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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. I forgot to mention that it is on the CD ! Either as Arnhem or Red Devils. Anyway, play the Allies. Others gave it a combination of high and so-so ratings at Scenario Depot. I would say, give the Axis a little bonus or use Franko's True Combat Rules. Post Script Toad
  2. Yes, there is one that I enjoyed. It is an operation about the Red Devil's at Arnhem, taking and holding or not, the bridge there, in Operation Market Garden. Includes a lot of uncertainty, surprises, day and night turns, some town fighting, lots of chances to use piats and gammon bombs. Reinforcements just at the right or wrong time. Good luck. Toad
  3. IIRC, CM has been criticised by some for time compression. That is, in a typical (30 minute) CM battle way too much happens as compared to real combat. Of course there are frantic, wild, split second actions in real life, but grognards have commented that these were the exception, whereas the rule was a couple of hours for battles to develop. So the premise that IP battles are more realistic is highly questionable. Trying to make a battle develop even faster would then make it even less realistic. Speed Kills ...... Toad
  4. Want a really tough battle, regardless of defending, attacking, quick battle, etc.? Try a small scenario using most or all of Franko's True Combat Rules. Tough Toad
  5. Anyone know the answer to the original question? 'bumping' toad
  6. I am Louie the Toad and had an earlier posting about the Grant tank. Do you mean me? LtheT
  7. To Ace and Juha, What Juha said. 1. On my turn I plot, run GO and plot again. 2. Then I save and send. 3. When my partner gets the file he follows #1 and then #2. We communicate by phone or by email reports sent along with the attached CM file. So you see the action every other turn and your partner tells you about what happened on the turn you didn't witness. Sometimes when one sector is quite and the other active, we will change who gets to witness the VCR action. If you don't do it this way, you end up with each partner having separate realities of the same turn. Teamwork Toad
  8. Since my main (pbem) man, Cpt. Spaulding, and I sometimes play as a team vs the AI, I was wondering if there were any changes that might effect our play? Teamwork Toad
  9. This thread is older than some of the people in it! Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Toad
  10. What ! No flying turrets ? Mmm .... Mmm.... Mm..Mm...Mmm --- Oliver Hardy Toad
  11. Andreas, Thanks for the information. Now I see that a player may discover dismounted cavalry in his rear areas in a tactical game, to reflect their operational capabilities. If so, that makes more sense. They have ridden to a spot and dismounted and are in place (quite possibly on a flank or in the rear) outside of the 'standard' set up zones. Toad
  12. Dear von Paulus, Andreas and Panzer. I know we won't have mounted cavalry. The factor that makes them special is not cavalry charges, but the ability to move fast, faster than other infantry and not tire like other infantry. That can be very important in a tactical battle. Dismounted they are not special, so why bother taking the time and energy to put them into the game? Just trying to be understood. Toad
  13. Again, whats the point of having cavalry troops if you cannot simulate horses somehow? Maybe these troops will be able to run much faster than everyone else!! Galloping Toad
  14. I knew that chemistry course would come in handy one day. In --> H2O ---> Toad
  15. Just wait till we can play with the US Grant or Lee tank. Two armaments: 37 mm in a small turret and a 75 mm in a side sponson, big silhouette, dual fire using both guns, fire arc problems with the 75, and no use of the 75 in hull down situations. There will probably have to be a forum just to discuss this tank. Don't ya just love it !!! Toad
  16. Dismounted cavalry?? Whats the point! Its the horses that make the difference. No, I am not griping about not having horses. What about motorcycle recon units? Vroooommm Vrooommmm ..... Toad
  17. Our butler is named 'Hetzer'. Upper crust ..... Toad
  18. Dear Fubar'd I notice you posted about 12 hours ago without a response. Sorry I can't help you either. My cousin, who plays CM but is not on the Forum, was sent on a patrol to recon the COMMOS. Last message from him: "I can't figure this out". That was two weeks ago. There have been lots of posts like yours. Apparently: 1. No one knows how to handle the COMMOS. 2. There are no understandable instructions at the COMMOS site. 3. Those who do know aren't telling. 4. All of the above. Still waiting..... Toad
  19. May 1940 is nearly all infantry action and as I am conducting the battle is mostly fought in tall pines. Still fighting. About 10 turns left. Since signting in the woods is only about 25m there have been some interesting developments. Have had fun rolling up the enemy flank. Wilderness Toad
  20. Liebchen, Are you playing the download demo? This is the problem I had with my first CM encounter. Especially the 'sticky way point problem'. It made me dismiss the game outright. That is until Bill Trotter from PC Gamer gave it a high recommendation. I was so puzzled by his praise for what seemed to be an inferior product that I emailed him. I could see the game's potential but the mechanics were so terrible. He wrote back saying he had had the same problem and drew a similar conclusion at first. Then I believe he got a version on disc to try. And the rest is history. Thankful Toad
  21. Dear aka Tom I am not quite clear about the reporting of the armor hits you describe. But it seems to me that taking into account the position of the shooter, who can only see the reactions of the enemy, one would want to keep firing until a definite 'dead' result was observed. Anything else that the AI might tell you would be violating the fog of war and IMHO should be shut off. Knowing that there was a Shocked, Crew Death, Gun Damage, and even Immobilization is info the shooter should not get from the AI. Albeit the shooter may be able to see the track slide off of the enemy tank, or the enemy get holed. But even then a penetration doesnt = a kill . So a holed tank would remain a mystery until fired or moved or the crew bailed. Now it would be cool if the AI indicated engine damage with smoke coming out of the enemy tank. And if you saw the enemy tank slew to the side and lose a track that would be a great sight. And what if the shooter could see the penetration hole of a non exploding hit. All of these things would add to the richness of the game. But to let the AI tell you things you are not able to see, well that gets the "G" word. "What you see is what you get" -- Flip Wilson Toad
  22. Regarding the PZlV with 75mm/L24. Playing Steel Panthers, this tank was my all time favorite vs enemy infantry. Hose 'em with the machine guns, and waste 'em with HE. Very lethal in that game system anyway. Wonder how it will fare in BB. Reminiscing....Toad
  23. Can someone at BFC please state what the hardware mininmums and recommended will be. Sorry if this appeared before and I didn't catch it. Promising to make a hard copy ... Toad
  24. I checked the CM MapCase but only Gettysburgh is listed, and I have that one. I would like to try my hand at making some maps and thought Civil War maps would be interesting to build. However I don't want to duplicate someone else's work. Contour Toad
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