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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. I came here talking about Battlefronts Combat Mission series. If this game doesn't have random battle map creators fine it won't be bought by me and many more players that I'm aquainted with. I also could care less about your stupid karma statements since I don't believe in that stupidity or superstitions.
    Ohh dear,

    The point is being missed, as well as my subtle warning. SOD, you have a right to not buy anything, including CMBN. As well as those you want to convince with your stance, given your assertion some here all just fanbois.

    You also have the right to leave this forum on your own free will. Heck, some would say no loss if you decide to leave, given your lurking status/post count. It's not that you're a Dorosch with 10,000+ post counts to your name and we'll remember you fondly for dressing in Nazi mannequins...

    However, since you obviously lack courtesy to a man, Mc George, that was trying to answer to the best of his ability, your question posted, while valid questions, implies disdain towards a kind act, however he might have wrongly answered your questions -perceived or de facto. It's not what you ask, it's the way you stated your case. Some took umbrage to your manner with humorous quotes, some not.

    Please reconsider leaving the forum, because believe you me, you will be pleasantly surprised by CMBN. I am, at this very moment, and I love CMx1. You will miss out in being enlightened, not because I'm a fanbois, but because I realize again, at this moment, no company has such a good tactical game on the market.

    It's not perfect. But it is, in its class, still the best product out there. Give it a try, and then make up your mind. If you don't want to give it a try, then in the good words of Pengville...

    SOD OFF.

  2. "SODs" Law. I get it: He's LEWIS !! Shoo fly, don't boooother usss. Shoo fly, don't booother usss.

    I actually find it is very refreshing to remind ourselves how fortunate we are and how few tossers are here - and they mainly stay on the Peng threads anyway.
    Sacrilege! Slandering and besmirching their names. Utterly unforgivable..... But I agree: They are all tossers. The whole lot.
  3. ......Relying on player made material opens consumers up to trojans, malicious viruses and all other things they surely don't want on their computers.
    You should then stay away from the internet altogether, if you don't trust internet security software solutions as having the (unrealistic) 100% virus-free sticker on their DVD/box covers while browsing the 'net, never mind downloading stuff. In 11+ years of downloading stuff on BFC forums, and their related scenario depots, I have yet to pick up a virus/trojan/bug with my security software.

    Does this warrant the assumption all BFC-related downloads are virus free? Of course not. It just depends where you stick your neck in to reduce that chance. Since your neck is already exposed - in more ways then you can imagine here given your comments - I advise that you don't draw everyone's attention to your neck's exposure. Life has a curious way of giving you what you don't want. Some believe it's karma...

  4. Ha! Did you read my Wet Triangle AAR? My toys certainly went out of the cot over that one ... It's a little odd, actually. ...... I have no recollection of Wet Triangle. None whatsoever.
    A lot of men don't.

    ... I have only the meanest idea what ceteris paribus, and didn't feel inclined to google it

    A meanie word for "all else being equal," which they rarely are according to economist Samuelson.

  5. Jon,

    You left the 'ceteris paribus' part in my quote, you selective quoter! However, I do agree fully with your observation.


    all here that reply will get noted for RoW VI. Not the same as a guarantee, but I guarantee that the list published earlier will not all be interested/available to play ROW VI. All Row participants I am AWARE of will get an forum email invite. Make sure you have a working/listed email! From the replies, I will weed down the multiply ROW from the single ROWS.


    Even JonS, a beta tester, needs polishing of his Normandy play skills. Just because he's Design Lead for scenarios does not deduct, logically, that he is au fait with good play! ;)

    ROW VI will not start for at least a few months after release of the game.

  6. Interesting Sivodsi,

    As I understand the current critique against Nabla: in an wildly unbalanced scenario, the player playing the underdog's side (whether Axis or Allied) has an easier time scoring/racking up Nabla points? Is this assertion correct?

    If the above is correct, then the player should be awarded Nabla points according to a graph of "diminishing Nabla points," the further AWAY the player scores from the median for that side's scenario, as already build into Nabla, but not necessarily used by KingFish in latest Row's due to not getting the complete math Formulae from Treeburst155??

    For we cannot -- and should not -- negate/discount a player's "goodness/badness" too heavily or too lightly if he is moving far away from the median score for that scenario, despite the elements of luck/tough luck, not getting an specific side to play for a given scenario and/or AWOL players. And this is what Nabla takes into account, at least with scoring far above/below the median for that scenario. Afterall, at a minimum, the "far-off-the-median-scoring-player" is either damn good (technique) or damn useless (lack of technique), ceteris paribus.

    The scenario of not discounting/negating a player's Nabla score in the outlier scoring cases too heavily, or too lightly, as decided by the tourney director given the Nabla graph to play with, is there, to be used by him, and to be selected by him what he feels comfortable with.

    Even the more reason to get hold of Tree and Nabla before we start the VI incarnation: What values did they work with, and should we have a different Nabla scoring graph for each scenario or not.

    Naaaaaaaablaaaaaa !

  7. Thanks Jon!

    [GreenAsJade, in “South of Vevi”, Axis Attack vs Melnibone]. Hehe. Worth repeating....

    "And then, there was “That Gun”. Here is the tale of “That Gun”.

    The first armor to arrive were a couple of PSW222s and a couple of machine gun half

    tracks. I decided to send one of the PSWs over to help secure hill 208, and the rest to

    wind their way around and help the main attack.

    Well … somewhere hidden over towards Hill 208 was A Gun. And, without much ado,

    and certainly without revealing itself, it popped off the car destined for hill 208 pretty

    much the instant that the car topped the first rise. First shot, I think. “Darn” I thought.

    Not for the last time.

    Then, the other PSW got itself established in a position to fire on the trench on Hill 207.

    I think it got a few shots off at the trench before That Gun struck again. “Dang!

    Can he see all the way over here with that darn thing?” I thought. I still didn’t have a good

    position fix on it. Then the HTs finally wound around and were ready to move in and

    support the trench warfare. Scurrying across a saddle the first one went. “Bang!” again!

    “Oh Bother It”, I think I recall saying.

    At least I could see the Gun now, on the flank of Hill 208. “Man, that is one good gun

    operator!”, I’m thinking.

    I managed to rush the last HT across the vulnerable saddle: maybe I suppressed The Gun

    with MG fire, I can’t recall.

    Then came the tanks. Four nice shiny tanks: those should be good for weeding out men

    from trenches, and maybe even deal revenge on That Gun. Ho ho.

    Carefully, carefully up the road cresting over the hill to shoot The Gun went the first

    tank, while the others were sent to wind their way round to the main attack.

    “Bang” “Oh Bother Again” – I swear it was the first shot again that took that tank out,

    barely before he crested the hill!

    Right! That Bloody Gun is really in for it. I patiently waited while the two “anti gun”

    tanks crawled up through rocks to the crest of hills to take out that darn gun. Blam Blam

    they went, miss miss they went, ricochet ping reverse panic man that Gun is scary!

    Patiently I wait again while we climb back up and repeat. Meanwhile the last tank was

    supposed to go boot men out of trenches.

    Can you believe it? Right at the very moment he’s crossing the saddle where the HT died

    before, right at the moment when two tanks are supposed to be suppressing the bejeezers

    out of That Gun, what happens? Both tanks reverse back down their hills, the Gun

    swings and “Bang” another dead tank!

    I ask you, how much can a Koala bear?

    Well, that used up most of the available time for tanks to do anything. As it turns out,

    The Gun was then out of ammo, but I didn’t know that. I belatedly raced one tank out

    towards the stalled main attack… those poor fellows staring balefully at the nice big flag

    in the distance, but my gamey rush was not going to be rewarded: there were too many

    rocks in the way.

    And so a game that started feeling good proved that if it’s feeling good it’s only because

    you don’t know what’s really going on…"

  8. Also remember about outlier/whackey scores, which seems to be forgotten by many a commentator:

    "The formula created by Nabla for determining the Nabla score is .....highly customizeable. There are several parameters (values) that can be changed to produce the curve desired by the tournament operator. I played with these parameters for weeks, studying the resulting curves until I found out what values would limit outlier results to my satisfaction.

    It is true that players playing a side of a scenario with a very high median cannot do much better than that median; but the steepest part of the [graphic] curve should surround the median. The curve I had in place was almost flat in the region where the top 5 or so scores for a side would fall. ... [Thus,] a score of 90 from a side of a scenario where 40 was the median would not score many more Nabla points than a score of 70 from the same side, [depending on the tourney directors adjustable curve selected.]

    The Nabla scoring system was a work in progress. Nabla had even mentioned that he thought the curve might need to be different for every Row scenario.

    --- Treeburst155 out.

    I need to contact Nabla, Treeburst155, KingFish for their Nabla scoring input before we even can think of running a ROW VI. The essence of Rumblings of War is pinned on the Nabla scoring system. Without it, or lack of understanding how to implement in correctly as intended by Nabla, will make the ROW just 'another tourney', no disrespect to the endeavors of other organizers.

  9. The latest CMBN Beta has changed the scoring in quick battles; points for causing enemy casualties are awarded in a linear fashion, rather than all-or-nothing scenario by achieving a certain threshold. Time will tell whether we should revert CMBN's end score achieved by the players to a 100-point scale, given total score points awarded by the scenario designer -- or not -- before applying Nabla scores in the tourney. If not, Nabla scoring certainly needs to adjusted, as mentioned.

    I will also be investigating the possibility of an, in part, Chess-style "Swiss format tourney." In chess, the player pairings may be changed to equalize the number of times a player has been White and Black. This, in CM-terms, will entail the ideal situation where combatants do not play more then 2 consecutive matches as the "dark forces" (Black/Axis) or conversely, more then 2 consecutive matches as "light forces" (White/Allied), plus the even spread of RoW noobs vs RoW veterans. The latter already activated in previous ROW's.

    This might, or might not, be a workable solution, given tourney match-up mechanics/schedules. All in good time gentlemen, all in good time. I don't foresee a ROW tourney immediately after CMBN's release. Not for a few months anyway. I need to get hold of Nabla, Treeburst155, Cpl Carrot, Holien, KingFish et al and the scenario designers(!) with 'some' requirements. :)

    Not all their emails are active anymore.

  10. Leto;1245390']That being said, how shall anything work in CMBN if there is not an adequate scoring system for us number crunchers?

    I hope that gets fixed before we go to gold... or else there will be a real monkey wrench thrown into any attempt to revive ROW.

    WRT Nabla scoring (and not the finalized CMBN scoring method by the way), No disrespect to you or anyone trying to fairly discuss the issue, or making vague assumptions on not any given math data provided:

    Nothing needs fixing. Yet.

    We will only fix, or attempt Nabla to modify his scoring method, if someone can mathematically prove there is something drastically wrong or completely unfair to the current Nabla scoring methodn given that your luck or unluck in playing a certain side is just that: Tough or good luck.

    This is not the same as saying Nabla IS correct. It's saying bring mathematical prove. Afterall, it was part of Nabla PhD thesis, so if you can correct him, maybe you should then apply for the same degree ;)

    So until we have someone here that can spar with Nabla on this basis, i.e. with lotsa x's, y's and graphs proving that Nabla needs adjusting, the Nabla will not change for the oncoming ROW VI.

    Obviously, we will have a look at the CMBN scoring method and see if we need to adapt Nabla to accommodate it.

  11. St. Nazaire I was very fortunate to sink quite a lot of assault boats where the attacker has no options. So depending which side I was on in each battle I could get better chances of getting a good score : )
    "Dear soldier,

    The High Command chooses your battles for you to fight on behalf of the Armed forces of this country. You sir, have the option of accepting the High Commands' call, or defer to the acting Commander-in-Chief if you feel civilian life is more enjoyable."


  12. The only outstanding gripe I recall from the NABLA was the valid comment that some battles were easier to get an outlier score on than others. I think Wet Triangle was cited as an example.
    Wet Triangle, if I am not mistaken, was also a very balanced scenario, with both Axis and Allies teams scoring close to the 50-point mark.

    A median is just that: a theoretical average. I delight in some players not getting an average score, whether due to luck, expertise, or the fact that his opponent just gave up or went AWOL. That's called life. We can reduce the impact, yes, to some degree via Nabla, but no amount of mathematical models can normalize ALL of this behaviour to be completely fair theoretically and mathematically, to be honest. ;)

    Indeed, we have to look at the scenario if players don't have the same schedule, and might also have more then one winner if the tourney is huge in size.

    It's the nature of 'war' to have some huge outlier results.

  13. Prize winner for ROW V's best AAR: BigDuke's Push to Maleme, winning him a T-34/85 model build by Richie for some entertaining reporting skills...


    "This is just to announce that Richie's model T-34/85, which I won under questionable circumstances during the ROW V tournament, arrived safely in Kiev Ukraine and is now on proud display on a book case next to a window overlooking the Ukrainian capital's main street, the Khreschatyk." -- BigDuke6, 05/2006

    Other nominations for best AAR went to

    (1) Platehead in Wet Triangle -- http://www.gregories.net/row/files/wt_Platehead.pdf

    (2) Bigdog944 version of Wet Triangle -- http://www.gregories.net/row/files/wt_BigDog944.pdf

    (3) Andrew Kulin's Push to Maleme -- http://www.gregories.net/row/files/pm_Andrew_Kulin.pdf

    (4) BigDuke6's Across Moltke Bridge -- http://www.gregories.net/row/files/mb_Bigduke6.pdf

    See also...

    Wet Triangle AAR (RoW V CMBB) http://www.gregories.net/row/files/wt_Larry_Thorne.pdf

    South of Vevi (ROW IV) - http://www.users.on.net/~martin.gregory/CMAK/AAR_GreenAsJade_South_of_Vevi.pdf and others by same author here http://www.users.on.net/~martin.gregory/CMAK/aars.html

    A few scenario names might sound familiar to some past players ;) King of Debrecen, The Beast, Hosszupalyi, The Christmas Battle, Rearguard Action, Things that go Bump in the Night, Highlanders in Hell. Some previous ROW winners were Wreck (RoW I); Kanonier Reichmann/Ali/Jon_L (RoW II); Deadly 88/Frunze/mPisi (RoW III) and Walpurgis Nacht (ROW V?)

    Where else can you get these spiffy goodies and some vino to wash away the empty feeling of combat...? RoW naturally.

    ROW's fun, also terrifying, heartbreaking, hair-rending, euphoric, black despair, momentary elation.
  14. Do any of the organizers have the AAR's from the previous ROW's?
    Got them on my old computer's HDD, which has been stripped for parts. Just need to transfer the data from its HDD. One day. I believe KingFish might be of help, as I see the Boots & Track website where the AAR's were hosted ... is no more... :(

    Treeburst155, Ace Pilot, Holien and John Kettler et al had been AAR judges at some stage of RoW. They might have further info.

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