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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: Talking about his pet's ****. Seriously, folks, that's what this guy considers worth posting to the pool. Mind you, he has been eating his deposits lately. Get used to a higher octave.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Higher octave? Octave??? Sweet sister Mary, you don't have two IQ points to rub together, do you? Do you seriously think that a dog or cat or marmot or whatever creature you possess, is going to sing any better because it eats its own ****? What is wrong with you, man? What two-bit sanitarium did they loose you from? And yes, I mean loose, not lose, for no one would miss such a pathetic specimen of craposity as yourself. No doubt some twisted, mad scientist created you from all the worst parts of Marky Mark, Vanilla Ice and Pee-Wee Herman. Once again, I need to now read passages from Thucydides so as to remove the numbness caused to my brain after reading your post. You are a stupid man, not fit to be made into dog food. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: I see Elopidae Reeks has been trying to sell the virtue of a pansies game again. Well, take off your tutus yankees and come play a proper game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First off, no I'm not saying that football is better than rugby. It is unnecessary to argue that a game that involves so much strategy is better than the sport that is little more than a glorified game of Smear the Queer. No, this post is just to point out to Hiram that his ponderous Iggles were defeated by my glorious Raiders. Conisder it a Public Service Announcement, you do have that over there on your little island, don't you?
  3. Stop that, stop that, there'll be no frickin' Haiku while I'm here. I didn't like it in 7th grade, I didn't like it in High School, I never done went to no college and I don't frickin' like it now. I'll take a dalem's limerick over that crapass wannabe Chinaman's art anyday. So stuff it. And top it off with a cherry tomato. Before I get down to business, can anyone explain to me why that chumchuck-raping whore Andreas doesn't like me? The animosity has been there for a while, I thought originally that it was related, you know, to his being German and all. It's genetic with those people. But I'm starting to think it's personal... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: I am zee Frenchified man. I like zee gruyere et la farine et la sexiere et la boinkerie du scottisherie. Meeksy Meeks. In another dimension where neither time nor sex size mattered (or whatever it was Rod Sterling said in his opening speach), you were considered as a sessessionist of the worst schismatic variety. But now you NonDisgestedOne, you are our Saviour. Shield us from the daily mediocrity of wannabes and tired old timers alike. Steer away the Grogs, the Women (Yes you latexed one and you also Haggies fondler!!!) and if you can do all that while SHUTTING THE **** UP it's all for the better. Move over now... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You got it, toots. Let's see, Stevetherat and wildman appear to be the only real wannabes here. I like Check6 for some sick reason, probably because Mace keeps humping him. And the dalems grow on you, probably because Mace keeps humping them. So I will iterate my desire for the two of these insignificant, poorly taunting, rectally gifted cripples to fight each other to the death for our amusement. We should build a map of doom, ignoring any post by either of these two mooks until one or the other emerges victorious. We can then accept the victor as a minor character and we can forever refer to that person he had to rape, stew and eat to get in. Yes, I like that. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-12-2001).]
  4. Jim Plunkett passed for three touchdowns, including an 80-yard strike to Kenny King, as the Raiders became the first wild-card team to win the Super Bowl. Plunkett's touchdown bomb to King – the longest play in Super Bowl history – gave Oakland a decisive 14-0 lead with nine seconds left in the first period. Linebacker Rod Martin had set up Oakland's first touchdown, a 2-yard reception by Cliff Branch, with a 17-yard interception return to the Eagles' 30-yard line. The Eagles never recovered from that early deficit, managing only Tony Franklin's field goal (30 yards) and an 8-yard touchdown pass from Ron Jaworski to Keith Krepfle. Plunkett, who became a starter in the sixth game of the season, completed 13 of 21 for 261 yards and was named the game's most valuable player. Oakland won 9 of 11 games with Plunkett starting, but that was good enough only for second place in the AFC West, although they tied division winner San Diego with an 11-5 record. The Raiders, who had previously won Super Bowl XI over Minnesota, had to win three playoff games to get to the championship game. Oakland defeated Houston 27-7 at home followed by road victories over Cleveland (14-12) and San Diego (34-27). Oakland's Mark van Eeghen was the game's leading rusher with 75 yards on 18 carries. Philadelphia's Wilbert Montgomery led all receivers with six receptions for 91 yards. Branch had five for 67 and Harold Carmichael of Philadelphia five for 83. Martin finished the game with 3 interceptions, a Super Bowl record. Go Raiders!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: To quote Sam Gamgee: "Oh great glory and splendour! And all my wishes have come true! And then he wept."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What are you, stupid? Do you think that sam Gamgee was that idiot from Rainman? What else did he say? Maybe classics like, "Hello Mister Frodo. Sam then walked to the corner." Or "Take that you vile thing. With that Sam swung at Gollum." Eh? Christ frickin' Jesus. You don't post for something like ten days and that's the quality we get? Subliterate frickin' moron. I'm ashamed I asked about you earlier. NOW HERE THIS! Any stupid son of a bitch what posts here with some, "Hey look at me, I'm cuuute and posting in the Cesspool." Will be rectally examined on live TV during the pilot episode of CBS's new reality show, "Flagpole Up Your Ass Island." ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  6. Yes, these other useless posts have been slowing down the Peng Thread. I expect Madmatt will start locking them up any time now. Psha, you people with your O/T posts on 1.1 patches and WWII. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  7. Well speed it the **** up, Croda, I can't stand reading that poorly written tripe every time I scroll past one of your posts. I think, though, that you have an excellent idea. Stevethe****ingmoronrat (I rarely butcher names, so you should feel proud) should play wildman for the right to be spoken to directly. Frankly, they both seem to be lacking in that certain something necessary to survive in the Pool but maybe, by having the one eat the intestines of the other, we may gain someone of Check6 or even Hiram level. And Hiram, why the hell are you into such a grunge rock mode? Is it because your Iggles died the death of a thousand whores? McNabb was the legitimate MVP, I'll give you that, but a team needs more than one player. So snap out of it and start being sweet and nice, you pathetic son of a motherless goat. Not enough bile? Sorry, YK2 took it all. Speaking of which, don't mention anything involving the female body again, all you do is turn this lot of slobbering morons into slobbering moronic 13-year old boys. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  8. Mother****er! I hit reply instead of edit. I've been away too ****ing long. [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-11-2001).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: Dur de dur, I got me taunting lessons from a nun, me spelling lessons from a German and me grammatical lessons from the last member of the Ugawoki tribe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Also: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Lookee loookee, I went to the Spark and used their tauntomatic! It came up with something that almost sounds bad! Look, I'm just like you guys!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For the last time, Croda, get rid of that damn sig! It makes you look like a dyseptic Oompah Loompah. Qoute me, for god's sake, or at the very least someone like Geier. As to the little men Tate, they really need to work on, well, everything. Let's start out with the fundamentals: 1. If you don't know how to spell it, there's a 99% chance you don't actually know what the word means. Exceptions: Sadenfreude and Nietchze, which are evil words that no one knows how to spell. Unless you're German, in which case this rule gets flip-flopped. 2. Short taunts need to be good, long taunts need to be damn good or people just don't read them. Like right now, you're not reading this, it's boring, you've got better things to do. 3. There have been, what, 10,000? 12,000 posts? Try to be a leetle more original. Edited to add: 4. You can say ****, stevethe****ingmoronrat, in here. It's ok. So **** off you ****ing moron. Next time take a ****ing look around at the ****ing **** that goes on in here before you make a ****ing fool out of yourself. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-11-2001).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier: Twas in the years of your lord 1657 and 1658, look into the books for the rest. To recreate it I suspect CM will fall short as it would constitute a Swedish Army (ie Finns, Germans, Scots and some Swedes) on one side, doing Very Nasty Things to some garrison troops of the Polish-Lithuanian side. It involved horses, artillery, firebombs and fine cutlery. Further esteemed words from the Old Firm. Now bugger off and do something about these buzzing insects. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dear sir, I was aware that this event occured farther back, rather I am talking about a CM reenactment, sort of a spiritual successor, embodying the essence of the original battle but with troops, buildings, et cetera from CM. Let me know if you are interested and I will comission the finest craftsmen to create the scenario. As to the insects, I must say I'm happy with the initial results of my bug-stompery. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  11. Christ Jesus, we've got Fionn posting here? What kind of sick, twisted place has the Pool become?!! Oh, and OGSF, let's get something straight, kay? I'm not a new, sweeter version of my older self, I was just making myself comfortable before I decided it was time to start breaking things and hurting people. I'm glad that on Monday I'll get to start on you again, you tapeworm. You see, OGSF, I didn't leave so I could have the chance to fantasize about Finnish underwear models or count ice cubes, I left so that you and the rest would grow soft. You'd all become so used to packing your squishy bits back in and sowing yourselves up with catgut that it wasn't causing the same pain anymore. For the last few months, you've had only the playfully morose Hiram and the evil but occasional Berli to torment you. Now that I'm back, you're gonna start wishing you had that old time religion. I'm worse now, you inadeqaute little pile of horse semen. The shining point of my life has been, until recently, to be able to drink my coffee before it froze into a brick. I understand now why people club seals, I would've clubbed baby seals and then used the dead baby seal to club other baby seals. A lot. But I couldn't. Oh no, they don't let you club seals, or play games, or boink the sonar operator, even if she was built like a brick ****house. You think Mensch is crazy? He's harmless. I'm gonna disect you, OGSF. They're gonna wrap you up in seaweed with some rice when I'm done with you. You're going to be the basis for an epic tragedy. Future peoples will look back on the story of your topplement and refuse to believe that it could have happened to a human being. They'll think you were a metaphor for foolishness and impotency and children will be sent to detention for doodling pictures of what you'll look like when I'm done with you. Before, I brought topplement to you savages. Now, I'm going to show you the true meaning of the word. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  12. I will commence CMing on Monday. I still have a massive amount of personal crap to take care of, including upgrading this computer and going to the AFC Championship Game (MUhahaha!!!) but after that I will finish off my terribly one-sided affairs. Then after I'm done with YK2 and Kitty, I'll finish off the battles I left so brusquely. Good to see you're still here, jd, why'd you change the name? ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  13. I like Checkie (mainly because he called himself Checkie). He lacks in the technical skills involved in taunting but he's not an absolute, gutless moron. Speaking of which, jd, are you jdmorse? If so, that would explain some things. Yes indeedy. I'm glad to see Frenchie's back, it warms my frozen jewels. Hey, monseur, I'm sorry I took advantage of you back when we were in the Alps. And your girlfriend. And your dog. What can I say, I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Geier, I dearly hope that some day you can recount the tale of the hacky-sack of Krakow. And I would also be indebted to any fine scenario designer that would recreate such a thing so that I may be utterly annihilated by the aforementioned Old Firm. I picture a massive amount of regular and veteran American troops with low ammo stuck in a city as an unstoppable army of Elite Germans methodically wipe them out. So where the hell is Peng and Seanachai, anyhoo? Shouldn't they be showing up for this reunion episode? ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Sniffle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, much like myself, the Raiders have been gone for a while and they're back. Also much like myself, they will now commence to kick ass for years to come. Granted some of you imbeciles find football boring and to you I say, "You're a moron." but I will not belabor this point. Tell me something Wildman, when do you plan on posting something witty or barbed? When are you going to tell me that you will destroy me so utterly that my children will be taunted at school. When will you manage to move past the cock jokes, the mama jokes and the old-line, "Your football team sucks!" jokes and move into the realm of true, biblical taunting? I ask you sir, what is your ETA on posting something even remotely interesting to read? I would like to know because every time I am forced to scan your posts for material, my entire existence sighs and wishes that my trilobite ancestors never developed optical nerves. Every time I think about what you say, my synapses shrivel with disgust. You are not annoying nor are you stupid, rather you are the worst thing a person could be in the Pool, you are boring. Every fiber of my being wishes that you would be hit by a car full of Catholic schoolgirls with Louisville sluggers, who would proceeed to beat you to death after running you over so that, when asked by other members of the Pool, "What happened to Wildman?" I can answer, "He was run over by a car full of Catholic schoolgirls and then beaten to death." and you will have brought me an iota of enjoyment in exchange for all the pain your terrible dumbness has caused me. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  15. General Purpose Strategy. For those of you mooks too afraid to ask. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  16. Look Kitty, I like you, I really do. Eventually you'll be responsible for CM3's modeling of realistic lemming mating calls. It's not that your posts are short, if that were the case I'd yell at Berli and he'd subsequently tear my living heart out and feed it the the thousand flesh-eating rapier beetles that follow him just for such a purpose. I wouldn't want that, no not at all. It's because you post so damn many of those little things, that's why. Regardless, I'm sure you've been doing it due to Pool atrophy and I'm just trying to gently curb your bad habits. The same cannot be said for the two morons, wildman and stevetherat. Wildman first, as he's attacked Raider fans and therefor proven himself to be a sissy in real life. The Raiders rock, they're going to the Superbowl and I've got season tickets so I get to see them. In fact, I'm going to the AFC Championship game this weekend you sad little soccer fan. Just because we beat down and piss on opposing fans doesn't make us bad, it just makes us interesting. As to your comments about my genitalia, do a search. You will find this subject has been covered by people much sexier and much more Scottish than yourself. I'm sure you made other comments, as you seem to be the annoying and long-winded type, but I didn't read them for fear that mine own eyes would rebel against my brain for forcing upon them such tripe and hogwash. The most harmless second, that being the neo-beatnick stevetherat. I've tried to read some of his mind-numbingly boring posts and can only assume the poor bastard thinks himself to be a writer or, at least, an avid reader of porn. What little I've managed to read before finding something more interesting (Such as the, laugh-riot by comparison, Study of the Mating Habits of the Oak Tree in its original Esperanto) seems to be about a homosexual man and his dog, as they try to buy or maybe eat(?) Croda and some house in the woods. Stevetherat has a promising career ahead of him as an Iggles fan or a Republican pundit. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Loock, ma, I kan spel wurds. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Who the hell are you? There are two possibilities here: 1) A damn foreigner who doesn't have the time to learn the language. 2) An idiot. Likely a combination, on second thought. Regardless, no help for number 2, except to flush yourself and if you're number 1, do what real foreigners do and use Babelfish. To whit: The simple one does that I replied to your post sickens me and does wish me that I had followed my first craving and pull only your dog and reads your a liked one on the fire. I can hope only that you will have learned something of this post, that is as to hope that I will sleep with Diaz Cameron, it does not change nothing and it pisses me of. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Yap yap yap. Look at me, like some simple primates, I too can post one and two sentence posts!!!! And I call Roborat, "Robert" which is just freaky. Kitty More crap suitable only for an AOL chatroom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perchance I have been too complex in my posts, you sea-urchin of a Pooler. Ahem. SHUT UP! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!! Your posts are crap! Utter, sheer, meaningless crap, suitable only to clog up the arteries of society and to waste brain cells. Shut up! Shut up! Shut... Up. ------------------ The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram. -Shandorf
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat: Blah blah blah. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At some point here I fell asleep due to the astoundingly boring post. I woke up to read: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat: If it wasn't for these meanless posts, the pool would have fallen off the first page a few times today. At least it is more interesting reading than "bump", nest pas? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, at least "bump" has some coherence. At least it is useful and simple and in that, attractive. It's like saying, "Hey, sure I came over and **** all over your carpet but if I hadn't, the cat would've been lonely." You don't have to **** on my carpet just to visit my cat, Roborat, get it through your 1.2dm skull. ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
  20. Hey Kitty, I like weird grog-porn, hamstertruppen-porn, Croda-Beard-Bee porn and all other types of porn as much as the next guy but must you insist on posting so many posts of so little value? For the love of god, woman, don't you know there's a simple edit button that would allow you to correct your mistake? Don't you realize everyone saw your post in the main forum? Must you insist on cluttering a perfectly good thread meant for taunting with mundane blather? Granted, it's better than some of the boring, crap-ass, horse**** that's been posted (And I've had to wade through, when was the last time Seanachai posted here, anyway?) but come on, who the hell cares? And who the hell (Roborat and Slapdragon) post follow-ups to that? Where's the Frenchie, anyway? ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
  21. Oh it's worse than you think. There's a new sheriff in town and you'd better lock up your womenfolk and hide the liquor, because you kids have had full rein for too long. I'm an arrogant sonofabitch who knows what it's like to piss in a frozen bottle of frozen piss but I know that I'm not the only sonofabitch here who could institute order. Unfortuneately, Berli doesn't think mere mortals are worth the time, Seanachai (Whom I've named a character after in my book) is either emasculated, dead or involved with another woman, Peng is, where the hell is Peng?!?! and the whole MarkIV/Hakko/Germanboy/EtCetera crew doesn't have the emotional detachment to tell it like it is. Stuka: Get in line you sorry whore. Croda: Get rid of that damn sig. That damn, dirty, slut PeterNZer isn't worth being on the sole of your shoe, much less the ass of your post. I don't care about no steenking bets or honor or crap. Shandorf, Oberst & Roborat: I love you guys, you remind me of Raider fans. Lorak: Keep it up. The rest of you, I either don't know you or I've forgotten you or I remember you but I just don't give a flying fig, so make yourself useful and answer these questions: What the hell is a dalem? Who is this moron with his Evil-Dead-2-pretending-he's-Ash-but-no-mortal-is-as-cool-as-Brucecampbell-ass and what the hell kind of story is he telling? What's the patch I should have? Come on, gimme a kiss. The topplements will ensue, give me a few days to get in order. ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
  22. Luuucy, you've got a lot of 'splaining to do. ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: I have a question. Do Peng threadders ever bathe? Last time I went in there, it stank. Why bother with the peng thread at all, you ask? Um, well, I was bored. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No we don't you moron. The reason we don't is because, even if we did, we hang out in a bloody, frickin' Cesspool! What are you, stupid? Do you make sure to take a shower before you swim? Do you wipe before you hit the head? People like you make me sick, sick, you sorry sot. Don't you think? Don't you realize that without the use of a brain a human being will die? I can only hope that you have all ready been hit by a bus full of nuns and are in no condition to read this post much less post another piece of drivel so horrendously stupid as to cause me such pain. By the way, what the hell is a threadder? You just make these words up, don't you? You know what happens when people just make stuff up when they post? A) They defeat the bad guys and get the girl. They're morons and they get their livers pecked out by giant flying marsupial chumchucks. The answer depends on the quality of word. You, of course, will be visited by the chumchucks if the nunbus hasn't gotten you yet. ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
  24. I'll have you know that I'm eminently digestible and I'm afraid that I'm not back, Jefe, though I will be in about a month and a half. I wanted to wish everyone a spanking bright Christmas. Notice the word wanted. You see, while I've been gone you loony chumchucks have thrown Peng in a ditch, ran Frenchie out of town and reduced Seanachai to a four-sentence-max-posting wretch. To compound this, you have managed to create an entire fantasy world for me to occupy that consists almost but not entirely of a Polar Bear's rectum. And, AND, you moved the Cesspool to Australia. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Short litany of questions: 1) Whatever happened to Frenchie? 2. How's this TCP/IP thing working out? 2b: Where the hell is Berli? C What kind of silly, sing-song sonsabitches actually participate in thread-stories? D - Does Frenchie's absence mean his woman is up for grabs? H: Can somebody mail me a ham or a turkey or something, I'm eating peanuts, literally peanuts, over here. You get the picture) Well that last one wasn't really a question and this one is starting to sound less and less like a question and more and more like a rambling diatribe so, is it 10 dimensions or 11? ... What crown? .-..- ... -.- --) I never got to wear a crown. Merry Christmas to the Cesspool, make sure you put up some lights and a wreath or something. Gee, I wonder what my sig says... ------------------ Meeks is correct. -Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.
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