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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Actually, that technology is already here. You can download games or for that matter any program you want on one of those Gnutella clones. They've got almost everything. No, it's not as organized as Napster is but it's close. Bearshare, a Gnutella clone, has got the same clean interface as Napster and they've made it easy to log on, search for what you want, and dl it. Of course knowing what I know now about BTS's customer service and the great manual they put out, I have no trouble plopping down 45 clams for this game. But when it comes to graphics software like Photoshop, am I really gonna pay $800 for 1 program? I don't f***ing think so. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  2. I love the fact that this option of spending on whatever you want has been put into play but why not the same option on experience? I'd at least like to have the option of mixing 3 different experience levels on my QB's--especially regs, vets, and crackheads. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  3. I'm assuming that adding a roster wasn't a viable option for a CM1 patch. What other reason could BTS have for not including one so I and others can find our men on the battlefield. I can deal with looking for my men on small maps but when you play the large ones, a roster is a necessity. Will this feature be in CM2 and if so, can a CM1 version be updated in the future to include such improvements as this one? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  4. I'm unclear as to how a company runs out of stock for something like this. Why don't they just go down to the neighborhood CompUSA, pick up some blank CD's, and start burning away? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  5. When you unlimber a gun from the vehicle that was hauling it, can it be moved by men after that or does it set up right where the vehicle stopped? If I want to move a gun into a treeline, I obviously can't move the vehicle there first and unlimber, so how do I get the gun in there? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  6. My belief is, in hell there will be CM, but you are forced to play as the Allies every time on a rural map with no hills and no Ubertanks at your disposal. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  7. And if there is, will it be an updated version... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  8. Didn't sound like a joke to me... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  9. Pawbroon, Why are you posting this stuff? All it does is jeopardize the integrity of the game. Why would you or anyone else for that matter want to do petty things like fix files to give yourself an advantage? This is really sad. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  10. Umm...as it is now, no one moves and then sees the movie. You move after the movie. I'm cornfuzed about what you're saying. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. Germanboy said: Why do you and these other knuckleheads keep using "don't hide in houses" as your defense? What if your troops are in a patch of woods? How would this differ from a house when a tank is shooting at you? If my tank is shooting at your squad in the woods, do you want them to remain there or get out? You'd want them to move away from danger, provided that they don't run out into the open, correct? I seriously think it's crazy to argue for BTS not to let the TAC AI get the men out of danger when they are being shot at by a tank--no matter where they are, houses, woods, etc. Arguing for BTS to go back to an older version just because the new one has a few kinks is like arguing for the world to get rid of all computers because they can pose a security risk. The answer is to fix the problem, not to go back into the dark ages to get rid of the problem. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  12. Most people would agree that CM is a tactical game in that what you do on the battlefield starting with the first turn is considered using tactics to attain victory over your opponent. It's my understanding that tactics include moving men, firing arty, advacing with tanks, sneaking up a flamethrower, etc... Strategy (in other wargames) from what some grognards told me was the planning that goes into the overall battle. What exactly then is entailed in this planning? Choice of units, what routes to take on an attack, etc? Am I to assume then that my overall plan and its components for the battle I'm about to fight is my strategy and how I carry out that strategy is considered my tactics? What is the difference between the two terms? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  13. Jason, Some excellent points. I think your "reverse slope" defense would've done the trick on this small map. Letting him take the hill with the nice multi-level house never occured to me. If that thought ever came into my mind, a little voice would've said, "What are you #@$#%*@ crazy!?!?!" It might though be the best way to defend against something like this as 2-80mm arty strikes from him can fill the place with smoke to easily blind you from your firing lanes as he rushes forth to overwhelm your inferior numbered troops. Even if your arty spotters have LOS on him, you still have to hit him while he's on the run and unless you have TRP's, your arty is gonna take 2 minutes to get there so you will also have to guess where he's going. That's 2 negatives right there about using arty against an attack in this situation. By letting him take the hill, you can make things easier on your own arty because you won't have to guess where he's going next and you won't have to hit him while he's running. You simply wait till he's on top and then hit him as he won't be able to advance anymore and you don't have to guess where he's gonna be next cause he's already reached his desired position. Going any further means him running into your dug in infantry on the reverse slope. From there, you simply take out the houses on top with tanks or SP guns and then cream his troops up there with heavy arty fire until you've attrited his troops enough to launch a counter attack of your own. Can't wait to try this next time. Thanks for the suggestions. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  14. Well now that's a thread killer if ever I've seen one. All that typing down the drain... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  15. The one thing I've noticed about this game is that it's hard to play defense on a short map. Reading the comments here, most people tend to think alike when it comes to flexibility when preparing to be attacked. The "attrition" method of whittling away one's opponent as he moves in is usually the best way to stop him, yet a small map does not afford you that luxury of hitting the enemy out front and then moving back from a "watchtower" or "1st wave" defense back to one's main line. I'm playing a QB now where I am defending as the Germans on a small map with very large hills in both deployment areas for him and me and a valley inbetween us. These hills, which I thought were going to be my friend, have instead given my opponent an easy view for his spotters who merely picked out my best lanes of fire on one side of the map and used a couple of 80mm arty strikes to block my view with mass amounts of smoke. He then proceeded to run his infantry in and bullrush my single platoon of men hiding behind a stone wall and some woods. The lanes I had chosen were very good. There was no way he could simply walk in there and take the flags without getting shredded by my infantry. Only by using smoke, was he able to use those lanes to his advantage, overtake me by sheer numbers, and claim that side of the map as his own. I've been trying to think of what I could've done instead of simply waiting for his attack, but I am stumped. I couldn't fall back as there is only one line of defense on this map. Falling back to whatever woods or such there is in the absolute rear would mean giving away the fortifications on the big hills which overlook the valley inbetween us. The hills themselves are the prime spot to be in. So, does anyone have an idea of what defense would've worked in this situation? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  16. Rett, You couldn't of used a better example to explain your point. Having played over 1000 CC2 games, I'm well familiar with this map and completely understand what you mean. This is one thing I haven't been doing. Instead of looking for the best field of fire, I've been looking for the best fields of fire around each of the vl's. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  17. I still think they give too many points to the attacker but it's possible I just don't know how to set up a good defense. To me, it seems all the attacker has to do is smoke with the arty and then rush your infantry forward and you have a 2 - 1 fight against the enemy who doesn't have as many troops covering that area. Maybe I'm missing something here but I've played 2 other defense battles and I've lost both of them. Now, I like to believe that I don't suck that bad since I do know general tactics but I always feel weaker as the defender. In the other two games I played on defense, my opponents didn't even use that much smoke but simply concentrated their force on one side and bull-rushed me. What can the defense do? The flags are usually spread out all over the map and therefore, so are my forces so I can guard them. I guess the biggest question I have on constructing a good defense is: How does the defense counter against heavy arty smoke followed by a bull rush of infantry into one position? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  18. A couple of comments on this great game.. 1) Thank you for making a game in which tanks actually drive to where you tell them to go (unlike CC2) 2) Thank you for making a game in which smoke is actually useful (unlike cc2) 3) Thank you for making a game in which tanks are fitted with the actual weapons that were used in WWII. (unlike cc2-Daimler's with 6 lb guns) 4) And finally, thank you for making a game where the elevation of land can actually be seen and used to one's benefit (unlike cc2) It may not be real time but it still kicks butt. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  19. SirOscar, I would agree with you in the sense that a command like this isn't any different than telling my infantry to move to a certain spot on the map. In fact the latter, which is already in the game, is totally controlled by me. I can have any unit march to a certain spot on the map or wait 15 seconds before firing at the enemy squad in front of me and it's not called micromanagement. But when somebody asks for something like this, it's just being picky and there's too much micromanangement involved. I look at something like this and see a way to bring out the skill factor a bit more instead of relying on the TAC AI to get you out of there when it deems necessary. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  20. I like the idea of this command since I'm always in favor of more micromanagement but can we give it a different name so it doesn't sound like a gay boy band? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  21. The worst game I ever bought was NES Play Action Football for the original Nintendo. I think it came out after Techmo Bowl and it touted the fact that you had all these plays to choose from. I was pretty excited because as most of us remember, Techmo Bowl only had 4 per side. So, I went and bought it but I hated it the moment I saw it. What bothered me the most about it was that it ran in like 1/4 time like it was being played in super slo mo. That was really annoying. Another one that comes to mind is Section Z for Nintendo. I didn't buy that. Me and my bro got it for Xmas. It was some Sci-Fi shootem up game that royally sucked. It was so bad I can't even remember what it was about. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  22. Germanboy said: What more pressing issues? CM2? Isn't CM2 going to be modeled on this game? Therefore, any improvements made in this game goes into the next installment. I can understand why people would not want their squad to follow a tank around till either 1)The squad dies or 2)The tank dies. What we are suggesting is that the close assault order would make it possible *as an option* for your squad to make the adjustment when they find that their target has moved away a few meters. What I would add is that with the Close Assault command, your men would be able to follow the enemy infantry or armor for another 10-20m, if: <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> they are not being shot at by the enemy or<LI> if there is sufficient cover for them to do so and not completely jeopardize their lives. This would accomplish their objective of rushing the target, be it a half-track or a panicky mg squad, etc. and not find themselves standing alone where their target should've been. Let's imagine in real life, a HQ unit orders a squad of soldiers to attack a half track. Now, the soldier in command would probably say something like, "Jones, you and Merriweather run around to the half-track's left flank while we keep the infantry at bay. If you can get close enough, take it out with grenades or whatever you got. Just don't break the perimeter of the woods." What he wouldn't say is, "Jones, you and Merriweather flank that half track on it's left. But if it moves, don't move with it. Just stand there like a bunch of idiots till it sees you and guts you with its machine gun." The Close Assault command would give your soldiers the option of reacting to the enemy while remaining somewhat safe (there is no enemy firing at them, or there is cover for them while moving). This would allow you to rush a weak or important target while making every effort to carry out the order while not making it a suicide mission for your men. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  23. I agree that a close assault command should be added to one's options. I've only played a small amount of games but in almost every one I find myself trying to attack either a piece of armor or an AT team with infantry, only to find that the enemy has moved during the turn and my infantry is now standing in a vulnerable spot. If you order your infantry to assault something, it should follow that target at least for 10-20m if it moves to carry out the orders. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  24. Excuse my naivate(sp) but can someone give me an overview of counter battery and exactly what it is. I have an idea now by reading these posts but it's still unclear to me. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
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