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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. PowerBook G3-400 (Pismo) for Mobile Wargamming A number of books including "Seven Roads to Hell", "German squad tactics of WW2", "German panzer tactics of WW2", etc. Video like "Winter War", "Stalingard", "Das Boot", etc. Look very bad on my credit card bill... Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 10-20-2000).]
  2. I mean I usually don't have problem in QB generated game, pretty balanced in most cases and the Ams do have some Shermans. But think yourself for a momemnt: what is the diff between Sherman and HT when you can kill them with your Panther and they can't harm you anyway? (kinda extragratted) I think you are kinda specially lucky when you don't get any Shermans in Combined Arms. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie: Yes. I'm glad you like the city Ariel <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Total OT: I visited BA for a week back in late Oct, 1995. Business nature. Great place. Great steak! (I still remember that grilled steak of 2 inches thick -- yummy!) And I was really treated well by a very nice Italian resturant. Great pasta. It is run by people from New York, I think. I wonder if it is still there. Oh, I make myself hungry again. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  4. Since I almost play QB with auto purchase since ver 1.05 comes out, I can say, "NO" but there are exceptions. I generated many QB and most of the time Allied has at least 2 Shermans in them, and I choose aorund 1000-1500 points range. Even if you choose Mechanized Allied, the AI sure picks at least 2 armor cars and 1 - 2 HT, nasty. I suggest if you do not feel shooting tanks enough, try infantry defending against Allied Armor! Exception case: if you check this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011785.html CDIC seems to get only 4 elite jeeps without any heavies. One point to note that AI is not good in Attack. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 10-19-2000).]
  5. CM2 is definitly high on my list. Would definitely buy SFC2 CounterStrike is on the list but I am not sure if I can play offline Flanker 2.5 is on the list So is Flanker Attack! Hitman Codename 47 is cool But No One Lives Forever has style If Deus Ex 2/Theif 3 ever comes, I will buy it too. Playing MGS when I "have time". Heavy Metal is still on pending list. Same for Thief 2 Too bad I have not installed GP3 yet Thank goodness I have finished Vampire and Deus Ex before CM arrived. Wait, I have not tried Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear in Hard level! I am now playing BG2 on weekends, while regular CM during weekdays. If you are thinking about BG2, be forewarned: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011314.html Griffin back at work... ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  6. Thanks for the head-up. Damn! I have the tape version, should I buy it too? I am already too many thing in my Amazon basket! Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  7. Cool! I wish I had one for QB. It is better than those hover tanks (or fighters can't fly high) from BattleZone. LOL! About that KO Timberwolf (?), I believe a mech with both taken is more like the case. I think Battletech borrows a lot of mech designs from various Japanese Anime and transform them. IMO, they sound like "walking tanks" to me. In Hong Kong, we have a privillege of strong exposure to Japanese robot anime, and almost all of them are transalted. We find most of them are much more exciting than American ones. Example is Mobile Suit Gundam seies. A lot of boys grow along with this franchise, just like Star Wars in US. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 10-18-2000).]
  8. Hey CDIC, I am at WORK-PLACE, what can you expect from me? Please be patient, the tungestent round will strike you soon. BTW, I think I can maintain 1 turn per day of CM PBEM during weekdays and well, Sats and Suns are BG2 days.... I think I am still playing BG2 and/or SFC2 when Slappy comes back to the games. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina: BTW Slappy, Griffin is indeed a Deadly opponent...his ambushes in VoT were legendary for imagination....10 out of 10. CDIC <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, you bring back that old memory, now I wish I am the one with siezure. Personally I don't gamble with money, it is kinda personal philosphy, not anything related to religion. Anyway, what I saw Slappy did was racing a jeep with FO and droping motar fire up on a bare hill top. May be that jeep ride caused him his siezure. Beware of jeeps, be very aware! Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  10. You forget to mention you have troop type of "combined arms". If you are in HKG, I would suggest you buy Mark Six (Hong Kong version of Lottery) Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: just for fun i did a fw quick battles against ai where i had one us squad and massive german armor but with massive us air power (assaults of 30,000 points allow a couple thousand points worth of arty support) anyway, there were bombs, strafes, and rockets...not that many kills, but whatever.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunately CAS in CM is nothing more than a well-documented double-edged sword to both sides. I wonder if having a skin-mod where insigna flags are placed on the back of AFVs help. I am not sure if it happens to USAAF only but I think it is general to all sides. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  12. I think it may be already discussed or BTS has something underneath their drawing board but this raise my current attention. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2640872,00.html Will CM series support Mac OS X? As a half-Mac user user, I think I am pretty confortable with OS 9. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>P-38's were active in the ETO with...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thx for the clearing up. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  14. IIRC, P-38 was not that active in the Western Front by the time CMBO is modelled. P-47 was the backbone of USAAF CAS plane when P-51 replaced them as the bomber escort role. the 8 MGs on P-47 were pretty devastating to thin tank top side armor. Later models of P-47 and P-51 carried rockets. The Brits used mainly Typhoon with 20mm rockets for CAS role and was pretty successful. For Germans, Stuka was mostly retired after 1943 and was replaced by Hs-129, Fw-190F/G as CAS aircraft. They employed bombs, rockets and cool FLaK guns. I am typing all these while in workplace without any library support so I hope they are correct. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  15. Steve, I think my English Interpetation Module also need some ICU when it comes to Lewis's posts. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  16. Steve, Take your time, health and recovery comes first and well, I think I am always give "newbie" a fair hand BTW, when you think you can be back again, we can just start all over! Get rest and get well. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  17. Glad to see ya back. BTW, take your time to recover and after waiting for CM to arrive, I think I can wait for anything to happen. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  18. Good news BTS. When the beta is out, I would love to try. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  19. This is a "rip-off" from Amazon.com on "Armor in Details Vol. 1" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Book Description This book is designed to provide the scale modeler with beautiful color photo-reference of a very popular WWII German subject, in this case the Tiger I tank. Photographed at the SAUMER Tank Museum in France, this is a rare opportunity to study the details of an original Tiger tank. Details covered include the Engine deck, tracks, hatches, zimmerit, roadwheels, armament, and interior details. Each photograph is accompanied by a very descriptive caption. An invaluable resource for the armor modeler, this book will also come in handy for the military enthusiast, as well as the WWII historian. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Vol. 1 is on Tiger E and Vol. 2 is on Panther A. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  20. To begin with: "I still wanna my TCP/IP!". ICQ/Yahoo Messager/etc would be an alternative right now. Now go on to off-topic: CDIC, actually it will be Canon EOS D30, Althon and English muesum. Definitely, Althon has higher mark so far as I could keep most of my peripherals. The investment would be relatively small. And : <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So far the score is 3 - 0 Do you think you can win this time??? He he he.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you trying to start another "Griffin, I am bringing our challenge to pulbic" thread? Oh, please! Anyway, I am going to enjoy a Jazz session tonight, I am sending you the file tomorrow morning. Griffin. P.S. I have an ICQ# posted, but don't try to send me any virus, it will be futile. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  21. As for handling email, I have setup an a/c only for CM pbem on Hotmail. Since web mail are free and there is virtually no limit of how many you can setup one. I suggest a dedicated email a/c. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  22. CDIC, I am with ya here. I think PBEM allows you to play at a pace which suits one's needs and time. Of course, I am not saying TCP/IP is not good but you really need a descent connection. My previous, unhappy, venture into online games where poor ping times and connection really hurt. If you play enough PBEM, you will notice the files for exchange are quite large, some complex scenarioes can mount up >500KB, even it is zipped. Say, for Valley of Trouble, which is in the Gold Demo, files > 200KB is not uncommon. That is the reason why I voted for TCP/IP as a patch later. I believe BTS is working hard on ensuring the transmission will be smooth and other technical issues. After waiting for my copy of CM to arrive, I think I can waiting for anything. Stay tuned. Griffin. P.S. CDIC, how is you "power" machine running? Is it stable? Can it run all software? I am thinking either I use the money to go to England or upgrad my P2-450 to Althon 1.1G. P.P.S. How about another game? I have one completed lately, and the other opfor in hospital. I have only 2 PBEM running right now and a BG2 game... ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  23. IIRC, I come across a small book by "Janes/Collins" stating that T34/85 was still in service in Angola, a country just north to South Africa. It is said that it was in service in 1980 but I am not sure now. As for "running" panzers, there is a muesum in France, sorry forget the name, which has a Panther A in running condition. It has also a Tiger E too but I am not sure about its condition. They have a series of books called "Armor in Details". I have seen, quite accidentially, in the Discovery Channel, a program called "Extereme Machines" talking about tanks, its developments, operation, future, blah, blah, blah. It is rather dull but one section showed a clip where a Sherman (I think it looked like a M4A3) brought down a woonden 2-stories high house by dashing through the ground floor. (hint, hint). The VO said that it was one of the applications these surplus tanks were employed after WW2. And then, it showed a British collector driving his tank, painted in yellow, around London. I forget about the name of the "tank" (which looks like a SPA to me) but it is said it was in service in the 50's. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  24. Just got this: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>COMPUTER GAMES ONLINE WHAT'S NEW IN WAR http://www.cdmag.com/Sponsors/html/war/sponsor/war.html Finally got some time to play a little Combat Mission. I'm getting better at it, but it's hard to switch from the top-down 2D world of hexagon maps and unit counters to a 3D world. Line of sight, which in Combat Mission is actually very well done, seems harder at first because you can't just lay a string between two discrete areas on the map and figure it out. You have to get down and dirty with the 3D camera, and eyeball it, if you don't have a unit in place. And even with a unit on the ground, sometimes that unit can't see what you, the omniscient player, can, so it takes some patience and an appreciation for the vagaries of the battlefield to get it right. It's definitely worth the effort, though. I do think Combat Mission provides the most realistic feeling depictions of WWII tactical combat I've ever seen. The unit AI is actually very good, despite some glitches with targeting (most of which I can rationalize as being the consequence of the friction of war, or whatever). I would add my voice to those others calling out for a unit list that you could scan for info, though; I tend to lose units or forget about them too often.... (the rest snipped) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Appearently a potential target for CM Borg. Unfortunately, this person never id him/herself. BTS, does this person actually buy the game from his pocket money? Just a though. And no, I am not trying to bring back the age old discussion of "TO&E List". Have a nice weekend. Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
  25. OT: Actually German Hs-129B was rather successful. It was designed with a "tank-buster" from ground up. It was a twin-engines aircaft but the cockpit was exteremely small and many guages were placed in the inner side of the engine. It carried 2x MG and 2x 20mm cannon as standard armament. Under the fuseage, it could have extra 500 lb bomb or even 30mm FLAK. IIRC, it entered service around Jan 1943 but due to its engine problem plauging it all along. It saw actions, not only in the Eastern front but also in Tunisa and in the West too. There is a book, may be the only book out there, called "Hs-129", which discusses this interesting aircraft in details. Since this book is at home so I am sorry I cannot give more details right now. I came across this interesting gem from a WW2 German planes book from AirTime publishing (the publisher of World Air Power Journal). Griffin. ------------------ "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again
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