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Everything posted by Geier

  1. And Unofficial Mascot Of Scunthorpe FC. Right then. Files are out tonight. I've been a bit of a bastard for a few ... months. Sorry. Ethan. Nevermind the tcp/ip. Return the file. Or I'll send you another. Ha! Simon Foxgrog: Yes. Sorry. Peng: I'll send you one. Again. Is your email from last century still valid? mensch: You didn't return the last few files I sent oh so long ago. Let's call it quits then. You won, obviously. Mark IV: I can feel it in the water, you are not really dead yet. File is in hibernation still. Mr L. Morningstar: No game going between us but please remember that Battle No 13 in CM:BB is booked. [ July 09, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  2. I think you will find, somewhere in the extremely very fine indeed print, that the above sentence should read "with a member number below 1511" rather than your obviously silly suggestion of "1500". The rest is spot on though. Even if I've found that a bit of screaming and flailing about is a good thing. Especially when it happens to other people. Johan
  3. Personally, I'd rather collect the taxes. But that's just me. Johan
  4. Since you were discussing history earlier I would like, no scratch that, love to point out that all merricans, in a historical sense and barring the occasional injuns, are ferriners. Wherever they are. You see I'm from Europe. Where History comes from. I'm also barely conscious, but hey, not for long. I also agree with Lars. Which must mean I'm really really ti
  5. Ooo. Olde Ones engaged in a nationalistic chest-beating contest with a SSN. Wonderful. Go to Coventry the lot of ye. Johan
  6. Originally posted by Berlichtingen: The usual fee then? The Old Firm [ June 14, 2002, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  7. Gimme more Hardware Lust. A story just can't have too much of that stuff in my opinion. Do you have any backissues of "88mm of Fatherland Loving" or a copy of "Honky-tonking with Pershing"? An avid fan
  8. I would like to point out that this day is a public holiday in this Workers Paradise and that, while I certainly owe the Oz-grog Fox a file since forever, Ethan owes me a file since Forever plus One. Hugs n' Hate, Johan
  9. Palmer Eldrich That has to be the coolest nickname seen here by me anyway. Good man. Any Chew-Z to spare? Oh the memories... I bought them on wholesale btw. The memories.
  10. Look, it has posted some contact info. It is mine, cause I saw it first. First instructions: Run along and do whatever your kind is supposed to be doing AND kill something. Preferably a squire or SSN or whatever it is they're called this day. Pick someone useless and ... just pick someone. Stick with me kid and I'll show you where the little iron exercise wheels grow*. Johan * = copyright of The Bard
  11. I enjoyed that one. Really. Almost as much as I enjoyed getting a file from the mensch. I wanna kill something. Someone send me a setup. No kinky stuff, just good ol fashioned straightforward killin'. Premade too. [ March 05, 2002, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Geier ]
  12. Well I, for one, send my shirts to a cleaning service. "Byproduct of mining operations" hah! What fools. Johan Confuse-A-Cat Ltd a subliminal subdivision of BeWilderbeest Inc
  13. I take offense to that statement. We have on numerous occasions accepted payment for just about any sort of cause, we're fairly certain some of them were just. After a fashion. Times being what they are. And payments can always be justified, no matter what the times happen to be. Ethan, Andreas, mensch and MRPeng (note correct spellink), send me a frickin turn.
  14. Right. So I went and smacked tero on the head again. I'm sorry, can't help myself sometimes. I thought I had mastered the "Ignore Poster" jedi mind trick (I haven't read a post by uh, whatshisname ... ? In years.) but it seems I was wrong. What a horrible little person. Speaking of which, Mark IV. Where is? Anyone? Johan
  15. Then don't believe it. I have no interest in telling you more than I was a bit north of the middle of Sweden, winter of -87. Do some research and check out the temperature of that year if you are interested. Oh I forgot that only you know what it's like to be outdoors. You must hold exclusive information here. I really am sorry that you might not be able to set up a QB with tired but well-equipped Siberians against tired and ill-equipped Germans in a game that models the majority of equipment, troop types, nationalities and terrain of four years of conflict on the entire Eastern Front. [/QB]
  16. I wouldn't touch anything designed by you involving Finns with a ten-foot stick. Suggesting Tommis (tss) and BTS research isn't good enough for you only proves again that you are not after accuracy, you just want to live out your private fantasies. Which is fine, but why not let the rest of the world play with accurate and correctly researched data? "Waaah! The Finns lost a battle! All finns were well-fed, well-trained and well-equipped and better! Fix, or do somefink!" I'd rather stick with BTS and their researchers version of the simulation thank you very much. Johan
  17. We killed Seanachai. Again. We don't know why he keeps coming back but that part has never been our problem. We also don't know how someone who got all (100%) of his troops murderated got 25 points, but maybe that should teach us to play scenarios by Moriarty. We also must confess that we are Championship Manager junkies and enjoy setting up friendlies against Scunthorpe and beating them 6-0 by using a rotten team like Southampton. James Beattie never played so good in Real Life. We are hopelessly lost and so is Ethan. SlutPeng. Send us a turn or we'll hunt you down and kill both of you. With a loaf of bread. Johan
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