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Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. I agree with Mark IV. I don't like flags either. Once again I have to cite my experience with Myth I and II. They have something called BC (Body count) where you have a certain amount of time (turns in CM) where you just go at it and the person with the most left wins. Using this idea in CM would make you more careful with things that cost more because you would be penalized those points when you lose it.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  2. Squire Joust Notes - October 31, 2000

    Participants - H. Sedai, OGSF

    Witnesses - Knights of the Pool et al

    To refresh the Knightly memories, here is some background. The noble and handsome Hiram is playing as the brave French whereas the dastardly and acne scarred youth known as OGSF (son of MGSF and PGSF) is playing as the Volksturm Germans Militia. The map contains many buildings, much fog, 2 flags (one of which is bogus - funny ha ha) and some nice roads.

    Thus far, the sneaky, underhanded, rancid personage known as OGSF has disabled one jeep and one truck of the righteous French. There appears to be one German militia person who sprained his ankle running away but I see no other injuries to the Germans.

    Editors Note: Approximately 50 files have gone back and forth thus far to date. I have the flag and he doesn't. So there. OGSF will assure the pool that my having the flag is temporary and that you should disregard my ramblings. Since he is heavily medicated, just nod your collective head and let him beleive what he needs to.

    And so, victory is imminent (not impotent, MRPeng) for the valient French and the feeble minded lackey known as OGSF will be rendered and rent and torn asunder by my superior tactics.

    Faithfully scribed by

    H. Sedai

    Squire to the Bard


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

    The first clue to Hiram Sedais True identity is: We (The Old Firm) are not allowed to touch him. Nor is there any power this side of Creation that can.

    Sod off,


    The profundity of that statement is miles over my head. I confess that I am relieved that I won't be touched by you and yours. Thank you and good day to you sir.

    oh and please piss off and/or bugger off


    From the outside looking in, the dialogue seems to emulate a preschooler arguing with a college professor regarding physics. Yes, I am the one with the propensity to finger paint in this situation.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

    Tomorrow I will reveal (bauhaus, please... thanks Ethan) some interesting clues to the true identity of the entity known as Hiram Sedai. Have you noticed that I seem to totally ignore him?

    Stay tuned,

    Johan <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...and I wait with baited breath. or is it breath that smells like bait? ewwww


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  5. Question for the Cesspool (Arrrgh the pain tears me in two and rapes my cerebral cortex remember there is no more cesspool that was just a dream hamsters does not exist and so there is no king rat there is no king rat) What mods if any do you use when beating me in PBEM's? I've downloaded a couple and will install them when I get home and call my mother and apologize for being such a failure.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


    [This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 10-25-2000).]

  6. I realize that I'll receive a tongue-lashing for this post (please be seated, Mr. Bauhaus) but I need to aplogize for my glaring ineptitude in my PBEM's. I'm being soundly spanked (setzen sie sich Herr Bauhaus) by my opponents and I'm thinking that this might be boring for many of you. So, I shall endevour to lose faster so you might be able to pad your scores on Loraks hall of Kannigitery. I dare say that the only thing more boring than my game play would be (yes, you guessed it) -->my posts. You should set an alarm before reading one of these things.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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