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Posts posted by Grognerd_Fogman

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    M.Bates, thanks for the clarification. You have an opinion that differs with ours and (apparently) the majority of CM players. But that does not mean you are off the wall or inherently wrong.

    To show himself a superior thinker to me personally, as well as anybody else that has a differing opinion about MW. When he failed to do this (and he did) he got personal and eventually fled the debate in a huff. He set himself up for it, so it doesn't surprise me that it ended this way. At least this "debate" didn't drag out for 500 tedious posts smile.gif


    P.S. He is already on USENET bad mouthing us smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just a clarification. Smoker started the Gamey Recon thread...cheers!


    Thanks for Athskin!

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

    1 Sturmkompanie...581 points

    1 Panzer IV G...122 points

    1 Veteran Panther G...234 points

    1 Regular M8 scout car routing the Sturmkomanie, Inflicting gun damage to the Panzer IV, and knocking out the Panther by hitting its weak spot...priceless


    LOL, good one Mann-ster


    Thanks for Athskin!

  3. Heya there Smoker my friend. You know for sure you at least have one PBEM'r who loves your style. If someone would choose not to play you because of s**t list violations, then whey would be missing the experience of playing with one of the most funniest and witty people I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. Nothing you have ever done has upset me in the slightest, with the exception of the lopsided final gamey score! wink.gif You're even funner then the online golfers I used to play with...lol. But seriously, if you ever have trouble getting a good game going, i'm here for ya. We could even do multiple games at the same time. Just think how fast you could climb the ladders!! Hoping to cheer ya up... biggrin.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif


    Thanks for Athskin!

  4. Well, I'm 38 an just recently got back from my 20yr high school reunion. I discovered CM cause I was knocked outta work for two months because of it an surfing the web for stuff an eating gerbil chips an ran across it. At the reunion it so happened that we had a little fun golf tourney before the reunion main events later that night. Long story made kinda short, driver of golf cart unit swerved much, GFogman went flying (forgetting tuck-n-roll concept)an destroyed left knee with major damage. Thanx Charles, Steve an Jimmy Beam for aiding in my recovery. smile.gif

    *** Golf IS a Contact Sport ***


    Thanks for Athskin!

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    "Godlike Point of View" - this is the player knowing, second by second, where each of his units are, where each of the enemy's spotted units are, knowing what each is capable of doing in the given situation, making predictions about enemy forces based on game parameters/limitations, how to coordinate units in order to achieve a desired goal, and being able to direct the units to execute orders based on all of this knowledge. Unless we remove the human player from the game, there is no fix for this at all.


    Steve, I think you've just went and solved all my PBEM problems. I think I can finally win a battle if I just remove myself from it! All this time I've been screwing myself up by being in the game...lol


    Thanks for Athskin!

  6. Actually the reason most of us "in the know" partake on Hamster dribble is due to the fact there were real top secret Hamster troops utilized in WWII on underground missions (through camo'd habitrail tubes) for the Reich. I could tell you of many, many operations they undertook but I swore to my great great German grandmother that I would never tell a soul. Just suffice it to say that if Hitler had not buggered up some of their greatest battle plans (among other things), the Axis probably, in my best estimate, would have altered the course of the war. If left alone to their devices, the current world would probably be speaking in rodent tongues an munching on cabbage. O well...


    Thanks for Athskin!

    [This message has been edited by Grognerd_Fogman (edited 09-25-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Grognerd_Fogman (edited 09-25-2000).]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    [old codger voice]

    Why, back in my day, sonny, we didn't even have computers. Yep, had cardboard counters on paper maps. Sometimes even had to mount our own counters and cut them out. Had to figure out the odds in my own head too. Got pretty good at doing sums, heh heh heh. Yessirree, them's was the Golden Age of wargaming...[sighs reminiscently]

    [/old codger's voice]



    (young guys voice):

    You had to mount your own counters?!! Wow, some people will do anything to simulate riding on a WWII vehicle...lol Why didn't you just go to your local zoo and ride a llama or something? smile.gif


    Thanks for Athskin!

    [This message has been edited by Grognerd_Fogman (edited 09-23-2000).]

  8. I luv you Tom, see?, we all still like you...lol. I can't wait till I get the AAR from the match between you an Mannheim, probly could sell it on Ebay in a few for a pretty penny. AARs are so interesting cuz if you think you've thought of it...you aint. Also Tom you've posted basically the same stuff in the way I wanted too, but couldn't say too proper smile.gif I think ist's mostly due to the stress Smoker1 has been putting on me in our latest game. He keeps killing my gamey Kubels with good tactics. Somehow I view that as unfair as gamey should equate to an advantage?? Now :USER:, I have my Visa out, jus gimme the website...


    Thanks for Athskin!

  9. LOL you all. I didn't think it could ever happen in a thread like this that all parties (99.97%) are hugging an stuff at the end. This while not even completely seeing eye to eye! Steve -n- USER, MH -n- Tommy, Me -n- Foobar...Woohoo!! O wait, me an Foo never had a prob...lol.. Just wanted to say that this thread at this exact moment today made it for me. Really cool to see so many sides an perspectives an stuff be cordial an understanding of the other side even when issues remain. O :USER:, I been wondering where I can order your game at? I for one don't use gamey recon techniques very much, but look forward to trying your cardboard jeeps on a high-speed back-hills jaunt wink.gif . Have a great day all...


    Thanks for Athskin!

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

    I would use a jeep to hide out somewhere on my flank, where I dont hae the manpower to put up a defense, and pull out of there when they start getting shot up. Its sucks to get snuck up on. They are also good for patrolling your "back country" to see if you have been infiltrated.

    Honestly, I never buy them. I would rather have an extra sharpshooter or something. But if a designed scenario gives me one, I will try to make him uselful in some non-frontline assault sort of way. (Also ggod for getting arty spotters to places with nice views..)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Roger that Foo, thanx much for replying mate. I think I have been fully satisfied on this issue. Whew!, it feels good. Break out the Jim Beam an Pepsi!!!... smile.gif


    Thanks for Athskin!

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

    There is a place and time for those vehicles in CM I think. Those jeeps and small vehicles are great for getting important teams from place to place in big battles...

    I don't make my Crack Sharpshooters walk! Perish the thought! They are chauferred to their positions in style! biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But in WWII did they really use jeeps an these class vehicles for shuttling around shreck teams, sharpshooters, small mortar teams, arty spotters, and flamethrowers from flank to flank or to fling them quickly foward alone by themselves to hide an ambush well away from the main force? These are the usual reasons I see for teams to be embarked as such during PBEM's. To me, in these type of battles about the only non-gamey useful use would really be to shuttle the company or battalion HQ's around to help with lost platoon leaders to help bolster their morale and killing and stuff. Can't really think of anything more.


    Thanks for Athskin!

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Uhm.... exactly my point and that of others smile.gif A Combat Mission battle is just that. One big unhappy kill zone. Sure, you might not know that the enemy has x in y position, but that was rarely known in real life either. What you WOULD know would be generalized information which recon had picked up BEFORE the battle you are now playing. If this is a premade battle you might even receive specific information (ex: "the enemy is known to have at least one Tiger and 3 pillboxes").

    So it is not a flaw in my position.


    Hmmm Steve, you've just made the best point I've seen for eliminating all fast recon vehicles in the game. Meaning that if all the general recon was completed prior to CM type battles, then there would really be no reason for jeeps without MG's and Kubelwagons. Drop all vehicles that are fast, have no firepower and small passenger capability. Gamey recon fixed... wink.gif


    Thanks for Athskin!

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