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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Now move it, or you'll feel my sting once more!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is the sting of a Dadaist equivalent to the bite of a Surrealist? ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You owe me a file.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Could we be speaking about the one I sent 2 hours ago? Ok Croda, Halloween is behind us now you can get out of your Homer Simpson outfit. Dooh! ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-08-2000).]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: How much does a "Tickle-Me-Croda" doll go for these days?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In France you get paid to have one. They are known for their general sense of bitter rambling and complete Out-of-Sync posting. Mine earned me a hundred. I'm using it as a scarecrow to date since I've tried it as a scapegoat and it was almost raped by SheepDip last time he came to Paris... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-08-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Someone who's name ryhmes with Yoda.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Flogging him we shall. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  5. Isn't your Croda's pet name Golum? My inner self used to be a penguin but after Fight Club I decided to adopt one of those cheap Japanese stuffed Crodas and mine is yelling NUTS!! every time you hold it upside down... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Sometimes the Croda in me craves chocolate.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My inner Croda, which is so deep in me I needed a Freudian game with Seanachai to diagnose its existence, is craving for hazelnuts. Could both of our Crodas team up? ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Oh dear<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've told you times and again that when there are people around us you should just call me Marcel. Dear is for those occasions when the Croda in me is willing to take part in our social life... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  8. Croda you sodomite! I hereby forbid you to post right behind me. Sheesh... And I'm not WIERD you moron, I'm sober which is very much self explanatory. And NO Bauhaus I didn't say EXPLORATORY. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  9. Well that's pretty much useless but I thought I'd let you know. They say there are germans, women and other creatures from the end of the world in that God forsaken place. So back to the Pool with me... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  10. Well seeing as most of the Axis and Tiger and Marco's allies are done, some are very much sticking out as sore thumbs. My old time favorite in ugliness when mixed with the new HiResed Firefly is the Badger. Somebody should do something about that one. And PLEASE do a Greyhound. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  11. Ok it's a bit stoopid here but how can I link the batch textures swapping with the launch of CM? Bite me I know I'm hopeless, but it would be sort of neat to do a one click swap and run batch file... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  12. Excelent site. I particularly love the comparison screenshots. BTW, as comments are rolling. Your own Trees Mods are in fact linking to your Tree Bases Mods V2 in fact. It's a great contribution to the community. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  13. Everybody is doing the News from the Front thingy so here is mine. IamZeLaw: Lost that one with a draw-like final score. Not much of a beating and I had the intense joy of riding a Wasp all around the map for at least 10 turns chasing his Hetzer and finally torching him for good. Historians are still debating whether the resulting lost was because of the new Foliage Mod or not. The "Foliagers" amongst whom JD is, are basing their theory on the fact that the previous torching of a PzIV/70 sporting no foliage whatsoever was to now avail... Interviewed about it, the Brit commander, FlawedGoon, answered: "**** them all, torching 2 tanks with a single bloody Wasp IS an achievement in itself". Arsonistingen: Berli did his usual worst with a map from outer sanity. That battle was supposed to end a long series of draws and settle for good who is the best whatnots. His flaming of most of the map was joyful and very illustrative of what a total lack of tactical sense could be... As usual, he lost all of his AFVs faster than you could get laid in France and the game ended in a DRAW . GerbilPloy: After much taunting about how easily his GerbilsJaegers would squash my puny and stinking Frogs, Andreas had finally to face the fact that a whooping 81 to 19 against him was very much inconclusive to that effect. Scrota: That lucky bastard is kicking my butt. Seeing as over 80% of his OOB had been circumnavigating the map to end behind me, I was expecting him to do something about my ass. I’m rather serene about the fact that this long time sodomite chose to kick it instead of something rather personal and unpleasant. I have to thank him since he gave me a rather laughable moment when his squads hugging the edge of the map where gunned down by a .50 and jumped off map to escape its fire... Stensch: Big battle raging with that one. I dunno if I could survive the tactical onslaught of 400Pts worth of Jeeps MG and grunts screaming down a small map. What’s cool with that microscopic challenge is that I know that I have already busted 25% of his troops in under 60 seconds... WoolProcessor: I’m a bit worried about HIM, not with our game but the actual sheep shagger sending the turns. First mail said “Ah”, the second said “Ahah” (a Gawdawful 100% increase), the third said “Bang bang”. Is anyone having a meaningful conversation with Peter? Now he is happily sending “Die krauts” every single turn... Peter, please, if you can’t have any articulate thoughts, do me a favour and go cut and paste someone else’s post and send it to me with your next turn. Now unto our game. You have been laying smoke on the map since the beginning of our game while being slaughtered nonetheless. Tell me SheepDip, what do you reckon? Will I die of boredom before dying of lung cancer? BoreArty: I love the guy. He is doing things I thought my dad was the only one doing. You are refreshing and I enjoy seeing your big hulks (Naah Bauhaus, I am actually referring to his AFVs) go Blair Witching in the wood. The results are very convincing as seen through the sights of my Greyhound... Senility: I’m still debating whether I prefer his posts or his playing style. Everybody in the Pool knows of his trademark, the early loosing of valuable assets... The Canuck Fondler cooked a QB looking like the Vosges with woods everywhere and huge hills and dark valleys. And the poor sod actually bought TDs to populate such a desolate map. You are not doing much but you are doing it with style my Honorary French… Meeks: Nobody’s willing to help us fight ourselves in the Battle of Insanity. Me think we’ll have to duck it out around a beer and be rude to the waitress instead. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-31-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Mensch: Mr Frenchie PeaBloom is going down and fast... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you a revisionist? Face it Pikachu, a Greyhound, some Jeeps MG and grunts in under 60 sec for a single SPW doesn't qualify as a lightning fast victory. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-31-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Very much not WW2 related but, err, it's still war. It's the last of those posts for you lazy bunch... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> STARSHIP TROOPERS: THE ABRIDGED SCRIPT By Peter W. Horton III FADE IN: INT. CLASSROOM - DAY MICHAEL IRONSIDE teaches a class of FUTURISTIC STUDENTS in their FUTURISTIC CLASSROOM with FUTURISTIC DESKS. MICHAEL IRONSIDE I am your hard-ass teacher. I lost my arm in one of the many wars of our fascist society, and because of that I am now eligible to vote. Now, tell me the difference between a Citizen and a Civilian! CASPER VAN DIEN Sorry. I didn't read the classic novel by Robert Heinlein that this movie is based on. MICHAEL IRONSIDE You should die then, you bitch mother****er. EXT. OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL - DAY CASPER VAN DIEN, DINA MEYER, DENISE RICHARDS, and NEIL PATRICK HARRIS are all outside doing futuristic high school things. DINA MEYER Hi! I show my breasts twice in this movie. DENISE RICHARDS Anyway, let's all join the military. CASPER VAN DIEN Okay. NEIL PATRICK HARRIS Cool. INT. RECRUITMENT PLACE - DAY CASPER VAN DIEN, DENISE RICHARDS, and NEIL PATRICK HARRIS take an OATH and are sworn into MILITARY SERVICE. RECRUITER SERGEANT I have no legs and no right hand. So, how did you kids do? DENISE RICHARDS I'm going to be a starship pilot! CASPER VAN DIEN I'm going into the infantry! NEIL PATRICK HARRIS Hey, remember me? I was the star of the hit show "Doogie Howser, M.D."! RECRUITER SERGEANT Holy ****--I knew you looked familiar. Are you going to become a hardcore futuristic soldier? NEIL PATRICK HARRIS No, I'm a ****ing geek in this movie too! And this was my last chance to be cool! Instead I'm going to be a super-intelligent mind control freak! EXT. TRAINING CAMP - DAY EVERYONE goes through the roughest, most bad-ass BOOT CAMP anyone has ever seen in any SCIENCE FICTION WAR MOVIE. CASPER VAN DIEN Sir, yes, sir! Move out in pairs of quadruple squads, left flank to the middle side rear, moonwalk on the triple! JAKE BUSEY Har, Casper. I'm Gary Busey's son. I'm going to be yer bestest bud from now on. Let's shoot pool and drink beer together and take ****s together, like bestest buds in the military do. DINA MEYER Hi, I'm back--I joined the military too! I promise I'll show my breasts soon. They go through more TRAINING. A CO-ED SHOWER SCENE occurs, in which most of the FEMALE CHARACTERS, especially DINA MEYER, show their BREASTS. Meanwhile, a race of ALIEN BUGS destroys an EARTH CITY with a METEOR, since Earth with its futuristic, fascist, war-like society has NO DEFENSE against slow-moving, long range METEORS. CASPER VAN DIEN That meteor killed my whole ****ing family. The Bugs are bad, real bad. EXT. BUG HOMEWORLD - NIGHT A HUGE INVASION of the BUG HOMEWORLD occurs in response to the METEOR ATTACK. MANY SOLDIERS are ripped to pieces by SPECIAL EFFECTS and COMPUTER GENERATED BUGS. GEORGE LUCAS ILM actually didn't do the graphics for this movie? No wonder the Bugs look real! The SOLDIERS get beat up bad by the Bugs. CASPER VAN DIEN is WOUNDED and left behind, surrounded by many BUGS. CASPER VAN DIEN I'm not worried. I'm the main character. Meanwhile, DENISE RICHARDS is flying around in a STARSHIP above the planet. Her ship becomes DAMAGED. INT. FUTURISTIC HOSPITAL CASPER VAN DIEN has been miraculously RESCUED and put into a giant FISH TANK to heal. JAKE BUSEY and DINA MEYER come to see him. DINA MEYER You're going to live to see my breasts again. JAKE BUSEY I'm yer buddy. When you get out, let's find our old Drill Sergeant and shove a pool stick up his ass, smear **** on him, and flush him down a toilet. Har. That's some funny ****. INT. BARRACKS - DAY JAKE BUSEY, DINA MEYER and CASPER are transferred to a NEW UNIT. The UNIT not only includes the only BLACK CHARACTERS in the movie, but is also led by MICHAEL IRONSIDE. MICHAEL IRONSIDE I bet you didn't expect that ****, because I had no left arm in the other scene. But I have a mechanical arm now, see? And if you don't fight I'll kill you myself, you bitch mother****ers. EXT. DESERT PLANET - DAY MICHAEL IRONSIDE, CASPER, and DINA MEYER and JAKE BUSEY kill Bugs together, alongside the other faceless TROOPERS. They kill bugs dead, like RAID. A whole bunch of people DIE, because that's what happens to people in a WAR MOVIE. MICHAEL IRONSIDE One of my important people was just killed, Casper. Even though I have other soldiers in this unit who are probably more experienced than you, I'm going to promote you. CASPER VAN DIEN Okay. MICHAEL IRONSIDE throws a VICTORY PARTY for his TROOPERS. CASPER VAN DIEN and DINA MEYER have a SEX SCENE during the party, and she shows her BREASTS. Suddenly, DINA MEYER is stabbed through her BREASTS by a BUG and DIES. MICHAEL IRONSIDE has his balls ripped off by BUGS and CASPER VAN DIEN shoots him out of PITY. CASPER and the rest of the SOLDIERS are eventually rescued by DENISE RICHARDS who happened to be flying above the planet in her STARSHIP. DENISE RICHARDS I'm a pilot! INT. STARBASE - NIGHT NEIL PATRICK HARRIS I'm a high-ranking officer now. I need you to go back down to that planet where all that gruesome **** happened and capture a Brain Bug. CASPER VAN DIEN Sir, yes, sir! NEIL PATRICK HARRIS By the way, I'm hardcore now. War does that to people. They put make-up under my eyes to make me look tough, and gave me this Nazi uniform. See how tough I look? CASPER VAN DIEN Sir, yes, sir! NEIL PATRICK HARRIS Also, you're promoted again. I have to go write all this down in my computerized diary now. EXT. DESERT PLANET - DAY CASPER and his TROOPERS try to capture a BRAIN BUG. Meanwhile DENISE RICHARDS is flying above the planet in her STARSHIP. Her ship gets DESTROYED, she crash lands inside a huge CAVE, and is captured by the BRAIN BUG, which is IRONIC. BRAIN BUG I'm going to suck out your brains, because, ****, I'm a Brain Bug, and it makes sense for me to do that. Suddenly, CASPER VAN DIEN and JAKE BUSEY appear inside the CAVE. They save DENISE RICHARDS and capture the BRAIN BUG. They piss on it and then JAKE BUSEY shoves a pool stick up the BRAIN BUG's ASS. They tie a ROPE around it and FLUSH it down a TOILET, then pull it back out. Then they bring it to NEIL PATRICK HARRIS, who is waiting outside with thousands of TROOPERS. NEIL PATRICK HARRIS uses his skills as a genius TV doctor to examine the BRAIN BUG. NEIL PATRICK HARRIS It's scared ****less. Now we know how to defeat the Bugs. CASPER VAN DIEN So I guess in the next few scenes will show us going around killing off all the remaining Bugs, pissing on them and shoving pool sticks up their asses? DIRECTOR PAUL VERHOEVEN **** no, we're almost out of film, you bitch mother****er. So the movie is going to end abruptly, without any real resolution. We'll just throw up a text screen with some bull**** on it about eventually winning the war... because, ****, I directed ROBOCOP. CASPER VAN DIEN Sir, yes, sir! JAKE BUSEY Har, that's some funny ****. END ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  16. THE THIN RED LINE: THE ABRIDGED SCRIPT By David Faulkner FADE IN: EXT. JUNGLE Shot of leaves. Trees. A LIZARD. Birds. More trees. More leaves. Birds. Lizards. Etc. AUDIENCE Wasn't this on PBS last night? EXT. PEACEFUL NATIVE VILLAGE JIM CAVIEZEL is AWOL (whatever that stands for) and hanging around with native people. It is very PEACEFUL and PLEASANT, even though they are PRIMITIVE. This is contrasted later with VIOLENT, UNPLEASANT, but supposedly CIVILIZED people fighting their war. JIM CAVIEZEL I sure do like it here. This symbolizes the existential metaphysical being of the essence of the human condition... A big sinister American ship shows up. JIM CAVIEZEL is taken on board. INT. SHIP The ship is very lifeless, claustraphobic, and sinister seeming. This is a sharp contrast from the wonderful natural world outside. SEAN PENN You were AWOL again. Guess I'll make you a medic. JIM CAVIEZEL A medic, symbolizing my role as a healer within this horror of warfare, the dualistic nature of the... SEAN PENN Shut up. EXT. SHIP JOHN TRAVOLTA (with a silly looking) mustache) Wanna join the Church of Scientology? NICK NOLTE Uh, no thanks. Oh, by the way, I'm a fanatical war-loving type of guy. JOHN TRAVOLTA (not so subtly) Some people in wars do stupid things to try to increase their prestige and stab people in the back. I wonder if that is a foreshadowing. Oh, I'm only in this movie briefly as an awkward cameo. EXT. JUNGLE More trees and jungles. A simple native man looking for food walks by as the scared ****less American soldiers march through the jungle. DIRECTOR TERRENCE MALICK It's symbolic! Soldiers find a mutilated American soldier. NICK NOLTE Damn Japs. Let's go shoot some of those yellow Nazi-loving evil squinty- eyed Japanese so they make TVs and Walkmans instead of trying to take over half the world. Har har har. A battle starts. JAPANESE SOLDIERS shoot at AMERICAN SOLDIERS. NICK NOLTE stays a safe distance away. NICK NOLTE (into radio) Go lose your life with a frontal assault on their base, even though you're outnumbered and being slaughtered, but I want to be a big war hero. ELIAS KOTEAS (through radio) No, they'll all die. NICK NOLTE Who cares, ****ing coward. God bless America. AMERICAN SOLDIERS kill JAPANESE SOLDIERS in a bunker, take some captive. JAPANESE captives are all half- starved boys, trembling and praying in terror. DIRECTOR TERRENCE MALICK See! They're not really faceless evil monsters! STEVEN SPIELBERG Damn you, people might compare that to SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, where the EVIL GERMANS were just faceless EVIL NAZI enemies. Then again, people are idiots, so they probably won't. Battle is over. AMERICANS beat crap out of JAPANESE prisoners, pull out their teeth, torture them, etc. JIM CAVIEZEL War is bad, takes away people's humanity, the essence of their lives, ripped away, their souls torn as the very fabric of consciousness is torn with a barbaric blood lust, the transcendent flow of their being rippled across the jagged terrain of the symbolic human struggle... JIM CAVIEZEL goes back to the native village, where he sees people arguing, children fighting, and a child dying from disease. DIRECTOR TERRENCE MALICK You see, we idealize even nature, but in reality, there is no such thing as a perfect place. Get it? AUDIENCE Duh...huh...what? BEN CHAPLIN daydreams about fondling his wife. BEN CHAPLIN My wife sure is hot, I can't wait till this war is over so I can go back and **** her. That's the only thing giving me hope to keep on going. BEN CHAPLIN gets a letter from his WIFE, saying she fell in love with another man and wants a divorce. BEN CHAPLIN Aww ****. Suddenly, hordes of JAPANESE attack. People DIE. It is very SAD. The LIZARD that was shown in the beginning is DEAD. DIRECTOR TERRENCE MALICK Get it? Isn't this deep and meaningful? TEENAGE BOYS IN AUDIENCE What the ****'s he talkin' ‘bout, yo? Let's see some Japanese ass get kicked, otherwise they'll never become pacifists and just make consumer electronics, like my crappy SONY PLAYSTATION and my NINTENDO 64 that I waste vast amounts of time playing, when I'm not listening to music on my SONY DISCMAN or watching my SONY TELEVISION. TEENAGE GIRLS IN AUDIENCE Where's MATT DAMON?! I thought he was supposed to be in this! He's SO CUTE, almost as cute as LEONARDO DICAPRIO. WAR VETERANS IN AUDIENCE Damn, when I was in the war, I just remember wanting to go home alive. I guess I should've noticed all that symbolism and the philosophical side to it. Now where are my dentures? STAUNCH REPUBLICANS IN AUDIENCE THIS MOVIE REALLY SHOWS WHY AMERICA RULES! USA IS THE BEST. WE HAVE THE BEST MILITARY IN THE WORLD, NOW WE RULE THE WORLD INSTEAD OF THOSE JAPANESE ****ERS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THOSE ****ING HIPPIES IN THE 60'S DIDN'T WANT TO GO INTO ANOTHER JUNGLE AND FIGHT MORE ASIAN PEOPLE FOR THEIR COUNTRY! GOD BLESS THE USA, THE LAND OF THE FREE! CRITICS This movie sucks, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was much better, because it had TOM HANKS, and WE LOVE TOM HANKS. More leaves, trees, birds, etc. FADE OUT: GEORGE CLOONEY Hey, wait, let me make my cameo before you end! GEORGE CLOONEY shows up for some unnecessary part tacked on the end. END
  17. SAVING PRIVATE RYAN: THE ABRIDGED SCRIPT By Rod Hilton FADE IN: EXT. A GRAVEYARD - DAY An OLD MAN stands in front a grave, among the hundreds of them in the graveyard. He begins crying in a moment sure to manipulate the audience into crying. EXT. BEACH - DAY Hundreds upon hundreds of SOLDIERS storm onto the beach. Evil GERMANS are waiting, shooting at them all. All of them DIE. The few who don't die happen to be TOM HANKS and his MISFIT CREW of soldiers who will help him. TOM HANKS There goes half of the extras. Bombs and explosives are going off, and limbs are flying across the screen. DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG War is hell. SENILE WAR VETERANS IN AUDIENCE Wow. This is realistic. (crying) I remember this so well. All of that mayhem.. GEN-X MEMBERS OF AUDIENCE I thought this movie was supposed to be really violent. INT. SOME OFFICE - DAY GENERAL We need to save Private Ryan. EXT. FIELDS - DAY TOM HANKS and his CREW have been assigned to saving Private Ryan. They walk through a field. Suddenly, EVIL GERMANS ambush them. EVIL GERMANS Har har! We are Germans and we are faceless and extremely evil villians! Just like in Schindler's List and Indiana Jones. DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG I do NOT have issues, damn it. A battle ensues, in which limbs fly across the screen and blood covers every peice of matter available. All of the EVIL GERMANS die, and one member of HANK'S CREW dies. He is the character played by the least famous actor in the crew. DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG War is hell. EXT. SOMEWHERE ELSE - DAY The above scene repeats itself in various locations until only a few members of the CREW remain or until FAKE BLOOD gets a new tax placed on it. DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG War is hell! EXT. A BRIDGE - DAY TOM HANKS We are looking for Private Ryan. MATT DAMON I am him. TOM HANKS Your brothers are dead. You can go home. MATT DAMON Despite being totally crushed by the deaths of three of my family members, I will stay here and fight this battle, as I owe it to my country. (looking at camera) I am an American. And I OWE THIS TO MY COUNTRY! TOM HANKS Then I shall help you fight. TOM HANKS and what's left of his CREW plus DAMON and the crew he is with all fight more EVIL GERMANS, who are more heavily armed. Everyone is KILLED, except for MATT DAMON. DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG War is hell. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY OLD MAN, who, by process of elimination, is MATT DAMON, begins crying some more. OLD MAN (looking at camera) I hope I have been a good man. For, you see, all of those people died to protect me. (looking directly at you) PEOPLE WENT TO WAR AND DIED TO PROTECT ME AND MY FREEDOM! DIRECTOR STEVEN SPIELBERG In case you stupider audience members don't get it, a lot of people died for your freedom, and this is what they had to go through, and you REALLY owe them. The OLD MAN solutes the grave. It is very SURPRISING and NOT CLICHE. Another LIMB flies across the screen. END
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks: Ha Ha!!! Yes, PawBroon, that sounds like the battle to end all battles. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Glad you loved the idea but does that mean we actually won't play since you De Facto acknowledged the decadence and weirdness of the frogs by subscribing to it? Naah. We got to play that one since IIRC, nobody on the Pool had ever beaten himself in a QB helped by the very same impish Hamster he was supposed to crush in the first place... How do you propose we do that one? The planning the turn together might prove a bit horrendous, thus here is my suggestion. I buy the SS & assorted VG for a Combined Arms thingy. I save the turn with PAWBROON as a password. You then buy Canucks & Limeys and save the turn as MEEKS. Then I play MEEKS and you play PAWBROON. Hence we will play both sides without going as far as planning together. Mind you it might be interresting as some TRPs and shelling mission might end on the wrong side on the map once the swapping is done. How loony is that for a challenge pray tell? Give me your input and we'll go from there. BTW, Lorak poor sod, you have been therefore forewarned to find a suitable system ranking who will be credited for a win against himself in that Challenge... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berlichtingen: How quaint... our resident Frenchman calling someone else pompous. You, who could be best discribed as insanely pompous. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So true Dan. Takes one to catch one as the saying goes... My Native support of French pomposity goes far beyond than your puny attempts to emulate it. I'm pompous to the kernel, I'm born pompous. And all of that pomposity qualifies me as a Master of Pompous & Circumstances. So, yes Meeks is POMPOUS. Mind you it's a drastic improvement over you who are mereley PATHETIC. Now that's a cue if I ever saw one. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I believe we are due for a rematch. I have a map I'd like to use if you can find someone to purchase troops. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Arsonistingen, knowing you that map will be Hellish and full of adverse condition. As if playing you wasn't adverse in itself... But beware, NOW is my turn to do the setup. And no matter what or how, you'll never be {Insert all that you're lacking} enough to finally get the best over me... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-29-2000).]
  20. Meeks you pompous jerk, how could you bath in the sun of Victory if your opponents had the will of a Lemning and the fighting power of PeeWee Hermann? You may well be as bold as my typeface but you still owe me a game for the title of King of the Loonies. Peng is most certainly planning for some of the Tricks he'll do himself on kids that dreadful night of yours and thus is not delivering the Promised and chilling Fight in my kitchen setup. Here is my take. Let's do a QB of about 2000Pts, do it in a collaborative play so that we can be teamed together in order to squash the OPFOR also manned by Mix & SquawToon and show them who's the best between them and us. That will be grand, it will have sents of our teenage days when the only pleasure were self inflicted and when boys had to seek the company of less talented bullied kids to get that zitsed warm feeling of WE BELONG. No Meeks, stop making me laugh with your posts because, well, I hate it when you grow on me and all. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-29-2000).]
  21. I'm sad to say that as far as Museums go, your "Sexy brute, blue casual outwear" belongs to one now Chupy. Here's the proof. Now being an inquiring bastard, I'm wondering if that blue thingy might be your "Let's go visit things" outfit? ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  22. Deleted because Andreas finally manage to do it right... ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-25-2000).]
  23. Andreas, I know it's quite new for you but the http:// in front of your thingies might do. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogbert: PawBroon, for that post I shall have to re-evaluate you. {Snipped for newbiness vagaries} I expect far more posts of this calibre from a Knigget, or is the title of Knigget a synonym for derriere or laurels, where many of you Kniggets seem to be resting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DipMeister, (well I know you're not PeterNZer but seeing as you are insignificant, I thought that maybe the NZ trick would enhance my immersion factor in a world of uncanny boredom), I'm glad you loved it but since when exactly have you been gifted with the wisdom and sheer evilness required to rate someone else of Knigget status? As Head of the French Chapter of the Pool (err, I'm alone in that one so we might concur that I am also various other body parts, but I'm not dwelling on that slippery thread) I demand that you show some more respect for your Elders. If not, you shall be submitted to a PBEM with the WoolProcessor and his mind boggling 5 letters max eMails. Now go play in a corner with some of the parts I have discovered while auditioning myself for the Job I am currently enjoying in the Cesspool Board of Elders. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-25-2000).]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeksed: Oh and Pawbroon, I'm afraid I've got seniority on you, so rather than being Chip or Dale, you mad French monkey-man, I choose to stay Meeks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seniority? Do you mean that having registered my current incarnation before yours and posting a tad more is not what seniority actually is? Darn! Well, I won't go into a pissing contest with you since there is to be a mandatory peed upon sacrificial goat to do that... Let's settle that fine historical point of detail in Peng's kitchen when our lazy bastard friend finally manage to cook the required setup. ------------------ "PawBroon: Clinically Insane, also Clinically French, which is very bad as well." Croda
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