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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I believe your is spelled you're in the above context. Do I now get placed on the ignore list? Regards KR
  2. Here's a question I've not seen answered before on Buddy Aid. If a crew member in an AFV becomes a caualty does one of the rest of the crew attempt buddy aid while the guy lies bleeding in the vehicle, or not? Should the AFV move is the incapacitated guy somehow magically left behind? Regards KR
  3. They don't like it up 'em Capt. Mainwaring. They don't like it up 'em! Regards KR
  4. This bit clearly displays the journalist's obvious bias where she tries to build up the Irish win against the Aussies as... one of the best games in rugby history... simply because they beat the Wallabies. Not a single try scored by the Irish! I mean... WTF? Then she tries to justify the assumed world wide antagonism towards the Wallabies with this bit of tripe... And the fact that it wasn’t just the Kiwis and the Irish, but the English, the Samoans, the Italians, the Scots and pretty much every other nation at the tournament celebrating the victory says more about the world’s feelings toward the Australian rugby team than anything else. No. It's simply that almost everybody generally likes to see an underdog win provided it's not against their own countries team. That's all there is to it. BTW SO, that link to the humungous study by Flinders University on crowd behaviour had absolutley no dates on it that I could see when skimming the reams of text, which struck me as pretty unusual. Any idea as to how old that paper is? Was it at least some time this century? Regards KR
  5. Wonderful set of photo's skimbo, thanks for that. I still reckon the WWII AFV that looks the most menacing and impressive from aesthetic point of view is the Jagdpanther. Wonderfull looking beast! Mind you, the King Tiger with the Porsche turret was rather nice as well. Regards KR
  6. Of which not one of those examples you've linked to relate to Australian Rugby fans. I could have sworn this was a thread all about the Rugby World Cup. Regards KR
  7. I'm surpised no one has mentioned the Douglas A-1 Skyraider? This wonderful (and forgotten) aircraft could carry 8,000 pounds of ordnance and could fly for 10 hours so it seems to tick most of the boxes yet was phased out in the early 1970's. Time to check the design blueprints again? Regards KR
  8. I imagine the only thing of use the blue bar tells you is when your opponent receives a large re-inforcement group with the resultant more discernable delay in the blue bar finishing its progress, assuming of course that your side didn't also receive a large reinforcement group on the same turn. This was also the case with the CMx1 series of games so I really don't see it as being an issue. If you spot a hesitation in the blue bar completing it's progress who's to say it could be your tank getting waxed? If you're a pessimist I guess you would assume that but if you're an optimist then you're thinking it's the enemies tank biting the dust. Perhaps we need the input of a psychologist to sort this issue out once and for all? Regards KR
  9. I must admit I'm pretty amazed by BFC's attention to detail. In a QB I'm in I noticed that one of my Yank riflemen managed to shoot a moving crew member of a MG42 team right at the end of the minute in WEGO. The crewman had his body flung backwards and his helmet in mid air then I noticed something else. Battlefront took the trouble to model the guys hair under the helmet and he had quite a noticeable bald spot. Germany was scraping the bottom of the manpower barrell by mid '44 weren't they? Unbelievable! Regards KR
  10. Yes, my feelings exactly. I thought my previous posts certainly didn't qualify as some sort of over the top rant but it appears I've been tarred with the same brush as others who participated in the previously locked thread. I mean...WTF? Regards KR
  11. They don't like it up 'em Mr Mannering... they don't like it up 'em! Regards KR
  12. On the subject of -1 Nervous think of it like a NZ sheep would if being approached by farmer Joch on his sheep farm. Regards KR
  13. I must admit I'm struggling to see how "broken" the previous CMBB/CMAK Hunt alternative was. Sure, it wasn't absolutely perfect, but it was a darn sight better than having tanks either stop dead 1 second into the turn on spotting an unarmed crew or carrying on blithely on its merry way as it moves (or moves fast) to its plotted destination while being fired on by a credible enemy threat while pretty accurately returning fire on the move. It's just not anywhere near what happened in reality from my reading of the period. As for GAJ's question, it can be incredibly frustrating if you're trying to advance towards an objective and continually have your armour halt the moment it spots something... anything in its sights. Setting a covered arc is fraught with danger as you can be often guessing where credible enemy threats are and if you get it wrong you'll have a dead tank as it becomes a sitting duck to whatever fires at it while it doesn't fire back because of the incorrectly placed covered (everything) arc. As I said, it would be nice to have some sort of insight into why the old hunt order couldn't be implemented with CM:BN. Regards KR
  14. After reading the now closed thread on Tread Head's (& others) frustration with the current movement & fire routines for tanks in CM:BN I was wondering why it wasn't possible to bring back CMBB/CMAK's Hunt command? While I'm not suggesting it was perfect it certainly allowed tanks to move forward and halt when a threat was spotted so that it could be fired upon. Once the threat was dealt with then the tank continued its movement path until another threat was spotted. This sort of behavior for tanks is pretty critical for players who like to play PBEM style where the turn runs for a whole minute whereas I can see it's not quite so critical for real time players as they can simply issue new orders on the fly should they be watching the relevant action at the time. With CM:BN as it is at the moment it's very difficult to advance on the battlefield with tanks where they will halt on spotting a threat but continue towards the ordered destination when the threat has disappered or otherwise dealt with. At the moment we have to simply order our advancing tanks to either move or move fast towards their destination hoping that they're able to hit enemy threats when they appear as they continue their inexorable move towards the end point. As I said, a good compromise solution to this failure to halt while firing behaviour appears to be the old CMAK/CMBB hunt command to this layman but perhaps BFC can provide some sort of explanation why this can't be implemented with the current engine as a compromise solution? Regards KR
  15. Same here with regard to a vehicle becoming bogged negotiating a corner. In my instance I had a Quickbattle where an M3 halftrack loaded with a squad bogged as it atempted to turn a corner on a dirt road using slow movement in its first of 2 slow movement plots around the right angle corner. The weather was clear with dry ground conditions. At the time I thought it a bit strange but as the halftrack wes able to unbog itself I didn't think anything more of it. BTW, I was using v1.01 of CM:BN. Regards KR
  16. G'day all. I've managed to get all my mods working again. What I did was delete my Z folder after moving all the mods out beforehand, then simply created the folder again and moved everything back. I'm not sure why but it seems to have worked! Regards KR
  17. The Italian soldier took the cake in my book. By the way, I didn't realise that Sweden allowed witches to serve in their armed forces, green skin and all! Regards KR
  18. Hi Juju. Thanks for responding. I did move all the files out of the Z folder into another non CMBN folder before installing the patch but didn't remove the Z folder itself. When I moved all the mods back into the old Z folder after installation the UI & terrain mods weren't working for some reason. I guess I will simply delete the Z folder entirely and create a new one from scratch to see if that makes a difference, although I don't see how it could. Regards KR
  19. I've just recently upgraded my CM:BN to version 1.01 with the patch but I now see that some of my precious mods aren't being loaded up such as Marco Bergmans UI mod showing basic unit penetration and protection stats and a wonderful less saturated countryside mod with grids. I don't understand why these suddenly aren't working when all we have is a patch to a new version that changed the exceutable file. These sorts of problems have never arisen in the past with the CMx1 versions of the game so why the drama's now? What can be done to get my old mods working again? Regards KR
  20. General LeMay was such a great humanitarian wasn't he. Bomber Harris and he would have got on like a house on fire (pun intended). Regards KR
  21. What I find just a tad annoying about buildings is that there's no way of knowing how sturdy a structure is before committing troops within them. You can't tell me it's realistic for trooops now to know whether a small single storey building of one design happens to be far flimsier than a similar sized building that has a different look. There needs to be some way to identify whether a building is either a light or a heavy building, just like troops back then could tell by looking at the design and seeing whether it has the classic thick Norman stone walls or the much thinner and modular type design. At the moment we have no bleedin' idea as there's nothing in the manual about the protection offered by the different styled buildings. Regards KR
  22. The Cromwell yes, but certainly not the Comet in the time frame of the coming module. Regards KR
  23. Yep, Victorian weather can be very nasty, even on a 'good' day! Regards KR
  24. I completely disagree with the OP's title! "KI", otherwise known as Kangaroo Island is horrible ALL the time. It's a place full of inbreds where absolutely nothing happens. If you don't believe me, take a look at this link... http://www.tourkangarooisland.com.au/ Regards KR
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