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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. There's a log of pages in this thead. Has it become a "sign up" thread? If it has ... I'm in.
    Almost GAJ. Gauging interest in those that might want to play in the forthcoming ROW VI. I endavour that it will be one of the most entertaining Rumblings ever. Consider yourselves lucky if you are chosen to play, not because of elitism, but given the emails I have already received, it seems ROW VI is going to be way more then the envisioned 72 players oversubscribed. We'll stick to 72 players. That's manageable for us. RoW vets will get first bite at an invite, of course. They have a proven track record of finishing PBEM tourneys.

    We want to make RoW VI one of the toughest and most interesting/enjoyable ROW's yet, to be remembered as that devil number 6 ;)

    At this stage, we're looking at 7 round robin PBEM scenarios, (8 player groups) to be finished within 4 months time max (120 days).

    I'm busy compiling a CMBN scenario design requirement document for scenario creators, whom I still have to approach, as general pointers what we want and need. For the moment, we envision in the RR:-

    1 x ME scen

    2 x Probe Scen (Allied + Axis each)

    2 x Attack Scen (Allied + Axis each)

    2 x Assault Scen (Allied + Axis each)

    Players will play 3 Allied/4 Axis battles, or vice versa.

    I will, in due time, open up a sign-up thread based on those that have shown interest here. Just make sure your BFC forum email in your profile is active/correct/accessible to me when the time comes.

  2. ...Playing unbalanced battles, or even better, battles, you simply don't know, how strong the enemy is, forces you to a much more realistical spreading of the forces. Then you have to hold back mobile reserves, because the enemy could come around from somewhere with big and nasty surprises.
    Did someone just described a non-ladder tournament by the name of ROW?
  3. Oh God I remember that train wreck. I think that was while I was "away" (post SF release) but I dropped by just to see what was up, and walked right into the midst of The Gaylord Affair.

    I followed it briefly until the shame became too much, then quietly slunk back out, not to reappear for some time.

    Wasn't GayLord an later incarnation of ... LEWIS? :D
  4. From Dr. Jarmo Hurri's paper [NABLA's scoring system for Combat Mission]

    Rewarding victories of different sizes

    Consider the normalized deviations of two different players from three dif-

    ferent scenarios: player I has results {1.5, 0, 0} , while player II has results

    {0.5, 0.5, 0.5} . Which one of these players did better in the tournament?

    While we acknowledge that obtaining a big victory over your enemy can be

    really difficult if your enemy is serious, there are two reasons why we think

    that player II did better than player I.

    -----> • There are three factors which can contribute to a good result in a

    scenario: good skills relative to your opponent, good luck, and an

    opponent which didn’t really try [attitude problem]. We want to measure the overall

    CM skills of the player. It is the thing that stays most stable over

    different scenarios, while luck and the attitude of the opponent may

    vary. Especially in tournaments, an opponent who has decided not

    to try seriously any more may be the real cause behind a single very

    good result. A set of good results in a number of scenarios is difficult

    to explain in terms of luck or moody opponents.

    ----->• Different scenarios tend to test different skills. The results of player II

    suggest that his range of overall CM skills is wider than the range of

    skills of player I.

    Because of this, the Nabla scoring system emphasizes uniformly strong game-

    play over single large victories.

    2.4.2 Penalizing losses of different sizes

    But what about the negative side of the scoring curve? How big is the punishment

    for losing? Until this point in this manual, the different scoring schemes we have

    seen have all described zero sum games.

    That is, if one player has increased his score by an amount, the other player’s

    score has decreased by the same amount. If the negative side of the scoring

    curve would be as in Figure 2.6A (compare this to Figure 2.5A), this would

    be the case. But this need not be so.

    The fairly fast decreasing slope of the scoring curve on the positive side

    (Figure 2.5) implements the idea of rewarding uniformly strong gameplay.

    As was noted above (see page 11), there are two motivations for this.

    First, Two of the three reasons for obtaining a very good score – your opponent’s

    attitude problem and luck – are not related to your skills and are not under

    your control, and in tournaments the attitude problem is a serious one.

    Second, we want to reward players who master a wide variety of CM skills.

    These arguments turn around if you think about a very bad score.

    First, there are also three reasons for obtaining a bad score: your opponents

    skills are better, you are unlucky, or you have an attitude problem. Now two

    of these three factors are under your control, and if you have an attitude

    problem, you should rightly be punished.

    Second, if you lose royally in a

    game because you do not have the skills it shows that there are some CM

    skills which you did not master. (But you still shouldn’t be punished harder

    for a single large loss than for many small ones, because, in our opinion,

    having deficiencies in many skills is worse than a deficiency in a single skill.)

    Because of these arguments the loser is penalized somewhat more heavily

    than in a zero sum game setting, although not too heavily so that a single loss

    will not destroy his chances in the tournament completely. The difference

    between the Nabla scoring curve on the negative side and a symmetric, zero

    sum game curve is illustrated in Figure 2.6B. As can be seen, the slope of

    the negative curve stays constant below some point, whereas the slope of a

    symmetric, zero sum game curve would continue to decrease. Because of this

    change, in case of a large victory the loser will be penalized slightly more

    than the winner will be rewarded. Remember that here a “large” victory is

    defined in terms of normalized deviation from median.

    2.4.3 Incentive to play

    Consider a hypothetical symmetric scoring curve, shown in Figure 2.7A. As

    was discussed above, the slope of the scoring curve describes the size of

    the increased final score in case the player wins another CM point. The

    slope of the hypothetical symmetric scoring curve of Figure 2.7A, shown

    in Figure 2.7B, indicates that if one player is already winning by a large

    margin, then the incentive of both players to try to score an extra CM point

    is greatly reduced.

    While it is true that in unbalanced games it can be very difficult to know in

    the middle of a game what your position is on the curve, sometimes

    it is obvious that one player has succeeded and the other player has lost.

    Therefore, with a scoring curve like that shown in Figure 2.7A, situations

    would come up where both players would no longer be greatly interested in

    what is happening on the battlefield.

    While the original motivation behind the asymmetric curve was related to

    the reasons for big victories and losses, it also has the nice side effect of

    alleviating this incentive problem. This can be seen in Figure 2.7D, which

    shows the slope of the asymmetric curve of Figure 2.7C. The slope on the

    negative side of the curve never falls below 0.4. This provides a direct

    incentive for the losing player to try to score more CM points, because it

    allows him to improve his score to a reasonable degree.

    Furthermore, it also provides an indirect incentive for the winning

    player: while his own score increases quite slowly if he scores more CM

    points, it does lower the possibility of his opponent in winning the tournament,

    thereby increasing his own chances to win.

    I will make the scoring paper available to all participants of the ROW VI tourney too.

  5. Found it!

    The principles of the scoring of Nabla and his treatise thereon. Let's just say, you all have not given Nabla enough credit for his insight in building NABLA, and he deals with the concerns expressed here, which is reflected in his NABLA system. Even mentions NABLA is a "finer scale" of a bridge scoring method used by such tournaments. :D

    Will email it later for those that want to read his. Lemme know who needs it.

  6. I am convinced that you guys thoroughly over-engineer this scoring mechanism.
    Fear not, nothing will be changed without Nabla's input. What is bandied about are some ideas, and things will become clearer once we have the working Nabla executables and specifically the Nabla Scoring Curve parameters.

    It may be, after seeing all the results coming in for a particular scenario/battle, that the Nabla curve will be adjusted for that specific scenario, given that the battle produced great variances in results.

    The Nabla Curve could then, for a specific battle, be adjusted so as not to punish extreme losses extremely (flat Nabla graph curve) via the Nabla scoring points after a certain threshold point has been reached, and vice versa. This is in contrast to having a single Nabla scoring curve for all the scenarios in the tourney.

    If we can get Nabla's take on this idea mathematically -- which he himself suggested -- we might have an adjusted Nabla scoring method that will cover most eventualities given the already relative robustness of the scoring method already used.

    I know too little to allow myself a considered opinion on this (exact) matter, without reverting to the experts in stats/maths to test our assertions/premises.

  7. Interesting Sivodsi, very interesting and food for some thought ....

    It's time to make contact with Jarmo Hurri, known as Nabla here, who has a PhD from the University of Helsinki (Thesis: statistical properties of natural image sequences and their implications on early vision.) The reasons are obvious. Or Treeburst155 (Mike Meinecke) for that matter. None of their previous emails are active it seems. Anyone here have an idea where to reach these wallah's?

  8. .... it looks like im going to have to use the air missions function in Normandy 44 to have air power in my operation at all without causing a mutiny :)
    There you go. You got round to finding some (partial) solution on your own. At least the comments here provided impetus for you to do just that. ;)
  9. Hey Winecape,

    Can I get in the tourney? I was top dog at Tournament House in 2000-2001. I won a tourney there in 2001. I have never dropped from a tournament and right decent AARs. Also played CMBB and CMAK. Thanks for your consideration.


    Your claim noted. It is just now a matter of establishing the claim's veracity and you will be bumped above all else in the WAITING list ;-)

    Seriously, I envision that established RoW vets, and quite a few, will not participate due to various reasons. I also envision, at this stage, that we will have to, at a minimum, run at least a 72-player RoW VI. I am accumulating data wrt to SCENARIO DESIGN REQUIREMENTS for RoW VI, given that I'm beta testing some CMBN scenarios, on what we want from scenario designers specifically, for example ...

    (1) JonS has mentioned, many times, the small but important point: the need for basic landmarks in scenarios for ease of reference in AAR reporting.

    (2) Scen design allowing for interesting/varied decision making choices where applicable;

    (3) I will also be standardizing the base format of all required AAR's; Example: Apart from the main AAR reporting, I need the players to have required headings for every AAR regarding comments on the

    -- (a) quality of map design,

    -- (B) unit composition,

    -- © pace of scenario,

    -- (d) quality & accuracy of briefing and hints, if any therein

    -- (e) replayability of scenario,

    -- (f) Enjoyment factor


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