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Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. I remember conversing with Croda about Crodaburg. He gave me the impression that he made that scenario and then named it after himself. Matt was a good guy and didn't give me the impression that he was evil. He didn't need to be refudiated. I do remember the challenge of that scenario and I still have the bad dreams. However, that has nothing to do with Rune. Regarding moral turpitude and your struggle with veracity, I would respectfully admonish you play a few more Rune scenarios to improve your own karmic outlook. Thus far, it seems that you might spend your next life in Ohio too.
  2. no, you are wrong, Boo I have CM Norm and the two Rune scenarios I played thus far were not bad. They were good. I'll wait while you write this down next to your Grover-notes of Near & Far. Rune himself can be evil and bereft of morality while his scenarios are good albeit a bit taxing. Usually, I don't doubt your veracity but this display of duplicitousness and obvious ignorance needed to be brought to light.
  3. good thing much of my pron comes in rar and zip. ;-)
  4. lost a dear friend last night. our dog passed due to stomach cancer. taking a break from this thread for a bit. pacem
  5. Mortar is too accurate. Armor is too accurate. Bocage hurts. second verse, same as the first.
  6. Gentlemen, in real life (IRL) there were times when I had to walk the lizard and/or drop some friends off at the pool in the middle of the night and that damned chicken wire/barbed wire tore my BDU's and made me say some very unkind things. My fellow soldiers told to go "go around it" while I was in it. tangled...
  7. am a bit bleary-eyed from reading the manual still. I am enjoying some of the humor injected into the text like "if you find your tank suddenly burning and smoking, its because you've been shot with an anti-tank gun" (paraphrasing from beginning of Page 43, Verses 1-4)
  8. **********Spoilers********* *******Spoilers***** They need to be equipped with snippers
  9. I feel sad. I hope to see people playing online some time in the future. sad
  10. That reminds me: There are too few Beyonce videos in the Battlefront Suppository. Please fix or do somefink!!
  11. wait even longer and the wife or girlfriend will leave forever and then you can play CB:Norm in your underwears.
  12. am still using hunt. "slow" is the new "sneak" so i wonder if its sneaking for tanks.
  13. We here in the buckle of the Bible belt don't have to toss salads to get raptured. tell you what...
  14. i like the PDF. I just zoom in and rub my nose on the monitor. However, I do need some commode reading that doesn't include tig ol bitties.
  15. Let me advise you for a moment: In order to build a joke, it helps to be funny. I know funny. You aren't funny. :eek: you're welcome, Michael.
  16. ha! There you are! yes, that was a fun game. The regulars in the Peng thread are a bit irregular in my hirsute opinion except for our beloved Mr. Shaw.
  17. Everyone needs to know that my order is "confirmed" and has not shipped yet.
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