the tarmak at St. Pierre Airstrip in a PBEM premade scenario. I would recommend this one played from the US side. Poses some good command control problems. Plus problems crossing open fields of fire in front of enemy strong points. I would be glad to hear about experiences, lessons learned in conducting an attack or move to contact with forces over 1500 pts. Toad
  8. Windopaene ! Pllleeeez ... I suppose when you played STRATEGO you turned the unit faces toward your opponent ... Right?! Astounded Toad
  9. Would anyone like to contribute to and continue a thread that deals with the particular idiosyncracies of playing CM at its most challenging level ? Iron Clad Toad
  10. Motorcycles Didn't you just love 'em in Steel Panthers! Great for recon. Great for beating the enemy to a position. Good for disrupting troop transports. Good for raiding enemy positions from the rear. Some of these attributes would work well in CM. Also what about transporting that FO or HQ to a new position fast. Hog Wild Toad
  11. I agree with MarkIV. I see nothing wrong, while you are waiting between PBEM turns, to reconstruct a tactical problem similar to one you are facing in the game by using the AI in order to practice. This would be analgous to training back in the 'States'. Well trained Toad
  12. Viceroy, What you propose is cheating. Even if both of you do it. Why not set up your own separate QB vs the AI so you can practice against the units and terrain you will be encountering in the REAL battle. This would be Training. Thoughtful Toad (Sorry ir this is a double post of sorts. My first reply seems to have been lost in cyber space.)
  13. Be careful, CMplayer: IMHO the worst feature of this tremendous game is when the AI or a scenario designer allows SET UP to be made in LOS of opposing units. This is especially irksome during a meeting engagement or advance that results in firing, casualties etc. on the opening turn prior to any movement. :mad:
  14. If grenades thru the backdoor will kill a pillbox, does a sharpshooter carry grenades? Curious Toad
  15. Dear, Smaragdadler I and a PBEM opponent have been using FTCR (I have also seen them identified as "Iron Man"} for the last 5 games I have played. We use about 7 of Franko's rules and have had lots of FUN --- defined as joy and frustration. I am curious about your suggestion: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> -I recommend playing with 1024x768 screen resolution <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Smaragdadler What do you see (pun) as your reasoning? Also, and I don't want this to get into one of those long threads about the sights and the equipment etc, we allow the top HQ to use the level 7 and 8 map view with updates! Reasoning is that HQ has information coming to it during the battle. So we do not use the print a map and update it by hand suggestion. I like your idea of having different maps for different HQs and spotters -- We only let the top HQ use the map view right now. Your way makes a lot of sense. My rule of thumb is to ask myself the following question: Should my forces really be able to know this, to see this and/or to do this in actual combat? Or, as Franko says am I cheating ! Realistic Toad :cool:
  16. Dear Rocket, A number of players are using Franko's Iron Man Rules. They eliminate the eye of god feature for those who think that capability is cheating. It also enhances the Fog of War by allowing play only from ground levels 1 and 2 plus only allowing viewing from the position of your own forces. There are a number of other rules and exceptions. Honorable Toad
  17. Please don't confuse Price with Value. I have owned CMBO for eleven months. A conservative estimate of the time I have enjoyed playing the game or discussing the game on and off of the forum is 700 hours. No other game of any kind in my 40+ years of wargaming experience has given me this much pleasure. I have not felt the need to purchased any other game for the past 11 months since none seem to meet the CMBO standard. Other wargamers I have introduced the game to have been similarly captivated. Oh, by the way that comes to 7.1 cents per hour of enjoyment. Satisfied Toad
  18. Warmaker, Thanks. This is a pre made scenario. The objective is encircled by barbed wire although there may be some doorways. Thanks for the mine warnings. You did give me this idea though. ^^^wire^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <<<< [-O ] tank What if I drove up to the wire, turned at a right angle and drove along the line of the wire, will this eliminate it? I suppose I could run a test. Enlightened Toad
  19. Let's see, I have infantry and engineers with demo charges and tanks and scout cars and 155 mm arty and 81 mm mortar. I think I will drive my tanks through the wire with either the infantry or the engineers mounted. If the engineers can blow a hole in the wire (are they capable of this ?) then they can jump off and do their stuff to make bigger holes. What is your experience ? Wondering Toad
  20. Due to the shape of the terrain and of the woods, the field of fire I need to have will be about the same. (poplar) opinion would be the trees (sorry for the pun). Grateful Toad
  21. Have a single 57mm ATG. Should I defend from the forest for concealment or from the wall about 50m further up for cover? Curious Toad :confused:
  22. Further thoughts on surrendering: 1. Its a game. You can quit when it isn't fun anymore. Quitting is defined as surrendering. Surrendering is informing your opponent that you are ending the fight. 2. Did't Sun Tzu or someone say words to the effect that the ultimate victory is to defeat your opponent without fighting ? Not much fun in a tactical game. Strategic, yes. 3.If the game had an operational or strategic overlay to it, your decision to withdraw or fight to the end or to surrender would make sense in the larger picture. Probably most of the time there would be withdrawals. Since there is no larger picture, I go back to number 1 above. Thoughtful Toad
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