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Posts posted by CommanderC

  1. I just took a major loss to the AI, normal experience, neither side with an advantage, playing the Westwall as the Allies. The AI seems to do best on the defensive. I also lose badly to the AI on the scenario, I forgot the name, where I play the poles. It was the first time I had played it, so I didn't know what to expect. It was a challenge but a little irritating in that it was ahistorical, i.e. the Germans had nearly as many troops as the Allies, 88s all over the place, etc.

    The arty and mortar operations nearly drove me buggy.... no targeting unless LOS... targeting non-LOS units is the whole point of mortars and arty... if you had LOS you would be using a direct fire weapon.

    Rant over

  2. BTS,

    Don't think this question has been asked before, but if it has, apologies in advance.

    But would you consider licensing the CM engine to a third party so that they could develop a version of CM for modern battles, since apparently you guys are tied up with CM2 and the eastern front etc?

    I realize the engine would have to be substantially modified to accomodate longer weapon ranges, etc.


  3. 19 Echo:

    Thanks for the reply. Interesting post.

    However, the Gulf War is not completely irrelevant to SB. During the war, one of our M1A1s (not sure if it was an HA) became bogged in the sand. After it survived an attack by three Iraqi tanks, US commanders decided to destroy it. So one of our own M1A1s attempted to destroy it by firing DU APFSD rounds at it. After several attempts, it could not be destroyed, finally they went around were able to damage it by a point blank direct rear shot. Even then, the tank was finally recovered and repaired by replacing the turret. Admittedly, this is anecdotal, and I don't know if the shots fired included hits to the hull, but it still serves to illustrate the point that our current modeling of M1A1 armor might be inaccurate, skewed to making it too vulnerable.

    I don't think any modern Soviet tank round is superiour to our 120 mm DU sabot rounds.

    Hence my frustration with the eagerness of the NTC and modern tank sim designers to give T80s and T90s souped up power in regards to M1A1 armor penetration.

  4. I appreciate the effort that Shrapnel Games has undertaken to make SB a realistic modern tank sim. If the armor model were fixed (and it apparently has been), I think it would be a very interesting game. I hope they will release an updated demo. Sure there were some quirks with the interface, etc. but these would be minor points if the overall round penetration/armor model was done right.

    I never have thought that the M1A1, HA or A2 were invulnerable and never said that. They all would certainly be vulnerable to immobilization, and to some damage from rear and top down attacks, and to a lesser extent to side shots. I only said that their frontal armor was inpenetrable by kinetic weapons and ATGMs.

    The facts are still trickling out, but from what I understand, in the Gulf War the worst that a M1A1 suffered was immobilization of several from side shots in the Fright Night battle.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think any country has a man portable or ground vehicle-launched top attack ATGM except the US or other NATO countries. The US Javelin and perhaps TOW IIs I think are or can be top attack weapons and are the only ones in existence.

    Perhaps SB models a hypothetical Russian top attack ATGM which could knock out an M1A2?

    A helicopter or air launched ATGM may be presumed to sometimes engage in a top attack.

  5. I played the SB demo and M1A2s were repeatedly destroyed by long range shots to their frontal armor from T-80s and ATGMs. This is totally unrealistic. As shown in the Gulf War, NOTHING can penetrate the frontal armor of an M1A1, not even our own 120 mm gun at point blank range with DU sabot rounds. ATGMs haven't got a prayer of penetrating either.

    So I am less than thrilled with SB and all the other modern tank sims which all suffer from the same problem. They should at least have a setting that you could toggle to make the M1A1 armor model realistic. I tried all the settings available in the SB demo, nothing helped.

    When are these tank sim producers going to get it through their thick heads that we want an accurate model of modern armored combat, not some kid shoot-em-up game?!!!!


    "He tasks me!" - Captain Ahab, referring to the great white whale in Moby Dick

  6. In my recent 71/29 victory with 1.05, I only held the one original flag at the Axis reinforcement point. I've never even tried capturing the other flag in town.

    It seems like you shouldn't be able to do better than a draw without capturing both flags, but you can if you destroy enough Allied equipment.


    "He tasks me!" - Captain Ahab, referring to the great white whale in Moby Dick

  7. After numerous losses as the Germans in Villers-Bocage with version 1.04, I was finally victorious in my first game with version 1.05. Tank AI was superb. I scored a 71 to 29 victory, playing as the Germans, full FOW, force levels and experience normal.

    Has anyone done better than this?

    I won't say here how I did it, but I will if anyone asks... with the proper spoiler alerts, of course.

    It may still be too early to tell, but I would say that 1.05 solves all the major tank AI issues.


    "He tasks me!" - Captain Ahab, referring to the great white whale in Moby Dick

  8. I cast my vote for a modern CM.

    And I have another radical idea: perhaps heresy,... I think BTS should develop the Eastern front, mediteranian, African and early battles as scenario add-ons to CM1.X... to sell for roughly $20 each and instead of CM2,3, 4 as outlined should focus on CM2 which deals with modern combat.

    Just my $0.02


    "He tasks me!" - Captain Ahab, referring to the great white whale in Moby Dick

  9. "The Bradley is only intended to protect occupants from shrapnel and light small arms fire.

    It was not designed to deflect main gun rounds and direct artillery hits. Being "multi-purpose" it may encounter heavier guns, but that was never its intended role. It's just a lightly armored transport for infantry to a (modern) fluid front. Check out the "I" in IFV.

    If you put it in front of ATGMs and tanks, you're the idiot, not the designers. Whaddya want, a 60-ton high-speed troop transport? Fries with that?"

    Well, if the M2 or M3 Bradley IFV wasn't designed to go up against tanks, why is it fitted with TOW missiles?

  10. In regards to MBTs being vulnerable to "inexpensive" missiles, there is no missile in the US or Russian inventory or anywhere else in the world that can penetrate the frontal armor of an M1A2 MBT. An airborne launch platform would have to get a rear shot to knock out an M1A2, a side shot would likely only immobilize it due to track damage.

    Hence the importance of combined arms operations.

  11. I agree with tank_41 1000%. I think the computer tacAI is different from (and superior to) the human player tacAI. I've seen the computer tacAI execute complex reactionary maneuvers such as reverse, turn, pop smoke, advance, etc to evade and then attack enemy tanks that I've never seen it do as the human player. At least for armor. For infantry it seems more equivalent.

    For example, how do you give orders for your tank to advance through smoke, fire a shot, then pop more smoke, reverse, maneuver behind a building then pop more smoke, advance through it, fire another shot, then reverse into the smoke again? I've seen the computer (tac?)AI do this over and over again, but I've never been able to get my tanks to do this, regardless of side and experience level.

  12. I had a chance while on vacation to download and play the new 1.02 CM demo. The AI plays completely differently than the earlier version. Much better. No more up the middle. Tanks make very good use of smoke and cover.

    When can we expect V1.03 for the full game (I know this question has been asked a zillion times before)?

  13. Well, here's my 2 cents.

    I think these MG test results are confusing due to two factors: 1) CM is coded to have each unit's performance affected greatly by the overall tactical picture.... i.e. the MG units isolated by themselves are much less effective than MG units which are supported with accompanying infantry squads. Morale and overall effectiveness suffers when the MG unit feels isolated and is facing large numbers of assaulting enemy troops.

    2) I have experienced one of the CM scenarios where I attempted to rush a German MG (containing a single MG) concrete bunker with 6 to 8 squads of airborne (highly trained but inexperienced) troops accompanied by their HQs accross open ground and in every case the attack was completely broken up with men dead, squads scattering, running for cover, retreating, etc. The way CM is coded, (and I think accurately reflecting history), infantry under fire do not just drop in place and be pinned, but seek the nearest available cover. If the nearest cover is straight ahead, that's where they will run.

    I think these two factors explain the results you are seeing in the MG tests.

  14. BTS,

    I don't have a problem with snail mailing CDs and hard copy manuals, but what I am conerned about is this attitude that somehow if we only distribute on CD, the game won't be copied. It is easy to write a crack for the CD key and the manual is easily put in PDF format for on-line distribution. The game is already available on the net as we have heard in various posts. CD distribution does not in itself provide copy protection.

    Many software companies sell their programs on-line by emailing the key code to on-line purchasers. The key code is required when installing the software. This would afford equal copy protection for both CD and download distribution. The manual could be downloaded as a pdf and/or then mailed later as the hard copy for an extra fee.

    I think you should consider this type of distribution. Setting up a secure server (or buying the bandwidth from a vendor) might be cheaper than printing manuals and your "fulfillment" company/ US mail arrangement. You have already seen what kind of "service" you are getting from the fulfillment company.

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