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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kampfgruppe_Commander: a) Who is the Undersecretary of Defence? Who won the World Series in 1939? c) How many homers did the Babe hit during his best season? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> a) Not sure Goebels does not tell us. can we talk about Football? c) boy you americans are violent, I'm sure all those Homers didn't like getting hit buy some guy.
  2. well as most of us know, Boru sadly can't make it for the second rounds due to some things he has to take care of. Wishing ya the best Boru and hope things turn out. So what does that mean, von shard is now in his place (make boru proud v.s.) I've emailed him on his new status but so far no return emails accepting this or not, gack... =/ if HE can't take the position then it goes to.. uh.. *looking* Private Pike. to you all who should be making the set up for boru, please make contact with von shard to iron out details. mensch
  3. B.Bucket, you can have a read at our site Der Kessel under Design Tips / Articles. its mostly on how to design Historicaly but maybe it will help. mensch
  4. Wow, thanks for the replies guys! so ta answer a few questions MrSpkr: As soon as possible, I'm in today at work (this being sunday) and chop up a few pages and personal stuff. Lawyer : yup I'm working on the contrast, but right now that would be fine tuning which I'll nail down in the week. ya I was hard up on how to design the site for monitor screen size. I mean I use 1280x1024 at work and 1024x768 at home but here are my stats from last month at the site for screen size: Screen Resolution used by your visitors (in %)* 1024x768 43.12% 800x600 41.39% 1280x960 6.31% 1600x1200 5.04% 1280x1024 2.24% 1152x864 1.90% if I have time I'll do a larger design for those bigger settings using a redirect or somefink, but that has priority 3 at the momment. Geier: right now thats the full menu layout, of course if I have no Allied Support mods that choice on the menu will not be there, etc.. why offer donuts when I don't have any righ? hmmm the javascripting I can handle but thanks, actually I did that for a website here by my work. MikeyD : Thanks MikeyD, we hope to bring more to you and everyone soon. Mace : Mace, mace, mace.. the only thing netscape has in standard is the back button... heh, jk. Ya finding out what works on which browser is fun (right Berli?) because there IS NO WEB STANDARD. just start building frames sets and look at three differnt browswers and you'll cry, then look on those three browsers on three different platforms.. then you snap a nerve. Lt Bull: well I can tell you Berli is working onna bunch and so are two others in our group, man we got a lot of updating to do. Berli: Ditto Germanboy : *slap* Måkjager: thanks! Capt Canuck : you ain't finding out till you get a police search warrent.. jk.. no serriously i think it's Wolf's High contrast Grass. I think I got it from Tom's combat mission HQ OGSF : Again me boy I spent 10 minutes figuring out what you wrote.. but I think itsa complement, thanks?
  5. yup your right viceroy... leave the ambush marker untargeted for a turn and poof its gone. One thing I did notice is that you can only have so many ambush markers then you get after that maximum you get one around or more if you untarget some of the existing markers.
  6. Well Pipboy, the only chance of getting near that is setting up ambush zones.. anyone that comes near it or on it you wack them good. Now depending on your troops experience I found the better the experience the better the bang for your buck. Green troops tend to start firing at incoming troops almost 15m before the zone, vet troops practicaly wait till they are on the zone, but they make thier mark. Give it a try.
  7. well so far I have not used netscape for almost a year (personal use) I use it to check up on design and seeing how the html works.. or should I say how netscape determines how the html works (ask berli on this one, we could write a book on our endevours two days ago). Now I use IE and recently the new Mozilla browser. As for Netscape making any patches or update I will doubt it since they said they are packing in the bags over the browser war. On a personal note, statistic wise from middle last month browser stats were as Browser type used by your visitors (in %)* MSIE 5.5 60.75% MSIE 5.0 20.34% MSIE 5.01 5.93% Netscape 4.75 3.99% Netscape 4.73 3.69% Netscape 4.5 3.18% MSIE 4.01 2.13% ya the thing on the new design was to make it easyer to navigate and breakdown the operations, battles, mods and such.. and I thought heck its almost a year old.. lets get a new skin to live in.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I'd like to say, as one that was helping you with it, that Netscape sucks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> but berli that was fun, wasn't? I mean why on earth should HTML 2.0 not work in Netscape!?? I mean a simple image tag not showing up because netscape says so is enough for me.. *barf* I'm just so glad netscape is packing it in for a Browser business.. morons.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: yes. second these suggestions. and would advise you to code on/off states into the navigation to let users know where they are in the site.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thanks.. as for the states, hmm I'm thinking of it too. We'll see when I'll have more of a solid foundation I'll set her in.
  10. Thanks ciks, as for the navigation on the left, we're contemplating of mixing the ops and battles onto one link then defining them once there. That would eliminate two links and give more "breathing" space which I feel is also needed. Again could be said for the maps section, freeing up one more space. The contrast I've been playing with, and if anything a lighter grey to be used to get that defining edge for the text. thanks for your imput.
  11. Hey everyone I just want to see what you (as a group) think of the new design for der Kessel. Alot of stuff is not linked yet and is in the works, it is at the momment very "naked" in the term of information but I'm working on it slowly. Some things may change over time, due to discussion within the Sturmgruppe over function and "need". -mensch (der kessel webmaster) New Der Kessel design Old but still functioning Der Kessel site
  12. Hey everyone I just want to see what you (as a group) think of the new design for der Kessel. Alot of stuff is not linked yet and is in the works, it is at the momment very "naked" in the term of information but I'm working on it slowly. Some things may change over time, due to discussion within the Sturmgruppe over function and "need". -mensch (der kessel webmaster) New Der Kessel design Old but still functioning Der Kessel site [ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  13. 5000pts and you never bothered to buy one or two 20mm flak guns??? or 37mm flak?... hmmm you could use them as very very heavy MG units against those anoying infantry hordes and when a Jabbo shows up they have a chance to shoot it down or at least make it miss its mark. as the famous Nelson says.. "HA-HAAA!"
  14. your wrong.. the germans stole tons of Glod, and I want to get some of it
  15. oooh ooh ooh.. don't get me wrong.. I like me Jagdpanthers, but with ketchup. Now that dwarf bread.. its good to keep you going over those long periods.. but anyone whos anyone knows dwarfs are dirty little gits who will take all your "Glod" while you are staring at that dwarf bread you bought.
  16. I don't know... its not onna stick... and I bet its not ever real jagdpanther like hubwards, I hear in badass they have real jagdpanthers.
  17. yes the woes of Computer AI, I found sometimes on defending make three sides friendly to the the attacker. I found this makes the attacker more agressive. I tired a no VL battle.. which came out with comical results, like a gravity well for tanks.. I played 20 round and could not figure out where the enemy was or more so DOING! heres what I found out when I called for a cease fire.. stupid tankers. heh
  18. mensch here, right here's the situation Boru who is in the next round has not showed up or is sick, on holidays or abducted by aliens. I'm giving him one more week to surface. Then I must list him as AWOL... so that means von shard will then be the next up since he placed fourth on the first round. BORU you have one week to show up and start, heck a email to me like "bugger off you git i have other problems right now" will do but in one week, I'm sorry but you will be retired and von shard will take your place. mensch
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: One could build an entire Thread around that.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> your right!!! we should make a thread on how BTS (particularlalalay Steve) programed the game to be such!! I agree nothing is worse then insider programming to corner the market so that you don't want to play against your wife! BTS DO SOMEFINK.
  20. I think its true different mods give different properties to the vehicles. For example the camo tiger I did.. when I use the dark yellow tiger I loose them faster then say if I used BTS default. Ironic realy. and if I use my grey camo tiger I usually get first kill then I die from another tank busting bully on the field. it is not fair BTS programmed the game to alter stats when you change the skins on tanks, just damn unfair. Worse yet they programmed it so when your wife plays with you in a hot seat she wins in the most gamey way possible AND SHE HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHES DOING!! STEVE your getting my medical bills for that.
  21. wowza, a long weekend holiday for me and ta post sinks to page five! *badda bump*
  22. acutally the Hetzer in Bayeux is a post war production, I think thats what I read. I got a pic of it I'll scan it tommorow and post it here. But I am sure its Cezck production.
  23. So dawning a new age mensch who is frustrated by the crap some of the poolers have been spewing rummages through the kitchen and looks for a box of some sort to stand on, discusted not finding anything he visits the Cess's washroom and finds a perfectly unused soap box. Tossing the soap in the garbage (knowing it is never used) he drags his new found podium out to the garden and steps up giving a heart warming "wake up you sodding Kool Aid sniffers" speach. mensch: When I was a lad this place had, pazazz! the air was smelly and not this new "cess smell in a spray can". And the light was different! not like this light we have now a days! it was newer and more golden in colour… *at the distance, poolers come closer because mensch seems to have managed to get out of his cage and is blabbering something* David Aitken: look over there, is that.. *squints* mensch? hey who let him out? Jdmorse: me finks he chewed through the new Saskatchewan seal skin straps. David:Wow, I thought those were the best in the world? Jdmorse: feh, two words davey my boy... "Canadian made" David:Figures. But hes talking... my God! normal?? I though we drugged him last night? Jdmorse:Sure did, Peng gave him a double dose, enough to make a Burmese cow trip back to the 70's. Berlichtingen:Hi guys. David and Jdmorse:Hmmmf. Berlichtingen:I saw you guys and that guy over there *squints*. Mensch? whats he up to now? David: He's going on about something about the good old days and how the newbies are fecking up our cess. Stalin's Organ: Someone say newbies!? David, Berlichtingen and Jdmorse Jeezus! where did you come from? Stalin's Organ: Well the door was open and I figured since I'm one of the new "duh" generation, and ignore peoples privacy and snoop where ever I can so I can brag to my buddies how I went where I was not supposed to go, I… David: alright, shut your hole. we get the idea. Stalin's Organ: … but I wanted to go on how we newbies are fresh blood for your cess, without us you will all just get moldy and smell like my gym socks. I mean without us you… Berlichtingen: Stalin, dave is right.. go stick your head inna grinder, besides I wanna hear what mensch has to say. Jdmorse: WHAT!!?? why on earth would you want to do that, Berli? Berlichtingen: Simple, look its like this. Mensch needs to shake some grudges off his chest, but sometimes in his words he has something realy important to say. Besides we need to see if his medicine is realy wearing off then we'll have to grab'm and mensch off his medication means we might get that August 2000 incident again. David: crap not that again, I tore me trousers trying to help put him in that cage. Your right lets get closer and check it out, heck maybe he's dying. Jdmorse: We can only hope. Stalin's Organ: Hey guys!! guys!! *jumping up and down* I'm here!! look at me!! *bounce bounce* I say something funny, witty and, and.. Berlichtingen: You hear something? David: Bloody mosquitos this year are awlful. Jdmorse: Here, can-o-bug spray. *ffffsssssttttttt* Stalin's Organ: *hack cough cough*.. I CAN'T SEE!!!, YOU BASTARDS!! *cough cough* Berlichtingen: More like a bloody cockroach, nail him again. *ffffsssssttt* Stalin's Organ: *gasp* darkness... light.. fading, *cough* David: Here I'll step on it. *crunch* Jdmorse: good job dave, I think you nailed it in the family jewels. Berlichtingen: yup, look how his eyes bulge and then roll backwards. *they all look* Jdmorse: yup, his tounge is hanging out and already the cess flys are gathering on his corpse. Lets go check out mensch now. *the three walk over near to mench* Mensch: And the Peanut butter had more nuts! Speaking of nuts anyone remember when Seanachai said something worth spitting at!!?? I mean... *back to the three stooges* Berlichtingen: come to think of it there are less nuts now here in the cess. David: Berli, he's talking about Peanut butter!! Berlichtingen: No, I've been observing mensch for a case study. Evaluating if we need to put him down one day. Trust me Hes talking about us elders and stuff.. Jdmorse: I don't get it? whaddya mean berli... jeez is your head hurting from his blathering? Berlichtingen: To complicated to explain, I found that if you use a ferret and a tuning fork to translate what hes saying, he makes sense. David: What do you do with the Tuning fork with a ferret? Berlichtingen: You don't want to know. David: oh... *moves away from Berli*. Anyhow if you say thats what he means, he does have a point? I mean there are more bones in the courtyard and more and more of those graffiti spraying newbies.. wheres is that fat mouthed guy...uh.... Germanboy? He was a nasty lad, smelled of Vaseline, got to watch out for guys that smell like Vaseline. Come to think of it anyone seen PeterNZ for some time? Jdmorse: Calm down, this happens some times. Look your getting all upset over some guy talking about penuts and *listens in* Mensch: Gravity!! not like in the good old days we had… Jdmorse: gravity? jeezus, I'm getting Peng this is getting strange. Berlichtingen: No need here he comes now. David: Crap, now we got to listen to another wind bag. Peng: *belch* David: well at least that was short. Berlichtingen: no wait, he's just getting started... he starts every long speach with a belch. David: crap and I thought today was going to be another quiet day just watching mace get all excited over Kitty and soil himself from excitment. Peng: What the?? alright who gave mensch the right to stand here and talk about *listens in* Mensch: and if you read the instructions correctly we would not have to give how to use a condom course 101 in the afternoon!!.. look what could happen *pulls a picture of Panzer Leader out*.. Peng: Right hes got at least one good point, but never the less I thought I drugged him up? Berlichtingen: I think hes getting immune to that stuff. Peng: Drivel, we'll just have to mix more Bleach in it then. Jdmorse: Realy guys I'm getting a damn headache here... his droning is killing me. Peng: you listening to this crap!! wholy jumping nurf herders! this is worse then I thought. *Jdmorse staggers off in the direction of the cess basement* David: I, uh.. think I should see if he is ok, and make sure he doesn't pass out. *runs off after Jdmorse* Berlichtingen: Panzy, all this looking after eachother is making me think we are loosing our edge here, who cares if he passes out? Peng: It was pay day today, remember we all cashed in our cheques. Berlichtingen: heh, ya.. and? so what its not going to help him if he passes out, he'll just.... *thinks*.. Peng? Peng: Ya Berli? Berli? *looks and sees Berli running in the direction Jd headed off* Peng: morons *looks around, sees Geier* yo! Geier!! Geier: Sod off! Peng: that ungratefull nob. *runs over to geier* Geier: Aw jeez come on Peng, I don't want to hear your crap today, I'm reading my comics. Peng: bugger that mensch is out! Geier: huh? how? where? Peng: *points in the distance* THERE you nearsighted sea slug! Geier: *squints* yup... mensch alright, good to see he gets some air once and a while.. it remindes me of a quote I read here in my comics. Let me look for it. Peng: ? Geier: "Life is like a box of cho…" *thwak, Thud* Peng: I new this frying pan would come in handy. Now Where the hell is Senachai? *dalem walks in to the courtyard* dalem: Hey Peng, whats up with Geier? Peng: Hmmm, what? oh him... donno? you seen Seanachai? dalem: Mother of God is that mensch?? Peng: Ya, look have you SEEN Seanachai? dalem: Cripes! and hes coherent!... ow, does your head hurt? Peng: *rolls eyes* have YOU seen Seanachai??? dalem: ooh man, dizzy.. can't, stand... *THWAK, Thud* Peng: Wanker *rifles through his pockets and takes dalems pay* *looks over to mensch and sees Mark IV listening, peng runs over* Peng: *gasp, pant... weeez* Mark IV: your not taking up running agian are you? Peng: No *weez*... I *gasp* feck!!! *gulp, pant* Mark IV: take it easy, you realy strained your self over that 15m dash... Peng: I'm.. ok *gasp* senachai… *weez* mensch… *cough* must, save... *pant* Mark IV: say nice fying pan. Peng: Thank..s *cough* help... Mark IV: OK *takes frying pan from Peng* Oh, nice steel cast? a.. *reads the ingraving* wow Mc Fully 1906!! Peng: Belonged.. *weez* to me... *pant* ma... Mark IV: Listen here Peng, mensch has brought up alot of good points! but I must disagree with his idea that we should shave the courtyard squirrels tails, something about glorified Rats or somefink. *weez* danger, mensch... stop, must.. Mark IV: But its true, I mean look… hey nice balance on this thing. Peng: *whew* ah.. thats better, hey watch it with that thing its a double action Mc Fully Frying Pan. Mark IV: no problem, I know what I'm doing… hey whats the button on the handle do? Peng: huh? green or yellow button? Mark IV: the yellow. Peng: here let me show you dip head. *grabs the pan* Mark IV: *looks at peng, then at mensch* he has a point you know. Peng: WHAT! mensch, he couldn't make a point about that gunk that collects behind the oven over the years!!! Mark IV: Uh, nope your wrong he just did... Peng: I need a beer this is getting to much. Mark IV: Tell you what lets let mensch air him self out and I'll buy you one, It was pay day today! *smiles* Peng: thanks! hey so that means you cashed your check in then? Mark IV: Yup, all $300 Pool poun… *THWACK, Thud* Peng: Wanker, *grabs Mark IV's cash* Mensch: You! you there!! I have something to say!! did you ever notice how the colours are not the same today as they were way back when!! look at black! now we all know black is no colour since its the cousin of white and the brother from violet.. but never the less!! its not… *Thwack, Thud* Peng: Thank god, my head was hurting.. hmm I where the hell is Seanachai, feck this I need a beer.... Stalin's Organ: ooh.. my, ouch.. he..lp *crunch* Peng: And we got to do something about the cockroaches here. [ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  24. Well it appears as much as I expected the following people could manage a "belch" of a responce to my comments, some even managed more then 25 word; well brovo I think you have now the standing just below pond grime. I think with those who see my point, see a fact and that most of the "moronic flat headed bunny poppers" that comment here have about the same wit and charm of soil, and that is insulting soil. as for the last of the heavy hitters in this pool, they have not manage to pop in yet and write up at least four complete sentince structures insulting me or at least try to sedate me with thier spewing rancid words. As for the one liners, I guess I should have not expected less, it would appear the attention span of such mold life forms cannot exceed more then four vowels or a synonym. well I realize I expected to much of a responce. well as some of my old cess buds said "we told you it wouldn't work, thats why we gave up. welcome to the club". So I guess this leaves you fast food writers more space to use up with your 20 words or less comments. +++ serious mode on +++ I honestly expected a witty but charming counter responce, how wrong I was. My god people not even descry or jab at my spelling or poor grammer. walks away disenchanted. P.S. thanks stevetherat, even though you may have been trying to be ironic. +++ serious mode off +++
  25. Hey guys, just wondering is everything going ok? games started? problems contacting your opponent? drop me a line if anything is amiss mensch
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