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Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. Oh what fun it is to post in a thread destined to be locked.

    As for the creepy/crawly/crodalove that rears its ugly head in the land of pennslytucky, we should be careful not to wake the beast from mechanicsburg.

    Perhaps some tunes will help sooth the savage beast:

    Ben Harper:

    "The croda in you brings out the worry in me"


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:

    Over the past month or two, I've noticed a trend away from intellectual discussion and towards what I would label as "chatting". That is, people are no longer making well thought out in-depth posts (the kind you don't forget).

    Even my recent attempt to start a very in depth discussion on real-world military doctrine had only 4 people really participating.

    Has the discussion picked up and moved to another forum? If so, could someone direct me there?

    How long can this hamsters thing stay funny? wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I agree that hamsters are not funny. I can only speak for myself here when I say that I hardly ever have anything productive to add to a discussion as is evidenced once again with this post.

    Pillar, I've learned much from your posts and sincerely hope that you aren't too discouraged with the rest of us.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

    Uh - oh. If we are going to go on about manners I might as well just hang it up. Foobar has threatened my life. SS_PansyAss is gunning for me and some other dude thinks i'm his own little happy-boy, love-toy, shootemup-guy. rolleyes.gif

    This forum is totally cool. Even much of the fighting I've seen is farily civilized. I remember a while back I tried to post a thing about discriminating between flaming and taunting (i was too filled with beer to operate the computer properly at the time). Had I been anywhere near sober it would have come out sort of like "flaming is mean, taunting is fun, but you must agree which is which."

    It seems like some people get a bit touchy about things and it seems like some others might be a bit insensitive about the touchy ones and it seems like some just get all wiggy at the drop of a hat, or the twitch of a mouse, or at the suggestion that perhaps they are being a bit out of kilter with how some others might be touching the edges of reality in their own little slices of CM heaven. So. that being not said adn completely true or false (ala the physicists and philosphers bit in the oldfart thread) I suggest those that smoke smoke em, those that drink, drink em, them what taunt, yappa yappa, them what lurk, lurk a bit more and them with thin skins, glass houses, short fuses, bad tempers, bad genes, smelly pits, green teeth, fat heads, and ornery worldviews...relax. the game will get here. we will all have fun. It will be swell.

    Love and kisses.

    Peng biggrin.gif

    ps: i'm only a semi-old-fart, but... whutsa mamaluke?

    [This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 01-16-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    I pulled this one out and dusted it off because:

    1. It shows a thread in which Peng used Smiley faces

    2. I agree with what he said about taunting.



    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dell Wade:

    I've seen this issue so many times it is fustrating me.

    Here is what happens. I order a unit (call it A1)to move to point X on the map. I then click on another unit (A2)and that unit has been issued the exact same command. I issue halt to that unit (A2)and makes his orders. I (A3)and find that that unit (A1 or A3) has been issued the same move order as the 2nd (A2. I will keep doing tjis unit I either get mad and quit odering units or let the PC do as it wants. Any one else seen this.

    Its almost lost fights for me many times.


    Is A1 a headquarters unit? If you double click that unit, then it chooses all its subordinate units too. Then all the orders you give that unit will be given to it's subordinate units. The only way to make sure you are only giving orders to one unit is to single click a unit and then give the orders.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    Hiram, I don't know if your hotseat loss to me yesterday counts for anything because you were still high from the Eagles victory we witnessed together but the PBEM we still have going will leave you Elviscerated and left in a pool of your own waste.


    We like to call the Pool of Waste "The Delaware River"

    Sir Lorak, Please scribe thusly:

    Elvis, King of South Philly has smited me with a *"big smitey thing" and I now acknowledge this loss before my poolmates. I don't know the score yet, but I'm sure its worth hours of belly-laughing on your part.

    So, I can only hope that my next bout with Elvis will have me as green Polish and him as Veteran Germans. Be sure to give yourself plenty of Tigers and then drive them by some houses. I will email you with the "B" word every once in a while so you can block my email. What say you, Elvis??

    *"Big Smitey Thing" - Created by MRPeng in original thread when describing how he was to beat Seanachai of Minesnowta fame. Patents pending, all rights reserved


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gunny Bunny:

    Just thought I would mention about the newly created newsgroup alt.games.combat-mission



    Gun Bunny - Are you spamming the Peng Thread?? Did we ask for a commercial break from our sponsor?

    Go away. Its people like you that make decent people wait in the cold at the stadium while game play is suspended. Shame on ya!!


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    I'm so very self important, blah blah blah


    No, Jeff. Telling me to kiss your butt just won't cut it any more. Its awfully convenient that you can't PBEM anyone right now because of your menstrual difficulties. Too bad you won't be be forced to put your money where your chancre covered mouth is.

    Come to think of it, playing you would probably be a waste of my time and energy. I might even purposely give you a VL to make you feel warm and tingly. Then, Jeffrey, I would pounce on your hapless troups. Of the ten opponents I'm playing now, I just might beat one and then, Jeff...you are in so much trouble. Make that call to your rabbi and confess your sins.

    If you could handle another opponent...

    If only you had moved out of your parents house before you turned 40. If only you hadn't been caught having relations with the neighbor's pet cat. If If If

    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much.

    Good thing your "dance card is full", huh Jeff??


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Good. He's gone then. Cruud-da, kick his butt and make sure he doesn't drag his sorry ass back in here.

    I grow weary of the pool. It sucks the life from me like a jabby, airheaded bimbo I must stuff food into just so I can have piece while she chews. It drains my essence and leaves me an empty husk.

    In the meantime I will continue with the PBEMs I have but until some further time I am declining any new challenges. So if you wanted to play me.. go sit and spin.


    Who wanted to play you? I didn't want to play you. Anyone else here want to play you? Let me look around. Nope, nobody here wants to play you. You must be hearing things with your bimbo.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  9. I vote for Germanboy. As a newbie, I can safely say that Germanboy is our hero. I speak for all of the newbies out there who have posters of Andreas in our bathrooms (water closets).

    If he doesn't win, then I deny ever posting here in the first place. It simply wasn't me.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    I think that it. Well there's one more, but it's a dull game.



    Yes, Pete. There is one more game. You can say it. Hee ram Hee ram Hee ram. I didn't think our game was that dull. You should see the one I'm playing vs Seanachai. Hoo doggy!!


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  11. Monday morning arrives and kicks you dead in the arse. The sky is gray and probably will be this way until March in Philadelphia's greater Metropolitan area.

    Let me share a little sing-song I learned yesterday. Its a catchy tune. It goes something like this:

    E A G L E S Eagles!!!!

    Did they win? Why yes, true believer, they most certainly did!!! I sat next to Elvis and watched a fabulous game at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. The orgasmic frenzy of watching my favorite team up close and personal left me partially voiceless. My girlfriend thought she was chatting with Barry White after the game. She insisted that I lay her by the fire.

    Monday morning sits on our collective face and tells us to get busy. I notice that Seanachai has washed his hands of this pool business and the next incarnation won't come from him. No, I'm not suprised. The next generation of cesspoolers are a rowdy bunch and don't adhere to "Ye olde taunting" rules. OGSF has permanantly gone over to the Montgomery Scott side of speaking. Funny guy, somebody should knight him soon.

    Reality is quite rude as Monday morning pimp slaps you. I would regale you with my PBEM games, but I can't remember them at the moment, I'm still tingling from yesterday's game (34-9!!)

    Just remember this: "Nobody likes a quiter, especially smokers" - Paraphrased from the South Philly King.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I laughed, I cried, I think I wet myself. I will definitely download this once it's available.


    Damn...Mace beat me to the incontinant joke.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


    [This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 11-18-2000).]

  13. MRPeng is a "Wussy Boy"

    That wasn't a quote. It's a fact. Having a multiple personality convey your sad message is well, sad.

    Why, for all that is unholy, would you pick Monday through Freakin Wednesday to visit Elvis at his Shrine to MRPeng? Why oh Why? You cruel Bastard!! I have waited and anticipated this arrival of you from your throne is otherpart of Pennsy for quite some time. You filthy, nasty, piece of dog poop. Don't dare claim apathy, you rancid chunk of horse manure.

    Anyway...hope to see you soon.

    PS I told my mom I converse with Elvis on a weekly basis and she suggested I go back to church.


    Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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