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Posts posted by Geier

  1. Originally posted by Lars:

    let us work some thing up for you, run it by legal, and then send it off to the Old Firm.

    We certainly hope you mean run it past legal. We're certain we can't perform anything legal. Even if we, in this instance, for the first time since Ever, would jump at the chance of pro bono work.

    No DSL for The Old Firm means no turns out this weekend since we're not going to download 10 megs of Anything hear thatHiram, anything, through this Modem from The Dark Ages.

    I wish Mark IV was here, to congratulate me on my inspired use of sentences, syntax and above all, commas. But he isn't is he?

  2. Originally posted by PantherG:

    What in the world is it? :confused:

    A complete, stark raving loony had this to say on the subject a while ago. August tenth, 2000 AD to be precise:

    Originally posted by Hakku Ichiu:

    Have you ever looked at your hand? I mean, like, really looked at your hand?

    Oh, man, head rush.

    What was I saying? Ooh, double-stuff Oreos...

    Kinda makes you think.

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I've come to speak to you tonight about one of the Greatest Heroes of the Millenial Cusp.


    And so we meet again, Storyteller. Yes, you can always count on us to kill you. Properly.

    This time around I believe we shall amuse you with a tale or two of our own. We will, as we are so fond of saying, be with you presently.

    You see we of The Old Firm believe in doing things properly and it simply will not do to slaughter any of our current clients in a slapdash and hurried way. Word might get out, (the dead) people would talk and so on. Rest assured that as soon as any of our current clients are sufficiently dead we will throw ourselves into battle with you with the same reckful abandon as always.

    Casket or pyre this time? Maybe something more Vikingish? A long ship gently bobbing down the misty river to a messy end involving waterfalls, rocks and plenty of eels? All the rage after that latest Ring film.

    Did we mention that we, the best murderers of time, space and mythology were requested by one of our more estemeed clients (Victorian Age chap, Londoner we believe) to, and we quote:

    "Could you get us something nice and warm for the missus? Preferably a bit effnick."

    If we hadn't owed the fellow one Really Big Favor we would have done something rather unspeakable (involving large amounts of butter) to him and everyone he had ever met. But we did so we didn't.

    Did I mention that?

  4. Game updates:

    Berli: is having his butt handed to him by large amounts of commie-made high explosive propelled toward him at a leisurely velocity. And other metal things. We (The Red Horde and us)are slowly and meticulously chewing our way through the map like a giant commie ant swarm. A giant commie ant swarm with Really Big Gunz that is.

    Hakko Ichiu: is having his butt handed to him by large amounts of commie-made high explosive propelled toward him at a leisurely velocity. And other metal things. We are slowly and meticulously chewing our way through the map like a moderately large commie ant swarm. A moderately large ant swarm with Really Big Gunz that is. See a trend here?

    Moriarty: Is watching his tanks go Clang! and then the crews climb out of them. He's still trying to figure out which command prevents that from happening. He is also watching his troopers getting some nazi-made Die-A-Lot-Now in a factory.

    Oh, and I've bought something nice and warm for his missus too. Really. We aim to please.

  5. Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    Some of my opponents have gone MIA. These include Geier ...

    Yes yes yes. All turns are out to those deserving. And also to you Ethan.

    Btw, you recall those large pieces of metal and high explosive that were dropping straight on your position that you were complaining about?

    Well, it seems a slight miscalculation has occurred on my part.

    I did say onehundred and FIVE millimeters didn't I? Damn sorry.

    What I meant of course was onehundred and FIFTY-TWO millimeters. You know, the kind that "Jellify Fascists, even at fifty paces"?

    And to think that those commies had so many of them too. Still, what's 5 centimeters more or less between hated enemies?

  6. Originally posted by Foxbat:

    My guess is that just about everyone (except maybe some hard-core swedes) respect what the Finns achieved and how they held up in the war.

    I think you'd be hard pressed to find even one Swede not incredibly impressed with what the Finns achieved during WW2. Personally, I find all attempts at making the Finnish troops over the board undefeatable in CM an affront and an insult to what the real soldiers achieved.

    Oh, and Väinö Linna's "Unknown Soldier" is the best war novel to come out of the Second World War if you ask me. I might have read it ten times by now.

    Great posts, foxbat and JonS. Keep em coming. smile.gif

  7. Originally posted by Abbott:

    Does anyone know where David Aitken made off to? I have not seen any posts from him.

    He went total PC-game cold turkey (and had disturbingly good arguments to support his case).

    Then he went off to teach young nubile wimmin about art I believe. Hasn't been seen since.

    I almost miss him as much as Mark IV. Now there was a man who took his beatings like a trooper.

  8. Originally posted by Juha Ahoniemi:

    We Finns just want to have the goodies what Finnish army REALLY had.

    One problem with your credibility might be that you won't accept the baddies, only the goodies.

    The sooner you realize that your nationalistic chest thumping makes it impossible to take you seriously the better.

    Accept that or just go bitching some other thread.
    Last time I looked you do not dictate where and what I post. If you can't take it then that is your problem.

    Or is it so hard to swallow that Finland isn't part of Sweden any more?
    I find it fascinating that you manage to turn this into a narrowminded nationalistic argument. But then again, that is all this is anyway.
  9. After reading this thread and others I have come to the conclusion that, since CM:BB totally fails to correctly model the Finnish Armed Forces, that they be totally and completely removed from the game in an upcoming patch.

    I also suggest that the coming engine rewrite is centered on getting everything tero has ever wanted to be put in the game. It is the only way to correctly model this paragon of armed forces everywhere and well worth the investment and development time.

    Until these huge failures are fixed, the Finns must be removed completely or it will be a huge blow to the credibility of BFC.




    Or not.

  10. Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    "Why don't you play something cool, like Marillion?"


    "Why don't they play something cool, like Hawkwind or Marillion."

    Would be the correct quote, you muslim infidel.The fact that I knew this without resorting tapes or Google searches plus the fact that I haven't even watched this episode in eight years speaks volumes.

    Not that there's anything wrong with THAT, either.

  11. Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    Bah! Perhaps if I appear in full Taoist regalia while chanting from the Book of Odes they'll give me a pass.

    Don't forget your I'Ching set. You know how upset you become when you can't consult it every day.

    Since I sense that this is an inconvenient and inappropriate time, I shall send you a setup.

    You will be the inept unter-commies with Really Big Tanks and I shall be the gallant, Byronic-heroish (hah!) liberal nazis blowing you to tiny bits with my very precize toolz. Ze irony will amuse me to no ends.

    Andreas. You as well.

    Goanna. Misplaced me CMBO CD. Many sorries. Turn on its way.

  12. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    But post-Communist literary examinations of the work reveal the Master to be something less.

    I did not know that Billy Bob Bubba's "Books I read when stoned on the A&M campus in the sixties" counted as "literary examinations" outside of the Panhandle but there you are.

    Any literature that

    1. Inspired one of the three best rockn'roll songs ever

    2. Was recommended to Berli by my not-the-least humble self

    IS a masterpiece and DOES feature the commie version mixed with the Rodina folklore of that lovable ol' Mr Morningstar. So there.

  13. Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    Talk about birthday presents.

    Happy birthday you sod.

    Either James Ellroy (bolded because anyone who can write a 700 page novel on the Mob/Howard Hughes/Heroin/CIA/Vietnam/the MLK/RFK murders with 3.74 words a sentence that you can dance to simply deserves it) will write a novel about you or I'm gonna send you a Ostfront setup.

    Oh, you could just cut the tension with a machete.

    [ October 09, 2002, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]

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