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Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. just finished Panzer Marsch and it was a hoot. Have been hesitant in trying Courage & Fortitude. Tell me, is it winnable?
  2. I, Hiram Sedai, being of very unsound mind do hereby challenge anybody and everybody to a game of CM:Norm with these stipulations: 1. I return turns much much faster than I used to whether I'm winning or not b. I enjoy scenarios more than QB's but enjoy the occasional Small or Tiny QB pie. I will do a Medium QB if there is plenty of clanky things 42. There is a very good chance I will beat most of you like mouthy dirty stepchildren because I now play sober. Know that none of you are really worth challenging individually because you have proven time and again that only one of you is MRPeng and I met MRPeng and you are no MRPeng. I am at hiramsedai at gmail dot com bring it, cupcakes
  3. all of his years were early years because he was seldom late
  4. You are a "she" now? Glad you found your happiness after all. We are all so proud of you.
  5. Ha, Germanboy is trying to be funny. Its like someone who cannot be funny trying to be funny or somefink. I've run out of creative juices today. Oh, the irony. edit: Sorry bout that Andy. We did miss you since you are our favorite German person. Just the memories of you in the lederhosen doing the chicken dance is enough to remind us what sort of jovial soul you are.
  6. fricken rocks! muchas garcias con todo mi narise!
  7. gentlemen, Le Desert is much fun as both Axis and God Fearin Merkins. FYI
  8. I have a magnificent Imac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB Memory Apple Enhanced Ihamsters CM:Norm handles like a dream.
  9. Why do you seek him here? Do you not know? Have you not heard? Peng has risen (in Pennsyltucky) just as he said.
  10. I have an Imac. am feeling a might peckish...am going to find my bag of cheetos now.
  11. Yes, I am not a paid spokesman but it has improved my love life tenfold. The little mrs is now walking like a gunfighter and hiding.
  12. I heard somewhere that mostly good looking, talented and well endowed individuals sign up there.
  13. but if you add "in my hirsute opinion" the veracity is inherent and coupled with some furry shoulders. I may not be welcome to opine but its difficult to argue my point.
  14. too ghey gentlemen. need manly thumbwrestling in here or somefink.
  15. no, the hood is where the nappy headed kids look for the baby's momma. Its all a part of the skruggle because we didn't land on Melbourne. Melbourne landed on us. bamboozled, hoodwinked
  16. is this now Top Gear: Australia Peng Challenge? Oy, Holden blah blah down under eh?
  17. i bothered to look and the second link is not working.
  18. love it love it Thanks Sergei! I shall download it and watch someone else suffer from a Rune scenario. moo haha *snort*
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