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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

ASL Veteran

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Everything posted by ASL Veteran

  1. Go ahead and put a ticket in with the help desk, but yeah, it is almost assuredly install related. Maybe try installing both before activating either or something? I think there are a few patches too ... it has been a while since I installed the game but you may be missing a patch or two.
  2. This is typically associated with installing the game, modules, and patches in the wrong order or incorrectly.
  3. The weapons of any particular group are assigned dynamically to some extent so it is possible in many circumstances to get a different weapons mix every time a scenario is started. I don't know if that applies to the specific unit in that scenario but the weapons mixes are assigned at scenario start and will be different most of the time. Apparently it has been this way since the beginning but I only noticed it with this particular release since some squads were getting more BARs than others and the number of BARs in each squad were changing every time I started the scenario.
  4. If you have a big map and you want to get across it quickly you can always hold the ctrl key down and then right click on the far side of the map and you will be teleported there instantly.
  5. You can overlap the waypoint for order 1 and order 2 by painting the waypoints for each order in the same location. If order 1 and order 2 are painted in the same place then the unit located in that waypoint will not move. It is a fairly easy mistake to make because the waypoint for each order only appears on the map when that specific order is selected. One very common mistake is for someone to paint several waypoints and then decide they want to do something different. They then paint the new waypoints but they don't delete the old waypoints. The AI then has two separated waypoint locations to choose from and sometimes the AI will not move something because it is sitting on an old waypoint that you don't even know it is assigned since it wasn't deleted. Edited to add that yes, the total footprint of the waypoints that you paint need to be large enough to fit the force you intend to move, otherwise the truppen won't move.
  6. As long as the waypoints do not overlap then the AI will move. If the AI group is properly assigned, the waypoints do not overlap or aren't fragmented, and no time has been assigned to the waypoint then the AI will always move. Now you can have fragmented waypoints that partially overlap and it will work but you have to be practiced at it. Here is how you might troubleshoot your issue: All of your pixeltruppen are automatically assigned AI group A1. In order to assign your truppen a different group then you need to assign those truppen to an AI group in the purchase screen. Select the unit you want to assign to a group and press F2 to assign that unit to AI group 2 and F3 to AI group 3 etcetera. In scenario author test mode you can find out which troops are assigned to which groups by selecting the truppen and looking in the area where the suppression meter is. The AI group the unit has been assigned can be seen there. Step one: Are the truppen that I am trying to have move assigned to the AI group that I am plotting waypoints for? Step two: Do any of the waypoints that I am working with overlap? Step three: Are the times associated with each waypoint the correct times that I want? Step four: Am I working with the correct AI plan?
  7. AI plan time starts when the scenario begins and counts forward from zero. So if you want a unit to begin moving at the start of the scenario you don't put any time on it. If you want a unit to wait ten minutes from the beginning of the scenario before moving anywhere you put ten minutes in the exit before and after slots - I think they are called something different now but I hope you understand what I mean. That's all there is to it.
  8. Have you checked your spam folders? Sometimes BFC customer support e-mails get flagged as spam.
  9. Here is something to entertain you while you are waiting for the game to be released
  10. The game has not been released and no version is ready for download because the public release version of the game is not finished yet.
  11. There is no coop play. You can play real time vs an opponent using TCP/IP.
  12. Actually it isn't a requirement for all objectives to be visible for both players. Every single scenario I've made has different objectives for each side and each side's objectives are only visible to that particular side. The important thing is that the objectives are created such that both sides need to engage the other in battle in order to achieve their objectives which is pretty simple to do. I'm not sure who made Platoon Patrol - is that a third party scenario? I would say that the issue you have described is specific to that scenario and not an overall indictment of different objectives for each side. If the designer's intent was to have each side defend a patrol base from the other then the proper way to do it would be to split the terrain victory points and place an occupy objective on the friendly patrol base and place a touch objective on the enemy patrol base. Alternatively the designer could have placed an occupy objective on the friendly patrol base and a touch objective at some other map location such as a building or something. A different location for each side that would cause both sides to have to pass each other in order to reach their touch objective. There are many ways to accomplish the design objective. It just seems like in the case of the scenario you played the design objective was not met.
  13. Mist doesn't limit visibility in game to 500 meters. I think that either Light Fog or Fog will do that though. Mist, from what I can tell, has almost no effect in game. As far as the visual representation of Mist - it is there but hard to see. You have to be at ground eye view looking across a long distance and there will be a bit of a misty look but you won't see it in a way similar to fog. It is more like the effect that Haze has in game. For a long time I could not even see Fog in my game. Eventually it got fixed enough that I could see Fog when CMFI came out (I think) but it is definitely video card specific. Others could see Fog and I could not. I would venture to say that if you can see Fog in the game then you should be able to see Mist as well. Like I said though - Mist is hard to see because you have to be at ground level looking across the entire map. As far as the briefing note about the 500 meters goes - that was probably either a mistake in the briefing or perhaps confusion about which environmental settings were being used. Maybe the author used Fog at first and then switched to Mist but didn't change the briefing.
  14. I don't think a political discussion in this thread serves any purpose and is likely to get the thread locked before long. I think it would be advisable to move on from that topic.
  15. I don't know who BFC has that does all the translation work, but if someone was willing to translate all the briefings it might be worth contacting them just to see what they say. I have to imagine that it would be a tremendous amount of work though! I could definitely see value in having all the briefings translated. I can only assume that it is a matter of cost at the moment.
  16. Hmmm, you know ..... I don't think that the scenario briefings are converted into other languages for the foreign language versions. I think only the main menu screens and stuff like that is translated.
  17. There would be enough Russian stuff to do to keep BFC busy for years.
  18. I'm not sure there are many who 'hate' steam. I have steam and I have several games on steam, one of which I'll play as soon as I'm finished with this post. I think the better distinction would be that there are maybe a few who hate Steam, many who like Steam, and many who like Steam but accept BFC's choice to not use Steam as a business decision that they are in the best position to make. It is possible to like games on Steam and yet still accept BFC's decision to not use it. The two positions are not at odds with each other unless someone wants to deliberately make it an issue.
  19. According to US Army Field Manuals the 50 cal typically would be fired at about half the sustained rate of fire of weapons like the M60 MG. However, I doubt that Combat Mission places the various MGs into different categories so I'm pretty confident that altering the 50 cal's rate of fire would be impossible to do without significant work with the game code.
  20. Drop Zone Sicily mentions them. It says that the independent 509th PIB(attalion) was attached to the 82nd AB before Sicily and that they considered the 82nd to be a bunch of 'greenhorns'. They apparently made three jumps in North Africa and then served as leg infantry in Tunisia. Commanded by Lt Col Doyle Yardley. It doesn't really explain their history so that's all I got on them. Perhaps they were originally part of the 501st PIR or something. So I guess this Parachute battalion (it is described as an independent battalion not a regiment) did see action prior to Sicily. However, the unit involved in the Biazzo Ridge scenario is one of the ones that had no prior combat experience. I'm not sure how long this battalion remained attached to the 82nd because they just don't get mentioned that much in the various histories of the 82nd, but after Sicily I suppose it wouldn't matter since they would all have combat experience anyway.
  21. I can't find anything on the 509th, although that unit designation sounds familiar to me for some reason. The 82nd consisted of the 504 and 505 PIR and the 327 GIR. It appears that the 508th PIR fought with the 82nd during the Bulge. There were five Airborne Divisions during WW2 and they consisted of the 511, 188, 515, 517, 513, and 507 for the 11th, 13th, and 17th AB Divisions. The 82nd and 101st consisted of the 504, 505, 502, and 506 PIR.
  22. I don't know who those paratroops were, but I can tell you that they weren't from the 82nd.
  23. The 82nd was flown in to Morocco directly from the US and conducted some additional training there before dropping on Sicily. The North African campaign was entirely finished before they entered theater. I don't believe any 82nd troops participated in Torch, although I am going from memory. I looked it up. The 82nd arrived in Casablanca by ship on 10 May 1943. They flew to Oujda from Casablanca from 12 to 14 May. They then staged to Kairouan in Tunisia on 2 July. After that they jumped into Sicily. Nobody from the 82nd was outside of the US before the ship arrived in Casablanca.
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