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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Iron Duke

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Everything posted by Iron Duke

  1. LoL! Sounds like another good fight in "The Pit" and in that damned Dagobah "Swamp". TBlaster sent me a turn from his fight with Def Bunion...boy! Talk about criss-cross'n tracers, more arty per square foot than I've seen in a while! The other fight going on in "The Web" remains to be seen...but that is a wicked little map also...hehe. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  2. Speedy and Texastoast...how far along are you guys? Do you think you will be able to make the Sunday deadline? Good updates from the rest of you...you know I always enjoy hearing about your battles. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  3. Joeski...excellent news! I am glad to hear that you two are almost done and I expect everyone else to be done by Sunday. Just a reminder that the Finals will be more "traditional" maps/fights...i.e. random. Have fun and keep those fights moving along. Out. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  4. ATTENTION: Due to a complete lack of comminication(s), I am forced to consider Joeski and SuperSlug as MIA. I will keep them listed as MIA until Tuesday, Feb. 13th. At that time they will be listed as AWOL and dropped from the tournament. This is the last warning. The official date for the end of the semi-finals is Sunday, Feb. 17th with the Finals commencing on Monday, Feb. 18th. That is all. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  5. LoL, yes Bil I do owe you a file and I sent it out just today. A tcp/ip version sounds like a plan...I will think further on it. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  6. Ok guys, do you think we can get the fights overwith by next weekend? I would like to set a firm date because it seems to me like enthusiasm is falling rapidly. Joeski and SS: If one of you doesn't respond to me by this weekend I will consider you two AWOL and drop you out. Sorry, but I need to know how things are progressing as I want to get this thing overwith ASAP. I don't think I'll do another one simply because they take too damned long! ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  7. SuperSlug & Joeski: Where are you guys at? Haven't heard from either of ya. Keep the battles moving along guys...BTW: Does anyone want to add an opinion or idea for the above mentioned topic? ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  8. LOL... Commissar and The Commissar. When I first saw the post and Commissar said all he ever played was the Germans I was like...What??? Did we not have a good debate on the merits of the M-18 and its cronies? And on flank and maneuver??? Hehe... Hi "The Commissar"...you guys related? lol ------------------ One shot...One Kill [This message has been edited by Iron Duke (edited 02-02-2001).]
  9. Hey, are you guys even fighting? Please post an update. If you want to drop out like wusses just let me know...I'll be more than happy to consider you the Ass Kisser of the Month and drop you from the fight C'mon guys, this is no time to start getting slack on me. You've come too far!!! Now, get on with it! ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  10. Roight Gents, per Madmatts orders we are starting a new thread. I am going to repeat what I said in the last post plus the Semi-Final bracket. Second Round Bracket: Tyrannic 12 TBlaster vs.-----------------TBlaster Kunzler 1) Def Bungis vs.-----------------Def Bungis Jeff Heidman ============================== SuperSlug vs.-----------------SuperSlug Stoffel 2) Bil Hardenberger vs.-----------------Joeski Joeski ============================== Texastoast vs.-----------------Texastoast Kain 3) Speedy vs.-----------------Speedy Chairman7w ============================= I want to elaborate a little about what is going to happen in the Finals. Yes it will 3 people fighting it out for 2 slots so we will use the tried and true, "Round Robin". Basically it goes like this: Team A Team B Team C A vs B A vs C B vs C Out of those 3 fights, chances are someone will lose both his battles. (Or so the theory goes) If in the event of a tie, we will have an unprecedented "Tie Breaker Round Robin", that will produce 2 final players. If in the event of another tie I will personally shoot one of you and the other two go on. I really don't know what then...I am open to suggestions. Also, these last battles will be more of the conventional type...i.e. random maps. If anyone would like to make some suggestions, now is the time. That is all. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  11. Glad to hear you guys are moving along...I still have yet to hear from SSlug and co. I want to elaborate a little about what is going to happen in the Finals. Yes it will 3 people fighting it out for 2 slots so we will use the tried and true, "Round Robin". Basically it goes like this: Team A Team B Team C A vs B A vs C B vs C Out of those 3 fights, chances are someone will lose both his battles. (Or so the theory goes) If in the event of a tie, we will have an unprecedented "Tie Breaker Round Robin", that will produce 2 final players. If in the event of another tie I will personally shoot one of you and the other two go on. I really don't know what then...I am open to suggestions. Also, these last battles will be more of the conventional type...i.e. random maps. If anyone would like to make some suggestions, now is the time. That is all. ------------------ One shot...One Kill [This message has been edited by Iron Duke (edited 01-30-2001).]
  12. Ok, TBlaster and Def now have their battle. How are the rest of you coming along? ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  13. NOTICE: Due to my PC failing on me, I need to ask you all to send your emails to my work address. hguerrero@activision.com ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  14. Hi guys, how far along are your battles? DEF BUNGIS...When are you back in town? Let me know. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  15. The missile he is talking about is the Hypersonic Line Of Sight Anti Tank missile or LOSAT. This is a true "acquire and shoot" missile that needs no further guidance because of its tremendous velocity. It achieves a speed of MACH 5 almost instantly and upon impact, transforms this tremendous energy into Kinetic energy, easily destroying its target. Some quick math. MACH 5 AT SEA LEVEL is 761 mph which translates into 5580.6 ft/sec or 1860.2 m/sec!!! The missile that was designed to specifically destroy reactive armor is the Javelin. This is a shoulder fired weapon system that can be deployed and ready to fire in 30 seconds, then reloaded in 20 more. It has a published maximum range of 2500 meters and a minimum range of 70 meters. Top attack is its normal mode while a direct fire mode can also be had in order to hit targets undercover, bunkers, and aircraft. It has a tandem warhead that is specifically designed to defeat reactive armor by utilizing a "dual charge" system. The first smaller charge detonates and disrupts the reactive armor 'brick', then the main charge goes about the business of punching a hole through the plate. It also has a nice feature called a 'soft launch' which enables it to be fired from within a building. Yet another new missile hitting our armories is the Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile or EFOGM, this an enhanced version of the copper wired TOW I and II. It transmits an image back to the gunner of what its onboard camera is viewing thus allowing the gunner to make a precision attack on the target. "Like the Hezbollah has been able to do with wire guided missiles against the weak spots on the IDF Merkava tanks..." as one article put it. It is important to note that the new Interim brigades will field ALL of these weapon systems in a combined anti tank and anti aircraft role...along with the 105mm armed LAV, not to mention the addition of almost 3 times the "on map" artillery in the form of 120mm mortar armed LAV's. When you examine the Heavy Armor bde vs the Interim bde, surprisingly, the Interim bde comes off as having MORE combat firepower and combat sustainability than the Heavy bde...which for me, being an old M1A1 advocate, is hard for me to even say! ------------------ One shot...One Kill [This message has been edited by Iron Duke (edited 01-25-2001).]
  16. MikeT... frick'n excellent work man. Kudos to you and your team. I can't wait. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  17. Ok guys, I appologize for not getting back to you sooner but circumstances prevented it. Anyway, 2 of the 3 battles are out. Good luck. Once Def Bungins gets back from the field, the last battle will commence. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  18. Damn California and its power crisis!!! I haven't been able to use my PC all weekend (and part of last week) and look how much I miss out! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Jeff D wrote: The Coalition Army that went into the Gulf was basically an amalgamation of Green Panzer Truppen (some were probably even scientists ).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aaaah! No!! I would not call the VIIth corps a Green unit in any shape or form! Do you know how much we trained just prior to shipping out? Let me put it to you this way...of my first 2 years in the Army, over 60% of that time was spent in the field! This is about 30% more than normal even for a line unit in Germany. I would imagine that the British units that deployed could not have been considered Green units either. Hehe...oh well, it doesn't matter anyway...back to the subject. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Charles wrote:3. Let's not use M1A1 Abrams gunnery as a yardstick for what we should expect from WW2 gunnery.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are correct of course and I will speak no more on it! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Having said that, I'll take a look at the long-range figures and perhaps "up" our Gaussian curve at the long range end.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. Charles, you won't regret it, you once again prove to all concerned that BTS has an open enough mind to see constructive criticism in a positive light and perhaps improve the game for it. Bravo. I salute you. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  19. Hey guys, does anyone else have this problem with their Voodoo 5's? If you minimize the game by hitting [Esc] once you maximize the game again, everything is corrupted? Is there a workaround? ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  20. Still 3000 like before Speedy. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  21. John...LOL! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ahh the imfamous Clancy version. IIRC this was debunked a while back. Their is a report on cause of loss on US units from the Gulf I had it saved till my HD crash. Paul if your lurking could you post it?.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That doesn't surprise me. Tales like that one spread through a unit like pimples on a teenagers face. Jeff D... then to answer your original question: No, I do not know of any M1's that where penetrated by Iraqi main gun hits. And as John has pointed out, of all the tanks in the "Tiger Brigade" that fought at 73 Easting, only 4 of those where hit but I take it no penetrations. Is that correct John? You said damaged...but no penetrations? Jeff D...I'm getting ready to head out for work so I will answer your training questions once I get there. (Kind of long ) ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  22. None that I know of. In fact, one of the lessons we learned out there is that WE cant penetrate our own tanks!! Apparently, as the story goes, there was an M1 that became so badly bogged in very soft sand that it was decided to blow it in place and continue on with the mission. They had another M1 come along and shoot a sabot round at it...ping! Off the front armor...another round..ping!!! off the SIDE armor...(must have been lucky there), finally they shot it through the rear but the Halon system in the tank put the fire out before it could do any real damage. So they had to wait until a few more M-88's showed up from other outfits and finally pulled the damn thing out. Hehe. I don't know how tall that tale is but it was one that went around the unit. If I remember correctly only 2 of the 52 tanks in my Battalion where even hit with Iraqi main gun rounds and they were both ricochets. Front armor I believe. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  23. That doesn't surprise me, as that battle, being the most "textbook", where 1 Cavalry Bde surprised and destroyed a much larger force, has basically gotten all the press!!! There are numerous stories untold from MANY different units throughout 3rd Armored and 2nd Armored that no one has heard, only because no one has bothered to write about. Take this one: I know that on websites and in books you can find the 'exact' numbers of US troops killed but they are wrong. Period. During the 3rd night of the ground war, a whole platoon of M1A1's where stamped off the face of the earth by what appeared to be either F-16's or A-10's, those two being the most frequent flyers in our sector. There is only one weapon system that will do what we saw to an M1A1...and that is a Maverick ATGM, with its 150+ pound warhead, it really smashes a tank. Even the mighty M1A1. The whole plate that acts as a roof for the drivers compartment is violently smashed inward to meet the hull floor plate. The 23.1 ton turret it thrown off the tank like a bottle cap and the suspension system completely melts down into slag. The only thing we could find of those poor bastards where pieces of their Kevlar helmets and, surprisingly enough, portions of their pay slips (I have forgotten what those damn things are called). My company commander, Capt. Rodriguez kept a burnt up .50 cal barrel from one of the M1's as a rememberance for those men. It was a sobering day to say the least. Anyway...even though you may have never of heard of something that happened over there doesn't mean it didn't go down that way. BTW: The same day that Bde. General Black visited our Company and asked us about that shot, WE confronted him about what we had found (the 4 tanks), we had him by the balls at that moment and he admitted to us what had happened. So even US troops where kept from this information and I don't really think anyone knows the exact KIA figure. Ask DEF BUNGIS about what he knows about it...he was in my Battalion also, but in Charlie company. He might have something to add here. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  24. John, I guess not. The only conformation we had was that Col. Meritt came up to us and asked us about the shot. Later on when Brigadier General Black came around to each company, to our surprise, he had heard of Sgt. Turner's (my gunner) shot...apparently Col. Meritt had gone off braggin about it! So as far as 'confirming' it...I don't know. The two shots that you say were confirmed...do those happen to be from the "Tiger Brigade" during the battle of 73 Easting? ------------------ One shot...One Kill
  25. Jeff D. I completely agree that Rexford is the man on this subject. I will say it again...Rexford is the man. The only thing I want to emphasize is that, IMO the underlying physics already in the game are pretty good, BUT as is readily shown in-game, bracketing is not allowing for follow-on shots to kill targets without emptying your basic load. I think with a combo of Rexfords tables and perhaps just a little tweaking of CM, we could see a vast improvement in the med to long range gunnery. ------------------ One shot...One Kill
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