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Posts posted by Geier

  1. Originally posted by Lars:

    I also seem to note a distinct lack of volunteers for the Insane Kanigget Posse.

    Maybe they know how we at The Old Firm feel about competition, however useless.

    If you want something done properly, you go to the professionals. And pay the appropriate fees. This reminds me, we have a "Regicide-special" this century btw. Just thought you (or anyone else with the sufficient funds) would like to know.

    The Old Firm

  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    you can't buy that kind of loyalty.

    Yes you can. We remain at your service. Or, indeed, anyones service for a price.

    There is actually something you could do that would work you know. Move, counter-move.

    OGSF has given you a clue. But since he's an incoherent babbling maniac that just isn't much help, is it? So I'll spell it out for you.

    You have to bring him back. Custer. Aka

    Mark IV

    He is the counterpoint.

    That is all. Our fees remain,

    The Old Firm

  3. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Every kingdom needs a mad prophet.

    And someone or something that removes, cancels, annihilates and inhumes anything or anyone the kingdom perceives to be in its way. Or just a bloody nuisance. We hope there will be blood. Blood in extraordinary quantities. We aim to please in that regard.

    For the right price of course.

    Here is our card.

    The Old Firm

    [ January 16, 2003, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]

  4. Gamey updates:

    Oh why bother. I'm winning everything against everyone all the time and if I don't I'll simply stop returning files.


    Professor Doktor Hamster X: Has finally seen his Rohan cavalry come charging over that hill yonder while my little orcsies are busy annihilating his shredded infantry outside the city gates. High Explosives for everyone.

    Satan: Is taking a break. Snap.

    Moriarty: Sends me turns precisely every once in a while. Been a while as far as I can tell but what do I know?

    The Bard: Has just received a setup. I expect an autosurrender by turn 10.

    May the insides of your skulls fill with hungry angry maggots,


  5. Typical of fat Hermann. Neither he, nor MvR, ever commanded JG2, only JG1 (and Jastas 18 {or was it 27?}and 11 respectively). So why on gods green earth did they name JG2 Richthofen? At one point they even put old Josef Mai (that lovable old kanone of Jasta 5 who had over 30 kills but still didn't get the Pour le Merite because they stopped having a war before the paperwork was done) in charge. 1932 I believe it was.

    And why hasn't Moriarty sent me a turn? Off riding a new bike I suppose? Oh well, I'll simply do a setup and send it to The Bard then.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  6. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome a new manager to the best football team in ze vörld (AIK). His name is Richard Money and he started his career in ...

    oh dear.


    In other news, Satan is taking a sabbatical for a bit but should bounce back this milennia since you can't keep a bad man down.

    That means that I no longer have a full dance card and that The Bard is going to have something bad happen to him. And I will also forward a setup.

    Lars: I just started on "The Power and the Glory". Don't forget to do your homework too.

  7. Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    By some mistake of the director it's a bit difficult to say just exactly which of those Gondorian spearmen I am....but I know I'm one of them.

    And I want you to know that we are all anxiously awaiting the scene when your severed, tortured and maimed head is flung over the walls of Minas Tirith in Return of the King. We have great hopes that it will involve no CGI or anything other than the real thing. Not only would this be the CHEAPEST solution but also the most satisfying for everyone involved.

    They will have to edit out the hurrahs and cheers from the city though.

  8. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    I'm not very happy about this at all.

    Ah yes.

    Christmas. Make sure to have one. All of you.

    Now then:

    Game updates:

    Satan and us are having a little game and we're reminding him of why it is that he pays us to do the Really Nasty Things. There is something assuring of having Really Big Tanks equipped with Relly Big Guns slowly and methodically rolling forward obliterating everything in its way with jolly little nassty commie orcsies milling about them cutting up anything still slightly moving and throwing liquid fire on top of Assault Guns, crackle crackle. Very jolly.

    Moriarty is (once again) learning how things should be done the hard way. His big tanksies are one by one turned into commie scrap metal by small heroic Men firing ping pong balls at them and the copse of woods where his little foot orcsies are being suppressed is now burning merrily. Ho Ho Ho.

    Ethan is Minas Tirith and I'm the Commie Witch-King in an IS-2 rolling ever onward. He is anxiously awaiting the Assault Guns of Rohan which should appear over that hill yonder any turn now. Yes' we're recreationalists playing "Last Defence Goes East" and it's such a bore that I've even contemplated NOT dropping that smoke screen prematurely. You know of which I speak. At the very least I'm redecorating something splendidly. Gabba Gabba Hey.

  9. Originally posted by PondScum:

    if we just remember to tell The Old Firm to use explosives for the hit...

    We much prefer the gun these days, we try to move (with) the times as bad as we can. Leave that part to us, all you need is to provide us with a suitable stooge (we're thinking Cuban exile Gulf War vet junkie nazi pinko with a (or several) severe personality disorders and a healthy subscription of all Left Behind literature known to man) and huuuge gobs of cash.

    Unless, of course, The Justicar approves of our Proposed Presidential Personal Protection Program in which case very few of you need worry about stooges or money. Or breathing. Ever again.

    Don't forget to vote.

  10. A more skilled reader than you would have realised that this is a double post and so spend his time doing something else than reading this. Like tennis.

    "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how much I play, I'll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall once. They're f**king relentless."

    [ December 05, 2002, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]

  11. In honor of it being such an honor for me to be honored by Lars, who has honored me by putting a quote from me in his sig line, I wish he would honor my request and remove the parenthesis around the "who". My clever use of making and was should remain as is.

    Otherwise I shall be forced to go back into that thread and edit my post. That would spoil all the fun that having a go at Slapdragon should legally entail. Editing posts is simply not on.

    Remember I'm just a po' ferriner who can no spikee Inglese and y'all shouldn't be makin no fun of li'l ol me and me po' linguistic skillz.

    Still no 1.01 at Casa Old Firm. Will fix tomorrow.

    [ December 05, 2002, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]

  12. Some MS-Haikus. Better than error messages and if you've already read these somewhere else I don't care not that I EVER care about anything you lot say, do or think about ANYTHING EVER.


    The Web site you seek

    Cannot be located, but

    Countless more exist.


    Chaos reigns within.

    Reflect, repent, and reboot.

    Order shall return.


    Program aborting:

    Close all that you have worked on.

    You ask far too much.


    Windows NT crashed.

    I am the Blue Screen of Death.

    No one hears your screams.


    Yesterday it worked.

    Today it is not working.

    Windows is like that.


    Your file was so big.

    It might be very useful.

    But now it is gone.


    Stay the patient course.

    Of little worth is your ire.

    The network is down.


    A crash reduces

    Your expensive computer

    To a simple stone.


    Three things are certain:

    Death, taxes and lost data.

    Guess which has occurred.


    You step in the stream,

    But the water has moved on.

    This page is not here.


    Out of memory.

    We wish to hold the whole sky,

    But we never will.


    Having been erased,

    The document you're seeking

    Must now be retyped.


    Serious error.

    All shortcuts have disappeared.

    Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

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