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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Geier

  1. Game elements, ie no regard for differences in scope. 1. Real machineguns with real suppressive power. 2. Covered arc. 3. Covered arc armor. Gives (among other things) the ability to set up mother-beautiful ambushes. 4. Camoflage. I've spent ten minutes sitting in front of my squadmates in broad daylight without them spotting me and they were actively looking for me. Range 15 meters. 5. New command range. I like Move to contact, Hull-down and Shoot and Scoot especially. That's just off the top of my head.
  2. Dear Marcel, I have no Hiram in me and if I had it would have a miserable time. Johan
  3. Right-o. I'll be sending out some turns to SOME people but NONE to a pod since it doesn't return my fecking files does it? No it does not. Gimme gimme gimme. All night long. Mostly posted to annoy you, yes YOU and to check out my original very cool sig line. Back to stay methinks.
  4. Re: The subject line. It must be perfect since it is more or less exactly what I and Mark IV dreamed up in a thread a very long time ago. My eyes misted over a bit actually when I read the description in the Readme. Note: I do not in any way, shape or form want to take credit for the implementation of this command as I have no clue of whether we were the first to suggest it nor if anyone on the team even read those posts. Still, it is something to feel good about. Yes, this post contained no valid info and was just a way to say "Look how great I used to be". Thank you.
  5. They all sound a bit negative and violent dontcha think? "Shoot this, fire on that, hey my guts are showing" and so on. Those crazy german kids should learn to relax more, eat some cheese, drink some wine, catch some rays. You know? {Thanks for the marvellous and fast effort. Great job. My first try at replying to this topic ended up in a thread about machineguns.}
  6. What I'd REALLY like to know is what happened to ParaBellums thread with German sound translations. I wrote a reply, hit post and all of a sudden my post ended up in some thread about machineguns. Not that i have anything against machineguns of course. Very odd though. I blame Seanachai. Shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
  7. How the heck did that post end up in this thread? I posted in the Translation of German sounds thread. WTF??? [ September 04, 2002, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  8. You do. Check it out, it can be very cool to see some of all the different possibilities of one single turn.
  9. Berli: OK, then I (actually) understand its status as a feature and something that is inherent to a scenario. Both sides will simply have to take this into account in their game plan. And it makes sense too. Damn you. Johan
  10. OK, thanks for the replies from the beta testers and others. I would like the discussion to continue though, so here's one: Is there a limit to the turns added and are the original number of turns taken into account? I think it added six turns (possibly seven) on me last night, which turned a 25 turn game into a 31 turn game. Does this mean a 50 turn battle can go for at least 62 turns? Johan
  11. So you are saying that more turns are good for the defender? I thought that it was supposed to be a feature for "even" games? If I as a defender have the capability to launch a game-winning counter-attack on the last turn just because the game decided to go for five more turns, why is that a good thing? I am not interested in removing the feature. I am not interested in A Solution To A Problem. I am interested in why it is a good game design decision. I have never said that it wasn't, only that I fail to see it. Johan
  12. I don't agree. I would rather become more inclined to flag rush on the "possible" last turn if I believed there was a chance that those presently pinned/broken troops lying and cowering could follow up with a second wave three turns later when the defender has used up all his ammo. With a result like I had last night, troops who were completely out of it (at turn 25) were giving supporting fire and even assaulting six turns later. If there is a chance that the game ended prior to the turn number I would agree with you. Except for that "when you play humans" bit, which I don't understand. It doesn't feel quite right to start a whine thread at a moment like this. I would however be very interested in learning the reasons for creating the feature. If this has already been posted somewhere, I would appreciate a link. Johan [ September 04, 2002, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  13. Agreed. I am presently unable to see how the defender could ever benefit from more turns. The attacker has more time to rally his troops, troops that were Broken when the battle was "over". I'm sure someone will be along shortly and sort us out though. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Or, failing that, fired 1000 rounds of god-given 7.62 mm fmj with tracers in three-to-five-second bursts under the pale light of ten starshells? Well, have you? It's a bit like religion. With CMBB, everyone will become Believers. Can you gimme halleluja? Uhm, yes, I kind of like the machine guns. Johan
  14. The demo is a fantastic piece of work and I love it. Please remember that. What is the reasoning behind implementing the alternate end turn? Since I've only played the demo once (late last night, Velniya Stare) and don't recall reading much more about it other than it was created to stop "gamey flag rushes at the end turn". It seems (I was barely awake the last eight turns) to me that what it does is always give the attacker an extra chance? That is, when it occurs. I know that this is a feature and that I very probably easily can turn it off somewhere but the reason I'm posting is to find out what I'm missing here. Since BTS/BFC hasn't made one single bad game design decision previously I'm more interested in getting enlightened than bitching. As an example (you saw this coming didn't you), on turn 25 (the not so last turn as Germans in Velniya Stare) I had two mg's (god how I love them) left, both with an ammo count of 2. My other squads were in the 2-5 range and my reserve were around 20-30. I would say that that is pretty good ammo economy. Normally. The commies had four T-34's left but they weren't very useful for him (dead guys in tank) and his small rabble of rallied troops (Co and Pl HQs and mg's) were contesting one minor victory location, I possessed the major and one minor, uncontested, my men there weren't even being fired on. But since the game decided to run for seven (could have been anywhere between 5-7 really, I was almost unconscious and just hit Go in frustration) more turns, I ended up with all units except some flank protection on Low ammo and the AI was now close assaulting with close tank support and contesting the major VL. In the end I got one point better than a draw. This is a realistic result in a way I suppose. I was not in a position on turn 25 to continue defending succesfully. 2-3 turns, yes. Not for 5-7 turns. But honestly, if it was to be totally real, the battle would have continued for a further 8-10 turns until all my units were wiped out or surrendered. But if the battle had been designed for 40 turns I would have planned and executed my defense differently yeah? And since the attacker always has more assets than the defender (duh), if he can count on (can he?) a few more turns if he is close enough ... Well, I don't see the good thing with that. And I really want to see the benefit of the feature, not remove it. Hence my post. Did I say I love the machine guns? Well I do. Johan
  15. Those two sentences don't look good at all together. Btw, what tipped you off? The fact that he acknowledged the fact about six threads ago? As for the cousins of Lars. They sound like the other normal, well-adjusted people who we sent off a hundred years ago.
  16. Intolerable! Simply intolerable I say. Well, someone had to say it. We were slipping in The Ratings. The Scunthorpian Donkey hasn't even bothered to mention how much he enjoyed our little sing-song. Has he caught the same bug as that obnoxious character who rooted for Grimsby? Is work contagious? Stay tuned for next hours episode of "Damn, what a hot summer we have here in Sweden." [ August 23, 2002, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  17. Right. A song then. I wanted to do a sing-song for The Scunthorpian Donkey but it took me some time to find a tune which he'd appreciate. Not like or enjoy maybe, just something he could get his hair down and boogie to. Please please please, let me get what I want (if he don't know the artist I'll tell him. But methinks he does.) Good times for a change see, the luck I've had can make a good man turn bad So please please please let me, let me, let me let me get what I want this time Haven't had a dream in a long time see, the life I've had can make a good man bad So for once in my life let me get what I want Lord knows it would be the first time Lord knows it would be the first time {Really Rocking mandolin solo} fade out These here lyrics was brought to you by The Old Firms Public Relations Dept.
  18. So where's me Fallout 2 CD ya wench? Game Updates: Goanna, CO of AoS Gruppe Sud has been subjected to a gamey truck assault that seems to work pretty good, even if Satan (our lovable psychotic neighborhood ASL-converting scenario designer) has given him CRACK Pioneers to defend a town with against my Frenchies. His Hotchkisses are burning merrily as well. He also suspects me of being Meeks while everyone (and the Kitchenspuehle Ausf CIV) knows that he was eaten by a Polar Bear. Mr Peng: We're playing one of them byte syze thingies. He will surely lose. Hakko Ichiu: I've seen jellyfish with more tactical competence. He's decided that setting fire to buildings he must occupy is a grand and clever idea. Oh yeah, his tracked thingies are popping like popcorn. Veni vidi panzerschreck. The Hiram: Everything is on fire right from the start here. We're exchanging turns once or twice every blue moon for the oobvious reasons. I have a bad feeling about this game.
  19. So where is it? I'm back from buying filmjölk (regular and with strawberry for Junior) and I want it now! Alright alright. I'll take you up on your offer. If you should send me Fallout 2 (it's not as good as Fallout but I know where I can get that baby for 25 SEK) the Old Firm will admit to owing you, the entity known by some as "Roxanne", one (1, uno, en, ein, yxi) Favor. Not a Really Big Favor, yet a Favor it would be. Ask Berli (or Mr Morningstar as we've always called him) for a Standard Contract of One Favor and he'll set you up, should you wish for or require an intermediary. Otherwise, email is in our profile.
  20. Ethan: Send me a fecking file. Peng: Send me a fecking file. The Hiram: Send me a fecking file. CO of AoS, GS: Nice going. Beware of French truck drivers. I'm off to buy some filmjölk, there'd better be something splodey in my inbox when I return. My Fallout 2 CD gave up the ghost today. I really wanted to play some Fallout 2 today. I was going to name all the jetheads in New Reno after some of the drivel-posting debris that's turned up here in the MBT and shoot them with a Really Big Gun. Did I mention that my Fallout 1 CD was dead too? No? Well it is, and I blame The Bard for it.
  21. Where's my file you idjit. Last and only chance you'll ever have of beating me. You've been off snorting plutonium again?
  22. You might want to check up on the original writer there. Good cover though. Pillock. [ August 16, 2002, 04:16 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  23. Zactly. Now I have a plan that is so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel. Give The Justicar the proper privileges. Give him moderating rights for Cesspool Threads. If someone, anyone (especially someone who makes Torquemada seem like a benevolent wishy-washy kind of guy) could just throw the useless morons OUT so that I didn't have to scroll past all the posts filled with pointless drivel written by pointless drivelers (you know who you are) every time I feel like reading The Thread. Since my Ignore filter works I'm currently skipping past whole pages of drivel. This has led me to believe that idjits like mouse still post drivel here. I can't be certain since I am never ever reading any of that tripe again. Hell, even posts by MrSpkr, who isn't on the Ignore list even if he's crazier than a snake with armpits, start to make sense and seem reasonable now. Now that is scary. Bring on the Inquisition and let's start some bonfires. Your friend, Johan
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