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Everything posted by mensch

  1. I don't know prob. nothing will be done.. why.. there was not one DO SOMEFINK in either posts... bts do SOMEFINK!
  2. Hi maybe I just don't get it but… right in a operation Scheduled Reinforcments work just like in a Battle. But for the life of me I can't figure out Battalion/Regimental/Divisional Reserves. does anyone know how to use this option correctly or what factors have to be in place to make them work to cough up the forces you put into them? thanks ps I would have done a search but at home on my 33.6 modem it just kept crunching and crunching and gave no results. mensch
  3. yup... Berlis correct, it be coming soon.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: By the way, has she bought an assault boat yet? Old joke. Last year, some guy taught his wife to play and while playing their first or 2nd game, he spent 2 or 3 turns attacking what he thought was a jeep? only to find out it was an assault boat parked in the middle of nowhere. LOL.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya laugh it up chum, I still have my laywers working it out... I know BTS burned a special CD just for me so that could happen. PS I hate fog of war against the wife.
  5. =) yup the sequel will be coming soon, two sequels actually one scenario if the germans won and the other when the americans won. I'll post here on the board when its ready I may make the sequel a operation if possible pushing back and fourth from Heimblick to Ostburg.
  6. CM is good cuz its part of a well balanced Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Midnight Snack nuf said.
  7. actually no wait, Hiram Sedai… I mean who could get a score of "0" and not kill anyone in a game against.. er.. some guy who is not realy important anyhow...
  8. Thats easy, ME!.. let me explain. Feb. 2001 I sit down for a game and I order my tanks to move in to the town, things look good 5 Panthers a full platoons worth with two Platoons of Panzer Grenadiers as support. I call in some of my 120mm on the town to soften them (bloody Canucks) up. First round two panthers go up in flames, ok.. not so good what was it? bad day? the felt they could set up a grill party inside the things? nope no idea, then burst bang pop... two squads are running for the hills all cut up and messy like.. hmm well well I didn't see that mine field and two vickers over there.. bugger that. later in the game I decide to be a wee bit cautious, oh btw 17pdrs took out those panthers but I taught them a lesson or two, crap arty is falling on me.. arrgh.. wait.. er.. thats mine.. ooo-k, shoot that FO. later in the game: Ha! my tanks are in the village Poof kaboom... you know one thing interesting about PIATs is you don't know where they be shooting from.. well that finishes off my Panthers with a kill tally of two 17pdrs, two cheezy universal carriers and a monkey's uncle.. jeez. turn later: right I got me troops right? noope seems the computer likes flamethrowers too for some reason; roasting a squad and a half and setting them off running out in the field only to get shot by some cockey morons from Winnipeg... dammit. near the end: so me sets off to flank the canucks, who are now happly singing "God Save the Beer and Backbacon" pumping my lads full of pure canadian lead (otherwise known as canadian pennies now a days) ok right.. so what did I learn.. no idea i fired up the saved game and tried again ha! did better I not only killed one more squad I got the booby prize of Stomp'n Tom singing over my dead troopers graves and i think... do i get a prize?
  9. Hi MOM, HI Steve, Hi Mr. Rogers.. I love making debuts in dead threads and endangered Forum users. =) remember the famous qoute.. if it ain't broke... Break it, then blame your snotty nosed brother or sister.
  10. Soddball.. I AM SOOOO SORRY!! (best stimpy impersonation) here let me wash you down with pure Lyme!!.. *scrub* *scrub*.. hmm darn the water is turning red?? [edited cuz I can't read user names.. *slap*] [ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  11. ++on load++ ++start update++ Hi, ok everyone in the NSSB II, the kessel got an update and your old links to the NSSB II scores has moved to NSSB II Second round stats I'm having a, heavy week with work and must say "sorry" to my opponents for the lack of responce. I'll get back in gear next week mensch ++end update++ ++exit++
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Tell me more, tell me more like does Mensch have a car. (go grease lightning)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no, I don't have a car. feh.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: Desert Fox's site is up again for anyone wanting to check out the mods he has. http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891/<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that's is correct!!.. he did mention his site was down, and had no time to check up on it.. =)
  14. thanks Runyan99, we're doing our best! or trying... berli keeps drinking all the coffee. At least I have the Gummibears to keep my energy levels up!
  15. Some people just lkie 3D first person shooters, some just board games, some want "holywood" effects, some want challanging play, etc... If I showed this to a buddy of mine who only plays first person shooters he would scorn and laugh, much as I would to him on his narrow minded thinking but whats the point? each has thier own tastes, for me CMBO is prob. the only game I play now the rest sit and collect dust, for roleplaying I love Fallout/Fallout II/and FOT... for strategy, CMBO will always be first.. funny no seconds. hmmm. as for first person shooters, they have thier momments but again after a while the collect dust.
  16. I AM CANADIAN.. but, I'm 7th generation Ukrainian (and mixed stuff) but mostly ukrainian. now living in Germ-an-ee oy boysche sweyte! (eye'm huckt ohn fonicks) and no I don't speak the language anymore.. I lost it.. *sniff* [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: Och noo lassie! Ha' ye completely lost ye meend??? A green farthin' an' nae morrre! Af'n at takes more than tha' tae be rid o' tha yammerin' bag o' piss an' wind, at shid bae tha rattlin' spitoon's sponsor - ye beloved Pawbroom. Tha's nae sense an' throwin perfectly good money awah when there's a besotted Frenchman tae pick oop tha tab. *a fly ha' bin lazily barrel-rolling across tha room, suddenly divin' straight aintae OGSF's wee dram o' whiskey. He grabs at by tha wings and hoists at oot o' tha nectar* Spit at oot! Spit at oot ,ye bastaarrrd!!! SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFL.. this is the first time I understood what the old git wrote!!! my goodness, I must be loosing braincells faster then Poopsyleader is getting Ugly. I'll be giving a full half dollar for this cause. but to be spent exactly this way. use my half dollar to pay a unemployed Igloo builder to saw off Peepsyleaders legs then glue them to his head, realizing the glue won't hold we bolt the suckers down with nine inch nails. so after payment tell the unemployed Igloo builder that Poofyleader mishandled the poor guys pet penguin "Pingo". This will cause great nashing of teeth and much anger, we offer to sell the unemployed Igloo buider a rusty dull knife for half a dollar to cut of varrious manly parts from PantyLeader (which he will be after the Igloo worker gets finished with him).. the end.
  18. And lo the Horseman "DEATH" and his companions "SKIPPY" and "FLUFFY" and oh ya "WAR" came to the battlefield to cause havoc and mok riot!. And LORAK heard the cries of the dying and the stench of the dead from his easy-o-matic-all-in-one™ plush chair. Two great armies stood opposing and thus only one has won! Kommander Mensch aka "snuggelhase" aka "bringer of toasted cheeze melts" aka "hey thats my wallet you thief!!!" commanded a wopping 5000pts of brave, strong Germanic forces!! and across from him Berli aka "hey thats my tank! well whats left of it anyhow!" aka "fluffymuffin" aka "this is no fair I'm going home and taking my red wagon with me too!" commanded a laughable 5000pts of spinless, yellow American forces... There were fireworks, there was tank battles that even Fox could make on a Amiga 3D station! there was Bratwurst and Beer!!! there was a lot of dead Americans!! and there was one winner... ME!!!! ME YOU HEAR!!! hahahahahaha! Lorak o wise one please register this battle with the blood of Berli Mensch - Axis(da MASTER of Mr. EVIL himself) 112 casulties (34 KIA) 7 vehicles KO'D Men OK 458 Score: 85!! Berli - Allies (sourpuss, giver upper kinda guy) 287 casulties (67 KIA) 362 captured 9 mortars destroyed 6 guns destroyed 20 vehicles KO'D Men OK 0 (yup zero!!) score: a measly 15 Allied Surender, Axis Total (yes TOTAL) victory... hahahAHHAHhahahAHAHhahhahaha!
  19. .. *urk..* can't must... noooo! HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY, HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY!!! geeet this helmet off me!!!!!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99: Uh, yeah. Most tanks do mount a coax. But I defnintely agree with Israeili doctrine regarding keeping tanks unbottoned. I never button mine unless under artillery fire or direct infantry fire at ranges less than 100m. WWB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you must not play against someone who buys vetran sharp shooters offten do you?
  21. well little update Jadayne: Battle is 2/3 done and we both agreed to Mech. Forces... GOD HOW I WANT A TANK NOW!...we both be sitting on two flags that would be suicide to rush so its a mexican stand off, the third flag hes rushed it and me too at the same time in horrific results to both sides, his arty suxs large.. mine was impressive as hell but did not hit a thing with it either, maybe scared him at most. Ace: This guy.. i hate him, I hate his tons of troops I hate his "blowup every damn house I'm in" and I hate how the computer gave me crap.. and to top it off I suck.. major sucky game... I sence a horrible loss on my behalf.. *sob, cry* von Lucke: Luverly, I fed me only tank "super weaties™" and hes kicking anything that sticks its nose out. muhahaha.. aside from that a MG unit of his with me finks some zooks are playing hide and seek on a hill far right to me, a lone zookman trying hoplessly to plink my Mark IV but he has more problems now that a Pz. Grenadier squad is plugging his position at 20m with grenades, rocks, bullets, letters from mom, etc.. still early to give any real results. New battle call when I play this one "Weaties GO!" on the other side you guys who are now playing von shard get in contact with him?
  22. this has been discussed to no end.. do a search!! *snicker, and runs off before the guys can hit me*
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