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Posts posted by Geier

  1. Originally posted by OGSF:

    Geier, ye kin kiss mah spotty arrse.

    Ah yes, we also must admit that we would demand quite a high fee to exhume you. If we were into that sort of thing we would not deny a certain lukewarm sensation where our tear canals used to be at the sight of your prose. A bit like cutting onions for three hours straight we think. But we're not.

    Don't forget to let the wee spaniel manage the CM while you take care of the out and inboxes. Baby steps baby steps, or so your poor demented scotchaddled litte mind understands it, wee li'l spaniel steps.

  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I have learned much, Oh Geier since our last encounter.

    "How not to get your troops killed: five easy steps"

    We appreciate your effort and promise to keep a straight face for at least four or five turns.

    In other news, rune has sent me a few unpleasant files, as is his wont, and the lucky winners are:

    The Lars


    The Gnome

    Should Heriam Siddown (or this other bothersome creature with the two syllable name) manage to set something up we will sneer at him/her/it/them derisively. And then let things have their natural course.

    [ December 24, 2004, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]

  3. Xmas list:

    1. Make sure that every acquaintance understands that it is in their own best interests to get us lots of presents. Expensive presents.

    ~¨. Install CMAK along with this new patch that apparently is all the rage these days. Why back in our day we ...

    K. Setup something far from Italy for The Lars.

    {. Find a prefab scenario, preferably untouched by runeian hands, and send it to Mr Morningstar.

    ^. Bitch smack that cheap trick ho Hereiam Siddown with whatever he bothers sending OUR way. Aight, as it were.

    8. Watch some Bergman films to annoy whateverhisname is a bit more.

  4. Originally posted by Boo Radley:


    Ah yes, where's The French when you need them eh? Of course, one seldom, in our experience, does. Since Satan kindly (ahahaa) has agreed to once more get a lesson in why it is that entities like him hire us to do the ripped, torn, bloody entrails smeared on walls, feet in weird places, murder murder murder work for him.

    And you haven't played Vampire: Bloodlines until you've played it as a Malkavian.


    The Old Firm

  5. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    As if the Old Firm has any kick left in them. It is to laugh. Trick-ass ho!!

    It's good to be remembered, even by such mucus-sucking degraded lowlife filth as you, Hiram. So, something involving an extraordinary amount of bloodshed and violence at twenty-thirty-oh-who-really-bothers-to-count-when-all-is-said-and-done-eh paces? We haven't played The Game for a year or so, so if you're really lucky you might score (oh my!) somewhere in the nether regions (ahahhaa) of the twenties.

    Something someone as, say, Boo Radley, who we still remember as that little lost puppy we used to kick back in the day, can only dream of. We suspect he dreams of other things, most of them involving rubber bands. Is The Lars available these days? He hasn't sobered up we hope? Would be a shame and a crushing blow to the Milwaukee breweries.

    It is interesting to note that there still are the kind of people that determinedly shouts "Hands up who likes me!?" and then pouts when all they receive is abuse, around here. Does Old Ho Joe Chi Min buy them from somewhere? Mail order?

    The Old Firm

  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:


    I've secretely decided that I will continue to be ignorant of what this Fiefdom thing is for as long as you are alive. You can't make me know what it is.

    We just got the Disney Channel for FREE so now my little toddlers and toddlettes can watch those wonderful shows ALL THE TIME. At least when I'm not watching footie. Deportivo La Coruna vs Barca was great last night. The Rescuers Down Under on will be on DISNEY CHANNEL tomorrow. With Swedish voices. Want me to record it for you? I've not decided if McLeash is modeled on Lars or Rother yet.

  7. Originally posted by R Leete:

    Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers.

    It's "dietist" you 'orrible little man. Seanachai is one of the least followed dietists in ze vörld. But as the One True Gawd once said:

    "Have a little faith baby"

    I'm piss drunk by the way.

  8. Originally posted by R Leete:

    Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers.

    It's "dietist" you 'orrible little man. Seanachai is one of the least followed dietists in ze vörld. But as the One True Gawd once said:

    "Have a little faith baby"

    I'm piss drunk by the way.

  9. Originally posted by Marlow:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Grisha:

    [ See Christer Bergström's link on this.

    Speaking of highly subjective:

    "Without doubt, the Soviet fliers in general were the toughest and most determined opponents ever to be faced by German airmen. Any other air force probably would have disintegrated morally following the immense losses that were dealt the Soviets by the Luftwaffe on June 22, 1941 - at least this was what the Germans had anticipated would happen to the Soviet armed forces. In spite of this, Soviet bomber crews kept launching one mission after another against the advancing German ground troops during the first weeks of the war, and the Soviet fighter pilots never ceased challenging the Luftwaffe of air superiority."

    He needs to look at other air forces during tough times in the war before this statement passes the test. </font>

  10. Originally posted by Snarker:

    MGA escapes into the MBT, forever leaving his mark in the oddest titled incarnation of that thread.


    I would like to bring forth this and submit that while it does lack a semi colon it reached far weirder grounds than this piffle the newbies have running now.

    At least if you're not a Neil Young fan. I'm off to be weird over there now. See ya.

  11. I haven't played CM:BB since early March. I haven't even installed it on this system that is lurching about like the Titanic. But here's an AAR:

    I and my glorious troopers managed to wrest away the northwestern part of Alma with only minor losses (poor Hamous will never drive his ice cream truck again). The assault was carried out at dawn and the tactics of the day were superior firepower used way beyond the point of overkill and heavy use of the Alt-L feature. My gamey bastiche opponent Deidrianna had hired the gamey bastiche MIKE (who has 99 in all stats) and fighting him was like going against a KV-2 with halftracks in -41.

    Thanks to Shadow with his trusty Soviet Sniper rifle and Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski with his G3A3 Mike is now a splattered mess only fit as crow chow. Stephen "Smorgasbord" Baldwin later on blew away the enemy HQ unit while good old psychotic Meltdown was setting up the mortar and never got to use it.

    We'll be right back after this short break. Don't go anywhere.

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I don't know, the more I think about this game the more I think that Geier may actually be onto something.


    If I hadn't slaughtered my hard drive and murderated my Addy book I would have been able to reach more of you ... people. Lars for instance, and Hakko. Imagine the gnawing hollowness they must feel when they fully understand that there is no way they can make a cooler character than my 26th level (currently, I left the puter on at work, HA!) Eel Man Hunter-Strangler with an INT of 48!

    Seanachai will get right on with this game since you can play as a Demicanadian Tickle-Mimic. Or maybe he'll opt for a powerful Double Hobbit Robot Monk.

  13. Nope. That was Vasa. Not the proudest moment in the naval history of Sweden. I would be surprised to hear we ever won anything major on the seas. Just like the British Royal Navy I suppose.

    We always were more of the trudge along all over Poland and Germany until something stood in our way kind of superpower.

    Moriarty: Messenger did not arrive. Probably caught, scalped and tortured by Comanches. Send another.

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