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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Hey Mike, stuff like that, your site is great. A specific detail on OOB IE Screaming Eagles or the 3rd Canadian Division, etc. What they had exactly, how a Recce force or scouting force was made up of and such. Thanks for the links Though. Searching the net is great but having a book in ones hand to read and crossreference while building ones scenario is nice.
  2. Right, since this is getting absolutly no responce in the scenario Thread I'll post it here in hope someone (grogs or not) have any good suggestions and hope MadMatt does not put this in the general descusion thread too quick. --------------- Hi everyone, Right I have a few book on German OOB of WWII but I am looking for some outstanding books out there that have OOB of American, British and Commonwelth Countries like Canada's OOB's during WWII. I have Waffen SS and Other Units in World War II : The German Order of Battle by George F. Nafziger and I would be interested if there are any books out there in that scope and detail. If you have the name of the book it would be great, if you have the ISBN number that would be also a big plus.
  3. Hi everyone, Right I have a few book on German OOB of WWII but I am looking for some outstanding books out there that have OOB of American, British and Commonwelth Countries like Canada's OOB's during WWII. I have Waffen SS and Other Units in World War II : The German Order of Battle by George F. Nafziger and I would be interested if there are any books out there in that scope and detail. If you have the name of the book it would be great, if you have the ISBN number that would be also a big plus.
  4. yes but where can we get these drugs without loosing your teef?? R_Leet's sorry.. I accept it. no harm done, acutally I was wondering if he was some one I played before and was sour because I won!! (which happens rarely) but allas it was not, soooo we be having a nice 1000 point thing battle stuff well you get the idea. may I smite him with my charm, may I wack him with my wit! may god let me finaly win one!! mensch oh ya.. I'll be posting the AAR.. ARR? RRA? Woot? anyhow I'll be posting this one how it progresses with nifty screamshots and detailed reports turn by turn as my troops are slaughtered to the last man. feh. [ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: 1) The plural of guy is guys. The apostrophe is not necessary. vs von shrad (who also goes by stuka) the games is just starting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok Mr. I think I spell better then you, The Game's just starting unless your doing a best 2 out of three with the guy? hehe... jk. spelling is for those who care. And as you see.. I don't menschy
  6. Right since the last post has been eaten by the Forum, I make a new one.. *pulls out the toothpicks and white Elmers Glue* Right HOWS IT GOING YOU GUY'S? that means all you lads in the second round sound off! Update for me then. vs. Ace: the guy gutted me, flayed me and stuck me on a pole out on the cornfield. This guy did not just beat me he walked over me with big spikey steel toed boots™. vs. Jadayne: The guy made a rush to my flag managing to wack half a squad in the process but I fear he will lose more since he just walked into a nasty group of un touched Hamsters in the woods. vs. von Lucke: I am his BANE, I am his worst nightmare I am anoying the hell out of him with feats of wonder and pazzaz.. he stopped sending files back for a time, I think his wife/girlfriend is stroking his back while he crys on her shoulder. PS don't tell him 81mm Mortars are useless as an offensive weapon, and don't mention Bazookas firing at 70m and missing 5 times. *cough*
  7. Frenchy's Battle is now available at "Der Kessel" under Hosted Battle of the Month in the Battles section, Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. mensch
  8. Frenchy's Battle is now available at "Der Kessel" under Hosted Battle of the Month in the Battles section, Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. mensch
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet: But everyone knows you're a gamey bastid, Mensch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [Edited cuz R_Leet was frilly in the brain while he wrote it and was taken over by some strange Cess Flu Bug thing] [ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  10. Ah stuka me lad, yes they get reinforcments all be it something not like a king tiger that many wish for when getting their butts wooped. I'd must admid that one Operation we were beta testing did go a foul with Batallion Reserves, but since some lads here posted and directed me to the explination of Bat / Div / Coy Reserves.. I will be less likely to use them again, since it only in my eyes does only reward failure (sometimes) I'd rather give Reinforcements with a less chance of comming or somefink for now on.
  11. I play 1x and 2x sizes... if I have trouble seeing them I remove the trees to get a better view, give the orders and put the trees back on view. =)
  12. heck check them all out, look at Dick «Warmeister» Reece's The Old Mill Polka - PBEM ONLY version, its realy small, perfect for those who love infantry fighting only and small but well made map. Also the best battle out there for those low end bandwidth internet users (like me on a 33.6 modem) =D
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Enjoy your victory over... my jeep<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heeey! got to take every victory however minor. Beside Mr.Egypt guy, isn't it you who surrendered to me last time in a failed attemt to crush my awsome Berli eating German forces? I'm not going to wine you have 6 Jabbos at your disposal or the fact you are Berli the great pest since cockroaches roamed the earth.. eat hot lead buddy! come a crawling to me heck Mace made better distance then you did on the first round of "menschy's" tanks and towed stuff openening fire!!.. and he's from NEW STRALIA! Happy American thing day, choke on a hotdog for me will you. [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph: Something preferably not too huge (say, reinforced co./1500 pts max)? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Murph<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey murph, making a plug here for my scenario. for a difficult (but challanging) battle try Fatherland found at Der Kessel. So far I've been getting good congradulations on a well made map and battle challange. If you do plan on playing it single player I suggest playing the Americans since the AI handles the troops kinda strange. But its great for PBEM or TCP/IP on a moderate line (anything higher then 56k) mensch
  15. For all thos grogs out there "Kip" at the Kessel wrote up a interesting article about German Gun effectiveness. comparing Chucks Numbers by what Kip has in research it can be found under Design Tips / Articles at Der Kessel.
  16. Roight, back again you nobs! sit down all of you and shut your holes.... the following people I have games going as far as my file systems has coughed up. Berli: I would not place this as a official cess game but we be beta testing still I will like to make fun of his burning stuff he keeps throwing on the field of battle. Harpoonerguy thing: send me back my round you nob... I got file 19 since May.. that or surrender like you would normaly do. Joey: He's loosing bad, he knows it he just don't have the bullocks to cough up a "don't shoot me anymore I give up" file. Broonie: The french general incharge of burger eating Amis is slowly on his way to a good Arse wooping. Croda: again another twit who has not sent back a file sine April. yes Mr. Brainfart thats turn 20 you got to send. Mace: our game is on ice but its going well he's doing alot of "Die Lots™" but we be beta testing.. but still like I will do for Berli I will post his failures and more "Die Lots™" events. OFTGF: Mr... gamey man himself, destoryer of the English Language and old guy.. I'm not sure who's going to win but I'll make damn sure he don't. PeaterNZ: Again another Egg who has not sent in his surrender sine June. He's cowering somewhere in his village and afraid to come out. Seanoochie: The lad is getting another Arse wooping by french troops, I've managed to drop Citröen cars on his troops and shattered his resolve to move anywhere in fear of becoming cooked Bratwurstchen. He claims triumph at every Greyhound kill but I fail to see how this could change the fact his troops are shocked beyond all belief, he has a HT with no MG and some budda budda SPW driving around in cover. I have yet to comit my full coy and a half to the battle. right thats about it I guess bite me I'm back, I'm taking no crap from your newbies so feck off. Here I'll give you a topic to discuss with your pea-brained newbie group. "Does a Grog brush his teeth with his toothbrush at 30º at 4 rpms per second, and if so do you think it will still eliminate that geeky smell from his mouth when he labbers about usless stuff"
  17. I thought they use the Cartrage Family? *snicker*... ok i shut up now. *shuffles off*
  18. ROTFL.. whoo... weee.. man.. thats a good one. busting a gut here. man someone do a mod for that. oh man.. *cough*.. er ya.. I shut up now. *shuffles off*
  19. Hey all, it was a crazy last two weeks. Projects to do falling out of the blue, Kitchen renovations and Berlis Power Book choking and coughing up a memory chips. But in the end we've made some small updates to the site. we also gone french! well not realy but we now have PawBroon as a new member of Der Kessel. "There goes the neighbourhood" New battles: Dornot Bridgehead [by Yankee] Bootprints [by Warmeister] and not forget last months updates for those who missed it. Battles: Old Mill Polka - PBEM only [by Warmeister] To The Last Man [by Germanboy] Fatherland [by mensch] all these [by Berlichtingen] - Le Camp Crossroads - Village les Moulins - Blood On The Vines - Holiday In The Country - Liberation of Hyéres - Sollies-Ville - Charge To Glory - Road To Toulon - Toulon Nightlife - Liberation of Toulon Mods: Panther A, March 1944 Italy [by "Audace"] Tiger tank in mottled green-ochre over khaki (High Res) [by JohnS "Tiger"] Almost all of The DesertFox's mods backed up on Der Kessel from his semi-stable website.
  20. Hey all, it was a crazy last two weeks. Projects to do falling out of the blue, Kitchen renovations and Berlis Power Book choking and coughing up a memory chips. But in the end we've made some small updates to the site. we also gone french! well not realy but we now have PawBroon as a new member of Der Kessel. "There goes the neighbourhood" New battles: Dornot Bridgehead [by Yankee] Bootprints [by Warmeister] and not forget last months updates for those who missed it. Battles: Old Mill Polka - PBEM only [by Warmeister] To The Last Man [by Germanboy] Fatherland [by mensch] all these [by Berlichtingen] - Le Camp Crossroads - Village les Moulins - Blood On The Vines - Holiday In The Country - Liberation of Hyéres - Sollies-Ville - Charge To Glory - Road To Toulon - Toulon Nightlife - Liberation of Toulon Mods: Panther A, March 1944 Italy [by "Audace"] Tiger tank in mottled green-ochre over khaki (High Res) [by JohnS "Tiger"] Almost all of The DesertFox's mods backed up on Der Kessel from his semi-stable website.
  21. Interesting Clubfoot, Stuka and I tested it once and he was wooping my arse so to say and I had Divisional Reserves from a whole company of mounted troops and a coy of AT guns with one platoon of Mark IV as support after the first 35 turn battle of 4 i had a platoon and a half of troops one Mark IV tank and two halftracks needless to say his Regiment that was attacking was reduced a bit maybe i chewed up at tops a Company and one and a half platoons of tanks with a few of his HT. next battle I was still defending against a Battalion strength forces with what one would consider a suicide force. In my reserves I had two platoons of Mark IV's a Flak Platoon and Half a coy of Infantry. DID i get them? no.. not one bit. strange, maybe with the combo of settings the reserves don't work?
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