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Everything posted by Geier

  1. No luck. Win XP "helps" me and automatically installs some nVidia drivers on reboot found the gods know where since I deleted them all in System32 folder. I'll have to live with min/maxing until I figure out a way to do this properly. All help with this appreciated. Johan
  2. Great article! One nit pick, or rather a personal opinion, is that defending against the TacAI DOES teach you a few good things. Firstly, it has an uncanny ability to find some LOS to your defending hull-down AFV's, which is (in some ways) better than anyone I've met in pbem play. Sure, it does a lot of "stupid" things too, but it should be remembered that the TacAI has access to The Numbers, something we humans don't. Its lack of memory is however also something that speaks against it. Secondly, it sometimes does not do anything at all in a turn. And sometimes, that is the right thing to do. Everyone I play (and me) are a bit fixated with always doing something every turn. I've found that it is often not what you do so much as when you do it. Timing is crucial. Defending against the AI is good for teaching this imo. Well, that was just my uninformed opinion which also served as a BUMP of this text.
  3. Thanks! That was exactly what I used to do, now I remember. Ie the complete uninstall thing. Problem is that Win XP seems to want to help me so when I reboot it has found some damn faulty nVidia driver that it forces down my neck. I have now tried with your suggestion I found in another older thread, deleting all nv*** files in System32 folder but I think I need to do this again. I've tried the 28.32 drivers (I think it was). Thanks again for the help. Johan
  4. I've had this issue the whole time with CM:BO and always managed to solve it. Problem is I can't recall how. And now I have a nice, otherwise functioning install of WinXP and can't recall how I managed to solve it with the earlier OSs. This is not a Windows XP specific problem and it is not, as far as I can tell, a general GeForce 256 problem. It is just the Leadtek WinFast I think. I have tried LeadTeks factory drivers, nVidias latest, older and even more older rivers, Leadteks latest drivers and also used various incarnations of the VIA 4-in-1. I THOUGHT it was the VIA drivers that worked earlier, but it seems not so. What happens is that white becomes transparent in the menus and on the interface in the game, it is most noticeable with CM:BO. It seems to continue to degrade for every screen switch. As it is now I can not see the file names when naming my pbem files, the entire box is black. IIRC, there was a fix posted here or somewhere a year or two ago, anyone recall it? Thankful for any help. Johan
  5. When you have time to spare, gimme a setup. I demand to at least have some pointy sticks.
  6. We don't, as such, own any guns. Should the need for them arise, our oppressive state will hand them out to us by the truckload so that we may smite the infidels with malice aforethought. Then it is the serious beautiful stuff too, MMG's, assault rifles, SMGs, AT-missile launchers, 90mm RCLs, grenades, Rocket launchers, pointy sticks and Fred. EXTRA! EXTRA! THE GAME, THE WHOLE GAME AND NOTHING BUT THE GAME HAS BEEN REPORTED ON THE OLD FIRM PREMISES AS OF RIGHT FRICKING NOW. I should probably stay at work for a bit longer and finish the vital work I am currently probably doing.
  7. It would be. It all depends on how much you know. [ September 26, 2002, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  8. Andreas, as soon as I have IT in my claws I will send you a setup. Beware that I am once more going into the breach (dear friends) and will attempt to install Win XP. Again.
  9. It will get much much worse. For everyone. Let it be known that The Old Firm owes the good Doctor Moriarty a (one, 1, singular, uno, ein) Really Big Favor (plus some cash) and that, in addition, the Old Firm will let the good Doctor play as many games as he wants against us. Forever. That's right, an infinite number of games. Seanachai, you do remember what we always do to you when we play you, don't you? Thass right, we rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. Every time. We are interested in doing so again, this time in ze east. Our people will talk to your people and let's "do" lunch sometime. Chow.
  10. Baldrick, the slug is dead. If it failed to cling on to life, I see no reason that it should cling on to your upper lip.
  11. Things that go bump in the night has decided to bump this baby up a page. These things didn't have anything to say, just like most aussies. Contrary to the aussies, this stopped the bumper from saying anything. [ September 25, 2002, 07:12 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  12. I AM Ernst-Hugo. Danskjävel. {note: I actually personally LOVE all things Danish and no insult, harm or personal injury was intended to anyone or anything of Danish origin with the above statement. For our international viewers, "Danskjävel" means "Danish bastard" and was immortalized by the great Ernst-Hugo Järegård in the Danish TV-series The Kingdom (Riget) by Lars von Trier. The statement was ripe with good-natured old-fashioned fun-loving humor (or humour) and only some small flightless aquatic fowls were injured in the process. Thank you.}
  13. Indeed. We have received news that our old esteemed collegue, that evil mastermind of the Victorian age, Moriarty, has indeed gotten his paws on The Game, the whole Game and nothing but The Game, so help him Anyone. This means that The Other Copy will soon, yessss precious, very soon, wing its way towards us. The Old Firm is waiting its arrival with baited breath. And a hook in it.
  14. Yes we do. But we are not telling. I could write a bit about how I totally and utterly exterminated everything Ethan had in our last battle and how total and utterly utter his defeat was. I could, you know. Soon, oh very soon, I will get my claws on The Game, The Whole Game and nothing but The Game and some of you will be very sorry. I might even bother with putting forth a proper good old Challenge. And then I might not.
  15. Arcanum. From Troika games, released their manual before the game shipped. A lousy idea. [ September 23, 2002, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  16. OH the things we have done to this computer the past week... We have not been happy, content or idle, yet we have lost the battle. Win XP disliked so many things about my strange devices that it suffered total breakdowns every time I tried to install CM:BO. Berlui (I'm going to contune with misspelling your name until you learn to spell mine), you'll know I have THE GAME when Moriarty has had his for about a week or so. Depends on Fate, Fortune and the Swedish customs dept. I'll be happy to playtest anything by the foul SeeLöwe-planning Andreas or anything involving ski troops.
  17. Oh yes. I have no clue to what some breeds are called in english so I'll just make them up or write their Swedish names. Afghans: Probably not really dogs, mostly bred for being ornamental. They are like furniture with eyes that you need to feed something expensive once in a while. You always get the feeling they want you to go away and leave them alone. Small yappy type dogs: Pointless. I imagine you will want one. My advice would be that if you want something smaller than a Real Dog, get a wolverine. Not the vehicle. Golden Retrievers: The hippies of the dog world. They love everyone. They love you and your family so much their hearts often explode with joy when you've left them alone for three seconds and open the door again. Has the IQ of a fencepost. Rhodesian Ridgebacks: They were bred to hunt lions. A sleek killer without that braindead steroid look you get from pitbulls. The way this dog looks at you speaks volumes to the little caveman inside you. The Panther VG of the dog world. Akita Inu: Japanese Guard dog. Americans had to "improve the breed". Guess what, they made it bigger. Surprise! This might be the coolest dog in the world. Smart as hell too. Mastiffs: They're big, they slobber like there was no tomorrow and "if their brains were made of pure cocaine you couldn't sell it and afford a breakfast" {quote from Andrew Vacchs}. They are Really Big. Irish wolf hound: The biggest damn dog in the whole damn world. You might consider getting a bear skin rug as they are just as frisky. Disclaimer: Everything written here is fundamentally true. Reality may differ in some cases which just goes to show that you can't trust it.
  18. Ahem. Said hey mama said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove Kinda makes you think.
  19. Yes, setting fire to all locations in your line of advance, exposing everything with tracks to AT-guns and schreckies and casually walking into every kill zone imagineable should be better rewarded. Obviously. I did a bloody good job of completely murderating you and you know it. Veni vidi panzerschreck. It was a mother-beautiful battle and I'll post a screenie as soon as my email gets up on its feet again. Hopefully we can fix it tonight, as we have made A Deal with Moriarty, a deal that needs a Contract. Then I'm going to watch "Have I got news for you – Unbroadcastable feat. Eddie Izzard" on video and continue pounding The Scaly Ones forces with my Frenchies and further rip up Peng in that little Byte Battle. Oh joy!
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