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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Be quiet! No one was speaking to you!
  2. Sometimes, the urge to drive to North Minneapolis and kick you in the fork is almost...overpowering.
  3. You're forgetting the vast array of people who wouldn't necessarily want their most humiliating moments available in an archive, you bugger! What, should I have to have thousands gloating over my most horrendous moments of being spanked by useless gits like Lars, Boo Radley, and MrSpkr? Well should I?
  4. Immensely. Now all I need is a bit of your hair, fingernails, blood, or an honest post from you, and I'll be able to double you over with pain by using common desktop items as instruments of torture. People deeply under-appreciate the power of primitive animism colliding with a pantheistic approach to monotheism...
  5. What?! You annoying foreign bugger, I'll give you a right kicking for that. I mean, he's got a point about the rest of you lot. Talk about phoning it in... But he can't be talking to me. Why, I awake, and intelligence returns to the world. I have breakfast, and wit and panache spring forth like Athena from the forehead of Zeus. I reach the noontime meal, and my attempts to negotiate a purchase on credit at my local liquor store cause the bells of 'adversity' to peal forth. As for the request for more 'meaningless posts', that must be addressed to you lot. I would have thought that you were already grinding out so much pointless detritus that God himself was drowning in lack-witted idiocy, but apparently the daft foreign bugger needs more. Don't cater to his needy and disturbing demands on this point, at least. Let him get his ration of meaningless entertainment by watching American 'Reality' TV programs. Serve him right, and I hope that the sudden influx of boring stupidity causes his colon to rupture. [ June 23, 2004, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  6. Could there be a better, stronger, or more certain foundation for a life-long relationship than hate? If there is, I don't want to know about it... Australians are the coolest People in the world Let's all go down under With strings of colored pearls And lay them at the feet Of the heirs of English crime And listen to old Men At Work And have a real good time And we dug until we hit the rocks Then we threw away the spade And built a platform to get a better view Of the Thanksgiving Day Parade "Thanksgiving Day Parade" -Dan Bern
  7. Er...just a random thought. Brain does this sort of thing, sometimes, casts up odd things...but what does 'Kobal2' come from, or reference? I mean, it's just that Cobol was the computer language that no one here in the US knew any longer, and that was going to prove significant in dealing with the whole Y2K thing... Just trying to sort out connections, pathways, bits of fluff caught in the machinery of time...
  8. The correct term is 'Cesspooler'. And I meant to ask...is he using mines against you, or Mimes? I mean, if it's Mimes, then you have my full support, and it's into the scorpion pit with the useless bugger. One has to ask these questions when dealing with you French, because you're never quite at home or competent in an anglophone community, now, are you?
  9. Actually, I remembered that it was Bone Vulture as well. That whole Vanilla Ice thing seriously creeped me out. Never could tell if he was kidding, or just that emotionally disturbed. Boo, should you continue to defame and degrade the name of beauty with your drooling attempts at ribaldry, I shall have to demand satisfaction from you. And since there isn't a single living creature on this planet that could claim to ever have even gotten a sniff of such a thing from you, then I imagine I'm the last creditor in line for disbursements from an account so long overdrawn that it was closed before it was ever actually opened. Not to mention that it makes me feel all icky using such language in regards to you, no matter how venerable the Code Duello might be. [ June 23, 2004, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. Country music, in all it's various states of decomposition, is an abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! Alright, I know I backed off the whole 'godhood' thing, but I plan to keep the 'abominations' aspect of it. We're simply going to secularize it. It was the most important function of the Church of Seanachai in any case.
  11. You heard the thing - Grogybob is waiting. Bring it a warm milk bottle and a new diaper before it starts making those siren noises and blowing spit bubbles again. But watch out... oh wait, most of you are used to things crapping on you... never mind. </font>
  12. I'm almost sure I have a better, more French translation around here somewhere... So many books...so little time to use them to beat each and every one of you fecking halfwits over the head...
  13. Spoken like a gentleman. Don't delete the Mod, you pillock, simply properly attribute it. If I had a $1,000 for every time I've impinged on the intellectual property of a member of this Forum...I'd still be poor and starving and looking for my next drink. What a load of tossers! Mind, I think some of the Modders have some actual ability. But simply move in the right circles, lad. They're a very nice bunch of ego-maniacal obsessive lunatics, so far as I can tell. Email one of the nicer ones, learn the secret handshake, and Bjorn Stronginthearm's you uncle, eh?
  14. phhhffftt. Like you had one to begin with. Fecking Wallybob is stalking our thread looking for a game from you. Go make peace with your one true intellectual mate, and give all the rest of us a break from idiocy while you honeymoon.
  15. Hooker's translation is lively, and full of fun, but I think it is an Englishman's translation of both French, and French concepts. So, while I may take delight in it, I do not trust it.
  16. Interesting. Which translation are you using? The immediately available and mass-market version is Hooker's, and reads thus: Yes, all my laurels you have riven away And all my roses; yet in spite of you, There is one crown I bear with me, And tonight, when I enter before God, My salute shall sweep all the stars away From the blue threshold! One thing without stain, Unspotted from the world, in spite of doom Mine own!— —That is... My White Plume... Who's translation are you using?
  17. I will look away from this show of "I've pissed meself, and am trying to recall if there are other lame whores that could explain to me how to wash out my underwear'. Tsk, lad. You're in a game. Your opponent is the lowest, most disgusting example of life on this planet. He's a Peng Challenger. If you go crawling around after pointers and some sort of document entailing what happens to tossers that play games against Peng Challengers... Well, we'll simply send you off the field.
  18. This out-pouring of hate from Australians...wipes away a tear...well, it makes it all worthwhile, somehow. The knowledge that each and every one of you lot are waiting for me to someday be rich enough to visit your festively drunken pseudo-nation before I die, well, it keeps me going. Mayhap if I tell me aging and somewhat confused Mum that nothing would make me happier than an airline ticket to Australia, she might so forget herself as to fritter away the inheritance of the more deserving grandchildren by sending me to a land Down Under. If she's grown that daft, I want it understood that every bloody beer will be paid for before I'm given a righteous kicking...
  19. We do not acknowledge how long you've been sitting on the toilet, nor even how long you've been actually 'using' it, as a measure of worthiness. We are, of course, relieved to know that your long period of constipation was eventually remedied. Of course, since that moment, all you've seemed capable of is a long stream of...Wallybob postings. We encourage you to read the Classics, to gain some knowledge of the beauties of the English language, and to add more fiber to your diet. If I was a Doctor, you'd owe me somewhere between $50 and $150 now, depending on where you lived, and how gullible you are (so go with the higher figure). Check back with me once you've read some literature, have anything to say, and your stool firms up.
  20. That was simply embarrassing. Doesn't it too often appear that the Cheery Waffle thread is some sort of evolutionary sink-hole? I mean, the animals who stumbled into the Le Brea tarpits (multilingual redundancy intended) must have been brighter.
  21. That's General Forum behaviour, that is. I'd begin inquiries there. Slapdragon was getting all sorts of weird emails from that one pillock who got himself banned. Check with him. I mean, he was getting weird emails from the most recently banned pillock. Over time, I believe Slappy's gotten weird emails from any number of banned pillocks.
  22. I like 'embiggen', as in 'his life embiggened us all'. A friend reminded me of the usage from a Simpson's episode. For Americans in a position to go to Wendy's, next time you want to 'upsize' your fries and drink, don't let them make you use the horrible 'biggie size that'. Tell them you want your order 'embiggened'.
  23. Oh, please. Do you really think I'd send you pseodonymously addressed emails? What's next, are you going to accuse me of having multiple pizzas delivered to your door at 1 AM? If I want to send you odd and annoying emails, I will simply send you odd and annoying emails. You'll know they're from me. Besides the fact that they'd be from 'Seanachaibard', the subject line would always begin: 'My Dear Swedish Pillock...'
  24. Odd. When I read Roger's posts the words 'cutting through' usually occur to me, as well. Although not in any context regarding 'metal.'
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