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Posts posted by Geier

  1. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Geier said he would be here. He lied.

    Naturally. But there's a first and a last time for everything I suppose. Not that this was one of them. They were absolutely desperate for you in the Sealion thread yesterday so I thought it important that you'd be back Here instead.

    So. Well. Paris, is it? That's in France yeah? Lots of French people about the place I suppose? Wonderful. Fancy a game then, you horrible person of unfamiliar descent?

    [Edited for grammar. The terrorists must not win.]

  2. Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

    And it's infested with Jesuits.

    Which reminds me. The Hacky Sack of Krakow. Do You Remember?

    So it's this is it? First you Fail in being several (a treeful) Hamsters. Then you Fail with bringing about some old time religion in that fine upstanding heretic of a Thread. Then you Fail in being digested by large polar bear. Then you Fail in Croda. And now we're supposed to believe that you haven't been incarcerated the last three years, but rather wandering about making catholic schoolgirls (we can all, especially Joe, imagine where THAT particular idea came from) nervous at some imaginary campus in, dare I say it, San Francisco? Guess what? You Fail. You better have Mark IV with you. And get Ethan back in here, you were his first Official Sycophant if I recall anything at all these days. Or Professor Doktor Hamster X if you must.

    In other rodents, turns are out, even if the game against Lars is getting quite good at stealing your will to live on.

  3. Originally posted by Goanna:

    ta ta

    AH! The Lizard King! What a nice scaly addition to this little get-together. I think I still have ze files of our little slaughter, invovling French resistance fighters charging MG42's, somewhere around here. Or there. Ya need a whuppin, new email is in the profile, Your Scaliness.

    Other rodents, I've just recovered the blasted system again, files shall be out when I happen to feel like it. Except for Mr Morningstar, we regret to inform him that we need a resend of the latest available file from him. Since we've used numbered turn I'm sure it won't be a problem. Eh? WEll, I'm sure that we on OUR part definately has numbered the files, I'm sure we can't be held responsible for anything. Anything at all.

  4. Originally posted by Alkiviadis:

    IF you don't like it don't refer to me again.

    Hello. We try not to let events from the Outerboards, especially not the lovable old General forum, follow us in here. If we did, we would not have been around for almost five years. If we can't stand someone who is posting here we don't try to settle it here. Now, you've responded to the initial post where you were mentioned, everyone knows the score, we can all get back to our regular verbiage. No one is stopping you from hanging around, just keep Outerboard enmity (emnity? Can't be bothered to look that up) outside. Others have managed that rather nicely over the years, even if you wouldn't believe it from their/our "debates" elsewhere. Maybe think of this place as "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" if you like. I know I do. We say our lines, try to figure out what's going on and then we die.
  5. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I piss on you from a considerable height.

    Alrighty then. Setup is whinging it's way towards your lofty eyrie, you bitter and twisted little man. Mind you, if I were you I'd clear out all the albatross droppings but who am i to tell you what to do? Heh, just kidding.

    It's time this thread started dealing with The Game again. Or not. Lars, Noba, Berli Send me some fecking files. It's all your bloody fault that i have to lower myself to play (I inhabit a yet loftier eyrie, y'see. Free of albatross droppings too.) The Bloody Useless Bard

  6. Originally posted by MrPeng:

    After all these years The Bard still thinks a little recon before sending in the armor is too much work. He's got one less tank than that with which he started.

    Here's a post by The Bardian Mastermind (Page 3 of The Original MBT):

    Well, I'll grant him this: He's right, the horrible, dung-eating, cat-loving stooge, in that he did in fact kill several...er...numerous, of my light reconnaissance vehicles.
    That's four and a half years ago. He might be learning, the only question is what, exactly?
  7. News from the front for all you worthless tossers.


    A large town in East Africa, winter 1941 or some such. Eye-talians against the South Africans. His boys are slogging it up the hill so I can kill them. Just like the good old days.

    Noba: In one of the more stupid scenarios ever to come out of rune's nethers we have lots of clankety things on either side of the river with only two bridges across. Thankfully, the bridges are situated on top of hills which makes it impossible to see across. So we'll just sit nicely until the whole thing goes away I presume.


    Above mentioned "scenario designer" should watch and learn from me. I've set up a QB so utterly horrible in it's hopelessnes, so depressing in it's utter depressing depressness that if someone like you lot ever came across it you would instantly gnaw your own arm off and beat yourself senseless with it. And actually feel a bit better. Mechanized against Mechanized, January, wet, rain, fog, hell and high water, soft ground in strategic places, no roads that lead anywhere you want to go, massive casualties even before you start, tall yearning pines, very Bergman on a depressed day in a depressing sort of way.

    So, yes, I'm rather pleased with it.

  8. My god, reading through ninety... uh, several pages of the First Incarnation really made me miss that old lovable serial killer Mark IV. I think i still have a savegame lying around somewhere from when he buggered off. Here's a gem for a certain M. Bates:


    This is a fine example of what's wrong with America, Britain, the Internet, and the Newtonian view of the Universe.

    You sniveling little parvenu, do you want to parade your little placard here for your rights? You think you have made a contribution to anything, anywhere?

    This forum is exempt, do you hear me, by special dispensation of Pope Steve himself, from your stupid bourgeois "rules". And your schoolboy washroom humor. And the close female relative you rode in on.

    You don't have a right to be here, and if you did we would revoke or ignore it anyway. Your silly whining about every imagined crime and bug in CM is truly topped by this exercise in self-righteousness. This is a PRIVATE club in a public place and there's nothing you can do about it. You don't have what it takes- you're not our sort- or in the perceptive words of a previous commentator, you SUCK. You are the king of SUCK.

    So purse your prim little lips around this, nancy-boy: you were an object of scorn and derision even before showing up here. The most pitiful whiners, thrill-seekers, and soap-box preachers to stop by the Cesspool for their 15 seconds of shame have shown more gumption than you have.

    "Wah-wah, I'm gonna tell, I have rights, I have something to say..." You disgust me. I won't rip your guts out because they'd soil the Cesspool, and even the rats would wrinkle their little noses in disgust at your spineless offal. Just post a few more snippy and witless observations, get bored, and leave. Yecchh.

    Sniff, no I'm alright, really. But it's sooo Beautiful.

    The Peng Thread went to Hell in a Handsaw the second it moved to Oztralia, everyone knows that.

  9. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Are there any dark stairwells in your building? Those can be marvelous locations for fatal accidents. And of course the broken brake line on your car. The possibilities are nearly endless.

    Actually, no. We've concluded empirically that there are exactly 9 million threehundredandfortyseven ways in which people can accidentally, brutally and painfully die. There are at least eighthundredandtwentytwo which we have yet to try out. We'll get back to you in a fortnight or so.
  10. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    Hey i just cleaned that.

    You missed a spot. A bit further in, well, I expect you'll have to crawl inside a bit. No problem, I'll hold my hand on the power button and make sure that no one presses it. Accidentally.

    In other news, I sent a setup to Satan, but he was already playing that so he sent a new one to me. Which was identical to the one I've sent to The Lars. Synchronicity or just another sign of rune's incompetence? Stay tuned.

  11. Setups are off to Noggy (Bonna? Agog? who knows who cares and who dares to dweam?), Mr Morningstar and The Lars. Since we lost our will to live and play CM after waddling (yes, waddling) through THREE different rune setups in less than 24 hours, The Bardian Gnome will have to wait for it or send one my way first.

    I expect Ol Joe Chi Minh to pop up any day and praise me for my lack of bolding of Bono's (Onob? Dando?) name. As soon as the last piece of turkey has finished gobbling.

  12. Originally posted by Lars:

    Geier, your setup never arrived.


    Swedes, never could do the job right...

    Never is like a really fantastically long time you know. And we don't have a job, we transcended that state many moons ago. But you're right in that if we had had a job we would most certainly not do it even remotely right. I was out having a beer with my old buddy before he flew back to his nice workplace just north of San Diego, hence the late commencement of hostilities.

    It's one of those gadawful rune creations so prepare to spend half an hour just clicking through all your units. Make sure you won't miss one, we certainly won't.

    That worrisome oztralian creature of few syllable Nobby (Noobargh? Noubi? Ah well it hardly matters) sent me something which we shall involve ourselves with presently. He did manage to beat Hereiam Siddown to it so that poor unlucky fellow will simply have to wait. We'll send something in return eventually as I'll do setups for Berli and The Gnome at around the same time.

    Feel free to hold your breath until then.

    P.S Incidentally, if anyone watches the TV show "24", could you please provide me with the episode number when some military choppers arrive, strafe a bit and then sends soldiers down ropes who proceed with killing everything in sight? I haven't followed it at all and only skimmed through some episode guides without finding such an incident.

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