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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. Can we order that CDROM online? I sorry but I think I should do another *search*. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  2. I read some material here and there, from newsgroups, forums and some books. May be I have never fired a real gun or served in military service. The problem for me is I am not draw up a complete picture of what exactly are all ammo types of every weapons, such as "FMJ" (full metal jacket), "APC" (armor piecing core?), "APFSDS" (armor piecing, fin-stablized, discard sabot), etc. Could anyone post or point to resources where I can have comprehensive references on ammo, especially for the peroid CMBO. Thanks in adv. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  3. Whenever I have walks in the hills, I always wonder the solders climbing the steep slopes with such heavy gears and not resorting to lanes and roads. BTW, I come across at least once the remains of MG pillbox used during WW2. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  4. CDIC, Thanks for the heads up, so far, I don't receive any mail from ya. Guess I am lucky enough no having my address in your book. That is why I always keep my Norton AV running and updated. BTW, while waiting to start another PBEM from ya, any time for a TCP game, how bout sun mornin? --- To Tobruk, CDIC is not a native Chinese, he is an expat working here. I am a enthic Chinese, you can slash yours on me. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-08-2001).]
  5. I would pick Hetzer. The only chance that my Hezters are lost due to: 1) enemy artillery 2) bogged down but never lost to enemy afv! The problem for Jagdtiger is the ammo amount is rather low and it is slow. Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131: I like the JagdTiger. Its big, its hard to penatrate, and its gun is huge. The only downside is its lack of mobilty and high price. [This message has been edited by Panther131 (edited 01-08-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  6. Let's add a gain of salt here, from my memories in Warbirds game: Fw190A8 was used as a bomber interceptor armed with 4 30mm cannons on her wings and 2 mg sync with the engine D9 (Dora) aka "Bultcher Bird" was one of the most feared Nazi fighter who ate Mustang for breakfast. Descent climb rate with excellent dive rate. Also known as "escape artist". If you want to perfect your "boom-and-zoom" skill, it is the plane to take. She was one of the "uber plane" in Warbirds before people discover Ki-84.... Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  7. How bout hiring me? I m in a timezone 12-13 hrs different from EST! Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hi Hawk, Well between us we do cover most time zones, and there is pretty much someone watching the forum 24hrs a day. This little bugger struck whilst I was out doing some shopping though, so he slipped through our net. Guys, please feel free to email me any time stuff like this happens. I normally check the forum regularly, but the more eye out there the better! I will be leaving all of those posts on the forum as it is good evidence for us to pass onto his ISP, but please feel free to bump any posts of interest Dan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  8. TROLL WARNING! Do not feed the Troll! ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  9. LOL! I would think about being a beta tester fttb. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  10. In addition to these nice features, do not forget they are very dangerous to medium tanks, assault guns and TDs! One instance my A1 wiped out 2 M18s within the first 5 turns! Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: 60mm Mortors and 2" mortors are great offensive and defensive weapons. They are relatively cheap, and can give a platoon/company some quick direct fire support. They work well in repelling an attack, and supporting an advance. Most have 2-3 Smoke charges and 3 of them can cover a field for a quick infantry charge. Never underestimate the use of these small weapons!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  11. Nice tips. Another example of placing a PaK inside building was in Villes Bocage. The British placed at least 1 PaK (6 pdr, iirc) inside the building and ambushed Wittman's tank, making it immob. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  12. So far, none. "Panthers in the Shadow" by HPS may be close, but their unit is at platoon level and the terrian is more abstract. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  13. I tried Void. It is a shareware. Void is a 3d game with wire-frame graphics. It is fun. You need to align properly in order to enter the space port. You can even shoot down enemy spacecraft. I am not sure if I have tried Space Trader. I tried a trading game which you travel across planets of the solar system. No flashy graphics but it is not easy to win. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  14. Can't send u any files since Boxin' Day. I cannot reach your email account. Please assist. Sorry for taking up some public bandwidth for my own. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  15. Charles, Nice to see you around! I think I would spread the word out. After I voted for CMBO and read the section on Gamespot, I read tons of bad words about Gamespot on the strategy newsgroup and CGO CMBO forum. Why don't they put "Sleeper" or any better phrase than "No One Played"? That is not any "special achievement", imo. Lastly, too "bad" CMBO is not the winner of the award. (pun intended) Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: The "no one played" in the title is just a bit of hyperbole. Obviously lots of people are playing it unless this whole message board is just a figment of my imagination. GameSpot is really trying to help us by getting the word out about CM, so please don't judge them too harshly. Charles<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-04-2001).] [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-04-2001).]
  16. CONGRADULATIONS! Don't lose sleep now, my advice is : sleep all you can now and lose sleep when The One arrives. Cheers! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  17. Okay, Gamespot has get a section under their "Best and Worst of 2000" Awards. Under the "Special Achievement Awards", we have a category called "Best Game No One Played" and we have these nominees: Allegiance by Microsoft CMBO by BTS (!!!) Flying Heroes by Illusion Softworks Return of the Incredible Machine by Sierra Attractions Warlords Battlecry by SSG (!!!) The award goes to: (drums rolling...) Allegiance! The link to the web page is as follows: http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/features/pc/bestof_2000/p2_15.html Here is quote about the reason why CMBO is in: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This World War II turn-based strategy game combines sophisticated 3D graphics and advanced artificial intelligence to provide an unmatched wargaming experience. The game is only available through the Battlefront.com Web site, and although sales have exceeded the publisher's initial expectations, they are much lower than typical retail releases.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAT?! Is the guesswork sales figures which they think it is lower than average retail sales makes it "No One Played"? Ask yourself how many games you bought from retail source that end up on the shelf or dumped or returned, because of the gameplay, installation, constant crashes, bugs, lack of features, ect? Why do Gamespot people put this category in the first place? Is it some kind of special "achievements"? Or is it just a pity that a good game is a "sleeper"? Have the Gamespot people ever visited this forumn and see how BTS people keep supporting this Masterpiece, listening to our plea and voices and tweaking (not debugging) to make it more realistic and more enjoyable. Can't they see how many support and constant players here, no matter how "small" when compared to big studios out there? Are we just "No One"? I feel pissed. But it is Gamespot, personally, I don't have any expectations from them. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-04-2001).]
  18. Can't agree more and many FPS nowadays require stealth and problem solving, the one in NOLF is quite revolutionary: take the demo level (1st level I think), you can ask a lady to talk with your enemy so that you can sneak past to the other side of the corridor. It is a game no long running around shooting anything that moves. And personally, I find the ladies in NOLF are much better looking than our infamous Ms. Coft...just the fashion is a bit dated to my taste. Yes, the monkey line is from the demo right? (No pun intended) NOLF is next in line right after finishing BG2 (I'm still in Chapter 4!). Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: Oh, and I can't stress enough what a blast NOLF is! Great graphics, voice acting, level design --- and funny as hell! Big plus: The AI is very good: You kill somebody, you better hide the body, because it's friends will notice it and sound the alarm. Enemies are smart enough to run for help, fire from cover, and duck and roll if caught in the open... And did I mention funny? "You look like a man who want's to buy a monkey...".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-04-2001).]
  19. Hello, I think Homeworld is the most beautiful RTS to date and it is the only 3d RTS that works. Not to mention the coolest mechanics design I find in US games. IIRC, I read that SFC2 has not much difference from SFC1 which both use MPlayer. Campaign server for Dynaverse II is out for testing only. Since the original hosting company, as we are told by Taldren, had given up hosting in the very last minute, Interplay will host the campaign server. But UK version cannot hook onto US Dynaverse II server. I play it from time to time and it is better than SFC1 in many aspects. However, the game is just rushed and it has a number of minor problems. It is enjoyable to me. Too bad Talden is not another BTS... Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: I tried the homeworld demo, but found it lacking after playing Starfleet Command. I ultimately gave up on SFC due to the horrid netcode. How is Starfleet Command 2? Anyone?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-04-2001).]
  20. Tribes 2 should have been be close but it keeps pushed back! I am not sure what Sierra is trying to do these days but well fwiw, don't hold your breath. Keep play Tribes. Why nobody mentions Thief/Thief 2? Stealth is #1 thing to keep in mind! Except for the those pesky undead, Thief is almost perfect. Now marble floor always makes me very nervous and I try to walk on them tip-toed. Too bad Looking Glass has been dissolved but thank goodness, Thief 3 will happen. About co-op play, my bad exp with Diablo and Baldur's Gate keeps me away from co-op. My friend joint up usualy go on their own and tends to jepadise the whole thing. (Rambolism at work) Arggh! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  21. Kitty, Yout post about R6 as "realistic" FPS is excellent. I think real people would scream from the bottom of their lungs when they found someone made a hole in body and blood was running out of it like water tap. That is the problem with AI. I think somebody would tell me how HL:CS would be or I should try it online some day. I personally think FPS is not without skill. "Rocket jump" (or "Guass-gun jump" for HL), "Circular gunning", etc are some skills you need to develop. I read that some cheat on FPS, especially competition with money as awards, using bots. I am not sure if it exists also in RTS. I think I am stopping before I go totally off the thread here. See you some time in a CM battleground. Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  22. I had my Sherman III got "pinged" repeated but with no real damage in "Meyer's Warth" and I don't know who is shooting! Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  23. Hey TownsendVol, Make sure you check out this thread when your CMBO arrives: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013965.html Griffin. ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
  24. *Warning* Someone is advertising the products of competitors of Battlefront.com! *Warning* BTT. I have no tried it *yet* but I think it is similar to TacOps (MajorH?). I think this title has been discussed here before. Gotta be somewhere, doing a search....Correct me if I am wrong. However, I am quite sure this is not the same scale to CMBO. A number of titles are of battlion scale like "The Operation Art of War" (TOAW), "Tigers on the Prowl" (ToP) and "Panthers in the Shadow" (PitS). But these are "hex" based and they all cover battles during WW2 era. I think many grogs here are in a better pos to introduce them. Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: Interestingly enough... Is anyone here familiar with "Brigade Comabat Team"(BCT)?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?" [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-03-2001).]
  25. So do British 2-inch motars One of my PzIV bought it in last TCP game. Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina: The US 60mm mortar will also take out a Mk 1V no problem. CDIC <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI." "Can't get enough Tank?"
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