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Everything posted by Banshee

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: Sorry to harp on the 'rarity' aspect, but, I think that there is a better way to model rarity than just upping the price. What this invariably does, is, reduce the number of other items in the formation, rather than reducing the use of that particular vehicle. If someone really likes the Tiger, and sees its usefullness they will always buy it, even though it might not be economical. A better way in measuring rarity, would be to restrict the actual choice or number of vehicles allowed on the field. Possibly you can only have a maximum of 1 Tiger on the field for a particular game, with another one at the same time and same place (another game though) not allowing you any Tigers. This would be sort of like creating a random QB with the AI selecting your forces, however, you do get to choose your force, but, certain restrictions exist regarding the avalibility of rare units. As Steve said, pricing is all about the quality of the vehicle/unit. Upping the price of a unit in contrast to its quality will only serve to mess with the fairness of the game. Instead of making the vehicle rare to buy, what happens is their force is proportionately weaker due to the purchase of this specific unit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In close combat 3 (ack), I thought they had quite a good rarity system. Where you could choose units but not all units were available to you, and units could run out (you could buy 1 or 2, but not 3 for example).. if you added this kind of purchasing with true historical ratiry of the time period it would add a lot of spice. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadDog0606: How was Banshee being a smart ass with what I think is a legit question? If people are interested in the topic and they find your posts interesting they will respond to your post. All you did was clone a topic of discussion. You should have posted your "Flimsy German Tank post" in the thread where it belonged and not created a new thread on the same topic of discussion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly! ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: can i ask what was the point of you wasting time and posting your message Banshee? Don't mean to be an ass but I hate it when people post a message that is OT just to be a smart ass.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well if everyone was like you what would be the whole point of having threads on a message board? It would just be one post per topic. And normally I wouldn't post on a thread like this, but since the topic you brought has been posted about 1000000 times (meaning try a search) AND you specifically posted something directly from another topic just so "YOUR" topic would get "heard" (what the other 80+ people posting in that topic have nothing worthwhile to say? or yours is more important?) I'm not starting a flame war, I'm making a point. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  4. Just curious as to why this " response to the "Flimsy German Tank post" " wasn't posted in that thread? ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  5. How about instead of one flag smack dab in the middle have 2 (or more depending on the map size, i play smaller battles) located on the flanks and NOT in the middle. It would add spice since you could try for one, or the other, or both, instead of just on sitting in the middle, just a thought. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: No one knows what happened to Yakov Smirnov? Bah.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What happened to Yakov Smirnov? 3 words, Cold War Ended Actually I saw him (and met him briefly) a couple years at the local comedy house in Pasadena,Ca . He was trying out new material for a new act. It was basically him trying to fit the old jokes into the new russia. It didn't work to well. His humor really drew from the big bad USSR mythos, and when that died so did his career. Btw a year later I saw his "new" act in a TV special it was reworked some and he added in some footage of him in Moscow, it still didn't go over that big. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  7. I once thought I loved you guys, but it turned out I had just spilled coffee in my lap. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  8. ahh just saw the win modem thingy. Win modems have a lot of hardware removed with it being replaced by software. You can very easily take one out of commission with other software programs. Maybe try changing around your win modem or removing any new programs. im thinking the joystick installed USB support or some other resident program. get rid of those and try. if modem works then you have the cause.. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  9. err well first things first. Did u try unplugging the joystick? That seems to be the root of all your problems. If you unplugged it and stuff still doesnt work I would imagine that windows installed some USB support which wasnt present before and that is causing you some issues. have you searched the microsoft site and the joystick makers site for tech articles? ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22: Hey, Can I get the "Ultimate soldier XD" at toys'rus or where do you guys get those from? I saw a post on it and a website, was that toys'rus? Is that where I would get those?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Online you get it from Amazon.com , type in Panther and set the drop down to toys, and it will come right up. Dont know about brick & mortar stores, im not much into them. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: My 2 bits worth... Well put. At the present time there is no way to "Mod" the game guts in any easy way. We would have to spend a LOT of time (many, many months) doing nothing but converting the game to an open architecture. But we have no intention of doing that. So for technical reasons alone, it isn't going to happen. ... OK, enough ranting. Obviously people can tell that we have deep seated beliefs against opening up the game engine to Mods. These beliefs have not changed in 3 years so I wouldn't hold your breath for a change in the near future. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Like I said before it's a moot point since CM will not be modable (referring to the "technical reasons" quote). As to the second quote I am a little perplexed. I have yet to see a game that had developer mod support AND have those user mods be anything but a good thing for the game. You cite CC3, IIRC CC3 was much like CM (ACK! stay with me) in that very little was modifiable and the few mods that were out there were hacks and an attempt at new maps. But anyways I wont debate a moot point as I think it would seem that I do not like the game. I love the game, best in class. Cant wait to take out my CC and buy CMxx for years to come. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  12. I have bought 19 books because of CM and this board. And my gf bought me the Ultimate Soldiers XD (Extreme Detail) 1/18th scale Panther.. I have another 10 books on my waiting list and Im eyeing the sherman and the stuart tanks as well. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay: While I really dont care one way or another about CM being mod friendly, the arguement that only mod friendly game will sell well is kind of misinformed. Diablo 2 will the best selling game of all time, and it is only moddable in single player. Blizzard made a secure server to keep modders and hackers from ruining the game. 75% or more of the ppl who play D2 ONLY play on BN, or play the majority on it. And CM sold rather well without it, so.......... Ray<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The "modders" != hackers.. they built the it that way so people couldnt cheat. Modders werent the problem.. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak: The game was thought out well before any of you people had come on here saying make CM modible or quakish. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Modable yes, Quakish no. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There is too much at stake for users to just freely create tanks, mods, weapons, vehicles, infantry, helicopters, jeeps, bazookas, ammo, granades, panzerfuosts...and so on. For the sake of realism alone CM should be and will most likely be left the way it is (amen). Of course I still would like to see a factory building on a map. But thats is a different story my friends. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because the CM community is so tight I think you would see the best mods of all! Realism is a priority for all of us. Just having something modable doesnt mean it will make it unrealistic (this seems to be the crux of the counter argument). I am saying the "good" (realistic) mods would be the ones people use and the "bad" (unrealistic) mods would be quickly erased. CM could only get better. For example, if you imagine a "modable" CM world. Right now we would have every tank for any nation available to us. All different types of terrain (desert, jungle). We could simulate ANY battle we wanted from WW2. If we were in a CM modable world you would have your factory building, because you would want to make a damn good one and would want to share it with others. The discussion is moot because CM is not a game engine. But the game WOULD be better if it was.. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: It depends on the kind of game – that's the argument. There's no doubt that mods do a lot for games like Doom and Quake, but those are no comparison to CM. David <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It DOESN'T matter the type of game, mods will always make it better, always. The reason I brought up Quake was because from a programming point of view it a marvelous piece of code. Completely modifiable in every detail, you can write script files for the AI (imagine being able to modify AI in CM!) and change any and every detail. The people who play CM are (by in large) a hardcore group of wargamers who enjoy realism, any new mods made would reflect that, and as I said before, the cream rises to the top. Good mods will be installed and gushed over, bad mods will fall quickly to the wayside. Software is software, game or not, a highly customizable software is better than non-customizable. The only time you see different is when the presentation of the customization is done in a bad way. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  16. Just throwing my .02 in. A) CM is not a game engine, it was never designed as a game engine. It would requires a complete rewrite (starting from scratch) to make it into one. There are no API's for it. The only outside 'data' it grabs are sound and textures (and very minor data from the preferences file). Just look at the size of exe, it is obvious the data is compiled in. With all the above being true, no way CM can (or ever will) become a mod-able game in the true sense. The arguments against mods are the silliest I've ever seen. In my experience mods follow a very definitive life cycle and the cream rises to the top, with the silly / ill conceived ones falling away. Game engines usually have the caveat of only being able to play against an opponent with the exact same mods as you. So stupid things like a KT going against an M8 with 125mm armor ( ) would never happen (come on is the best argument you could come up with??). Fact is mods make a game better. Fact is people are still playing Quake ,heck I know 4 guys still playing doom2 with the westwad mod (BECAUSE of the mods , not in spite of them). Fact is CM will never be mod-able. It's a design decision that BTS has made, and I do not fault them. But mods DO make a game better, I can't see how people argue against them. But again this has nothing to do with BTS since they have chosen long ago for this not to happen. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Unfortunately for my wallet, it's usually my binge drinking urge that goes with my gambling urge. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is why Vegas thrives, Free booze + gambling = empty wallet. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  18. Hoyle Casino 2001 (already purchased), My gambling and war urges go hand in hand. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  19. If you wanted fragmentation in a specific manner the serrations would be on the inside not outside, when outside the metal will fracture much differently, you could have 4 chunks stick together for instance. But this would not happen if the serrations were inward. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrapGame: Banshee, You're getting that huge Panther? How much is that going to run you? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LoL not the HUGE ones , but the Ultimate Soldier XD ones can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000050692/o/qid=971470325/sr=8-16/ref=aps_sr_t_6_1/103-1190535-1582203 $39.99 (US) ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  21. My girlfriend saw me drooling over the Panther last night, got an email this morning telling me it was ordered and on its way.. <-- Has the perfect woman! ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  22. Some versions of netscape have problems if you use tables and forget an end TR,TD, or Table tag (it will usually show as a blank page). ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  23. I've been playing a lot of Snow + Heavy Trees + Rural lately and engineer squads just kick butt. You can always tell when a a DC goes off, sounds like a 155 landing, usually you'll notice a half of squad disapearing too . Add a nice roasty toasty flamethrower squirt and you have a bunch of squads running the other directions trying to save themselves. The pioneer squads have both fausts and DC's so they are particullarly brutal to armor at close ranges. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  24. all I have to say is: *DROOL* also check out : http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5736/BAT2000.htm VERY cool, especially the mock battles ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 10-12-2000).]
  25. Actually a specific occurence happened just last night that shows the AI not responding quite well. I had LOS from one spot to 2 pumas and 1 243/3 (or is it 234/3, anyways).. luckily my Platoon leaders was in the spot with LOS and 3 60mm just happened to be in his command radius.. end of the turn 3 dead tracks (needless to say I was happy!!). IMHO this would never/rarely have happened IRL (i.e. the tracks just sit and take the pain) ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
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