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Everything posted by mensch

  1. …before the weekend yup, it's hot so you'll be finding me under a rock (you sit down Senachai) or some real cold spot drinking a beer and enjoying the view at the lake front. YES amazing!! Another update, where do I find the time! heh. Yup Berli has turned out two more amazing maps which boggle the mind, you wanted better Bocage? You got it! You wanted a City to fight in to give you nightmares about? Berli has one for you, so strap in and prepare to be wowed! hop on over and see what berli has done to his boccage map and a city which I would Fear to have a battle in, Klein Maastricht.
  2. My doctor said I should get out more see the world. get away from that Cesspool.. so here I am I have my wallet (no money) my car keys (I don't own a car but I liked the red one from that guy over there so I took his keys) my medicine (which came from Seanachomons locker) and a new pair of fresh underwear. LOOK OUT WORLD HERE I COME!
  3. Hey Gunnergoz, no prob. glad ya have a place to roost.
  4. Hey Fieldmarshall, The Desert Fox made a Waffen SS Eichenlaub Muster, Sommer Oak Leaf Summer uniform. found at der kessel under Axis mods. check it out. <center> </center>
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Now, normally speaking… [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai because he's a worry wort and tight arse about his image and spellink]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> since when does Sanacho speak normaly?? I'mma confused, jeez even OFSDFTL speaks clearer and better then this dupe!!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I'm alive!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well not realy just because the bactiria is alive on your corpse does not mean your ALIVE.. heck Yeast is also alive but you don't hear it screaming "look at me!! *bounce bounce* I'M ALIVE!" no... besides at least with yeast one can make bread and beer (the later being the most important).. with you my sir I would guess we could youse your "live'ness" to feed the cess garden or somefink.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: When I'm not so busy I don't have time to breath<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAT the hell you doing here posting!!!! get to work *snap o da whip*.. I tell you he runs out of cigars and girlie mags he looses track on what's important... sheesh. no realy, thanks berli... btw your not being paid for the time you post on the boards, its coming out of your monthly salery of.. *looks at the books* hmm it says here you owe me 5 bucks!!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: I'm glad that at least one of us is ADDING to their sites content. Keep up the good work!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thanks Manx, I know how it is.. heh. I'm also very lucky to have Berli helping along with stuff, he's the best santa's litte helper who smokes cigars and spits acid that any Mr. Webmonkey could ask for too! I was happy to get this done faster then I thought! Amazing what one can do between development meetings at work hehe..
  9. Right! how better to try out your new tactics and tricks then with new mods by Gunnergoz. Yes he has a new home and it's HERE! no not here there! at Der Kessel of course! His Hi-Res Grass, Tree bases and Bushes and Lo-Res water and marsh all for you green thumbs out there! HAPPY PLANTING and WATERING! Don't forget to check out his page with wonderful full screenshots to capture that Krodac (no not Croda) momment!
  10. Right! Gunnergoz has a new home and it's HERE! no not here there! at Der Kessel of course! His Hi-Res Grass, Tree bases and Bushes and Lo-Res water and marsh all for you green thumbs out there! HAPPY PLANTING and WATERING! Don't forget to check out his page with wonderful full screenshots to capture that Krodac (no not Croda) momment!
  11. Right! Gunnergoz has a new home and it's HERE! no not here there! at Der Kessel of course! His Hi-Res Grass, Tree bases and Bushes and Lo-Res water and marsh all for you green thumbs out there! HAPPY PLANTING and WATERING! Don't forget to check out his page with wonderful full screenshots to capture that Krodac (no not Croda) momment!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: 1. I need a battle make by one you hairy creatures to send to Elvis<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well my Barbarian friend.. me finks Elvis is to busy counting his points and numbers to have sent an email to you.. to enlighten you here is the dialog I had with him in ICQ m: heyyyy anything new? e: i hate numbered turns!!!! hehehe m: use the alphebet thing.. er.. aye. that. e: hee hee....ya working on mine and lizardboys game? m: er.. I got the map done.. I'm just fuzzy who does the weather stuff, etc.. or is one person supposed to make it? Nice map though. e: i have no idea i've never done one of these things before m: ah ha.. right.. um... I could do the whole thing, both of you send me a flat map with the forces you both wish. I'll put her in the map and send it off saved as campaign saved. e: that works for me....any idea how many points?...should I be doing that now. m: contact your funny challanger and do it this way. one player decides the weather and time of day the other decides ground conditions and if there are flags or not. I though you guys agreed on 2500pts.. meeting engagement? e: right...2500 points..and i will contact him for now i am going to try to nap...been up since 645 after trying to stay awake to finish my game with that bastard stuka last night m: hmm.. he still plays?? wow! right just email me when you got the details and tell your buddy to send me a game file with his choice of stuff right that sums it tamedman, you figure it out. I got the map, I'm waiting for the settings and troops and off you two will go wacking each other with big sticks. right... fixed something cuz some nob is going to point somefink out.. I hate you lot. [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Oh mensch, you sweetie, I didn't think you cared!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well for you sugarschnupp.. anything. now, bugger off.
  14. for all those kack holed cockroaches that worry about spelling in the CESS? go play with your barbie dolls and fine pressed underwear your spouce irons for you, extra starch by the looks of some posts in here. Spelling and grammer are for those who care... and as you see I don't. if you want to ramble on how such a teacher fecking suck you were in school or how many professors you banged to get that perfect deploma.. tell it to some one who CARES.. i don't give a feck. you pasty pissants who like to wooo and wow how your mentor / animal handler patted you on your head when you took your first perfect crap! TELL IT TO SOME ONE WHO CARES!!! as for the cockroach problem here it's getting worse. Go figure a Peng Thread™ started by Spanachie tends to gather the lowest lifeforms on this earth, causing great pain and nashing of teeth to the low life forms already here. so what did we learn today my little cockroach friends.. if you think you can wow us with pazzaz.. or was that pizza.. well it don't matter. Show it to someone WHO CARES. if you want to complain about spelling or grammer, tell it to some one WHO CARES. if you can't understand this, who the feck cares! It's not our fault your a MORON! now.. go play on a busy highway I got a headache.. but even that I DON'T CARE. as for cockroaches, your challanges will be ignored, not even read over with the slightest smile or passing of gas. BECAUSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. now update for those who don't care: PeterNZ: The nob I think has given up on CM thus our game that is on hold. cuz the NOB is not returning his file to me for Two and a HALF months now.. lorak I formaly declare this one a draw since he was loosing, knew it and ditched the game!! this is the first copp out I have experienced in my CM playing career. OBSFGZ: new game, more death to him, I hope. anyhow we just got started and well here's my thoughts.. he'll labber about something in forked tounges agian.. wait for it. Senachoo!: Bless you. no realy it took him since 4th of July to realize he never sent me back a file! I guess he was layed up in hospital from a firecracker firing up his nose. boolichen: nice beta test going, no real constructive comments by him xept maybe, "greg..." hmm sorry I can't remember what he wrote, but it does not matter he never writes anything spectacular anyhow.. Spuka: Hell boy do we have a game going?... ring me up I need a good laugh about now. Mase: beta testing and a real game going, as for the beta testing he's doing better then Berli that's forsure. as for the real game, expect a auto surrender from him any day now. Kroda: again no file from him for months, I suspect drugs are the reason why he's not sending stuff back. Frenchboy that goes "oui": funny him.. damn rushing gamey git.. payed for it though.. me too.. the git. Guyer: wow, amazing.. I think this is the only real intensive game I've had all year.. cuddos to Germanboy wonderfuly done. Jow She: painfully slow, his tactic is working but loosing many men to such foolishness, bring out that damn armour so I can brew it up will you!! if I miss anyone, who cares. I don't
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: From what I heard the Nebelwerfer had sirens fitted, especially to induce terror, although that could just be legend.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no thats just the howl from me when my rockets go astray and land on my troops. No legend.. just fact.
  16. oh so your title like somefink along the lines of "I attacked with my PENG +13 and fumbled my challenge" would be better?? feh you don't know your Kolbolds from the growths on your nose!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: (wit its lame title)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LAME TITLE?? oh like you could come up with somefink better.. heck they chose some lame title'd thread to carry on the peng flu. at least Senachai made one worth not throwing up over. lame title indeed.. feh!
  18. no cold here.. just cold Beer! and Babes.. and.. uh.. stuff. ya stuff! I must agree though Q.C. has gone down the tubes lately... BTS do somefink!!!
  19. What's not locked is not dead!! whoo hooo.. er.. *looks around* anyone seen baldy? no? good... drinks on the house!!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire: viper pix <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you're cruel... *sigh*.. wow.. *sigh*... I'd say you lucky jerk.. but who knows when I may be around your side of the planet and need a ride real coool "machine" you got.. *sigh*
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle: joey I am The Whuppin' Boy I wear the title given to me by Lorak with dispassionate disdain. [the rest of his drivel removed for your sanity] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your still a cockroach to me.. bug boy.
  22. wow.. thanks guys.. *sniff* realy.. aw shucks... *kicks the dirt*
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle: Perhaps you could challenge SUCK boy to a duel?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you should not be so hard on your self.. SUCKboy indeed! I tell you these cockroaches are nattery... *stomp* and crunchy too.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle: blather... sputter.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> who the hell is letting in more cockroaches!! jeezusmurphy!! they are breeding!!! I only can blame senachaimon for this fiasco!! where's peng?? did he drink the bugspray again??
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