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Posts posted by Abbott

  1. Originally posted by Huntarr:

    That’s a pretty wild accusation. I’d like to see the list also. I hope my name is on it. :D

    It was a short list you posted a few weeks back at the bottom of a post listing who you thought at the time were the 1/2 dozen or so complainers. It was no big deal. Maybe that will jog your memory because I know if you remembered the post you would say sumfink like "yeah, I posted it so what?" So in reality it is not a "wild accusation".

    I am always relaxed.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

    if I've somehow offended you by doing so, I apologize.

    So I'm not going to know why you're pissed with somebody else here.

    You have not offended me at all. I am not pissed with anyone, you assume too much.

    Wow, I'm REALLY confused.

    It’s the Alzheimer’s, look on the bright side, you get to meet new people everyday.
  3. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    It was very worrisome....I was glad to see it fixed. I'd say rock solid now. I have had the good fortune to re-connect with old CMBO PBEM pals. Like old times, now

    It's nothing like "Old times" Mark. There are no websites popping up weekly. There are no Ladders. The only Forum buzz is "like it or not like it" threads. The Forum is full of those who don't like the game (the whiners eh?) and those who like the game (the Fanboys eh?) and 3 or 4 Beta testers who like to try and use the fact that they are Beta testing as a weapon. Then there is that "Hammertime" guy who thinks one scenario means that the game is a huge success. Me, I sent my copy of CM:SF to my nephew as I did CMBO. He didn't care for it. If and when it picks up I may purchase a copy and/or the next module. If not I will wait around for a new release. Of course only if that's all ok with you.
  4. Originally posted by helm123:

    But its amazing the way both bands of thugs are going after each other here.

    It's just sport. Some customers like the game, some do not and others are waiting to see where the patches and modules take it. Me, I found claiming something like if you haven't purchased CM:SF yet you don't have the right to post your thoughts pretty funny and chuckled my way thru a cup of joe and a post or two. I look forward to Huntarr's retort. It's nothing personal, many of us PBEM the same guys we argue with.
  5. Let me give some of these dumb question a go..

    Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

    What are you trying to accomplish in this forum?

    Nothing. I just read and post here.

    How does attacking Huntarr contribute anything to a positive discussion about the game?

    Huntarr put himself in the sights with posts attacking other board members. He even went as far as posting a list of them all with derogatory names. See the fun here? Oh you don't? Get lost whiner!

    If you don't own the game, why are you posting in a thread about what's going to be fixed in the next patch?

    I own the game and I want it to work properly. I also enjoyed taking this opportunity to post that you’re “a whiner” for posting your thoughts.

    If you haven't paid for the game, you have no right to be angry about it at all.

    You got me here. I didn't purchase the game. CM:SF was given to me by someone who did purchase it and he was pissed-off about being ripped-off. However I think we're ok here because I'm about as pissed-off as Dalem is, which is "not pissed" at all. I could be wrong on this one but you can rest assured I am not mad at BFC or you for your dumb-assed questions.

    And I hope that sometime in the future Huntarr and I have the opportunity to hold hands and discuss the virtues of the CMX2 game engine. Maybe he will take a moment and tell me with that extremely large pie hole of his about how Marines make the best beta-testers. Then he can reiterate about how he was called in for testing the Marine module *gasp*. You see without Huntarr I doubt if there would even be a Marine module and truth, justice and the American way would also be in jeopardy.

  6. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    Cut the crap.

    Dalem, if you not even bought the game yet (have you?) then you are not even a customer. (never mind the part about the 'customer is always right')


    I haven't bought CMSF yet but I think I'm a BFC customer. I have purchased CMBO, CMBB, CMAK and T-72. In the future I also plan to purchase something based on the CMX2 engine. Does that not meet your criteria?

  7. Boo, Stuka, Noba?

    MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A troublesome trio of transvestites allegedly laid siege to a Memphis McDonald's restaurant Sunday night, sparking a brawl with the restaurant's crew, according to reports.

    Police said they were working on a more detailed description of three men dressed in drag who came into a McDonald's restaurant and started swinging.

    Restaurant employee Martez Brisco was working the drive-through window when he reportedly got into an argument with the suspects. When Brisco ignored them tapping at the window, they came in.

    "They come to the window, 'Tap, tap, tap.' I'm still ignoring them," Brisco told WMC-TV. "I guess that just pissed them off worser."

    The transvestites allegedly struck the manager with a tire iron, and when he swung back, the drag queens took off their stiletto boots, removed their earrings and prepared to attack. The manager, Albert Bolton, was covered with scratch marks after suspects clawed him with their fingernails.

    Bolton grabbed a pot of scalding french-fry grease and hurled it at his attackers. One of the cross-dressers then smacked Bolton with a wet floor sign, sending him to the hospital in an ambulance, WMC-TV reported.

    Playing dress up at Mickey D's
  8. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    I designed a scen to show the AI ability to fight.

    Mark..it's not just the tactical battle AI, it's the pathing AI that's broken. You know the one where you order your infantry into a building and they take off down the street...Or order them into a trench and they decide to have a smoke in the middle of a road. That AI is broken and no amount of designing scenarios is going to fix it.

    Anyway I have no idea what 1.05 will fix and what it won't fix. I have a good idea that it will not fix everything that is lacking or broken. I fully expect that it will take an additional purchase of another CM:SF module to get anywhere near the game quality out of CM:SF as any of the prior three Combat Mission games provided. Add that to all of the missing features when comparing the two and it's pretty much a wait and see what happens with the CM:2 game engine and WWII.

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