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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. So is this strategy an exploitation of the AI and the game or legitimate? -Conquer France, Low Countries, -Mass Rommell and 3 Armor units next to Baltic States. -Transport all Italian Armies from Africa and Italy and mass, with fleet, on the coast of Turkey. -Declare War on Baltic states, operate a corps from Italy to Konigsberg. Conquer Baltic States and take Riga with Italian Corps. -Spend Baltic booty on a Balbo HQ, transport it with a corps to coast of Turkey. -Declare war on Russia (If they haven't declared war on you all ready), beat up on Russia with the Germans, declare war on Turkey, drop a corps off across from Istanbul, steam through with the transports. Make sure to park the Italian Cruiser in the Straits, thereby preventing its recapture. -Drop two Italian corps to take/destroy the Oil resources around Grozny and Tiflis. -Drop four Italian Armies plus Balbo HQ to take/destroy mines next to Stavropol and conquer Stavropol. -Link up with the Germans, chuckle heartily. I botched a number of executions in this, including spending too much on a wasted defensive air war with Britain, letting Russian partisans grab Warsaw, and getting a randomly pissed off Russia who was 90% when I took the Baltic, and I still managed to end the demo with Italy having respectable (~180) resources and Russia having diddly-squatovitch. [ July 30, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]
  2. That's not quite accurate. Old-style imperialism was not only profitable but necessary up to World War II, especially if you consider Western and Japanese relations with China and Southeast Asia but also in political interaction throughout the third world. It wasn't expanding population or industrialization that killed imperialism, it was the sudden political and military cost of warfare, due to modern weaponry and modern conceptions of human rights, both forged during World War Two.
  3. This is great stuff, can you expand on it and can I use it later whenever anyone asks me what happened in World War Two? (naturally, I will take full credit for it, as I do with the internal combustion engine and velcro, but I'd never tell you that)
  4. Question for the political grogs out there, why didn't the Germans and Japanese share more technology and tactics? From what I understand, the Zero was an incredible airplane and I assume German panzer tactics (If not technology, considering we'd be talking about the early, early days) would have helped Japanese military actions on the mainland. On the other hand, Japanese naval air tactics, especially using superior Japanese torpedoes, sure would've helped the Luftewaffe to engage British and American naval assets. There's also the possible collaboration on jet engine, torpedo, submarine and rocket technology, kripes, think of Komet Kamikazes in Me-162s...
  5. But can't we have just a slightly longer campaign. Please please please? I mean, I'm right up to Stalingrad with Zhukov on a spit and then, poof, I get the big 'Demo done dude" message. Please?
  6. You imbecile, oh I'm sorry, let me translate, tu imbeciletre!!! There's something called a demo, it can be played. It includes France but only in the capacity of the Stompee. There's something called, 'The whole bloody Axis' that plays the Stomper. Now get those swarthy firemen out of your way and download the demo and play, play, play!!! Oooo, I'm poetical. As to schisms, dude, schisms went out of style in '00.
  7. Oh my god, a rolling eyeball smilie!!! You're so cool!! Will you be my friend?! Can I have your autograph?!?! Gee golly willikers, a smilie but it's eyeballs is rolling all around like a walnut sized brain in a normal sized skull, that's almost as annoying as an off-topic reply to my wholly un-Superted requiring post. ---------------- Hamsters Wild Berli's Buccaneers Boogy Boogy Bogie Buggy Combat Mission HQ Cheeky Gossip Editor Strategic Command AAR Reader
  8. If your building has quit smoldering, I challenge you to a PBEM of the demo of this fine A&Aish, wiggidy, wiggidy game. I'd originally planned to demand that you only play the French, because you're French, you know, you fry-eating, toast-weilding, kiss-stealing maniac, and I, being a mutt in the truest sense of the word, would play everyone else, but someone at Battlefront, the rodentia I assume, saw to it that my master plan would fail and denied the ability to play merely the Francaise, so I suppose you could play the Axis or the pansies or whomever you so desire, as long as we make sure to limit the Greeks to purely homosexual endeavors. Probably the only time pure and Greek appeared in the same sentence...
  9. All right, where to start, the dumb name? What's been stopping you from creating a new, linguistically attractive name The_Capt? Low member number? Improperly sized genitalia? Lack of capacity among your various mitochondria? Another thing, well, not really another but the same thing, only applied differently, your constantly annoying and universially ignored (I was voted by the various powers to represent the bile-producing sub-cochel region of the Pool, so unfortuneately, this means I'm legally required to read your crapass posts) ramblings are A) without creativity, Without funny, C) Without grammar propuli and D) Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. Get it? No, didn't think so, let me speak language you grok: Boring-ass post not appreciated! Please edit boring ass posts, cut out boring ****e, place boring ****e into text file, E-mail text file to your colon, and choke on your own foul nonsense. Thank you, next in line please. The Peng Challenge Thread is America's Cesspool.
  10. Is that what they're calling that idiotic pablum these days? When I saw it, it was parading around as a prequel to the admittedly cool, fun and not at all bland as a tofu burger Star Wars. If I ever see Attack of the Clones again, I can only hope it's through the sights of an industrial grade flamethrower. (Edited to increase the number of racial slurs, epithets and a missing slash, of Croda's tires) [ May 20, 2002, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]
  11. I don't mean to be the one to break it to you, Croda, but that movie blows.
  12. Oh Stuka, you oversexed maniac, when I take over the world, I'll make sure to put you with all the Mormans...
  13. Goddammit! I try to orchestrate a triumphal return and all I get is a single kudo from Berli and Seanachai jumping ship?? And Hiram "Nytol" Sedai starting the thread. Gaddommit! Christ, the next thing you know, I'll start understanding OGSF.
  14. Good, not that we've solved our little friend's request for clarity, maybe I can use this thread for my own nefarious purposes. How do they get the filling in twinkies? What was so special about Fermat's Last Theorum? (I know it took a while to solve, but why did anyone care?) What's the difference between Tungsten rounds and Molbydium? (Sp?) What're they going to do with the prototype Crusaders now that the projects been canceled? Can I have one? What's the deal with logical positivism? Dada?
  15. Ohm, I will channel the spirit of Crooooda... Ohmmmmmm <BIG><BIG>Moriarty Sucks!!!</BIG></BIG> [ May 14, 2002, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]
  16. Ohm, I will channel the spirit of Crooooda... Ohmmmmmm <BIG><BIG>Moriarty Sucks!!!</BIG></BIG> [ May 14, 2002, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]
  17. Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!
  18. Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!
  19. Oh yeah! He got the common man's vote, yowza, Jimbo, pass the beans and pull up a ballot, Slappy done convinced our unedubacated asses to votes green! Well I'll be violated by a pig on Sunday, Ma, I guess Slappy didn't hear nothin' from ol' Aristotle, or was it his pappy, dear ol' Plato, who done said "No just man ever appealed to the crowd". Well, shoot, that ain't gonna stop me an' my kin from saying, hell-doggies, Slappy's the man for me! By the way, what's this here all about, anyhoo?
  20. Oh yeah! He got the common man's vote, yowza, Jimbo, pass the beans and pull up a ballot, Slappy done convinced our unedubacated asses to votes green! Well I'll be violated by a pig on Sunday, Ma, I guess Slappy didn't hear nothin' from ol' Aristotle, or was it his pappy, dear ol' Plato, who done said "No just man ever appealed to the crowd". Well, shoot, that ain't gonna stop me an' my kin from saying, hell-doggies, Slappy's the man for me! By the way, what's this here all about, anyhoo?
  21. I once thought of myself as above Lorak, seeing as how he's pudgy, uncoordinated and not too bright, I considered myself to be his superior, sort of the ubermensch of his universe, and though I knew that Seanachai was the coxswain of this ill-fated enterprise, I assumed that my own cracked voice held some sway over dear Lorak's pathetic life. Only now do I discover that I am not above my sweet, misunderstood Lorak, nay, for Lorak does not even exist at an altitude even close to mine, rather, I am distant from Lorak, as a shining star to a waybeggoten teen, clumsily attempting to remove the bra of his underage cousin. It saddens me, in a way that he could never understand, owing to his tremendous stupidity, that all he can catch is the slightest glimpse of my majesty, the hope diamond before disease-ridden swine. Take note, Hiram dear lad, this is true sadness.
  22. I once thought of myself as above Lorak, seeing as how he's pudgy, uncoordinated and not too bright, I considered myself to be his superior, sort of the ubermensch of his universe, and though I knew that Seanachai was the coxswain of this ill-fated enterprise, I assumed that my own cracked voice held some sway over dear Lorak's pathetic life. Only now do I discover that I am not above my sweet, misunderstood Lorak, nay, for Lorak does not even exist at an altitude even close to mine, rather, I am distant from Lorak, as a shining star to a waybeggoten teen, clumsily attempting to remove the bra of his underage cousin. It saddens me, in a way that he could never understand, owing to his tremendous stupidity, that all he can catch is the slightest glimpse of my majesty, the hope diamond before disease-ridden swine. Take note, Hiram dear lad, this is true sadness.
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