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Posts posted by Elmo

  1. Biltong

    Started my first battle last night. The rules certainly have me viewing my units differently. My core units are getting the good cover and the aux's are the pointy end of the sword. smile.gif

    Question: When creating my real battle (step 48) I had 700 points to buy arty/air. However a QB with a 2000 point limit would only allow me to buy up to 350 points worth even when set to unrestricted. I decided to use the other 350 points to buy more infantry of the type I had in the Aux QB (step 47). Is that the way to handle the extra points? Thanks.


    P.S. - After further review, according to Note #7, it looks like I could have bought whatever I wanted within the point limits.

    [ November 19, 2002, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: Elmo ]

  2. Terence

    In my case I don't think the enemy tanks were moving. I was playing the AI and can't verify it but they appeared to be hiding and thus not moving. Not sure about dug-in although it could be.

    I think Battlefront could clear this up easily, for me anyway, by commenting on whether it is possible to spot hidden units, particularly vehicles in the open, that don't move or fire if EFOW is turned on?


  3. Hi John

    Thanks for the reply. Yes I've heard of recon by fire, although not prophlaytic fire. Are you saying either one involves shooting up the countryside including open terrain over the entire time of an advance? That sounded to me like somebodys answer to the original observation that started this thread. There certainly is a time and place for area fire, but IMO it shouldn't be the only method of spotting a hidden enemy.

    I agree that men/guns/vehicles hidden in good cover should usually go unnoticed until they fire and, as you say, possibly after they fire. I don't think it is realistic to say the same for vehicles in open terrain. For example in one of my games I didn't see a vehicle sitting 180m away on a forward slope even with several units, not under fire, having a LOS to that area for a few minutes. Should I have been guaranteed a spotting, no. My question is, was there _any_ chance? If not then I see that as a problem with the game.

    I'm not much of a bookworm so I can't quote chapter and verse of historical examples of covered troops being spotted. However I hope you're not saying it never happended? I am saying from my limited experience with the game that it has _never_happened_ and if it can't then that is unrealistic.


  4. Where are all you area fire advocates getting all your ammo?! In a medium sized 30 turn scenario I'm lucky not to run out of ammo just firing at confirmed targets, never mind spraying the whole map every minute. Is anyone thinking that is how an attack really developed, especailly regarding the open ground areas?

    In my admittedly limited playing experience so far (played four or five scenarios)I can't recall a single case where one of my units has ever spotted a hidden unit that didn't move or fire first. If others have the same experience then that strikes me as unrealistic.

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