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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Well we almost maintained a serious attitude.....almost. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  2. This is my wishlist. BTS usually does the right thing so I think this is how it is going to break down. 1.04 will be mostly TCp/IP. I am sure it will include other minor touch ups like the Tigers front armor. Now TCP/IP is not going to be easy. I know I work with it for a living. So iwould think that there would be 1.05 that would simply fix any bugs that are bound to occur from 1.04. After that I think we can all agree that CM will be done and CM2 can begin. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  3. Dig a deep trench iggi ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  4. My understanding is this. First the graphic you see is a representation. When you sneak it represents the squad, team, etc. as walking, running, ducking, crawling or whatever is needed. Crawling on the other hand is just that crawling. In game terms if I want my troops to be unseen I sneak them. If my troops are under fire but I need to repostion them slightly then I crawl because it exposes them to less fire. For those of you who are gonna ask well why don't you just sneak them to the new location, the enemy already knows you are there. Although you may sneak them away say deeper into a forest. Also remember that the movement type also determines the soldiers general attitude. Run: soldier is more concerned about movement than cover, firing, or spotting. Move: An equal division of movement, firing, and spotting. Crawl (also applies to hide command): soldier is more concerned with keeping their heads down than movement, firing, or spotting. Sneak: Unit is much more concerned about spotting and to a lesser extent movement. Firing is for the most part ignored except when discovered or the TacAI see an easy target. Hope this helps ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 08-11-2000).]
  5. Hey I have to put my .02 in this thread. I love using infantry against tanks. You have to have a passive aggressive approach. And most important you have to use your troops together. I just played a QB against the AI and this is how it shookdown. 800 points with Moderate tree coverage and gentle slopes. It was a clear day meeting engagement. I was the allies restricted to British infantry versus Axis combined arms. I had a veteran infantry company with some Vicker MG support and 3inch Mortar battery. I also had a veteran sharpshooter. There was a village in the center of the map with the only flag. I put one platoon on each flank and my best platoon in the middle. The sharpshooter snuck forward with my troops behind him. Note that the commander with +2 stealth was always in contact but behind the "shooter". I was able to identify 7 AFV's. My sharpshooter saw most but my platoon on the right saw 2 of them. I hide all my troops and the tanks can't see them from about 200m. I position the platoon commanders in a position where they can see the tanks while remaining hidden. As soon as i have LOS i unleash all available 2 in. Mortars. While this is happening I slowly inch the Piats into a closer position. The Mortar fire buttons up the tanks reducing vision and the tanks either bug out allowing me to advance or drive forward like mad and right into a Piat crossfire (for heavier German panzer you need at least two usually). The enemy infantry now comes into LOS to attack my Piats, but wait I bring my infantry out of hiding and rip into their ranks. I find a concentration and tell the FO to target their. The Vickers keep the Germans honest. Then two minutes later boom. Also the Vickers are also great for buttoning tanks. About five turns later it's over. Piat crew casualties were high but the survivors have no ammo. All enemy vehicles are dead (only one halftrack by mortar fire the rest by Piat)and my infantry and support troops suffer mild casualties. The computer calls it a Major Allied victory. I could have also close assaulted the tanks also at times I was in range but in this case I felt it better to preserve my infantry to counter the German's Infantry. I actually kill more AFV's with infantry than other AFV's. I hope this example helps and allows you to see that it is how you use the stealth of the sharpshooter and the range of the Vicker and 2in mortars to set up the AT teams. Oh and Boo is going to be in Baulder's Gate II for those who care. Later ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  6. Okay my turn. I have killed more tanks in CM with British PIATS than tanks by a large margin. But then again I have had a hug amount of PIATS since I play infantry only. (not all the time just most). Now you would seem to think that by the statement above that I wuld think AT teams too powerful but I do not. You see I have 6 or 7 PIAT teams on the field and by the end of the game most are dead or close and the survivors are out of ammo. That is the thing if you shoot about 40 rounds out then you are going to kill something. Oh and for those of you who remember my "UNDEAD TIGER" post my friends Tiger absorbed almost 15 shots and he was immobilized. So no I think they got it right. Just do not run your tanks without support! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  7. Fionn Is there no end to the questioning? Hey Guachi I would like a copy of that also. Thanks Calstann@hotmail.com (like it's not in my profile) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  8. Just pushing this one to the top. I would like to hear from BTS. This is pure curiousity and should not be taken that I am calling them out. Actually I would rather the Tiger be weaker than stronger (i usually play Ally). ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  9. I do want Russia but if the CM2 engine is refined enough (hell I think the CM1 engine is refined enough) then hopefully it will be a short wait for CM3:THE DESERT RATS!!!!!!! hehehe oh well one can hope ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  10. I agree about TCP/IP. Also I want to see the Desert Campaign badly. Like I said on an earlier post, who doesn't want a crack at Rommel. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  11. 24 ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  12. Has anyone read the "Mantra" for BTS? They think that big companies are the enemy. Now for really big money then I can see it and even though I am against it I cannot say that I would not do the same if the situation was reversed. I hope they do not. The fact that historical wargames do not generate huge "peripheral" gamer support may finally work in our advantage. Also this is a great game from great game people. I have said it once and I will say it again CM2 3 4 5 100 whatever shoud be about EVOLUTION not REVOLUTION. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  13. Then we have lost an innovator. Truly sad. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  14. Go to THEGAMERS.NET. They have a Combat Mission area. It is really great there is great information there. Also there is information here in the forum as well. Most everyone is happy to answer your questions including the designers who frequent the forum. Also this is the first place that actually listened to us and made the needed changes. And do not get discouraged because this game is really easy in a complex way. Let me explain. It is all about line of sight (LOS). You move your troops so they can see the enemy and hopefully in places where the enemy cannot see you (this almost never happens but it is the goal). Example if your infantry is in the woods and the enemy is crossing a field even if they see you at least you have cover. This is a realistic game. Read some history books or watch the History channel (my fave). Tactics discussed will work in the game. Now there are literally thousands of parameters in the game but just start easy and then move on. Email me if you need anything else Calstann@hotmail.com. Or just come to the forum. Good luck and remember even the best get bested sometimes. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  15. well....ouch! You know I don't think that building is supposed to be on fire! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  16. Hey matt if you did get paid per download you can thank me for the new car!!!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  17. as always thank you for the game and congrats. By the way I'll be the first. CM1 Beyond Operation Overlord CM2 Barbarossa CM3 Desert Rats!!!! (oh please!!!) I know I am reaching but wouldn't you want to play Rommel. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  18. Yeah it was an undead tank. My friend experienced that this weekend. He had a Tiger immobilized in a huge hotseat game. Anyways the Battle is winding down and this Tiger just happened to be immobilized near the deciding flag (in got bogged on turn 2 DOH!). The allied player rushed 6!! Piat teams and 3 squads of infantry plus his platoon leader at the tank. He used the rest of his force (about a battalion of infantry) to keep the rest of the Axis players force pinned. THe Tiger proceeded to make 5 of the 6 PIAT teams run, decimate 3 squads of infantry (the allied player brought 2 more in over the span of the mini conflict), Blow up a building eliminating 2 more ragtag squads before finally succumbing to....well we really couldn't tell bet we think the infantry finally swarmed. This was over 7 turns long and the squads (includung the PIATs were all within 20 meters). Hell the building was only 100m or so away. Insane. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  19. DAMN!!I just went to his web page. Call this guy. Speaking for CM fans "Let's make up!!" ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  20. yes it is really cool. This guy is good!!! How do we get a piece of that? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  21. sure why wouldn't you. Try out some stuff. If you don't like you can either revert back to an older mod (the patches replace the .exe file so just move the older one to a safe place and bring it back if you want later) and the only graphics you cannot re insert are the originals (unless you can pull them from the CD I have never tried). If the combos get real screwed then just live with it till you finished your game and re install. You can always move the PBEM files and even the saved games if needed and re insert them into their folders. I keep all the downloadable zips in a seperate folder. Right now it is about 30.0 mb which just replaced the space the demo took up. That way I can do as I please. So do mod because all it really does is help you customize your experience. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  22. One thing that I have not seen mentioned is harrassing fire. HMG teams have large quantities of ammo and in large point games are very economical. Find a position that gives you a good long field of fire (ie. second story hardened building) and allow the MG to open up on advancing troops. The team should be pretty protected. Now this may not seem the the most useful tactic but it has helped me a million times. First it can slow an advance (squads may duck or run for cover going sideways instead of forward) Also you may kill one or two. But the most important thing is what it does to the opposing player. Most people do not like losing men at long range at the beginning of battle. I have seen some players change their entire plan. I like to hide the rest of my forces except for some machine gunners and then let them approach not knowing where my strength lies. Also it gives the enemy a focus and commanders will be drawn to the obstruction. This has allowed me many times to sneak units into the rear of the attacker. And most importantly it takes the initiative. The attacker is reacting to you not the other way around. Of course you have to have the positions available to you to do this. Okay that was supposed to be shorter....oh well ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  23. ENOUGH!!!!!! Damn people. Here we are bitching like school girls about irrelevant issues. First I don't believe that anyone here can besmirch Fionn or Maddmatt and some of the others. Have you looked at the other threads. People are typing "Thank you BTS" "You changed my life BTS" "YOU SAVED WARGAMING BTS". Whatever. True or not it is honest praise and these guys were involved. Is the game perfect, no. But BTS is one of the few companies trying to make it so. Also ever heard of the Meta Campaign. Hmmmmmm.. Fionn. Everheard of updating graphics and sound everyday or maybe even MadPacks? Hmm.. MaddMatt. Okay now I happened to have a friend who stumbled over the game about two weeks before it came out. I played the demo for 2 weeks and then ordered the game AFTER it came out. I am not a oldie and well not a true newbie anymore either. So can we just all get along. Yes there is some stupid people on both sides. Yes some things are said that we regret. Yes there are some idiots and yes it's probably going to get worse as more people play. It's not about who is old or new but who is accepted. I would rather be considered a regular contributor than an oldie or a newbie. Did we all hear that a contributor? Hopefully of positive statements. I really hope this thread disappears soon. Email me or post comments the address is in the profile I am always happy to hear what anyone has to say about my opinions. And I am not blindly defending Fionn and the others I really don't even know them but it seems like the attack was unwarranted on them. Thank you ALL for a good forum to this point and for to continue we are going to need you ALL. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 07-31-2000).]
  24. I played the Red Devils of Arnham. I was the defender It was against the computer It was version 1.01 I think it was 6 battles The defender (British) had a major victory and held both sides of the bridge. It was really easy (probably because it was against the computer) but other than the first battle only two or three Germans even reached their objectives. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  25. Let's see how do we know the battles really went that way? Well JP first off have you ever heard of the History Channel. If I am not mistaken they interview the Germans too. Oh wait but sense they have to use translators sometimes the translators change the story that's it. No No wait even better the war never really happened. No No wait we never went to the moon. No No wait we never even existed. See this is absurd. Allies won Axis lost. The History has been dissected enough. The general populace got a gloss story but for the most part you are dealing with avid researchers of the war. So use a little sense. Oh and I let one of my German friends read your messages on the board. His family is German. He lived in Germany. He is more disgraced by people like you than his ethnic history. He has gotten over it so should you. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
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