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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. I say we trade Agua to the Yankees, I have a feeling Rocket Clemens could post a better taunt, though I'm not sure how he'd type out those spittle lined obscenities. Of course, for Agua we'd only get a couple no-name prospects and a that mangy dog Torre found when coming home from the drug-addled hell that is the current broadway smash, gay-acting-straight-acting-gay Nathan Lane and Matthew 'I'm not Michael J Fox' Broderick. Hell, who thought Agua would survive without being sent back down to the minors for a couple years? I remember the good old days, when Andreas was pulling middle relief for the Indiana City Cesspooliganders, he really showed some improvement, though his biting sarcasm is still a little soft. Is Tony Dorsett dead? Well, if he isn't, he will be as soon as he sees how his son tackles. And this CMPlayer, good god in heaven, can't someone get rid of those damned smilies over there?! Is this necessary?! I'm sitting here, happy go lucky, about to tear into CMPlayer like Peng into a bag of Puffy-brand puffed toad ovaries and all I can do is see poor little confused smilie and his friends, constipated smilie, constipated gay smilie, constipated queer smilie, constipated blind smilie, constipated poorly dentured smilie, constipated shot his eye out just like his mother told him he would smilie and a whole load of equally obscene equally constipated smilies. I know, improper use of commas in that string of damned dirty smilies but what's a guy supposed to do? Too many descriptions and I don't know what the semi-colon rule is, what am I the Greek god of grammar? Maybe I am but that would mean I'd know about writing GREEK, you nincompoop, not English. Well, then again, I never thought half these bastards would survive. Naturally I'm waiting for the lot of you, who I still owe turns to, to die off so I can claim victory. I'm only here to find out about a Dodge 1-ton ammo carrier, so still no turns from me. But enough about my exciting life, let's talk about the current crop of interesting Cess. So, now that we're done with that, anybody watching football? No, you damned continental, not bloody freakin' soccer, football! Ok, that said, I've just received an E-mail from HotStacy23148, saying I can re-fi on my condo. Notation - Does anyone else realize how woefully apropros my signature seems now?
  2. As the worm turns, so do the days of the Cesspool. And such, per alta vis a vis substrata, the condemned now condemn and the judged be themselves judges. Hence, until the Basenji rule so that all dalems lose ears, Seanachai must suffer the perjoratives and feckless anger of the following curses. Curse the first, that forever and a day shall Seanachai rule the roost as pigmilker and ragmuffin. Such it is that said pigmilker/ragmuffin, when referred to in any official manner, shall be henceforth referred to as either pigmilker or ragmuffin but never ragmilker or pigmuffin. Curses deus ex machina, poor Seanachai shall battle for the right of name the next pissboy newbie that makes their way into the pool. The victor of this battle, be it both unfair and horrendously stupid but still playable and effective in producing fine screenshots, shall post for a fortnight under the name chosen by the victor. Such a name cannot contain slurs ethnic, racial or fecal but may happily include parsimonous sanctimony about sanctimonious parsons. Curses the final, that Seanachai shall be branded as Lord of the Heresy, to make mark as the one most embodying the foulest good intentions of all in the Pool. Regardless of ears, there can not and shall not ever be another fool who states a point of order regarding taking the Cess seriously without consulting the Lord of the Heresy himself, making sure that he is acting neither proper nor punctual nor poltroonish. Such are the curses of one so foolish as to flaunt the aeon-old regimens of the Pool. Take note, fools and vocabularily-malnourished that such is the fate of any who so follow a path of such heretical nature. Harumph. Harumph. Harumph.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: (Edited to say Welcome Back Meeks) [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jefe, I saw through your thinly-veiled insult and all I can say is, I may be gamey, whiny, vile and despicable but at least I'm not a nanny-goat pigmilker like you. (Edited to say that, alas and alack, dear, sweet, parfumed and coifed Emma has caused me to blush in the hindquarters with this fine display of affection. Without doubt, I am honored to be so esteemed as to be valued somewhere above slime mold in the mind of this fine, kilt-wearing, haggus chucking, wee lass.) (Wait, this wasn't edited.) (What's going on here, who's writing this tripe?) (Oh no, it couldn't be, not you!) (Urk, gah, aaaaaah!)
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Elvis and I are still playing Meeks WW2 smackdown map. Goofy as hel, but interesting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, by the by, what was the consensus on this beauty? Hi, my name's Joe McClutch and this is my friend, Herman Actrad. We're archetypes from the head of Lewis and we'd like to say, on behalf of all that is holy, that if there is any kind of black, voodoo magic that can remove us from the head of Lewis, we'd appreciate your using it. It's scary in here. [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]
  5. Oh yes, that's interesting. Stalin's Cock seems to think that multiple posts will make up for singular neurons. Peng, you still exist! Why haven't you shot these damn smilies? I try and try to resize my window but I still see them. Yech, blech and ech. Where's Aitken, I miss him terribly! And jd, I resolve to play even more gamily and rotten, taking advantage of whatever loopholes still exist in the game, including the Pompous Frenchman code and the Wild Angry German Who Believes Free Speech is Wrong (Cough - Andreas - Cough) cheat. Oh, you will suffer the slings of outrageous fortune soon, you legally briefed pigmilker.
  6. What a goddamn mess. It looks like I've missed, oh, thirty of these demi-cesspools and now some nitwit named Dweezil is lecturing the order of the glorious Peng on class. Riddle me that, batman. A few points: 1. No, I am still unable to return turns but I do think I have them. As I think posting to the Pool is wholly separate from playing CM, I don't think this is any kind of problem. B. Why the hell did all the E-mails stop? I'm more than a little worried about the answer to this one but I do need to ask the question. I mean, I get one E-mail from jolly Stuka but other than that, you people didn't even seem to care if I fall off the face of the earth or not. That hurts. A lot. I mean, really, like getting torn into pieces by rabid wombats wielding billy clubs and covered in oregano. Chuck. How goes the development of CM2? How goes the development of the inglorious pool? What'd I miss? Anyhoo, I'm sure once things become a leetle less surreal, there will be turns and requests for games and the bile and the taunting and the biting and the horrendous insults regarding your various lineages. By the way, the Cantonese Girlfriend told me that the Chinese have an insult that goes something like, and you have to read this with a twisted Chinese accent, "May your entire family line die." I reserve that for use later. Ultimate Weapon?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire: I suspect THIS thread has become crap.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What, exactly, did this thread start out as, you mook?
  8. Would somebody please tell me what a dalem is? And why aren't its nipples in its ears?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire: Prattle from a prat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So let me get this straight, you're saying delete the old Peng Threads and move the current ones because it'll speed up the search by 5 seconds? For what? Who actually uses the search, hell I thought that 'Do a search' was just a saying, like 'Hi mom!'. If you get rid of the Peng Challenge thread than the people inside it will do one of three things: 1) Leave. 2) Frequent the board less frequently. 3) Kill you, a lot. I'd say that it would break down 30%/65%/5% among the three. So what you want is to cut out of the CM community the only group of people who have no idea what 'The System' is, who actually (There's evidence, buddy) think that it's not important whether you win or lose but how you play the game, who think the quality of a man is not based on his knowledge of 88mm penetration but rather his joie de vivre. Yes, this would definitely improve the CM community, if your vision of the CM community is a bunch of pocket-protector wearing nerds arguing constantly about armor penetration, unit deployment and the best mix of forces to defeat KiwiJoe.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl: Ditka<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What if Ditka had to face the entire Australian Navy AND God AND Ditka was only six inches tall?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve McClaire: I'm no great authority, but have you tried saving all the PBEM files and asking for your opponents password once the game is over? This way you can review the whole battle and look at the 'big picture' of how things unfolded. Look for where, when, and how the enemy got the better of you, and where, when, and how you made your own mistakes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Better yet, Hiram ol' chap, ask for his password before the game's over.
  12. If you outlawed Peng Challenge threads, only outlaws would have Peng Challenge threads.
  13. Once, long ago, we would have cornholed him with a rhino. Now, we are limited to cornholing him with a rooster. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  14. Lorak! Make sure to note that Jefe trounced me like the poor, pathetic who-ore I am. Beat me to a pulp, tore off me nipples, ran me through, severed all me veins and arts, and spat upon my exposed gizzard. Meeks: Destroyed, a topplement so severe as to be felt by my ancestors. Jefe: Victory so utter his men walk like gods.
  15. Ahem, ze update: PeterNZer: Poor bastard that he is, his once invincible Tigers now only add greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. All but one, that is, which will soon be remedied. Total losses to the Allies were a fortune cookie, three pairs of trousers and the company dog. Aitken: Ack! Oh, a horse is a horse of course of course, Unless that horse is a whore of course, Like Mr. Aitken! Goanna: Where's this new load of recruits supposed to receive their training, Ft. Jackson? No. Ft. Benning? No. On the front line? Ok. Jd: BTS, jd is poor opponent, fix or do somefink! Jefe: I lost, badly. Jefe beat me like a whore of a horse, of course, of course. Armornut: Does he still post here? If not, I'll stop updating as to his state of ass-kickery. Seanachai: Still gamey as ever. Frankly, I'm considering never playing him again as his picks are obviously the kind made after careful deliberation and desiring to win at all costs, regardless of historical accuracy or sportsmanship. Did I mention he bought a White Scout Car? Gamey gamey gamey. That's all I could get to, this leaves MarkIV, Paw, Stuka and Abbbbotttt! which I will attend to ASAP.
  16. I read Kwazydog's comments regarding adding animated roadwheels to tanks (Tiger's request) and that it would be 8 polys per road wheel, extrapolated out to, roughly, a gazillion extra polys on the battlefield. My question is this: Can't you just have the whole carriage animated with, say, eight frames of animation? That would still look better than static roadwheels, heck you could have the animation play at different rates, depending on the speed of the tank. Feel free to slap me silly if I've missed something but, would this be processor intensive or even code intensive?
  17. All right, you limeys, I haven't been returning any files and I won't be for a little while so bear with me and, dammit, stop resending me files! Jefe, my extreme apologies go out to you, whom I owe a surrender to, Lorak can scribe it thus, though it is not yet official. In the immortal words of some Austrian chap, I'll be back.
  18. I'd love to hear from Steve (Get outta the MG thread while you still can!) and Kwazydog on where BTS stands on this and having multiple skins for the same vehicle (A topic I will now proceed to bump, be right back).
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: Um what is funny? :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The word is 'amen'.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: Um what is funny? :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The word is 'amen'.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: aman to that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my freaky Jesus that was funny. In all seriousness, I hope everything works out, baldy.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: aman to that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my freaky Jesus that was funny. In all seriousness, I hope everything works out, baldy.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: Shut your pie hole and send me a set up already.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Marlow, you imbecile, edit your qoute, you've resized the whole damn page. F-ing newbie. Oh and dalem, thanks for the idea. You still up for a game?
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